Consumer Behavior Exam 2

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Environmental concerns don't guarantee purchase of green products. negative perceptions are on the rise due to beliefs that green products are...

- too expensive - lower quality - not better for the environment - not green as claimed

Which of the following is a factor influencing nonverbal communications?

-Things -Relationships -Space -Symbols

The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) or gay market has been estimated to comprise ____ of the adult U.S. population.

2-5 percent

the lgbt or gay market has been estimated to comprise ____ of the adult US population

2-5 percent

what is the approximate population of the united states today?

330 million

Which of the following is a current American value?


Coca-Cola is highly successful in marketing its beverages outside of the United States. Which factors do they use to adapt within and across countries where they do business?

All of these are correct (cultural homogeneity, ethical implications, affordability, infrastructure)

Which of the following is enabling the growth of a global culture?

All of these are correct (mass media, work, education, travel)

Which of the following is a segment of mature consumers?

All of these choices are correct (Healthy Indulgers, Ailing Outgoers, Healthy Hermits, Frail Recluses)

Gay consumers, like heterosexuals, vary in terms of

All of these choices are correct (ethnicity, geographic region, occupations, age)

Which of the following variables is associated with cognitive age?

All of these choices are correct (health, education, income, social support)

The "Green Guides" provide examples of acceptable and unacceptable practices dealing with advertising and package claims relating to such areas as the environment, in general, as well those relating specifically to

All of these choices are correct (ozone friendly, biodegradable, recyclable, recycled content)

Which of the following is a factor affecting the spread of innovations?

All of these choices are correct (type of group, type of decision, compatibility, observability)

Which of the following statements is false regarding the religious/ secular value in American society?

America is basically a religious society

Which cohort was born between 1930 and 1945?

Depression generation

Gertrude expressed deeply felt environmental concerns and tailors everything she does and purchases to these beliefs. Which segment of environmental activism best describes Gertrude?


____ represents generally accepted ways of behaving in social situations


T/F Consumers may doubt Toms Shoes CRM because they are tied to a charitable organization with strings attached.


T/F Global citizens are highly concentrated in the U.S. and the U.K.


T/F Green marketing, like food supplement marketing, is unregulated and marketers can make unsubstantiated claims without penalty.


T/F Psychographics describe a population in terms of its size, structure and distribution.


T/F The largest single influence toward uniformity among youth worldwide is education.

False (mass media)

which generation is not part of the mature market?

Generation X

_____ is based on the cost of a standard market basket of products bought in each country.

Purchasing power parity (PPP)

____ values reflect objectives and approaches to life that the individual members of society find desirable.


Which type of materialism is the acquisition of items for the sake of owning the item itself?


Which of the following is true regarding changes in American cultural values?

There is substantial variance in values across individuals and groups.

T/F America is basically a secular society


T/F Consumers higher in individualism are more likely to complain, switch, or engage in negative word-or-mouth.


Which of the following is false regarding trends in the global youth market?

U.S. brands are currently the leaders among global teens

what is not true regarding glocalization?

Uniformity is always possible

Which of the following is false regarding cross-cultural marketing?

While marketing strategy is heavily influenced by cultural factors, it does not influence aspects of cultures

Which of the following statements is false regarding cross-cultural marketing?

While marketing strategy is heavily influenced by cultural factors, it does not influence aspects of cultures.

Those who work in such professionals are architecture, science, engineering, and health care and business who generate new idea and technologies for a living and engage in complex problem solving are referred to as

a creative class

a family structure with either two or more adult generations, or with both grandparents and grandchildren living under one roof is known as

a multigenerational household

____ are based on performance criteria over which the individual has some degree of control

achievement roles

The fact that Americans are prone to engage in physical activities and to take an action-oriented approach to problems can be explained through which self-oriented value dichotomy?


refers to the culture's reward system based on performance or on inherited factors such as family or class

active/passive cultural value

placing ads in videogames is known as


When did Americans begin to place emphasis on leisure, immediate gratification, and sensual gratification?

after the end of WW 2

_____ have experienced health problems which limit their physical activities, but their positive outlook means they remain active within physical constraints.

ailing outgoers

environmental concerns don't guarantee purchase of green products. negative perceptions are on the rise due to beliefs that green products are

all of these choices are correct

the growth in numbers of multigenerational households can be attributed to which of the following factors?

all of these choices are correct

which criterion is used to classify groups?

all of these choices are correct

which of the following is a reason why more baby boomers continue to work longer than previous generations?

all of these choices are correct

which of the following is considered a symbol that has varying meaning across cultures?

all of these choices are correct

which of the following statements regarding age is true?

all of these choices are correct

which of the following statements is false regarding the religious/secular value in american society?

america is basically a religious society

A(n) _____ is based on an attribute over which the individual has little or no control.

ascribed role

Which culture has traditionally valued the wisdom that comes with age?


Amanda is in junior high and begged her mother to buy her a certain brand of athletic shoe that all the "cool" kids in school were wearing. She thought that if she had those shoes, she would be accepted as one of them. To Amanda, these other students in school that she wants to be associated with represent a(n)

aspiration reference group

Individuals frequently purchase products thought to be used by a desired group in order to achieve actual or symbolic membership in the group. This type of group is referred to as a(n) _____.

aspiration reference group

Carl likes to support marketers that support causes or charities that are important to him. However, he is concerned about a marketers motive behind cause related marketing programs and uses good judgement on which ones support. Carl is best described as belonging to which group of consumers?


Robert and his wife, Jan, were both born in the 1950s. The last of their three children will graduate from college soon, which is leaving them with increased discretionary income and time. To which generation do Robert and Jan belong?

baby boom generation

which generation is considered to be more self-centered, individualistic, economically optimistic, skeptical, suspicious of authority, and focused on the present than other generations?

baby boom generation

the largest, most diverse generational segment is

baby boomers

Which of the following is true regarding the baby boom market?

boomers are tech savvy

The Mini Getaway Tour, in which owners of Mini Coopers gather for the purposes of interacting with one another in the context of learning about and using their Mini Coopers, are examples of a

brand fest

____ is defined as the exponential expansion of word of mouth


in which country is the concept of guanxi, which involves personal relationships, an important consideration?


Gertrude is 93 years old, but she perceives herself to be about 65 years old. Sixty-five is Gertrude's __________ age.

cognitive age

Which factor affecting the spread of innovations refers to the consistency with the individual's and group's values or beliefs?


which of the following is not an example of an environment-oriented value?


relate to a society's view on the appropriate relationship between individuals and groups in society

competitive/cooperative cultural value

online information created by social media users about a brand to inform consumers is known as

consumer generated content

Which of the following is a challenge facing marketers who implement cause-related marketing programs?

consumer skepticism and apathy are demonstrated

which of the following statements is false regarding word of mouth communications

consumers generally trust advertising as much as they do WOM

A distinctive subgroup of society that self-selects on the basis of a shared commitment to a particular product class, brand, or consumption activity is known as

consumption subculture

Commercially launching autonomous (driverless) vehicles will be an example of ..... in the vehicle industry

continuous innovation

Which index is published by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and measures how equitably a company treats its LGBT (lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) employees, customers, and investors?

corporate equality index (CEI)

which index is published by the human rights campaign foundation and measures how equitably a company treats its LGBT employees, customers, and investors?

corporate equality index (CEI)

Lakeisha is an architect, and her husband, Timothy is an engineer. Both are in their early 30s. They represent a growing percentage of the workforce along with others who generate new ideas and technologies for a living engage in complex problems solving. Lakeisha and Timothy are part of the...

creative class

Marketers that wish to expand internationally need to understand a cultures widely held beliefs that affirm what is desirable. To do this, markets should study...

cultural values

Which is true regarding culture?

culture is acquired

Harriett wants to describe the population of a new market in which her firm wishes to enter. She wants to describe the population in terms of its size, distribution, and structure. Which of the following should she use?


____ describes a population in terms of its size, structure, and distribution


which of the following describes a population in terms of its size, distribution, and structure?


Which of the following is not a factor that creates problems in literal translations and slang expressions?

differences in the direction in which written words are read

bob is somewhat of a loner in high school. he really despises the school "jocks" that seem to be involved in every sport. he doesn't want anything to do with them or be like them in any way. to bob, the group of student who represent the school athletes is a (n)

dissociative reference group

The United States is comprised of a culture that accepts a wide array of personal behaviors and attitudes, foods, dress, and other products and services. Thus, the United States values


which of the following is a segment used to describe consumers with respect to their environmental activism


which of the following characterizes opinion leaders

enduring involvement in the product or activity

Sam has learned that a country to which his company desires to expand places a high value on cleanliness and admires nature immensely. Which category of cultural values does this represent?


refers to an orientation to a physically active approach to life

environment-oriented values

In Japan, the exchange of meishi is the most basic of social rituals in a nation where social ritual matters very much. The act of exchanging meishi is weighted with meaning. Once the social minuet is completed, the two know where they stand in relation to each other and their respective statures within the hierarchy of corporate or government bureaucracy. What is "meishi"?

exchange of business cards

True or false: Adapting products and services to local considerations is known as localizing.


True or false: Cultures are static and rarely change


True or false: While culture heavily influences marketing strategy, culture is not influenced by marketing strategy.


true or false: advertising can stimulate and simulate word of mouth but not opinion leadership


true or false: an e-community is a community that interacts over time around a topic of interest on the internet


true or false: collectivism is a defining characteristic of american culture


true or false: education provides a complete explanation for consumption patterns


true or false: generation x is facing the major challenge of being the caretaker of their parents


true or false: generation z are more "risk takers" than generation x or generation y


true or false: the Hollingshead Index of Social Position (ISP) takes into consideration the rapid expansion of the role of women


true or false: The children of the original baby boomers, generation Y born between 1977 and 1994, are sometimes referred to as the "baby bust" generation.

false ("echo boom")

true or false: The top reason consumers want to interact with firms on social media is to be entertained.

false (get incentives such as coupons)

true or false: two companies cannot use the same logo and brand name when operating in different countries

false (global trademark law allows this)

true or false: a brand community is a geographically bound community, based on a structured set of social relationships among owners of a brand and the psychological relationship they have with the brand itself, the product in use, and the firm

false (non-geographically bound community)

true or false: The Depression generation is composed of those individuals born before 1930.

false (pre depression)

what is the basis for virtually all societies?

family unit

Which type of diffusion is more beneficial to the marketer?

fast diffusion

_____ tend to feel they don't have control over the outcome of events.



for the most part need to be established on a country by country basis

This segment of mature consumers has accepted their old-age status and has adjusted their lifestyles to reflect reduced physical capabilities and social roles.

frail recluse

Which term is used to refer to whether a person is biologically a male or female?

gender and sex

____ refers to the traits of femininity and masculinity.

gender identity

While women are vital members of the workforce in the United States, they are still considered the primary care givers of the children in a family. This represents women's __________ in American society.

gender role

the behaviors considered appropriate for males and females in a given society are known as

gender roles

Roger is an adult who has moved back in with his parents. He doesn't believe in sacrificing time, energy, and relations to the extent he sees older workers do for the sake of career or economic advancement. He has a master's degree but does not want to work for a large corporation. To which generation does Roger most likely belong?

generation x

nick was born in 1972. as long as he can remember, his mother worked outside the home. when he was 12, his parents divorced, which was hard on him, but the same thing happened to several of his friends. when both of his parents remarried, his view of a family changed to include all of his stepsisters and stepbrothers. to which generation does he belong?

generation x

which generation is both cynical and sophisticated about products, ads, and shopping?

generation x

which generation was born between 1965 and 1976?

generation x

Amie was born in 1991. Her mother is a college professor, and her father is an attorney. She's not sure what she wants to do when she grows up, but she knows she will go to college and embark on a career of her own. She was amazed when her grandmother told her that women really couldn't do that when she was young. If a woman did work, choices were usually limited to becoming a teacher, a secretary, or a nurse. Her grandmother told her that she was a secretary, but after she started having children, she left the workforce and stayed home to raise her children, which was common for most women at that time. That concept was totally foreign to Amie. To which generation does she belong?

generation y

Individuals born between 1977 and 1994 belong to which generation?

generation y

the children of the original baby boomers are known as ____

generation y

____ deals with the mature market and is based on the theory that people change their outlook on life when they experience major life events such as becoming a grandparent, retiring, losing a spouse, or developing chronic health conditions


As green claims increased in number and scope, the FTC developed the __________ to help alleviate concern over the potential for marketers to mislead consumers.

green guides

Health Valley is a brand of food, such as breakfast cereals, that uses all natural and organic ingredients. Moreover, they only purchase grain from organic farms. They state on their packages that "organic farming helps keep our food pure and protects our land and water from harmful substances. By supporting dozens of small organic farms, Health Valley helps protect a way of life for these family farmers, and helps ensure a safer and healthier Earth for you and your children." This is an example of

green marketing

Marketers have responded to Americans increasing concern for the environment with an approach called..

green marketing

two or more individuals who share a set of norms, values, or beliefs and have a certain implicitly or explicitly defined relationships to one another such that their behaviors are interdependent is known as a(n)


which type of reference group influence occurs when individuals have internalized the group's values and norms?


allows individuals to express the values they internalized by subscribing to the group's values

identification influence

A household's purchasing power is a function of which of the following?

income and accumulated wealth

which of the following is strongly associated with occupation

income and education

Which of the following is one of the defining characteristics of American society?


Jamarcus was his collegiate chapter's delegate at a national conference of a professional business fraternity, Phi Chi Theta, in which he is a member. When the business meeting was conducted, parliamentary procedure was used, and Jamarcus was not familiar with this. Thus, he looked to the others to learn how he should behave in this situation. What type of influence does this reference group exhibit?


which type of influence occurs when an individual uses the behaviors and opinions of reference group members as potentially useful bits of information?


allows individuals to use the group as a source of information

informational influence

which type of reference group influence do marketers use when developing advertisements

informational, normative, and identification

which adopter group represents the first 2.5 percent to adopt an innovation?


James used his birthday money to buy a skateboard so that he can be out with his friends at the park skateboarding. Which type of materialism does this represent?


Which of the following is most closely related to verbal communications?


what percentage of american adults exercise regularly?

less than 50%

which social class has low incomes and minimal education, may be unemployed for longer periods of time, and is the major recipient of government support and services provided by nonprofit organizations?

lower-lower class

some individuals have information about many different kinds of products, places to shop, and other aspects of markets. they can be considered a special type of opinion leader and are known as

market mavens

What is the largest single influence on the movement toward uniformity in the global youth market?

mass media

The voluntary simplicity movement in America represents a shift in which value?


Which of the following is a self-oriented value?


When comparing income levels by education and gender, which of the following is true?

men earn more than women at each level of education

twitter is an example of a

micro blogging tool

Which is not a reason why American work long hours?

minimum wage is higher the more hours worked

which is not a reason why americans work long hours?

minimum wage is higher the more hours worked

Rayna is married and a mother of four children. Both she and her husband share homemaking and child-rearing responsibilities. Rayna would be classified as a _____ gender orientation.


a women that is married where both she and her husband work and share homemaking and child care responsibilities is classified as ____ with respect to gender orientation


Which time perspective views time almost as a physical object believing that a person does one thing at a time?

monochronic time perspective

the ____ flow of communication involves opinion leaders for a particular product are who actively seek relevant information from the mass media as well as other sources. these opinion leaders process this information and transmit their interpretations of it to some members of their groups, and these group members also receive information from the mass media and other members who are not opinion leaders as well


which of the following is NOT a segment used to describe consumers with respect to their environmental activism

new green mainstream

____ are the arbitrary meaning a culture assigns actions, events, and things other than words

nonverbal communication systems

Howard Industries is a computer manufacturer located in Laurel, MS. This company is interested in expanding internationally. Which of the following is a cultural factor that affects consumer behavior and marketing strategy that Howard Industries needs to be aware of?

nonverbal communications

which type of reference group influence occurs when an individual fulfills group expectations to gain a direct reward or to avoid a sanction?


Amie usually wears a uniform to her Catholic school, but on the first Friday of every month, students can wear other clothes as long as they bring in something for the church's food bank. Amie loves to shop and has plenty of fashionable clothes, but on these free dress days, she usually wears blue jeans, a T-shirt, and athletic shoes. Her mother asked her why she doesn't wear her nice clothes, and Amie told her that she would be made fun of at school. Which type of influence do the other students have on Amie?

normative (is strongest when individuals have strong ties to the group and the product involved is socially conspicuous)

has a utilitarian function as individuals gain reward or avoid sanction from the group if they subscribe to the group's values

normative influence

The boundaries that culture sets on behavior are called


which of the following is NOT a criterion used to classify groups

number of members

Jill is a breast cancer survivor. She posts a blog, which is her online journal, on a site that is specifically for others to share their experiences and support one another. She and others discuss products that help them deal with the side effects of their treatments as well as products that can help them maintain their self-esteem (e.g., wigs). Jill is participating in a(n)

online community

which type of community interacts over time around a topic of interest on the internet?

online community

Mitch seems to know everything about cars - at least that's what his friends and family think. He has been involved with cars since he was a child and even took an engine apart and put it back together again by the time he was 16 years old. He reads several publications related to cars, visits websites, and hangs out with others who are interested in cars as well. Due to his enduring involvement with this product category, Mitch would be considered a(n) _____.

opinion leader

individuals who filter, interpret, or provide product and brand-relevant information to their family, friends, and colleagues are known as

opinion leaders

Asian societies value collective activity. That is, consumers look toward others for guidance in purchase decisions and do not respond favorably to promotional appeals focusing on individualism. Which category of cultural values does this represent?


refers to if an individual obtains success by excelling over others or by cooperating with them

other-oriented values

prescribe society's relationship to its economic; technical; and physical environment

performance/status cultural value

The nearness that others can come to you in various situations without your feeling uncomfortable is known as

personal space

Jose is from Brazil and is currently enrolled in an MBA program at a U.S. university. He routinely comes to class 30-60 minutes late and does not turn in assignments by the deadline. One of his professors pulled him aside and asked him why he's always late for class and turns his work in late. Jose was surprised that his professor was bothered by this as this behavior is entirely acceptable in Brazil. In fact, it's expected. Which of the following best describes Jose's time perspective?


In Germany, one concern retailers have in ensuring that cash drawers have enough money to make change when consumers make purchases. One company went so far to use a computerized model that monitored the weight of the cash drawer and signaled a need for replenishment. This is such a concern because consumers typically use cash to make purchases, which differs from other countries, such as the U.S. , where credit card use is more common. Which cultural value does this illustrate?

postponed gratification/immediate gratification

In Germany, one concern retailers have is ensuring that cash drawers have enough money to make change when consumers make purchases. One company went so far as to use a computerized model that monitored the weight of the cash drawer and signaled a need for replenishment. This is such a concern because consumers typically use cash to make purchases, which differs from other countries, such as the U.S., where credit card use is more common. Which cultural value does this illustrate?

postponed gratification/immediate gratification

Harold was born in 1923. He entered young adulthood during World War II, and served in the Navy during that war. He has witnessed radical social, economic, and technological change in his lifetime. To which generation does he belong?

pre-depression generation

Which of the following is not generally involved in green marketing?

pricing products lower than the competition

Angie is a teenager, living at home with her parents and two brothers. Even though she wants to venture out more on her own, her parents will not allow it, and she obeys their wishes. Her family represents a(n) _____ group.

primary group

Which type of group includes family and friends and involves strong ties and frequent interaction?

primary group

Which of the following is not an adopter category?


Heather and Jeff live on a farm in Iowa with their three children. They are concerned about the environment because of the high cost of heating their home in winter. Which environmental activism segment best describes Heather and her family?

proud traditionalist

which type of group's presumed perspectives or values are being used by an individual as the basis for his or her current behavior?

reference group

Whats an example of a self-oriented value?

religious/ secular

Which value relates to tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty avoidance?

risk taking/security

Sam is a healthy 75 year old man. He is a retired attorney, has a substantial retirement income, and is a member of several social groups that travel, help others, and encourage life-long learning. Which of the following is most likely true about Sam?

sam's cognitive age is less than 75

Robert is 15 years old and has recently moved to a new town, and therefore, a new high school. He was trying to get accepted by a group of kids that he wanted to be friends with. When they asked him to attend a party over the weekend, he said he'd have to ask his parents for permission. This group of students laughed at him and called him a "momma's boy" and told him he can't be one of them because they don't ask parents for permission, they just do what they want. This social disapproval of Robert's behavior is an example of a(n)


Robert is 15 yrs old and has recently moved to a new town, and therefore, a new high school. he was trying to get accepted by a group of kids that he wanted to be friends with. When they asked him to attend a party over the weekend, he said he'd have to ask his parents for permission. This group of students laughed at him and called him a "momma's boy" and told him he cant be one of them because they don't ask parents for permission, they just do hat they want. This social disapproval of Roberts behavior is an example of a(n)


Violation of cultural norms results in __________, or penalties ranging from mild social disapproval to banishment from the group.


as a marketing major, stan is a collegiate member of the american marketing association. this association holds a collegiate conference every year, and he did attend it one year. while this is a group he belongs to, his ties to other members are relatively weak and his interaction is infrequent. which type of group is this?

secondary group

which type of group includes organizations such as professional associations and neighborhood associations that involve relatively weak ties and less frequent interaction among its members?

secondary group

relate to personal objectives and approaches individual members of society find desirable

self-oriented values

with respect to advertising, ____ opinion leadership can involve presenting the results of surveys showing that a high percentage of either knowledgeable individuals or typical users recommend the brand


what two basic approaches are used to measure social status?

single-item and multi-item indexes

With respect to demographics, which of the following refers to the number of individuals in a society?


John doubts the sincerity of marketers who claim that they will donate to a cause if he purchases their product. He doesn't believe that they will make a difference because he thinks that marketers are only concerned with profits and probably only donate a small portion of their profits to the stated cause. John is best described as belonging to which group of consumers?


____ is done to enhance the welfare of individuals or society without direct benefits to a firm

social marketing

Which consumer group is driven by a desire to help with respect to cause-related marketing programs?

socially concerned

If customers can try out a product, it might ____ the rate of diffusion for the product.

speed up

With respect to demographics, which of the following describes the society in terms of age, income, education and occupation?


which type of materialism is the acquisition of items for the sake of owning the item itself?


which of the following factors had a significant impact on americans emphasis on security?

the depression, world war II, and the cold war

which of the following is true regarding the size and distribution of the population of the united states?

the growth has not been even throughout the united states

whether or not a new idea, practice, or product is an innovation is determined by

the perception of the potential market

Which changing American value has been blamed for the fact that people age 18 to 40 are most likely to admit that they are spending beyond their comfort range?

the shift toward immediate gratification

A culture's overall orientation toward time is known as its

time perspective

A cultures overall orientation towards time is known as its ___

time perspective

Before a marketer can successfully launch a brand in a foreign country, several nonverbal communication factors need to be understood. One of these factors is time, and international marketers must understand a culture's overall orientation toward time. This is known as a culture's

time perspective

Which of the following is not an example of an other-oriented value?


which of the following is an example of an environment-oriented value?


Catherine is married and a mother of two children. She has decided to forego her own career to stay home with her children until they are grown and on their own. Both she and her husband have decided that it is best for their family for him to assume the responsibility for providing financial security for them while she takes care of the home and family. Catherine would be classified as which type of woman?


Catherine is married and a mother of two children. She has decided to forego her own career to stay home with her children until they grow and are on their own. Both she and her husband have decided that it is best for their family for him to assume the responsibility for providing financial security for them while she takes care of the home and family. Catherine would be classified as which type of women?


a women who is married with the husband assuming the responsibility for providing for the family and the wife running the house and taking care of the children would be classified as


Lisa is a single mother of two and works two jobs to provide for her family and derives little or no satisfaction from employment. To which market segment would Lisa belong?

trapped working women

True or false: Marketing across cultural boundaries is a difficult and challenging task.


True or false: Other-oriented values reflect a society's view of the appropriate relationships between individuals and groups within that society.


True or false: The family unit is the basis for virtually all societies.


true or false: Adoption of a discontinuous innovation requires major changes in behavior of significant importance to the individual or group.


true or false: Gerontographics is one segmentation approach to the mature market that incorporates aging processes and life events to the physical health and mental outlook of older consumers.


true or false: Personal space refers to the nearness that others can come to you in various situations without your feeling uncomfortable.


true or false: The more the purchase and use of an innovation are consistent with the individual's and group's values or beliefs, the more rapid the diffusion.


true or false: a reference group is a group whose presumed perspective or values are being used by an individual as the basis for his or her current behavior


true or false: baby boomers are characterized by high education levels, high incomes, and dual-career households


true or false: consumers higher in individualism are more likely to complain, switch, or engage in negative word of mouth


true or false: enduring involvement leads to enhanced knowledge about and experience with the product category or activity


late adolescents and early teens are known as


The process of one person receiving information from the mass media or other sources and passing it on to others is known as the

two step flow of communication

Earl did not complete high school and works as a janitor at two jobs. His income is very low, and he does not possess any skills to help him get a better paying job. Which social class best describes Earl?

upper-lower class

which social class consists of individuals who are poorly educated, have very low incomes, and work as unskilled laborers?

upper-lower class

Carl is a physician earning $300,000 per year. Using the Coleman-Rainwater system, identify the social class to which Carl belongs


____ is consumers' efforts to reduce their reliance on consumption and material possessions.

voluntary simplicity

which of the following statements regarding the masculine/feminine value is false?

women in south korea frequently participate more in sports and exercise than men

Clara had an unpleasant experience at a local restaurant at lunch one day. She went back to work and told all her coworkers about this experience, and many of them said they would never go back to that restaurant. Which type of communication is this an example of?

word of mouth

which social class consists of skilled and semiskilled factory, service, and sales workers

working class

Buzz is a self-employed construction worker. He is proud of his ability to do "real work" and sees himself as the often-unappreciated backbone of America. He dislikes the upper-middle class and prefers products and stores positioned toward his social-class level. Which term best describes Buzz?

working-class aristocrat

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