Computer Security
Select what's true about session cookies.
-Determine the start and end of a session. -Analyze and measure traffic on a web page. -Determine the web browser being used.
According to US-CERT if you receive a phishing message you should contact them using which of the following methods.
-In Outlook Express, you can create a new message and drag and drop the phishing email into the new message. Address the message to and send it. -In Outlook Express you can also open the email message* and select File > Properties > Details. The email headers will appear. You can copy these as you normally copy text and include it in a new message to -If you cannot forward the phishing message, at a minimum, send the URL of the phishing website to US-CERT.
Which of the following are ways to prevent computer virus infections.
-Install the latest antivirus software and update frequently. -Downloaded content from the web should only be from trusted sites. -Limit your web surfing to trusted sites.
Common symptoms of a computer virus infection include
-OS doesn't launch properly. -files get deleted or encrypted. -strange error messages or pop-up ads.
Select what's true about passwords.
-Use a combination of letters, symbols, and numbers; the more characters you use, the more secure your password will be. -Regularly check your accounts to ensure they have not been tampered with.
Select what's true about the privacy risks with cookies.
-Websites using cookies can collect your information and sell it to third parties. -Websites can track your surfing behavior and create a profile. -Corporate and government entities can track your web behavior.
Which of the following are cookie settings you can adjust in Internet Explorer (Microsoft Edge).
-allow cookies -delete cookies block cookies
identify what's true about script kiddies.
-amateur computer hackers with little programming expertise -illegally gain access to computer systems using programs (scripts) that others have written
You can change your Firefox settings to allow you to
-approve cookie storage requests. -deny cookie storage requests. -delete stored cookies automatically when you start Firefox.
Select what's true about worms.
-automatically reproduce -replication exhausts network bandwidth or available storage -often sent using email attachments
There are a variety of cookie settings that can be adjusted in Google Chrome including
-blocking/allowing cookies by default. -deleting cookies -making exceptions for cookies from specific websites or domains.
If you believe you have fallen victim to a phishing scam you should
-contact the institution the message was allegedly sent from. -contact US-CERT.
Identify common symptoms of a computer virus.
-documents won't save -computer runs extremely slowly -programs launch on their own
Rootkits allow a remote user to do which of the following.
-install rogue files -create backdoor programs -delete files
Select what's true about Trojan malware.
-often found attached to free downloads and apps -often used to find passwords, destroy data, or to bypass firewalls
In the settings area of each browser you should consider
-periodically deleting cookies. -blocking/customizing your cookie settings. -decide from which sites you want to allow cookies.
Which of the following are common email viruses.
-ransomware -keystroke logging Trojan
Which of the following are online nuisances?
-spam -spyware -spoofing
Common types of malware include______
-viruses -worms -trojan horses
An attack on a network that is designed to interrupt or stop network traffic by flooding it with too many requests is called a _____ attack.
A DDoS attack is when computers that have been infected by a virus act as "zombies" and work together to send out illegitimate messages creating huge volumes of network traffic. The acronym DDoS stands for ___ .
Distributed Denial of Service
A small text file of information created by websites you visit that your web browser stores on your hard disk is called a(n) _____.
Persistent cookies store information about
user preferences
Spam messages are sometimes referred to as ___.
Software that collects the user's web browsing history and uses the data collected to create unsolicited targeted pop-up advertisements is called _____ .
A group of compromised computers controlled by a hacker is called a _____.
The malicious use of computer code to modify the normal operations of a computer or network is called a ___ .
A crime in which a computer is the object of the crime or is used to commit a crime or offense is called _____.
A person who uses computers and the Internet to launch attacks against computer systems for political or ideological reasons is called a ___.
Hardware or software used to keep a computer secure from outside threats such as hackers and viruses by allowing or blocking Internet traffic is called a ____.
A person who gains unauthorized access to networks and in order to steal and corrupt information and data is called a _____.
Firewall software used to block a user's access to specific Internet content is called a(n) _____ filter.
A form of spyware that records all actions typed on a keyboard is called a _____ logger.
What is the name of a virus written in a macro language and placed within a document or spreadsheet.
macro virus
Cookies stored on a computer's hard drive and used to collect and store information about user preferences, password and username information, IP address, and/or data on web surfing behavior are called ___ cookies.
A type of phishing that seeks to obtain personal information through malicious software that is inserted on a victim's computer is called _______ .
Once the virus is identified the antivirus software attempts to remove the virus from the file. If the software cannot remove the infected file it will send the file to an isolated area on the hard disk called _____.
An unsolicited email message is called _____.
Often accompanying downloaded music or apps, programs that appear to be legitimate, but executes an unwanted activity when activated is called a _____.
trojan horse
You must individually adjust cookie settings in every browser you use.
Software that infects a computer and is created using computer code is called a computer _____.
Non-malicious computer security experts that test the security measures of an organization's information systems to ensure they are protected against malicious intrusions are called ___.
white hat hackers
A computer controlled by a hacker is called a _____.
Your computer has been attacked and overtaken by a hacker. The hacker has control over your computer and can now use it to launch attacks on other computers and systems. Your computer is known as a ____ computer.
Which of the following are considered cybercrimes?
-data manipulation -data corruption -cyberbullying