Connective tissue - DENSE

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What are the three different dense connective tissues:

-Dense regular -Dense irregular -Elastic

Name two places in the body where elastic connective tissue is found

1. walls of large arteries 2. within the walls of the bronchial tubes.

Define fascia

A fibrous membrane that wraps around muscles, groups of muscles, blood vessels, and nerves, binding them together like plastic wrap.

Describe the structure and composition of dense regular connective tissue and explain why it is so strong

Closely packed bundle of collagen fibres running in the same direction = flexible structure with great resistance to tension. With its dense regular connective tissue, it forms tendons and ligaments as well as fascia.

Define tendon

Cords that attach muscles to bones. Aponeuroses - a flat sheetlike tendon that attaches muscle to other muscles or to bones.

Contrast dense regular and irregular connective tissue in terms of structure and function

Dense irregular has the same structural element as dense regular connective tissue. However, the bundle of collagen fibres are much thicker and they are arranged irregularly (they run in more than one plane) in dense irregular.


Description: Dense regular connective tissue. Contains a lot of elastic fibres. Function: allows tissue to recoil after stretching - maintains pulsatile flow of blood through arteries. Location: walls of the large arteries.


Description: irregular arranged collagen fibres, some elastic fibres and a lot of fibroblast cells. Function: withstands tension exerted in many direction, provides structural strength. Location: capsules of organs, and joints, dermis of the skin.


Description: parallel collagen fibres, elastic fibres and a lot of fibroblast cells. Function: attaches muscles to bones, or to muscles, bone to bone and with stands great strength. Location: most tendons and ligaments.

Define ligaments

Ligaments bind bones together at joints.

What is the difference between ligaments and tendons?

Ligaments contain more elastic fibres than tendons and are slightly more stretchy.

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