Computers 2 Photoshop Basics Review
Images created in Photoshop are automatically save as what type of files?
Which color mode only uses 2 color?
Bitmap (black and white)
Which color mode is commonly used when printing graphics in color?
When you edit a photo, how do the changes become permanent?
Changes become permanent once the file has been saved/re-saved.
This tool can copy and recreate a portion of an image.
Clone Stamp Tool
Which tool allows you to select an area of an image and discard everything outside of this area?
Crop Tool
What does CMYK color mode stand for?
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black
What tools allows you to remove/erase part of a layer using a free-hand method?
Eraser Tool
This tool selects color from the pixels you click on in the image.
Eyedropper Tool
Once a layer has been pasted onto the canvas, which method allows you to adjust the size and orientation of the selected layer?
Free Transform
This tool lets you select and apply a range of colors (usually as a background)
Gradient Tool
Which color mode only consists of variations of gray?
Which adjustment option lets you change the range of color and/or amount of color contained within an image's selection?
Which color mode should be used when trying to create images in color that take up very minimal storage space?
What is the benefit of using resampling in Photoshop when resizing images?
It adds or subtracts pixels from the modified image in order to help maintain the image's resolution.
What is the purpose of the Swatches palette?
It allows you to change colors by choosing from various color options.
What does Photoshop automatically do when you copy and paste an image onto your screen or you use the text tool?
It automatically makes a new layer.
What is the problem with resizing an image?
It can cause distortion- no matter if you're making the image larger or smaller.
What is a digital image?
It is a picture in electronic form.
What is Adobe Photoshop CS6?
It is a professional, image editing software created by Adobe Systems Incorporated.
What does the magic wand tool do?
It is a selection tool that selects on the basis of similar color.
In Photoshop, what is a layer?
It is a separate section within an image that can be manipulated independently.
What is Adobe Bridge?
It is a stand-alone application that serves as the hub for the Adobe Creative Suite.
What does the Move Tool allow you to do?
It is a tool that allows you to move a layer around after it has been placed on the canvas.
What does orientation of an image refer to?
It is the direction in which an image appears on the page.
What does image resolution refer to?
It is the number of pixels displayed per unit of printed length within an image- usually per square inch.
What is the smudge tool?
It looks like a pointing finger, and it blends the pixels within the image creating a blurred/blended effect.
What is opacity in Photoshop?
It refers to the amount of transparency a layer has.
What does the foreground color box indicate?
It shows the color that is currently selected. Clicking on it allows the user to change colors.
Which two components make up a path?
Lines and anchors
What tool allows you to make a selection in the shape of a rectangle?
Marquee Tool
This tool allows you to apply color, in various sizes/patterns, to the canvas.
Paint Brush Tool
Which Photoshop tool is commonly used for making paths?
Pen tool
What does PPI stand for?
Pixels per inch
Which color mode has the largest array of colors to choose from?
Which color mode is commonly used for high quality website images?
Which type of images are considered to be resolution dependent?
Raster Images
Which typically take up more storage space: vector graphics or raster images?
Raster images
What does the color mode RGB stand for?
Red, Green, and Blue
When using Free Transform, which key should you press and hold to prevent distorting the image as it is transformed?
What are the events recorded within the History palette called?
How does the arrangement of layers in the stacking order effect an image?
The layer on the top of the stacking order will appear first. Layers below will appear further back in an image.
Why do raster images make poor logos?
They have jagged edges and can't be resized without losing detail and quality.
Which type of graphic should be used when making logos?
Which type of images are considered to be resolution-independent?
This menu option allows you to control which options you view in the work space.
Which tool allows you to magnify an image?
Zoom Tool
What is the term for an individual dot of color and light that is the basic unit used to create digital images?