computer science 1.07

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17. How big was Harvard's Mark-I calculator

51 feet long and 8 feet tall

5. Blaise Pascal made an adding machine way back in 1642. Why were many people still using a plastic version of this ancient device in the 1970s

because a 4-function calculator could cost $150 or more back then

16. Why do some people credit Konrad Zuse as the "inventor of the computer

because some people argue that Z3 was Turing Complete

29. How many transistors can we fit on a tiny microchip today


22. Refer to your answer to the previous question. What computer was used by British code breakers to help decrypt the secret coded messages from this device

the Colossus computer

25. What computer was the successor to the ENIAC and was the first stored program computer

the EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)

24. What was the first electronic general purpose computer

the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)

18. What computer stopped working on September 9, 1947 when a moth got stuck in one of its relays

the Mark-II

11. Refer to the previous question. The US Government was very concerned that the 1890 Census would not be completed by 1900. What did Herman Hollerith invent to solve this problem

the Tabulating Machine

40. As of 2013, what is the fastest computer in the world

the Tianhe-2 Supercomputer

26. What was the first commercially available computer

the UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer)

4. The slide rule was used for centuries. What 1970s invention finally replaced it

the scientific calculator

27. What invention marks the beginning of "The Second Generation of Computers

the transitor

23. What do the Turing Machine and the Von Neumann Architecture have in common

they store both the program's instructions and its data in RAM

10. Why did the 1880 Census take 8 years to complete

1880 marked the beginning of the "Great Wave of Immigration"

8. Who was Charles Babbage's assistant

Ada Byron

36. What company developed mouse technology


31. What was the first successful personal computer


15. Once World War II started, Enigma became much more complicated and codes were changed daily. What was the name of the improved decryption machine designed by Alan Turing


33. Refer to your answer to the previous question. What was the first operating system for this computer and which company made it


38. When referring to Windows operating systems, what do "NT" and "XP" stand for

NT= New Technology and XP= eXPerience

14. Which country first "Broke Enigma" in 1932


35. What does GUI stand for

Graphics User Interface

32. What was the first personal computer to be taken seriously as a business tool


2. Where and when was the Abacus invented

It was inveted in the Middle Eastern area in 3000 B.C.

3. Who not only invented logarithms, but also designed a more efficient way to do Lattice Multiplication

John Napier

21. What coding machine was used by the Nazis in the 1940s which was even more complicated than the Enigma machine

Lorenz SZ-40 Cypher

13. A computer is __ ____________ _______________ if it can solve any computational problem provided memory and execution time are not issues.

Turing Complete

19. What invention marks the beginning of "The First Generation of Computers

Vacuum tubes

39. Contrary to popular belief, Windows 2000 is not the operating that succeeded Windows 98. Which operating system did succeed Windows 98

Windows Millennium

12. Harold Locke Hazen and Vannevar Bush built the Differential Analyzer, a large scale computing machine capable of solving _______________ _______________.

differential equations

30. IBM's System/360 essentially standardized computer __________.


7. Why is Charles Babbage considered "The Father of Computers

he created the first general Analytical Engine (first design of a general purpose computer)

28. What invention marks the beginning of "The Third Generation of Computers

integrated circuits

6. A loom is a device used to make cloth. What was special about Jacquard's Loom

it accepted special flexible cards that were punched with information in such a manner that made it possible to program how cloth will be weaved

34. What 2 things is the Compaq known for

it was the first portable computer and it was the first computer to be 100% compatible with an IBM PC

1. List 3 things that were done long ago to keep track of numbers before the invention of the Abacus

made marks on rocks, carved notches in bones, and tied knots in rope

9. Refer to your answer to the previous question. Why is she considered "The Mother of Programming

she started designing computer programs because she knew Babbage's device required instructions

37. What was the first commercially successful computer with the mouse/GUI technology

the "Mac"

20. What was the first electronic digital computer

the Atanasoff Berry Computer (ABC)

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