Conceptual/ associative meaning

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bad transmission, high gas prices, freedom, road


glass, plastic, screen, home button


ridiculously priced, hard to use, easy to use, Apple geniuses


steering wheel, trunk, two-or-four-door, gas pedal

Associative meaning

"Low calorie" doesn't mean good for you! NOT basic conceptual meaning of the expression


Pence is 57-years-old, Indiana governor, Trump running mate, politician


Pence is homophobic, corrupt, scary, professional

Conceptual meaning of iPhone

Plastic, home button,glass

C of car

Steering wheels brakes windows


Aims to signify objective connections

A of car

Bad transmission high gas prices travel


Covers basic essential components of meaning which are conveyed by the LITERAL use of a word

Associative meaning or connotations

Funneled through the experience of the reader or listener


Investigate meaning of words in a language to characterize CONCEPTUAL meaning; less concerned with associative (stylistic) meaning of words

Associative meaning of needle

Ones experience taught them to view the word "needle" as something that ignites "pain" rather than the object itself

Conceptual meaning of needle

Thin sharp steel an instrument

Associative meaning of iPhone

Waste of money, amazing, advanced

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