Consumer Behavior (Ch. 8-11 Quizzes)

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The source of a communication represents

"who" delivers the message

Currently, what percentage of the U.S. households have a DVR?


A consumer's propensity to pursue differentness relative to others through the acquisition, utilization, and disposition of consumer goods is exhibiting

A need for uniqueness

When Joan sees an ad with a kitten or puppy, she always pays attention because seeing them makes her feel so happy. This emotional or feeling response triggered by the ads is known as

Affective interpretation

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is based on which premise?

All of these choices are correct: 1. All humans acquire a similar set of motives through genetic endowment and social interaction. 2. Some motives are more basic or critical than others. 3. The more basic motives must be satisfied to a minimum level before other motives are activated. 4. As the basic motives become satisfied, more advanced motives come into play.

In which type of motivational conflict must a consumer choose between two attractive alternatives?


Using the toll-free number 1-800-FLOWERS to help consumers remember the phone number is an example of


What are the two basic forms of conditioned learning?

Classical and operant

_____ involves presenting an incomplete stimulus with the goal of getting consumers to complete it and thus become more engaged and involved.


A loyal consumer will often use __________ to protect their brand by reducing the importance they put on a given attribute.


__________ is the first strategy a loyal consumer uses when their favorite brand is attacked with negative information.


Which type of ad is designed primarily to elicit a positive affective response rather than to provide information or arguments?

Emotional ad

_________ represents the number of cues in the stimulus field.

Information Quantity

A series of activities by which stimuli are perceived, transformed into information, and stored is called

Information processing

Motives that are either unknown to the consumer or are such that he or she is reluctant to admit them are referred to as __________ motives.


Which of the following is not an advertising tactic used to communicate brand personality?

Length of the ad

Which of the following is the primary determinant of how material is learned?

Level of involvement

Which of the following is considered an individual factor affecting attention?


Adam was working on a term paper and was exposed to so much information that he devised a classification system to organize the different sources of information he was using. This reflects which cognitive preservation motive?

Need to categorize

Erin is very imaginative and appreciative of all types of art. She is very creatively talented, and others come to her for novel solutions to problems because she tends to "think outside the box." Which core trait best describes Erin?

Openness to experience

Changing behavior prior to changing affect or cognition is based primarily on

Operant conditioning

Which type of conditioning requires that consumers first engage in a deliberate behavior (i.e., trying the product) and come to understand its power in predicting positive outcomes that serve as reinforcement?

Operant conditioning

__________ attempts to create an association between a response (e.g., buying a brand) and some outcome (e.g., satisfaction) that serves to reinforce the response.

Operant conditioning

The fact that all aspects of the perception process are extremely selective is referred to as

Perceptual defenses

Which of the following reflects the relatively stable behavioral tendencies that individuals display across a variety of situations?


__________ is an individual's characteristic response tendencies across similar situations.


Which of the following is false regarding the central route to persuasion in the elaboration likelihood model?

Persuasion operates through classical conditioning

Which group of consumers is better able to chunk product information?

Product experts

_______ indicates motivation or interest in a specific product category, and it can be temporary or enduring.

Product involvement

__________ meaning is the specific meaning assigned a word by a given individual or group of individuals based on their experiences, expectations, and the context in which the term is used.


Which of the following is not a specific learning theory?


Which of the following are the two interrelated components of memory?

Short-term and long-term memory

Karen went to a movie and was disappointed because the main character died. She prefers happy endings to movies, and this one really put her in a bad mood for the rest of the day. This movie was in contrast with which need of Karen's?

Teleological need

Anne appears in a television commercial for a local chiropractor. She tells the audience how she suffered from migraine headaches several times a month. However, once she started treatment at this particular chiropractor, her headaches disappeared. She claimed, "I kept expecting them to come back, but they didn't. I have a whole new lease on life, thanks to Peavy Chiropractic!" Which type of ad is this?

Testimonial ad

A consumer's tendency to initially react to a new product as though it were the same as similar existing products is most likely to be based on a need

To categorize

The owner of a local restaurant wants to enhance consumers' attitudes toward his restaurant by changing the affective component of their attitude. Which of the following is an appropriate approach to achieve this objective?

Use positive music in their advertisements so that over time consumers will transfer the positive affect associated with the music to the restaurant.

Carla watches television shows whenever she has time because she uses a digital video recorder to record the shows. When she watches them, she fast-forwards through the commercials, which is known as _____.


The repositioning of the Johnnie Walker whiskey brand with the Jane Walker whiskey special promotion may lead to consequences of

brand equity erosion and customer alienation

Many consumers associate Mercedes automobiles with status, luxury, quality engineering, and high price. This is an example of Mercedes'

brand image

Strong, relatively uncontrollable feelings that affect our behavior are known as


Advertisements or sales messages in which only one point of view is expressed are referred to as

one-sided messages

Whole Foods Supermarkets have been described as down-to-earth, honest, wholesome, and cheerful. Which dimension of brand personality does this represent?


SAM (Self-Assessment Manikin) is used to assess which component of attitude?


Swiss Miss instant hot chocolate uses images of winter Olympic athletic events with athletes and fans warming up to a mug of their instant cocoa. While Swiss Miss is not an official sponsor of the winter Olympics, consumers viewing the ads might reasonably infer that they were. What type of marketing is this?

Ambush Marketing

Which of the following is an ability factor related to attention that may require less attention to the brand's ads by an individual due to their high existing knowledge?

Brand familiarity

Organizing individual items into groups of related items that can be processed as a single unit is called


An advertisement for AT&T long distance telephone service split the screen in two and showed a person on each screen talking on the telephone. Below each person, there was a running total of the cost of the call. At the end of the commercial, the total cost on the AT&T side was lower than that for the Sprint side. This is an example of which type of ad?

Comparative ad

__________ is used by loyal consumers, whereby they "seal off" the negative information as a way to quarantine.


Kay was watching American Idol on television when a commercial for toilet tissue came on. She was not motivated at all to process the information provided in the ad. Which type of learning situation does this represent?

Low-involvement learning

Anything that increases the likelihood that a given response will be repeated in the future is considered


Which type of reasoning allows consumers to use an existing knowledge base to understand a new situation or object?

Analogical reasoning

Which of the following is used to understand a consumer's cognitive component of attitude?

Multiattribute attitude model

Which term is often used interchangeably with the term "motivation"?


Which type of appeal involves informing the consumer of one or more functional benefits that are important to the target market?

Utilitarian appeal

Marketers must promote __________ rather than __________, especially for less knowledgeable consumers and for complex products.

benefits, features

Skippy is a well-known brand of peanut butter that recently introduced a line of snack bars bearing the Skippy name. This is an example of _____.

A brand extension

An advertising theme such as "Serve Pepsi to your friends, they'll love you for it" is most likely based on __________ motivation.


Which of the following can be a component of a multiattribute model?

All of these choices are correct: 1. a consumer's attitude toward a particular brand 2. a consumer's belief about how a brand performs on a given attribute 3. the importance the consumer attaches to an attribute 4. a consumer's ideal level of performance on an attribute

Carissa is highly involved is a purchase decision for a new car. She has searched the Internet, visited car dealerships, talked to friends and family, and paid attention to advertisements. According to the elaboration likelihood model, by which route is Carissa likely to be persuaded?

Central route

Color and the nature of the programming surrounding the brand's advertisement are examples of __________ present in the situation that can play a role in consumer interpretation independent of the actual stimulus.

Contextual Cues

Beverly went to the store to purchase instant hot chocolate mix for her family. A sign near the hot chocolate directed her to a specific aisle where she could purchase marshmallows. This is an example of a(n) _____.


Which emotion would be classified under the "arousal" dimension of emotion?


Shirley and Bud have been married for almost 50 years, but Shirley can remember their wedding day so clearly. She remembers how happy she felt that day and how wonderful it was to celebrate their marriage with all of their family and friends. She even remembers walking down the aisle, seeing her future husband waiting for her, and her father kissing her as he placed her hand in Bud's. Which type of memory does this represent?

Episodic memory

________ involves presenting the stimulus in such a way that is perceived as the focal object to be attended to and all other stimuli are perceived as the background.


Which type of processing involves the recall and mental manipulation of sensory images, including sight, smell, taste, and tactile (touch) sensations?

Imagery processing

The manufacturer of the Little Giant Ladder runs a commercial that is 60 minutes long. The inventor of the ladder shows the versatility and uniqueness of this ladder, and several "regular" people demonstrate how easy it is to use. In fact, this ladder is over 20 ladders in one because of the many different ways it can be configured. Viewers can call the 800 number or visit the website to purchase this product. This is an example of a(n) ______.


James begged his mother to buy him some high-top Converse shoes. When asked why he wanted these shoes, he said that he wanted them because they are comfortable. He really wanted them because his two best friends have them, and if he had them, he would be considered "cool," but he didn't want to tell his mother that. Wanting to appear "cool" to his friends represents which type of motive?


What are the major individual factors affecting attention?

Motivation and ability

Which of the following statements is false regarding situational factors affecting attention?

Motivation and ability are two major situational factors affecting attention

Duane is attempting to determine consumers' attitudes toward his restaurant by asking them their beliefs about how his restaurant performs on several attributes, such as price, ambience, quality of the food, and friendliness of service. Consumers can rate his restaurant with a score of 1 to 7 for each of these attributes, with 7 being the highest. Duane adds up the scores to see how he performs, using the assumption that a higher total is better. At a basic level, which type of model is Duane using?

Multiattribute attitude model

Which set of motives deals with our need to determine who or what causes the things that happen to us?

Need for attribution

Which need results in the consumer's playing various roles and gaining pleasure from adding new, satisfying roles and by increasing the significance of roles already adopted?

Need for identification

Some people are known as "super tasters" because they have a higher concentration of taste buds compared to normal people. As a result, they tend to dislike the taste of broccoli because they claim it is too bitter. What type of trait is this?


Ron owns a small retail establishment and is seeking your advice regarding getting shoppers' attention in the store. What should you recommend to Ron to help him get shoppers' attention?

Ron should use warm colors, such as reds and yellows, because they are more arousing than cool colors.

Which of the following statements is false regarding short-term memory (STM)?

STM is a static structure

Ads that encourage consumers to remember past personal experiences and use language such as "you" and "your" in the copy are using the strategy of __________ to enhance message involvement.


Banana Republic is promoting high-end accessories in its "The Company We Keep" collection. This may help consumers recognize Banana Republic's personality dimension as __________?


In which type of ad does a person, generally a typical member of the target market, recount his or her successful use of the product, service, or idea?

Testimonial ad

When consumers see the new product (i.e., brand extension) as requiring the same manufacturing skills as the original, successful brand leverage is more likely. Which dimension is this referring to?


Kimberly-Clark is interested in mothers' emotional reactions to their Huggies brand of disposable diapers, which usually have popular characters or cute designs printed on them. Which component of attitude is Kimberly-Clark interested in?


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