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Minimal Encouragers

"mm-hmm" and "that's interesting" are examples of what following skill used when listening?


"should you really speak to your father like that, did he really do anything wrong" This barrier is known as?

Undercurrents in Team Dynamics

- Personal identity in the team - Relationships among team members - Identity with the organisation these are all examples of ?


A _____________ is a collection of individuals who work interdependently, share a common purpose and are mutually committed to the same goals and to each other


A ________________ is a collection of 2 or more individuals who work together, share common interests or characteristics, may have similar traits but individuals may achieve individual goals

1. Being assertive helps prevent people from turningtheir anger inward, developing a sense of helplessness or even depression 2. Prevents resentment of others for manipulation or being took advantage of. 3. Helps people to manage and express their temper/violence. 4. Helps to manage feelings of anxiety (which leads to avoidance).

Give 2 reasons why being assertive is important?

1. Creativity 2. Expectation of commitment 3. Efficiency

Give 2 reasons why teams are valuable.

Pitch, Speech Volume, Rate Paralanguage - has to do with how things are said

Give examples of Paralanguage.

1. Control your temper and emotional response 2. Understand the issues 3. Pick your battles 4. Search for a common goals or ground.

Give some advice for Managing Conflict

inclusion, affection and control

Groups are important because they meet our needs for _______________, _____________ and ______________

e) A, B and C

Groups stay together because of: a) Exchange b)Task complexity c) Propinquity d) B and C e) A, B and C

Through our verbal and non verbal reactions we can show that we recognise the import of what someone has said or we can deny it.

How do we endorse (confirm) that we accept what someone else feels or thinks?


How do we paraphrase?

- Quick, decisive action is vital - On important issues where unpopular actions need implementing - On issues vital to company welfare when you know you're right - Against people who take advantage of non-competitive behaviour

Competing is appropriate in conflict situations when?

1) Your goals are important, but not worth the effort of more assertive strategies 2) Opponents with equal power are committed to mutually exclusive goals 3) To achieve temporary settlements to complex issues

Compromising is appropriate when?

1. Attitudes: About your predisposition to like or dislike ideas, people, objects. 2. Beliefs: What is true and what is false for you 3. Values: The enduring ideas and concepts you hold

Define attitudes, beliefs and values


Diverse teams provide more innovative solutions to problems. True or False?

1. Illustrators 2. Adaptors (unintentional movements that satisfy needs) 3. Regulators ( maintain speaking of another) 4. Emblem 5. Affect Display (emotions)

Ekman and Friesen (1969) stated that the gestures you make can be classified into what 5 types?

Sending solutions

Excessive or inappropriate question is an example of which main barrier to communication?

This term suggests that we unconsciously try to produce a "Desirable" Level of Intimacy when communicate. Each context will have its own equilibrium level. We strive for an equilibrium when interacting and we get uncomfortable if approach and avoidance levels are not within a desirable range.

Explain , "Approach-Avoidance Equilibrium."

Do not like your partner Are physically near your partner Are discussing difficult, intimate topics Are from a culture that de-emphasizes eye contact Have a low need to affiliate or be included

Give 2 examples of when your less likely to make eye contact.


How do we reflect feelings?

There are 3: 1. The material self 2. The social self 3. The spiritual self

How many of you are there?

(self concept) and (perceptions)

How we see ourselves (_________) and how we see others (_____________)influences how we interact with the world and with the people around us.


Kinesics is to body movements, as Haptics is to _______________

1. Recognise your own role in the perception and don't leap to conclusions 2. Check your perceptions 3. Reduce your level of uncertainty 4. Increase cultural sensitivity

List 2 ways to improve impression formation.

ADVANTAGES 1. Makes better decisions 2. Better information sharing 3. Increase employee motivation/engagement DISADVANTAGES 1.Individuals better/faster on some tasks 2.Process losses - cost of maintaining teams 3. Social loafing

List 3 advantages and disadvantages of Teams.

1. Groups focus on individual goals but teams focus on team goals 2. Groups produce individual work but teams produce collective work 3. Groups have individual accountability but teams have both individual and mutual accountability

List 3 differences between teams and groups

1. Visual Auditory Codes 2. Contact 3. Place and time

List 3 major Nonverbal communication codes?

1. Useful in fact-finding encounters 2. Concise responses make recording and comparison of several individuals' responses easier 3. When questions need to be prepared in advance 4. Preferred mode where time is limited 5. When conversations need to remain on topic

List 3 reasons to use close questions

1. View communication as pragmatic and relational 2. Understand the rules of communication 3. Consider the context in which you are communicating 4. Appropriate control and affiliation in each interaction

List 3 ways to achieve Communication Competence.

1. Engage in self talk 2. Visualize a positive image of yourself 3. Avoid comparing yourself with others 4. Reframe appropriately 5. Develop honest relationships 6. Let go of the past 7. Seek support

List 3 ways to boost Self Esteem.

1. Often ambiguous ( not having one obvious meaning) 2. It regulates conversation 3. it is believed more than verbal communication 4. Conflicts with verbal communication

List 4 challenges with Non-verbal Communication.

1. Self awareness skills 2. Listening skills 3. Assertion or expressiveness skills 4. Ability to distinguish between process and content

List 4 skills we need to develop good communication skills

1. Start with something positive 2. Be specific 3. Offer alternatives 4. Refer to the changeable behaviour not the person 5. Be descriptive rather than evaluate (not just "it was bad")

List 5 guidelines for giving constructive feedback.

1. Listen to feedback ( don't immediately reject it) 2. Be clear about the what is said 3. Decide what to do about the feedback 4, Ask for the feedback you want but don't get 5.Thank person for feedback

List 5 guidelines for receiving feedback.

Ears, attention, concentration, verbal cues and non verbal cues

Listening requires _________, ______________, ______________,_______________ and _________________

1.Posture of involvement 2. Appropriate body motion 3. Eye Contact and Gaze 4. Facial Expression

Listening to another person involves having good attending skills, Name 4 examples of good non verbal attending skills.

Artifactual Communication

Messages conveyed by objects. eg. Space decoration, Colour communication, Clothing and body adornment, Scent This is known as ?

1. Control - level of influence over others 2. Affiliation (connections) - level of intimacy to others -indicates positive or negative feelings we show to others

Name 2 Functional approaches to Communication. (what are 2 things communication indicate to us?)

1. Gate keeping 2. Physiological conditions

Name 2 obstructions to communication channels.

1. Encoder's speech rate 2. Encoder's speech volume 3. Outside noise

Name 3 factors that influence a decoder's listening ability.

Intensify Deintensify Neutralize Mask Simulate

Name on facial management techniques.

1. Autonomy/Connection 2. Novelty/Predictability 3. Openness/Closedness

Name the 3 relational dialectics.


New experiences keep us energized but too much is overwhelming. Routines keep us feeling safe but too much routine and we become frustrated and dull. True or False?

46 cm to 120 cm

Personal distance varies from ________ cm to ____________ cm

There may be some things that a person would prefer not to talk about - it is his or her area of closedness.

Self-disclosure is an important part of a relationship but are some topics off limits and why?

One benefit is to stay in the relationship because to leave the relationship means we have lost much of what we invested * We need to feel that each person in the relationship is equally invested.

So what benefit can you receive from investment in a relationship?


Social aggregates can be called _________________


Spending time together is important in a relationship. We have joint interests, and enjoy each other's company. But we are also individuals and need our own space. Which relational dialectic does this describe?


True or False? Commitment is a decision not a feeling.

False - illustrators accompany verbal messages (with words) - emblems translate words (no words)

True or False? Emblem accompany verbal messages and illustrators translate words or phases.

False - Women communicate closer than men

True or False? Observations on territoriality shows that men communicate at closer distances than women.


True or False? Our Self Esteem influences how we communicate with others in relation to need for control, need for inclusion, need for affection


True or False? Preferred team roles are linked to personality characteristics. Effectiveness of the team depends on the combination of team roles adopted by team members


True or False? Silence communicate just as speech does.

True - people form impressions about you based on your appearance

True or False? The body communicates even without movement through appearance.


True or false Constructive feedback does not only mean positive feedback.


Two communication techniques helpful for preventing conflicts are: - Using "I" language and not putting other on the defensive - Paying attention to nonverbal cues TRUE or False?

1) Individuals can build trust between themselves by disclosing information about themselves. 2) They can learn about themselves and come to terms with personal issues with the help of feedback from others.

Two key ideas behind the Johari Window are?

1. Recognition 2. Acknowledgement 3. Endorsement

What 3 things makes for a confirming or disconfirming communication climate?

1. Purpose and goal 2. Parameters 3. Communication 4. Skills 5. Plans

What 5 needs to be in place for a good team?

Quadrant 3: Hidden Area or Avoided Area

What Quadrant does the person know about him/herself that others do not. Hint: To minimise it you could give feedback about yourself and engage in self-disclosure

Quadrant 1: Open Area or Public

What Quadrant is known by the person about him/herself and is also known by others. Hint:You can increase it by self-disclosing and by giving and soliciting feedback.

Quadrant 4: Unknown Area or Potential

What Quadrant is unknown by the person about him/herself and is also unknown by others. Hint: This area will change by availing yourself of and being receptive to sharing experiences of others.

Quadrant 2: Blind Area or Blind Spot

What Quadrant is unknown by the person about him/herself but which others know. Hint: We can decrease the blind quadrant by seeking information about ourselves.

Communication Channel

What is the medium through which a message passes or bridge that connects a source and a receiver?

Sending solutions

What main barrier to communication include ordering, threatening, moralizing, excessive questioning and advising?

OPEN 1. Give speakers a choice 2. Begin with: where, when, what, why, or how 3. Speaker can explore own thoughts 4. E.g. "How likely are you to see him again?" CLOSED 1. Restrict response options 2. Begin with a verb 3. E.g. "Will you see him again?"

What's the difference between open and closed questions?

1. Task-oriented behaviours 2. Maintenance-oriented behaviours 3. Self-oriented behaviours

When communicating in teams there are 3 types of behaviour, what are they?

1) To find a solution when both sets of concerns are too important to compromise 2) When your objective is to learn 3) To merge insights from people with different perspective's

When is collaborating appropriate when resolving conflict?

When it: 1) Interferes with other task relevant activities 2) Unclear/opposing views; responsibility unclear 3) Personality clashes; people won't work together 4) Leads to lower self-esteem or self-confidence

When is conflict viewed as negative? Give 2 examples

The challenge Wood states is to preserve individuality while also nurturing connection in the relationship

When spending time together in a relationship, we also need out own space, according to Wood (2013) how do we get the right balance?

1) Helps communicate your understanding of the other person's situation from their viewpoint 2) Helps prevent misunderstandings, which can have serious consequences 3) Useful when the message is long &/or contains complex ideas 4) Key when there is emotional distress 5) Helps show the speaker that you are listening

When would reflecting be beneficial in communication (3 examples)?

e) all the above

Which is a barrier of listening? a) Personal agendas b) Context c) Assumptions d) Emotions e) all the above

d) Rule of thumb

Which is not a cultural difference to consider in teams? a) Individualist versus collectivist cultures b) Rules of hierarchy c) Risk taking d) Rule of thumb

b) Past experiences

Which is not a factor influencing listening ability (related to the context)? a) Seating Arrangements b) Past experiences c) Privacy d) Type of relationship

b) Liars make eye contact

Which is not a myth for non-verbal communication? a) Nonverbal conveys more meaning than verbal b) Liars make eye contact c) Studying nonverbal will help you detect lying d) When messages conflict, you should believe the nonverbal

c) Supporting

Which is not a task-oriented behaviour? a) Clarifying b) Recording c) Supporting d) Summarising

b) Reassuring

Which of the following is a not a communication used when sending solutions? a) Threatening b) Reassuring c) Advising d) Moralising

d) none of the above - they are all self oriented behaviours

Which of the following is a task oriented behaviour? a) Giving information b) Making a suggestion c) Seeking information d) none of the above e) b and C

c) Facial Commuication

Which of the following is an example of visual auditory codes? a) Proxemics b) Chronemics c) Facial communication

c) frequent questions

Which of the following is not a following skill when listening? a)Door openers b) Minimal encouragers c) Frequent questions d)Attentive silence

a) Seeking

Which of the following is not an active listening skill? a) Seeking b) Attending & Following c) Reflections d) Questions

b) Haptics

Which of the following is not an example of visual auditory codes? a) Physical Appearance b) Haptics c) Kinesics d) Paralanguage

-Conflict has a pejorative connotation so we tend to avoid it Individuals are not trained to deal with conflict - they have memories of bad experiences and this colours their attitude to conflict

Why Don't We Like Conflict?

- Conflict is pervasive in our personal and professional lives -We must learn the appropriate skills to deal with conflict -Workshops and training programs have emerged since around the 1970s but there has been little systematic research

Why do we need to be able to deal with conflict?

Level of consciousness; intentionality It is a process that concerns interactions with another.

Wiemann and Giles (1988) emphasize two characteristics of communication. What are they?

- Issue is trivial, more important issues are pressing - You perceive no chance of satisfying your concerns - Potential disruption outweighs the benefits of solution

Withdrawal is appropriate in conflicting situations when ?

If there are psychological barriers: - Fear of being 'taken for a ride' - Guilt for being assertive - Intimidation - Fear of 'losing face' - Wanting to be liked or needing to be 'nice' - Fear of conflict - Lack of self-confidence

Withdrawal is not appropriate in conflicting situations when?

e) Both A and C

You are more likely to make eye contact when you: a) Are discussing easy impersonal topics b) Are physically near your partner c) Are listening d)Both B and C e) Both A and C

d) all the above

You can use eye-contact to: a)Regulate or control the conversation b):Monitor feedback c) Signal the nature of the relationship d) all the above

Self concept

Your _________________________ is comprised in part of your attitudes, beliefs and values

Constructive feedback

_____________ increases our self awareness, offers us options and the opportunity to change our behaviour.

Encoder, Decoder

_____________ speaks and a ______________ listens

Reflecting Feelings

______________ _________________is responding to the speaker's emotions and subjective experience, not just their words. This gives the speaker an opportunity to listen more deeply to their own feelings


______________ is attributing a variety of positive qualities to people without personally confirming the existence of those qualities __________________ is attributing a variety of negative qualities to those we dislike

Self-fulfilling Prophecy

______________ is the prediction about future actions that is likely to come true because the person believes that it will come true.


________________ is a way of learning more about ourselves and the effect of our behaviour on others.


_________________ is a main barrier and includes criticizing, name calling, diagnosing and praising evaluatively.

Non-verbal Communication

_________________ is the process of signaling meaning through behaviour that does not involve the content of spoken words

Self Serving Bias

__________________ is the tendency to attribute our successes to stable internal causes while attributing our failures to unstable external causes.

Self-oriented behaviour

___________________ behaviours have a negative effect as a team member puts his or her personal needs ahead of the team.


___________________ feedback is an unskilled type of feedback which usually leaves the recipient feeling bad with seemingly nothing to build on.

Submissive/ Passive

___________________ people fail to assert their rights, they do what others tell them to do without questioning and without concern for what is best for them "you win, I lose" philosophy.

Elaboration questions

____________________ _______________ are questons that provides the speaker with an opportunity to expand on what she or he has said. E.g. "Do you want to talk about that?" E.g. "What then?"


____________________ is anything that distorts a message and prevents the receiver from receiving a message


____________________ is making a statement about the content of what the speaker has said, but framed in the listener's own words.


_____________________ behaviour contributes directly to the accomplishment of the task.


_____________________ involves believing in the other person and seeing him or her as someone who we can depend on


_____________________ is about providing personal and private information to someone we trust.

Primacy; Recency

_____________________ is the tendency to attend to the first pieces of information that we observe about another person. That impression often affects our interpretation of subsequent perceptions of that person. _________________ is the tendency to emphasize the most recent impression over earlier impressions when forming a perception.

Maintenance- oriented

______________________ behaviours focus on maintaining harmony and providing a supportive climate.


______________________ is any situation where there are differences over goals, cognitions or emotions within or between individuals or groups that lead to opposition or antagonistic interaction

Self Awareness

_______________________ is the extent to which you know yourself.

Communication Competence

_______________________ means that there is effective communication between interactees


________________________ involves the mutual exchange of information between conscious encoders and decoders, on one or more communication channels (verbal or nonverbal, vocal or nonvocal) where the messages are intentionally sent or perceived as intentional, using a shared code.


__________________________ is the behaviour that enables you to act in your own best interests without denying or infringing upon the rights of others It's the ability to speak up for ourselves in a way that is honest and respectful.

Negative conflict

___________________________ is a type of conflict that is dysfunctional and hinders the ability to attain goals or objectives. It is destructive when it leads to stress, anxiety etc.

Communication climates

____________________________ are a continuum with one end representing confirming and the other end representing disconfirming. Confirming --> Mixed ---> Disconfirming

Self Monitoring Behaviour

____________________________ is an awareness of how you look, how you sound and how your behaviour is affecting others. Hint: High self monitors Low self monitors

Social Comparison; Reflected Appraisal

_____________________________ is the process of assessing ourselves in relation to others. ___________________ are perception of another's view of us

QUESTIONs to Obtain Specific Detail

_________________________________________ are questions that can be used when the listener would like to request concrete information about the speaker's issue, which is essential to understanding the problem. E.g. "When was the first time it happened?" E.g. "What did you do when it happened before?"

QUESTIONS to check understanding

___________________________________________ are useful questions to ask when you are unsure of what the speaker is trying to say. E.g. "Can you explain what you mean by that?" E.g. "When you said this before, what did you mean?"

Solution-focused Questions

____________________________________________ are questions that guides the speaker's thinking to a more problem solving emphasis. E.g. "What are your options?" E.g. "What do you think you might do?"

Communication Climate

_____________________________is the overall feeling of emotional mood between people - warm or cold, safe or anxious, comfortable or awkward, accepting or rejecting, open or guarded - that is shaped by verbal and nonverbal interaction between people.

1. Forming and Managing Impressions 2. Forming and Defining Relationships 3. Structuring Conversation and Social Interaction 4. Influencing and Deceiving 5. Expressing Emotions

what are the Functions of Nonverbal Communication?


" Well what did you expect? The way your acting its no wonder he left you." This barrier is known as?

d) Criticizing

"I don't understand people who travel to foreign countries but don't have any interest in trying the local food and culture" This is example of what judging barrier? a) Name calling b) Diverting c) Diagnosing d)Criticising

Logical Argument

"If you didn't leave it to the last minute you wouldn't be so stressed" This communication barrier is known as?


"We have a relationship" and "We are not a team" are examples of what type of confirming and disconfirming messages?


"What you think is true" and "You are wrong" are examples of what type of confirming and disconfirming messages?

Commit, responsibility

Aaron Beck (1988) stated that by making a decision to ____________ to a relationship, there is _____________ for the relationship.

1) When you are wrong - allow a better position to be heard, to learn and show reasonableness 2) When issues are more important to others than yourself

Accommodating is appropriate when?

4 Steps 1. Neutralization - Each need is met but not full satisfied by either partner 2. Selection -We prioritize one dialectical need and neglect another 3. Separation - We separate our needs across our interactions 4. Reframing - We redefine what a tension means

According to Baxter (1990) how do we deal with the 3 dialectal tensions in our relationships?

to develop a clear understanding and to clearly communication interest in the speaker's message

According to McNaughton why does active listening matter?

False - it is ideal not unnecessary

According to Samson and Daft a mix of task-specialist and social-emotional roles unnecessary. True or False?

PAYOFFS 1) Secure material needs and objects they desire 2) Are less vulnerable and protect self 3) Survives far better than others and paid more handsomely - in short run PENALTIES 1) Aggression alienates others 2) Destroys relationships because people feel used 3) Aggression can be detrimental to health 4) Loss of control 5) Aggression fosters its own destruction

Being aggressive means that you get your needs met - but at what cost? There are many payoffs and penalties. Give examples.

PAYOFFS 1) Never to blame 2) Selfless 3) Need lots of protection 4) Win over aggression PENALTIES 1)Live an unlived life 2) Relationships less sat. 3) Lack control in their emotions -> ill health

Being submissive means you can avoid conflict situations - but at what cost? There are many payoffs and penalties. Give examples.

Body Movement

Chronemics is to time as Kinesics is to ________________

Approach-Avoidance Equilibrium

If we stand up close to someone, we will reduce our eye gaze (depends on how well we know the other person and his/her status)---- This is an example of?

d) disconfirming

Ignoring or inappropriately interacting with a person creates a __________________ communication climate. a) Confirming b) Unhappy c) Mixed d) Disconfirming

In adjourning people leave the team.

In Tuckman's 5 Stages of team develop it is mentioned that instead of adjourning existing teams regress back to an earlier stage of development. Explain this.


In terms of Acknowledgement, we can create a ____________________ communication climate by not picking up on what someone says or denying what has been said


In this stage of team development groups initially concern themselves with orientation and try to identify the boundaries of both interpersonal and task behaviours. What stage is this?


In what stage of team development do members get feelings of resistance to methods, discomfort and fluctuations in confidence of team?


In what stage of team development does the interpersonal structure becomes the tool of task activities. Roles become flexible and functional, and group energy is channelled into the task?


In what stage of team development is there in-group feelings and cohesiveness develop, new standards evolve, and new roles are adopted?

False Open questions - allows the respondents to express themselves and it is used when the listener doesn't have prior knowledge of a topic and ask questions to gain info.

TRUE or FALSE? Closed questions are used when the respondent needs to express opinions, thoughts, feelings, attitudes and experiences. It is also used when the listener does not have prior knowledge of a topic and can ask questions to gain information

Approach and Avoidance

The amount of eye contact in any conversation is a product of a variety of _____________and _______________ forces

inclusion,control and affection 1. Need for Inclusion (to be with others) 2. Need for Control (controlling and being controlled) 3. Need for Affection (levels of warmth and support and intimacy) Influences how we communicate

The extent that each of us has a: need for _______________, _____________ and _________ influences how we communicate

Johari Window

The__________________________ is a communication model that can be used to improve understanding between individuals.

1. Investment: What do we put into our relationships? 2. Commitment: Do we remain in a relationship? 3. Trust: Do you have a high degree of trust in a relationship? 4. Self-disclosure: How much you do self-disclose in a relationship?

There are many features that make up satisfying relationships. However, there are 4 that are critical to building and sustaining positive relationships. What are they

1. Feeling words and phrases 2. Verbal and nonverbal messages

There are two areas of focus when reflecting _____________ and _______________


This dialectic is the need for relationship originality and relationship familiarity. There is no correct balance and it is more about finding the balance in your relationship. This balance is about both personal relationships and work relationships. What dialect is being described?

1. Avoiding (Withdraw), Low assertion: Low Cooperation, by withdrawing from the conflict 2. Accommodating, Low assertion: High Cooperation, by yielding your position 3. Compromising, Moderate assertion: Mod Cooperation, to achieve some of your goals 4. Competing, High Assertion: Low Cooperation, imposing your will on the other 5. Collaborating, High Assertion: High Cooperation, achieve all stated goals

What are (Thomas & Kilmann [1974]) Conflict-Handling Modes?

1. To gauge how you went 2. To note what went well and what needs improvement

What are 2 things feedback is useful for?

1. Expands understanding of the speaker's viewpoint 2. Critical component of verbal communication - help or hinder the exchange 3. Assist speakers to deal with their problems in their own terms

What are 3 benefits of asking Questions?

1. Positive emotions 2. Playfulness 3. Power and Control 4. Ritual

What are 3 things that Haptics (touch) communicates?

1. Physical noise 2. Physiological 3. Psychological 4. Semantic

What are 4 different types of noise?

1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning

What are Tuckman's 5 phases of Group development?

1. Verbal 2. Non-verbal

What are the 2 components of communication?

1. Judging 2. Avoiding the other's concern 3. Sending a solution

What are the 3 Categories of Barriers?

1. Diverting 2. Logical argument 3. Reassuring

What are the 3 barriers to communication that avoid other's concerns?

1. Over-generalises 2. Group development is not always linear 3. Mislabelling

What are the 3 criticism of Tuckman's 5 stages of team development?

1. Connection (with audience) 2. Communication ( different methods of communication) 3. Confidence (speaking confidently)

What are the 3 key skills of an effective presenter?

1. Reward - I can give you certain rewards 2. Coercive - I can punish or threaten you 3. Legitimate - my power is fair and legitimate 4. Reference - You identify with me or wish to be like me 5. Expert - you recognise I am an expert in specific areas

What are the 3 types of power and status in teams?

1. Secure attachment: caregiver is consistently attentive 2. Fearful attachment: caregiver is unavailable or communicates in a negative, rejecting, or abusive way 3. Dismissive attachment: promoted by caregivers who are disinterested in, rejecting of, or unavailable to children (but the child has a positive view of self) 4. Anxious/ ambivalent attachment: most complex, caregiver is inconsistent and unpredictable

What are the 4 different Attachment Styles?

Fact Conflict: giving or receiving information incorrectly Values Conflict: differences in belief Ego Conflict: arguing about who knows the most Task Conflict: deciding on the best way to carry out a task. This kind of conflict can be good.

What are the 4 types of Conflict?

1. Actively be aware of what is confirming or disconfirming- what influences the climate? 2. Accept and confirm others 3. Affirm and assert yourself 4. Respect diversity in relationships 5. Respond constructively to criticism

What are the 5 Principles for Creating and Sustaining Confirming Climates?

1. Circle 2. Chain 3. Star 4. Subgroups 5. All Channels

What are the 5 communication patterns ?

1. Define the conflict 2. Examine possible solutions 3. Test the solution 4. Evaluate the solution 5. Accept or reject the solution

What are the 5 conflict resolution stages?

1. Describe the problem 2. State how this problem affects you 3. Propose solutions that are workable and that allow the person to save face 4.Confirm your understanding 5. Reflect on your own assertiveness

What are the 5 steps to being Assertive?

1) Open versus closed questions 2) Elaboration questions 3) Questions for checking understanding 4) Questions for getting specific detail 5) Solution focused questions

What are the 5 types of questions?

1 Differences in goals/objective 2 Miscommunication 3 Differing attitudes, values and perceptions 4 Personality clashes 5 Role ambiguities 6 Resource scarcities 7 Task Interdependence 8 Competing objectives 9 Unresolved prior conflicts

What are the Antecedents and Sources of Conflict? Give 5 examples

ADVANTAGES 1. Assertive people like themselves 2. Have fulfilling relationships 3. At least attempt to live their own life PRICE 1. Being true to your own values can be risky 2. Risking dissension and bringing about conflict to improve situations 3. Assertion takes willpower- sometimes easier to be submissive or aggressive

What are the advantages and Price of Assertion

1. Creativity and innovation 2. Quality of decisions improved; Interest and curiosity 3. Problems aired and tensions released; Improved relationships and co-operation; Group cohesiveness (inter-group conflict) 4. Fosters self-evaluation and change; Reassessment of group goals and activities; Antidote to 'group think'; Improves performance 5. Clarification of key issues and values

What are the consequences of Functional Conflict? Give 3 examples

1. Poor communication; Resentment, violence; Withdrawal, avoidance, blaming 2. Reduced group cohesiveness; Infighting takes precedence over group goals; Lowered productivity and group performance 3. Depletion of energy and creativity

What are the consequences of dysfunctional conflict? give 3 examples


What are the signals that serve as stimuli for the receiver (decoder) and can be verbal or non-verbal ?


What dialectic is about communication tensions?

Door opener is a following skill that is an invitation to talk.

What is 'door opener?

Can be problematic when used in excess or to serve the purpose of the listener, not the speaker.

What is a issue with asking questions?

1. Select best time 2. Define needs 3. Brainstorm solutions 4. Evaluate solutions 5. Choose solutions 6 Implement solutions

What is the 6 step approach to problem solving?

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