Consumer Behavior

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what is the difference between indirect and direct experiences

actual experience with a product such as free samples so they get to use the product indirect would be from word of mouth or from commercials


an individual may redefine a frustrating situation by projecting blame for his or her own failures or inabilities on other objects or persons.

sensory adaption

getting used to certain sensations perfume in a store same commercial for a product

the affective component of an attitude

represents the consumers emotions and feelings regarding the attitude object which are considered evaluations, because they capture his or her global assessment of the attitude object

stimulus generalization

responding the same way to slightly different stimuli

ways by which customers overcome perceived risk

seek information remain brand loyal rely on brandimage rely on store image buy the most expensive model or brand

"me too"products

A product created by a company that is similar to a competitor's product in order to prevent that competitor from maximizing its market share.

consumer ethnocentrism-

a personality trait representing ones tendency towards buying or not buying foreign-made products

how has the adoption of digital technologies introduced drastic changes into the business environment

because now they have to comet over social medias such as Facebook ads, instagram accounts etc. and now consumers are able to look up the lowest prices of a product online to make comparing items easier

internal marketing-

consists of marketing the organization to its personnel. when employees make them feel like "internal customers"

behavioral data

consumer intrinsic factor (age, gender, status) consumption based factor (quantity of products bought)

perceived prices-

is the customers view of the value that he or she reeves from the purchase.

classical conditioning

is viewed as a "knee-jerk" response that builds up through repeated exposure or reinforcement. ex. tyler friends complimented him on his Prada shoes so when he sees them in a magazine it will connect to feeling good from the compliments and he'll want to buy them

what is known as the shift from no attitude to an attitude


incidental learning-

learning that was done by accident or unintentional

another term for psychographic characteristics


family branding

marketing different products under the same brand name

avoidance objective

negative outcomes that we want to prevent

the two different theories that describe how people learn

observational learning cognitive learning

selective exposure

occurs when consumers tune into messages that they find pleasant or with which they are sympathetic, actively avoid painful or threatening ones

product form extensions

offering the same product in a different form but under the same brand. example clorox bleach started doing gel

key attribute positioning

often represents the brands superiority. how the products fit into the consumers lifestyle


ones degree of not being open minded toward information and opinion contradictory to ones beliefs and views

the halo effect

overall evaluation of an object that is based on the evaluation of just one or a few dimensions. someones who would buy a prosche is more likely to buy their sunglasses and wallets

in the study of personality what are the three distinct properties of central importance

personality reflects differences, personality is consistent and enduring, personality can change.

the purpose of institutional advertising

promotion that is designed to promote a company overall image without overtly referring to specific products

Webers Law

states that the longer the stimulus the greater the additional intensity needed for the second stimulus to be perceived as different

subjective norms

the perceived social pressure to perform or not to perform the behavior. family, friends, etc.


the process by which a company creates a distinct image and identity for its products, services, and brands in the consumers mind


the reward the pleasure, enjoyment, and benefit that the consumer receives after buying a product or service


unconditioned stimulus- stimulus that occurs naturally in response to given circumstances conditioned stimulus- stimulus that became associated with a particular event or feeling

when does the production concept make sense for a business?

when the customer is more interested in a lower price and they're more interested in obtaining the product than special features

when does discomfort occur

when they feel like they were pushed into buying the product

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