computer science mid-term

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a. Binary b. Overflow Error c. ASCII d. Roundoff Error

A character encoding standard for electronic communication

a. Creative Commons b. Lossy Compression c. Lossless Compression d. Underflow Error

A data compression algorithm that allows the original data to be perfectly reconstructed from the compressed data.

a. Creative Commons b. Lossy Compression c. Lossless Compression d. Underflow Error

A data encoding and compression technique that deliberately discards some data in the compression process

a. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) b. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) c. URL d. Domain Name System (DNS)

A standard that defines how to establish and maintain a network conversation through which application programs can exchange data

a. Binary b. Overflow Error c. ASCII d. Roundoff Error

An error that occurs when calculated data cannot fit within the designated field.

a. Binary b. Overflow Error c. ASCII d. Roundoff Error

Error that is produced when a computer is used to perform real number calculations because many real numbers can not be represented exactly on a computer.

a. curly b. wavy c. straight d. cannot be determined

IF (fatherAllele = "C" AND motherAllele = "C") { hairType ← "curly" } ELSE { IF (fatherAllele = "s" AND motherAllele = "s") { hairType ← "straight" } ELSE { hairType ← "wavy" } When fatherAllele is "s" and motherAllele is "s"

a. curly b. wavy c. straight d. cannot be determined

IF (fatherAllele = "C" AND motherAllele = "C") { hairType ← "curly" } ELSE { IF (fatherAllele = "s" AND motherAllele = "s") { hairType ← "straight" } ELSE { hairType ← "wavy" } When fatherAllele is "C" and motherAllele is "s"

a. curly b. wavy c. straight d. cannot be determined

IF (fatherAllele = "C" AND motherAllele = "C") { hairType ← "curly" } ELSE { IF (fatherAllele = "s" AND motherAllele = "s") { hairType ← "straight" } ELSE { hairType ← "wavy" } When fatherAllele is "s" and motherAllele is "C"

a. curly b. wavy c. straight d. cannot be determined

IF (fatherAllele = "C" AND motherAllele = "C") { hairType ← "curly" } ELSE { IF (fatherAllele = "s" AND motherAllele = "s") { hairType ← "straight" } ELSE { hairType ← "wavy" } IF (fatherAllele = "C" AND motherAllele = "C") { hairType ← "curly" } ELSE { IF (fatherAllele = "s" AND motherAllele = "s") { hairType ← "straight" } ELSE { hairType ← "wavy" } IF (fatherAllele = "C" AND motherAllele = "C") { hairType ← "curly" } ELSE { IF (fatherAllele = "s" AND motherAllele = "s") { hairType ← "straight" } ELSE { hairType ← "wavy" } When fatherAllele is "C" and motherAllele is "C"

a. Creative Commons b. Lossy Compression c. Lossless Compression d. Underflow Error

Occurs in a computer or similar device when a mathematical operation results in a number which is smaller than what the device is capable of storing.

a. Creative Commons b. Lossy Compression c. Lossless Compression d. Underflow Error

Public copyright license that enables the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work.

a. The program attempted to perform an operation that is considered an undecidable problem. b. The precision of the result is limited due to the constraints of using a floating-point representation. c. The program can only use a fixed number of bits to represent integers; the computed sum is greater than the maximum representable value. d. The program cannot represent integers; the integers are converted into decimal approximations, leading to rounding errors.

in a certain computer program, two positive integers are added together, resulting in an overflow error. Which of the following best explains why the error occurs?

a. Expression b. Increment c. Assignment d. Variable

A combination of operators and values that evaluates to a single value.

a. Iteration b. Debug c. Pseudocode d. High-Level Programming Language

A programming language that is easier to use, may incorporate natural language and hide or automate some processes. High-level of abstraction.

a. Digital Divide b. Scalability c. Bit d. Byte

A unit of data that is eight binary digits long. Bytes are often used to represent a character such as a letter, number, space

a. Expression b. Increment c. Assignment d. Variable

Add one to a number

a. Code Segment b. Flowchart c. Conditional Statement d. Selection

An algorithm can select between two alternative paths based on some condition.

a. 70000 b. 80000 c. true d. False

In the following expression, the variable truckWeight has the value 70000 and the variable weightLimit has the value 80000. truckWeight < weightLimit What value does the expression evaluate to? if x>y display x+y else display x-y

a. Bandwidth b. Abstraction c. Redundant d. Protocol

Maximum amount of data that can be sent in a fixed amount of time, usually measured in bits per second.

a. Expression b. Increment c. Assignment d. Variable

Storing or updating a value in a named variable

a. Digital Divide b. Scalability c. Bit d. Byte

The capacity for the system to change in size and scale to meet new demands

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

The figure below represents a network of physically linked devices, labeled A through H. A line between two devices indicates a connection. Devices can communicate only through the connections shown.What is the minimum number of connections that would need to be removed from the network in order for device A to not be able to communicate with device F? b c e a d f g h there is a line going all the way around the outside connecting abcfha there is a line connecting bd and a line connecting dac and a separate line connecting efg are connected making a small circle in the middle

a. Boolean b. number c. string d. list

The variable age is to be used to represent a person's age, in years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age ?

a. Parameters b. Boolean Operators c. Unicode d. Nested Iteration

Values that are passed into a procedure as input. They allow for the same procedure to be called but to produce different outcomes for different inputs.

a. The position of the minute hand of a clock b. The number of days remaining until Christmas c. The position of the minute hand of a clock d. The number of days remaining until Christmas

Which of the following can be represented by a single binary digit?

a. The correct sum of 29 will be assigned to the variable total. b. An overflow error will occur because 4 bits is not large enough to represent either of the values 14 or 15. C. An overflow error will occur because 4 bits is not large enough to represent 29, the sum of 14 and 15. ANSWER d. A round-off error will occur because the decimal values 14 and 15 are represented as approximations due to the fixed number of bits used to represent numbers.

A certain programming language uses 4-bit binary sequences to represent nonnegative integers. For example, the binary sequence 0101 represents the corresponding decimal value 5. Using this programming language, a programmer attempts to add the decimal values 14 and 15 and assign the sum to the variable total. Which of the following best describes the result of this operation?

a. Holding basic computer classes at community centers b. Providing free wireless Internet connections at locations in low-income neighborhoods c. Putting all government forms on the city Web site d. Requiring that every city school has computers that meet a minimum hardware and software standard

A city is attempting to reduce the digital divide between groups with differing access to computing and the Internet. Which of the following activities is LEAST likely to be effective in this purpose?

a. Code Segment b. Flowchart c. Conditional Statement d. Selection

A collection of program statements that are part of program Code Segment Flowchart

a. second<---first b. second<---temp c. temp<---first d. temp<---second

A computer program uses 3 bits to represent integers. When the program adds the decimal (base 10) numbers 5 and 3, the result is 0. Which of the following is the best explanation for the result?

a. Packet b. Router c. Packet Metadata d. IP Address

A device that forwards data packets along networks. They are located at gateways, the places where two or more networks connect

a. Iteration b. Debug c. Pseudocode d. High-Level Programming Language

A high level textual algorithm written in informative text that mimics a programming language but cannot be executed by a computer.

a. Operators b. Polygon c. Sequential d. Statement

A line of executable code

a. Parameters b. Boolean Operators c. Unicode d. Nested Iteration

A loop inside of another loop

a. Binary b. Overflow Error c. ASCII d. Roundoff Error

A numbering scheme in which there are only two possible values for each digit: 0 and 1.

a. First, change all occurrences of "goats" to "sheep." Then, change all occurrences of "sheep" to "goats." b. First, change all occurrences of "goats" to "sheep." Then, change all occurrences of "sheep" to "goats." Last, change all occurrences of "foxes" to "sheep." c. First, change all occurrences of "goats" to "foxes." Then, change all occurrences of "sheep" to "goats." Last, change all occurrences of "foxes" to "sheep." d. First, change all occurrences of "goats" to "foxes." Then, change all occurrences of "foxes" to "sheep." Last, change all occurrences of "sheep" to "goats."

A programmer realizes she has reversed the roles of goats and sheep throughout the user manual. The programmer's goal of changing all occurrences of "goats" to "sheep" and all occurrences of "sheep" to "goats." The programmer will use the fact that the word "foxes" does not appear anywhere in the original text. Which of the following algorithms can be used to accomplish the programmer's goal?

a. Code Segment b. Flowchart c. Conditional Statement d. Selection

A simple diagram with symbols showing the "flow" of a process. Used as a design tool.

a. Packet b. Router c. Packet Metadata d. IP Address

A small amount of data sent over a network, such as a LAN or the Internet

a. Procedure b. Machine Language c. Natural Language d. Compiler

A software program that translates a programming language to machine language so a computer can understand

a. Code Segment b. Flowchart c. Conditional Statement d. Selection

A statement or expression that is evaluated to determine an outcome repeat until, if, while, forever if

a. Four bits are not enough to store the eight directions. Five bits are needed for the new version of the game. b. Four bits are not enough to store the eight directions. Eight bits are needed for the new version of the game. c. Four bits are not enough to store the eight directions. Sixteen bits are needed for the new version of the game. d. Four bits are enough to store the eight directions.

A video game character can face toward one of four directions: north, south, east, and west. Each direction is stored in memory as a sequence of four bits. A new version of the game is created in which the character can face toward one of eight directions, adding northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast to the original four possibilities. Which of the following statements is true about how the eight directions must be stored in memory?

a. Parameters b. Boolean Operators c. Unicode d. Nested Iteration

AND, OR: operators that can be used to combine logical expressions; NOT: operator used to indicate the opposite of a logical expression

a. Bandwidth b. Abstraction c. Redundant d. Protocol

Abstraction: a programmer hides all but the relevant data about an object in order to reduce complexity and increase efficiency

A. ANSWER b. c. d.

According to the domain name system (DNS), which of the following is a subdomain of the domain

a. It costs less to design a network that is redundant b. The protocols of the Internet only work on networks that are redundant C. Redundant networks are more reliable ANSWER d. Adding additional connections reduces the fault-tolerance of the network

An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that builds the routers and wired connections that allow individuals to access the Internet. An ISP is considering adding additional redundant connections to its network. Which of the following best describes why the company would choose to do so?

a. Expression b. Increment c. Assignment d. Variable

An abstraction inside the program that can hold a value. Each has associated data storage that represents one value at a time.

a. Bandwidth b. Abstraction c. Redundant d. Protocol

An agreed-upon set of rules that specify the behavior of some system

a. Parameters b. Boolean Operators c. Unicode d. Nested Iteration

An international encoding standard for use with different languages and scripts, by which each letter, digit, or symbol is assigned a unique numeric value that applies across different platforms and programs.

a. Operators b. Polygon c. Sequential d. Statement

Are used to script math equations and string handling

a. 1 1 b. 1 2 c. 2 3 d. 3 2

Consider the following code segment, which uses the variables r, s, and t. r ← 1 s ← 2 t ← 3 r ← s s ← t DISPLAY (r) DISPLAY (s) What is displayed as a result of running the code segment?

a. -2 b. 2 c. 8 d. Nothing will be displayed

Consider the following code segment.If the value of x is 3 and the value of y is 5, what is displayed as a result of executing the code segment?

a. 32 b. 64 c. 49 d. 121

Convert the binary (base-2) number 0011 0001 to decimal (base-10)

a. 1000 0001 b. 1100 0001 c. 0110 0110 d. 0001 1111

Convert the decimal (base-10) number 129 to binary (base-2).

a. Digital Divide b. Scalability c. Bit d. Byte

Differing access to computing devices and the Internet, based on socioeconomic, geographic, or demographic characteristics.

a. Operators b. Polygon c. Sequential d. Statement

Execution of an algorithm or program, step by step, from top to bottom, where one line of code finishes before the one below it begins. One of the 3 fundamental algorithms or programming structures.

A. The packets may arrive out of order ANSWER b. Either every packet will reach her computer or none of them will. c. Packets that arrive out of order will be sent back to the server. d. The packets will always be received in the order that they were sent

George is watching an online video. The video is being sent to his laptop by a server over the Internet which splits the video into packets and sends them in the order they appear in the video. Which of the following is true about how the packets will arrive at her computer?

a. 255 B. 256 ANSWER c. 128 d. 127

How many numbers can be represented with an 8-bit binary system?

a. II only b. I and II only c. I and III only d. II and III only

In a certain country, a person must be at least 16 years old to drive a car and must be at least 18 years old to vote. The variable age represents the age of a person as an integer. Which of the following expressions evaluates to true if the person is old enough to drive but not old enough to vote, and evaluates to false otherwise? | (age ≥ 16) AND (age ≤ 18) || (age ≥ 16) AND (NOT(age ≥ 18)) ||| (age < 18) AND (NOT(age < 16))

a. Procedure b. Machine Language c. Natural Language d. Compiler

Is a collection of binary digits or bits that the computer reads and interprets. Machine language is the only language a computer is capable of understanding, directly.

a. Both devices are using the same shared and open protocols B. A single direct connection is established between any two devices connected to the Internet ANSWER c. The data of the image is routed through a sequence of directly connected devices before arriving at its destination. d. Both devices are directly connected to at least one part of the Internet

Jesse purchases a new smartphone and is immediately able to use it to send a photo over the Internet to a friend who lives in a different country. Which of the following is NOT necessary to make this possible?

a. The image can no longer be represented using bits. b. The image will have been converted into an analog form. c. The image will require more pixels to display it on the screen. D. The image will require fewer bits in order to be represented. ANSWER

Jorge is sending a large image file to a friend as part of a shared classroom project. Which of the following is most likely true if Jorge opts to compress the image before sending it?

a. Procedure b. Machine Language c. Natural Language d. Compiler

Language that is spoken and understood by humans but cannot be processed by the computer. (i.e. English)

a. Allen owns the photo because only holders of a Creative Commons license can own works online. b. Lisa owns the photo because she was the original creator and did not license the work. C. lisa owns the photo because it was granted a Creative Commons license by another person online. ANSWER d. Both own the photo because creating a copy makes it her intellectual property.

Lisa takes a picture with her smartphone which she subsequently posts online. Allen finds the picture online and posts a copy of it on his website with an attached Creative Commons license. Which of the following best describes who owns the photo?

a. Modifying a piece of open source software. b. Using open access research for which she does not acquire a license. c. Failing to publish her work under a Creative Commons license D. Using images posted online by another student without permission or citation. ANSWER

Lucy is completing a project as part of a science class using materials she found online. Which of the following is MOST LIKELY to lead to legal consequences?

a. Operators b. Polygon c. Sequential d. Statement

Polygon - a geometric shape where all sides are of an equal length and all angles have equivalent values

a. Procedure b. Machine Language c. Natural Language d. Compiler

Reusable collection of statements, also referred to as methods, functions, or methods. They can be created by the programmer or defined within a library.

A. Lossy compression since it typically results in smaller data sizes. ANSWER b. Lossless compression since it ensures perfect reconstruction of the photo. c. Lossy compression since it ensures perfect reconstruction of the photo. d. Lossless compression since it typically results in smaller data sizes.

Ryan is designing an app that needs to quickly send low quality photos between users. Most smartphones take much higher quality photos than Ryan needs for his app. Which answer best describes the type of compression Ryan should choose and why?

a. An overflow error occurred b. A round-off error occurred c. The result was affected by lossy data compression. d. The result was approximated by a floating-point representation.

The code segment below is intended to swap the values of the variables FIRST and SECOND using a temporary variable, . Which of the following can be used to replace MISSING CODE so that the code segment works as intended?

a. The output will be true no matter what the value of input B is. b. The output will be false no matter what the value of input B is. c. The output will be true if input B is true; otherwise it will be false. d. The output will be false if input B is true; otherwise it will be true.

The diagram below shows a circuit composed of two logic gates labeled OR and AND. Each gate takes two inputs and produces a single output. If the inputs A and C are both true, which of the following best describes the output of the AND gate? a b | | v v or c | | | v v and | v output the live with the v under it is an arrow

a. The network is considered fault-tolerant because there are redundant paths between each pair of devices. B. The network is considered fault-tolerant because it guarantees that no individual component will fail. ANSWER c. The network is not considered fault-tolerant because it relies on physical connections. d. The network is not considered fault-tolerant because it provides more paths than are needed.

The following figure represents a network of physically linked devices labeled P through S. A line between two devices indicates a connection. Devices can communicate only through the connections shown Which of the following statements best explains the ability of the network to provide fault tolerance? p-\ ---q \ r ----\ -s it looks a little like this but there is a half circle from r to q and the dashes are part of a box that is supposed to go all the way around the slashes are a straight line inside the box going from q to s

a. Iteration b. Debug c. Pseudocode d. High-Level Programming Language

The fundamental program structure that repeats an algorithm for a purpose - either a set number of times or until a condition is met. One of the 3 fundamental algorithim or programming structures.

a. Packet b. Router c. Packet Metadata d. IP Address

The information about the packet is stored in the header

a. Digital Divide b. Scalability c. Bit d. Byte

The smallest unit of data in a computer. It has a single binary value, either 0 or 1

a. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) b. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) c. URL d. Domain Name System (DNS)

The system responsible for translating domain names like into IP addresses

a. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) b. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) c. URL d. Domain Name System (DNS)

The underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web and this protocol defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands

a. Packet b. Router c. Packet Metadata d. IP Address

The unique number assigned to each device on the Internet.

a. Boolean b. number c. string d. list

The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?

a. Bandwidth b. Abstraction c. Redundant d. Protocol

There are multiple pathways among the physical connections of the Internet.. Even if one pathway is unavailable, there is still another way to transmit a message from sender to receiver

a. Iteration b. Debug c. Pseudocode d. High-Level Programming Language

To identify and remove errors from a computer program or code

A. Fault-tolerance ANSWER b. Scalability c. Protocol d. Pathing

Two devices are connected to the Internet and communicating with one another. A squirrel chews through one of the wires in the network that is currently being used by the devices to communicate. The network immediately begins using a different path through the network and communication continues as normal. This situation best exemplifies which principle?

a. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) b. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) C. URL ANSWER d. Domain Name System (DNS)

Uniform resource locator

a. Computing Device B. Computing System ANSWER c. Computing Network d. Path

What best describes a group of computers working together for a common purpose?

a. Computing Device b. Computing System C. Computing Network ANSWER d. Path

What best describes a group of connected computers that can send or receive data?

A. Computing Device ANSWER b. Computing System c. Computing Network d. Path

What best describes a machine that can run a program?

a. Computing Device b. Computing System c. Computing Network D. Path ANSWER

What best describes a sequence of direct connections?

a. Both the painting and the photo are analog b. Sampling can be used to determine whether the analog image is an accurate representation of the painting c. The phone can represent the photo in either digital or analog formats depending on the sampling technique that is used D. The photo is a digital representation of the analog painting ANSWER

When visiting a museum Sue takes a photo of a painting with a smartphone which stores the photo as an image file. Which of the following best describes the differences between the painting itself and the photo of the painting stored on the smartphone?

A. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ANSWER b. Internet Protocol (IP) c. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) d. HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Which of the following Internet protocols is MOST important in reassembling packets and requesting missing packets to form complete messages?

a. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) b. Internet Protocol (IP) c. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) D. HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) ANSWER

Which of the following Internet protocols is used to request and send pages and files on the World Wide Web?

a. Adding a requirement that all users of a popular social media site link their accounts with a phone number. b. Deploying satellites and other infrastructure to provide inexpensive Internet access to remote areas of Earth c. Digitizing millions of books from university libraries, making their full text available online D. Offering improved Internet connections to Internet users who are willing to pay a premium fee for more bandwidth ANSWER

Which of the following actions is most likely to help reduce the digital divide?

a. A computer will either represent information as bits. or bytes but not both b. A computer represents data as a byte which is either a 0 or a 1 C. A computer represents data as bits which is either a 0 or a 1 ANSWER d. A computer represents information as bits which contain 8 bytes

Which of the following best describes how computing devices represent information?

a. The protocols of the Internet are designed by government agencies to ensure they remain free to use b. The protocols of the Internet are secret to maintain the privacy and security of people using them c. Each device connected to the Internet will use a protocol designed by the company that manufactured it D. The protocols of the Internet are open and used by all devices connected to the network ANSWER

Which of the following best describes the protocols used on the Internet?

a. IP addresses indicate the location where an internet-connected computing device was manufactured B. IP addresses provide a unique number for identifying devices that send and receive information on the Internet ANSWER c. IP addresses indicate how many times an individual packet has been requested by a router d. IP addresses assist in the reconstruction of a message that has been divided into many packets

Which of the following best describes the purpose of an IP address?

a. The World Wide Web is a protocol that is accessed using a data stream called the Internet. b. The World Wide Web is a system of linked pages, programs, and files that is accessed using a data stream called the Internet. c. The World Wide Web is a system of linked pages, programs, and files that is accessed via a network called the Internet. d. The World Wide Web is a Web site that is accessed using a protocol called the Internet.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the World Wide Web and the Internet?

a. Developing standards and protocols for Internet communication b. Preventing copyrighted materials from being illegally distributed online c. Preventing malicious software from being distributed online d. Verifying the ownership of encrypted keys used in secured messages

Which of the following best describes the role of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) ?

a. Each packet contains data to be transmitted, along with metadata containing information used for routing the data. b. Each packet contains an encrypted version of the data to be transmitted, along with metadata containing the key needed to decrypt the data. c. Each packet contains only the metadata used to establish a direct connection so that the data can be transmitted. d. Each packet contains multiple data files bundled together, along with metadata describing how to categorize each data file.

Which of the following best explains how data is typically assembled in packets for transmission over the Internet?

a. The message is broken into packets that are transmitted in a specified order. Each packet must be received in the order it was sent for the message to be correctly reassembled by the recipient's device. b. The message is broken into packets. The packets can be received in any order and still be reassembled by the recipient's device. c. The message is broken into two packets. One packet contains the data to be transmitted and the other packet contains metadata for routing the data to the recipient's device. d. The message is transmitted as a single file and received in whole by the recipient's device.

Which of the following best explains how messages are typically transmitted over the Internet?

a. The Internet is fault-tolerant because cybercriminals can conceal their actions, allowing them the ability to carry out faulty actions without leaving a trace. b. The Internet is fault-tolerant because there are usually multiple paths between devices, allowing messages to sometimes be sent even when parts of the network fail. c. The Internet is fault-tolerant because users can transmit messages using a variety of different protocols, allowing them to use devices from any manufacturer. d. The Internet is fault-tolerant because users usually understand and accept the fact that servers sometimes fail, allowing network engineers to repair faulty devices as quickly as possible.

Which of the following best explains how the Internet is a fault-tolerant system?

a. Certain companies will be unable to certify their technology as digitally secure. B. People from some racial or ethnic groups have unequal access to computing technology. ANSWER c. People will have equal access and influence both globally and locally. d. Political groups in some countries are unable to agree on regulations of digital technology.

Which of the following is MOST likely to be an outcome of the digital divide?

a. Computing devices use patterns of bits to represent complex information B. Abstraction helps represent complex information by surfacing complexity that might otherwise be hidden ANSWER c. Depending on context the same sequence of bits may represent different types of information d. Common abstractions that are represented by computing devices include numbers, characters, and color.

Which of the following is NOT true of how computers represent complex information?

a. Open protocols allow devices to specify how data packets are to be routed on the Internet in advance. b. Open protocols ensure that all data transmission on the Internet is kept secure. c. Open protocols ensure that all Internet users are provided connections with equal bandwidth. d. Open protocols provide a way to standardize data transmission between different devices

Which of the following is a primary reason for the use of open protocols on the Internet?

a. Devices from different manufacturers are required to run the same operating system to communicate over the Internet. b. Every device connected to the Internet is assigned a digital certificate by a certificate authority. c. Every device connected to the Internet is assigned an Internet protocol (IP) address. d. Every device connected to the Internet requires a high-bandwidth connection to enable redundant routing to each device.

Which of the following is a true statement about Internet communication?

a. Data compression is only useful for files being transmitted over the Internet. b. Regardless of the compression technique used, once a data file is compressed, it cannot be restored to its original state. c. Sending a compressed version of a file ensures that the contents of the file cannot be intercepted by an unauthorized user. d. There are trade-offs involved in choosing a compression technique for storing and transmitting data

Which of the following is a true statement about data compression?

a. A lossless compression algorithm can guarantee that compressed information is kept secure, while a lossy compression algorithm cannot. B. A lossless compression algorithm can guarantee reconstruction of original data, while a lossy compression algorithm cannot. ANSWER c. A lossless compression algorithm typically allows for faster transmission speeds than does a lossy compression algorithm. d. A lossless compression algorithm typically provides a greater reduction in the number of bits stored or transmitted than does a lossy compression algorithm.

Which of the following is an advantage of a lossless compression algorithm over a lossy compression algorithm?

A. With a fixed number of bits some numbers are too large to represent in a computer which will lead to overflow errors. ANSWER b. Using a fixed but large number of bits can eliminate the possibility of round off error when representing numbers in binary c. Using a fixed but large number of bits, for example 128, eliminates the possibility of overflow errors. d. With a large but fixed number of bits it is possible to eliminate either round-off errors or overflow errors, but not both

Which of the following is true of how computers represent numbers?

a. Packet metadata is only included on important packets to indicate they should get access to faster paths through the network B. Packet metadata is used to route and reassemble information travelling through the Internet ANSWER c. Information sent through the internet is only encapsulated in packets if the message is too large to be sent as a datastream d. Information sent through the internet is split into two packets, one which contains the message and another which contains the metadata

Which of the following is true of how packets are sent through the Internet?

a. The Internet protocols are changed every year to adapt to the new devices that have been connected to the network b. While the number of devices connected to the Internet has grown, the network itself has not grown C. The protocols of the Internet were designed to scale as new devices are added ANSWER d. The protocols of the Internet are no longer necessary thanks to the large number of devices now connected to the network

Which of the following is true of how the Internet has responded to the increasing number of devices now using the network?

a. Information created on a computer is not owned by anyone since only analog information is protected under copyright law. b. You do not need to cite work created by someone else if both the original work and your use of it are in digital form. C. Creative Commons enables content creators to freely distribute their otherwise copyrighted work. ANSWER d. Creative Commons has severely hindered broad and open access to digital information

Which of the following is true of intellectual property?

a. Lossy compression algorithms are used when perfect reconstruction of the original data is important. B. Lossy compression algorithms are typically better than lossless compression algorithms at reducing the number of bits needed to represent a piece of data. ANSWER c. Lossless compression algorithms are only used to compress text data. d. Lossless compression algorithms only allow for an approximate reconstruction of the original data

Which of the following is true of lossy and lossless compression algorithms?

a. A smartphone attempts to communicate over the Internet with another type of device, like a tablet or laptop b. Two internet-connected devices located in different countries and thousands of miles apart attempt to communicate with one another c. Packets sent from one router to another begin arriving in a different order than they were sent D. A state makes voter registration forms available only by visiting a government website ANSWER

Which of the following situations is most likely to cause issues arising from the digital divide?

a. 1000 0001 b. 1100 0001 c. 0110 0110 d. 0001 1111

Which of these binary (base-2) numbers is the smallest?

a. 14 b. 15 C. 16 ANSWER d. 17

Your computer uses 4 bits to represent decimal numbers (0, 1, 2, 3 and so on) in binary. What is the SMALLEST number for which an overflow error occur?

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