Consumer Behavior Practice Test

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The U.S. government estimates that approximately ________ of American adults are overweight or obese. A) 25 percent B) 35 percent C) 50 percent D) 66 percent

66 percent

The ________ threshold refers to the minimum amount of stimulation that can be detected on a sensory channel. A) absolute B) differential C) intensity D) relative


________ refers to the extent to which processing activity is devoted to a particular stimulus. A) Exposure B) Perception C) Attention D) Sensation


________ refers to a consumer's subjective evaluation of his or her physical self. A) Looking-glass self B) Self-concept C) Ideal self D) Body image

Body image

Frank Simms has decided to use Yoda (the "old wise man" from Star Wars) to promote a new model of a notebook computer. Upon which of the following psychologist's ideas has Frank based his advertising strategy? A) Karen Horney B) Sigmund Freud C) Carl Jung D) Leo Burnett

Carl Jung

________ was first demonstrated in experiments performed on dogs by Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist doing research on digestion in animals. A) Instrumental conditioning B) Classical conditioning C) Cognitive conditioning D) Extinction conditioning

Classical conditioning

________ refers to a strategy in which a message compares two or more specifically named or recognizably presented brands and evaluates them in terms of one or more specific attributes. A) Cognitive differentiation B) Emotional appeal C) Comparative advertising D) Conclusion advertising

Comparative advertising

Which of the following best defines what is implied by the symbolic self-completion theory? A) Consumers with low self-esteem tend to buy products that violate their self-concept. B) Consumers who have an incomplete self-definition tend to buy products that complete their identity. C) Consumers delay purchases that conform to their actual self-image until their self-concept is consistent with their social self. D) Consumers select products that conform to their self-image through a process that is largely subconscious.

Consumers who have an incomplete self-definition tend to buy products that complete their identity.

11) When a stimulus comes within the range of someone's sensory receptors, ________ occurs. A) just noticeable difference (j.n.d.) B) retention C) subliminal suggestion D) exposure

D) exposure

Many ________ cultures stress the importance of a collective self, in which an individual's identity is derived in large measure from his or her social group. A) Eastern B) American C) Western D) European


________ memories relate to events that are personally relevant; therefore, a person's motivation to retain these memories will likely be strong. A) Sensory B) Episodic C) Primary D) Elaborative


Which of the following theorists proposed that an individual's adult personality results from a conflict between the individual's desires to gratify his or her physical needs and the necessity of functioning within a society? A) Maslow B) Jung C) Reisman D) Freud


________ roughly means whole, pattern, or configuration; this perspective is best summarized by the saying "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." A) Freudian traits analysis B) Weber's Law C) Gestalt D) Kinsei


Our brains tend to relate incoming sensations to others already in memory, based on some fundamental organizational principles. These principles derive from ________, a school of thought that maintains that people interpret meaning from the totality of a set of stimuli rather than from any individual stimulus. A) Freudian psychology B) Gestalt psychology C) Simmons psychology D) the Covey approach

Gestalt psychology

________ is the promotional strategy that involves select consumers altering some aspects of their selves to advertise for a branded product. A) Halo effect B) Identity marketing C) Impression management D) Self-extension

Identity marketing

Which of the following comes closest in characterizing the concept of hedonic consumption? A) Bill can't get an advertising jingle out of his mind when he enters a store and sees the product the jingle advertises. B) Kim can never buy fashionable clothes without looking carefully at their construction and then feeling the quality of the cloth with her fingers. C) Marcus often buys products just to make his wife angry. He thinks that since she is such a penny-pincher she ought to be punished. Buying unneeded items is how Marcus punishes her frugality. D) A new computer game rapidly replaced an older one because it had much faster action.

Kim can never buy fashionable clothes without looking carefully at their construction and then feeling the quality of the cloth with her fingers.

A philosophy that translates customers' feelings into design elements is called ________ engineering.


________ refers to a relatively permanent change in behavior that is caused by experience. A) Adjustment B) Shaping C) Reinforcement D) Learning


________ involves a process of acquiring information and storing it over time so that it will be available when needed. A) Memory B) Recognition C) Comprehension D) Attention


In instrumental conditioning, what is the distinction between negative reinforcement and punishment? A) There is no difference. They are two words for the same concept. B) Negative reinforcement can occur when a stimulus is positive, and punishment occurs when a stimulus is painful. C) Negative reinforcement occurs when a negative outcome is avoided, while punishment occurs when an action causes a negative outcome. D) Negative reinforcement creates a preference for negative results, while punishment teaches people to avoid negative results.

Negative reinforcement occurs when a negative outcome is avoided, while punishment occurs when an action causes a negative outcome.

________ learning occurs when an individual watches the actions of others and notes the reinforcements they receive for their behaviors. A) Observational B) Reinforced C) Halo effect D) Masked


Do sex-related ads work? Which of the following best answers this question? A) Overall, the use of a strong sexual appeal is not very well received. B) They outperform all other appeal formats. C) They are most effective when they attempt to "trick" the consumer into paying attention. D) There is no data to answer the question.

Overall, the use of a strong sexual appeal is not very well received.

________ refers to a person's unique psychological makeup and how it consistently influences the way a person responds to his or her environment. A) Lifestyle B) Belief system C) Personality D) Self-concept


Today thousands of brands borrow personality traits of individuals or groups to convey an image that marketers want consumers to form of their brands. An early brand personality was communicated in 1886 by the ________. A) Coca-Cola polar bear B) Jolly Green Giant C) Quaker Oats man D) Marlboro man

Quaker Oats man

________ refers to the positivity of a person's self-concept. A) Social comparison B) Self-esteem C) Self-image D) Self-concept


________ memory permits temporary storage of information we receive from our senses. A) Elaborative B) Sensory C) Cognitive D) Working


One of the principles of psychophysics is that changes in the physical environment are not always matched by equal changes perceptually. If Madison Wilson were creating a new drink, what would psychophysics tell her? A) She could make the drink twice as sweet by adding twice the amount of sugar. B) She would need to research how the perception of "sweetness" changed by the amount of sugar added. C) She would need to look at the subliminal aspects of "sweetness." D) She would need to create promotions to tell customers how "sweet" the new drink is.

She would need to research how the perception of "sweetness" changed by the amount of sugar added.

The researcher and theorist most associated with instrumental conditioning is ________. A) Pavlov B) Skinner C) Keller D) Werner


________ occurs when a stimulus is below the level of an individual's awareness. A) Absolute threshold B) Differential threshold C) Subliminal perception D) Perceptual selection

Subliminal perception

A marketing study found that respondents believed that a dark-haired model would be more effective in selling gold jewelry than a blond-haired model would be if the dark-haired model was not perceived to be ethnic. What two ideas of using celebrities as communication sources are most likely to be at work here? A) Celebrities should be attractive, but not too attractive. B) The celebrity's image should match that of the product, and blond-haired models are too common for the exclusive image of gold. C) The celebrity's image should match that of the product and should embody cultural meaning. D) The celebrity's image should embody cultural meanings that contrast with the product's cultural stereotypic image.

The celebrity's image should match that of the product and should embody cultural meaning.

What does the sleeper effect suggest about source credibility? A) If a receiver is not paying attention, a message cannot be effective. B) Many people can learn the important parts of a message even when asleep. C) The effectiveness of a message will increase over time. D) The effectiveness of positive sources over negative sources can be erased over time.

The effectiveness of positive sources over negative sources can be erased over time.

In a Freudian interpretation, what is the function of the ego? A) The ego is a system that mediates between the id and the superego. B) The ego determines an individual's degree of self-involvement. C) The ego operates on the pleasure principle and is constantly seeking psychological dominance and enjoyment. D) The ego is one of several archetypes that represent the shared memories and motives of almost all humans.

The ego is a system that mediates between the id and the superego.

Public hearings are being held to discuss whether a new nuclear power plant should be built. An expert on nuclear plants testifies that modern safeguards make the plant secure from dangerous accidents. A local woman states that she knows nothing about nuclear power, but the idea of having a plant nearby frightens her and her children. Which of the two parties has the most immediate ability to change attitudes of the audience? Considering the sleeper effect, what will likely happen over time? A) The expert will have the most ability to change attitudes, and his influence will be maintained even weeks later. B) The expert will have the most ability to change attitudes, but his influence will decrease over time as the woman's argument gains force. C) Because the local woman is most like the other people in the meeting, her opinion will have the most immediate influence, but over time the expert's opinion will gain force. D) The woman's opinion will be more likely to influence the audience initially, and her influence will extend into the future.

The expert will have the most ability to change attitudes, but his influence will decrease over time as the woman's argument gains force.

A Unilever-sponsored survey that asked American women how they felt about their appearance reported which of the following? A) Positive feelings about the self were lowest in ethnic groups such as African American and Hispanic women. B) Older women were more likely to describe themselves as beautiful. C) The majority of respondents believe that our society does not use reasonable standards to evaluate women's beauty. D) The majority of respondents believe that beauty comes from a woman's physical appearance.

The majority of respondents believe that our society does not use reasonable standards to evaluate women's beauty.

Esso (now Exxon in the United States) used the work of Ernest Dichter to influence its "Put a Tiger in Your Tank" ad campaign. Which of the following conclusions formed the rationale for the famous campaign? A) Orange and black are two of the most powerful colors in the color spectrum. B) The tiger supplies powerful animal symbolism and conveys vaguely sexual undertones. C) The size of the tiger enhances a male's ego. D) The playful nature of the tiger is appealing to female consumers.

The tiger supplies powerful animal symbolism and conveys vaguely sexual undertones.

Which of the following most accurately reflects the current thinking about the use of subliminal perception in marketing promotion and advertising? A) Subliminal messages are below the threshold of perception, so they cannot be utilized in marketing. B) Subliminal ads can be effective, but customers do not like them; therefore, marketers avoid them. C) There is some evidence that subliminal perception can have limited effects, but the effects are not specific enough to make subliminal messages effective in advertising. D) It comes down to a matter of attention. If a viewer will pay enough attention to a subliminal message, then it can have specific effects.

There is some evidence that subliminal perception can have limited effects, but the effects are not specific enough to make subliminal messages effective in advertising.

Do fear appeal ads work? Which of the following best answers this question? A) They work well if the threat is very weak. B) They work if the threat is moderate and when a solution to the problem is presented. C) They work if the threat is high and vividly elaborated. D) There is no data to answer the question.

They work if the threat is moderate and when a solution to the problem is presented.

Scott thought of himself as a very successful marketer. He created a campaign with a product logo that was very popular and that customers associated with a quality product. It was so popular that in a few months, the logo began to appear almost everywhere. Instead of increasing sales of the product, the customer demand began to decrease as competitors' products became more successful. What characteristic of learning was most likely ruining Scott's apparent success? A) Too much repetition was decreasing the strength of the CS, thus leading to extinction of the learned relationship between the logo, the quality of the product, and the association with Scott's company. B) Customers confused Scott's logo with the logo of Scott's competitors, making cognitive learning incomplete. C) The logo produced only a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement that did not sustain sales, while Scott's competitor used a variable-ratio schedule. D) Over time the logo became boring, and customers punished Scott's company by buying competitors' products as a type of revenge for their boredom.

Too much repetition was decreasing the strength of the CS, thus leading to extinction of the learned relationship between the logo, the quality of the product, and the association with Scott's company.

Which of the following best describes the findings of research on using two-sided messages to communicate with consumers? A) Two-sided messages are widely used and are very effective in reaching target audiences. B) Two-sided messages are cost-prohibitive. C) Two-sided messages can be quite effective, yet marketers rarely use them. D) Two-sided messages are no different from one-sided messages and are used equally by marketers.

Two-sided messages can be quite effective, yet marketers rarely use them.

Jim sees himself as being confident, powerful, and heroic. According to the BrandAsset Archetypes model developed by ad agency Young & Rubicam, Jim would be classified as a ________. A) Patriarch B) Sage C) Troubadour D) Warrior


Which of the following is most relevant to a company that wants to position a new brand on price leadership? A) Gestalt psychology B) Weber's Law C) augmented reality D) the closure principle

Weber's Law

A retailer decides to reduce the price of a sport coat that normally costs $98. The reduction in price is $3. The storeowner believes that the reduction will catch the eye of the value shopper. If the sport coat does not sell, the retailer might wish to consider which of the following before making another price change? A) subliminal perception B) the figure-ground principle C) the golden triangle D) Weber's law

Weber's law

A company wants to persuade a customer to buy its products. If the consumer is characterized as having a high degree of involvement with products that are sold by the company, what route to persuasion will the company most likely take? A) a parallel route B) a peripheral route C) a circular route D) a central route

a central route

Consumers who have ________ are particularly good targets for marketing communications that use fantasy appeals. A) self-fulfilling prophecies B) looking-glass selves C) a small gap between their real and ideal selves D) a large gap between their real and ideal selves

a large gap between their real and ideal selves

The balance theory perspective involves relations among three elements (a triad). Which of the following is one of the elements of the triad? A) a person and his or her perceptions B) the marketer and its strategy of image building C) a person's beliefs D) subconscious motives

a person and his or her perceptions

Mary Nabholz travels the same way to work every day. She notices advertisements in store windows when the ads first go up. However, after a few days, Mary no longer pays any attention to these ads because they have become familiar. Which of the following personal selection factors is affecting Mary Nabholz's response to the ads? A) perceptual vigilance B) perceptual defense C) contrast D) adaptation


Which of the following is NOT one of the three stages of the process of perception? A) interpretation B) adaptation C) attention D) exposure


What do the "A, B, Cs" of the ABC model of attitudes stand for? A) attitude, business, and consumption B) affect, behavior, and cognition C) assumptions, best practices, conditions D) approval, behavior, context

affect, behavior, and cognition

The World Gold Council recently launched the "Lost Ring Hunt" with a billboard in Times Square announcing that a woman lost her gold wedding band. Viewers of the ad are encouraged to follow Twitter to discover clues that will help them find the lost ring. The first person to identify the location of the ring will win a cash prize and a trip to New York City. The "Lost Ring Hunt" is an example of a(n) ________. A) virtual world B) widget C) alternate reality game D) broadcast medium

alternate reality game

Eric has a St. Christopher's medallion that he received from his late grandfather. The magical qualities (e.g., good luck qualities) of this gift have helped Eric be less fearful about the world around him. In times of need, Eric rubs the medallion and it seems as if St. Christopher actually speaks to him through the medallion to help him through his difficulties. Eric's feelings toward this medallion are best described by which of the following terms? A) objectivism B) animism C) humanism D) Doppelgangerism


When we ________ products, we evaluate them using schemas we typically apply to classify people. A) prime B) filter C) imprint D) anthropomorphize


Tracy, who named her car Sophie, talks to her friends about the personality traits of her car. Tracy has ________ her car. A) branded B) archetyped C) anthropomorphized D) repositioned


According to the theories of Carl Jung, our shared memories create ________, which involve universal themes and appear frequently in myths and stories across cultures. A) archetypes B) patterns of behavior C) Doppelgangers D) symbolic communities


Our culture's current fascination with novels and movies such as the Harry Potter Series and The Lord of the Rings, in which the magician and the patriarch triumph over the sorcerer and the dictator, emphasizes the importance of ________. A) consumption motives B) archetypes C) extroversion overcoming introversion D) the superego overcoming the id


A(n) ________ is a lasting, general evaluation of people (including oneself), objects, advertisements, or issues. A) principle B) belief C) theory D) attitude


The functional theory of attitudes was initially developed to explain how ________. A) people identify with products B) attitudes facilitate social behavior C) attitudes are learned from family and friends D) attitudes change over an individual's lifetime

attitudes facilitate social behavior

Source ________ refers to the message source's perceived social value. A) valence B) attractiveness C) class D) hierarchy


Matthew assumes the virtual identity of Vlad the Conqueror and is able to see himself in an online game as an armored attack robot. This visual identity is called a(n) ________. A) avatar B) extended self C) ideal self D) distorted self-image


Frank is sitting in his Psychology 101 class listening to his professor attempt to explain the "black box" process and its connection with learning. He suddenly smells the aroma of fresh cinnamon rolls, and his mouth begins to water. He looks around and sees a student in the last row bite into a big, juicy roll. "I wish I were sitting next to him," Frank thinks, "because I know I could steal a bite." What Frank just went through in class was similar to the "black box" process being described by his professor. This process is most closely associated with which of the following learning methods? A) incidental learning B) Gestalt learning C) cognitive learning D) behavioral learning

behavioral learning

Which theory listed below assumes that learning takes place as the result of responses to external events? A) behavioral learning B) episodic learning C) incidental learning D) Gestalt learning

behavioral learning

A common practice among advertisers is to create new relationships between objects and interpretants by inventing new connections between products and benefits. How would a marketer use hyperreality to find a new use for baking soda? A) by associating the soda with its ability to absorb odors B) by associating the soda with a fictional character called Simon Soda C) by emphasizing the low cost of the soda D) by informing the customers of the historic importance of baking soda in germ protection

by associating the soda with a fictional character called Simon Soda

According to the definition of learning, how could a researcher ever show that cognitive learning had taken place in a subject? A) by removing the conditioned stimulus B) by measuring a behavioral change that could directly be tied to a previous experience C) by measuring the brainwave pattern of the subject D) by relying upon an intuitive feel for the amount of learning the subject had experienced

by measuring a behavioral change that could directly be tied to a previous experience

M-commerce most likely takes place through ________. A) cell phones B) billboards C) radio satellite D) TV

cell phones

According to the basic ABC model of attitudes, ________ refers to the beliefs a consumer has about an attitude object. A) affect B) conditions C) approval D) cognition


What is the first step in the standard learning hierarchy approach? A) affect B) intentions C) cognition D) behavior


What type of learning theory emphasizes that people are problem solvers who actively use information from the world around them to master their environment? A) instrumental conditioning B) classical conditioning C) cognitive learning D) operant conditioning

cognitive learning

The Sims Online and Webkinz are both examples of ________, part of the growing market of real-time, interactive virtual worlds. A) avatars B) computer-mediated environments C) role identities D) self-image congruence models

computer-mediated environments

Classical conditioning takes place when a(n) ________ is continuously matched with a(n) ________. A) conditioned stimulus; conditioned response B) unconditioned response; conditioned response C) conditioned stimulus; unconditioned stimulus D) unconditioned stimulus; unconditioned response

conditioned stimulus; unconditioned stimulus

All consumers carry schemata in their minds when they enter the marketplace. According to the principles of perceptual vigilance and defense, a marketer should be careful to create a promotion for the new product that ________. A) conforms to the customers' schemata B) violates the customers' schemata C) requires that customers defend their current views about the product category D) is simple and easy to understand

conforms to the customers' schemata

A politician attempts to gain support for her campaign for mayor by releasing a poll showing that almost 70 percent of the city's voters support her position on property taxes. What basic psychological principle is the politician using to persuade voters that she should be the next mayor? A) consistency B) authority C) consensus D) liking


Size, color, position, and novelty are all strategies for creating which of the following? A) contrast B) adaptation C) vigilance D) thresholds


The source of a message has an impact on whether the message will be accepted or not. Two particularly important source characteristics are ________. A) culture and ethnicity B) credibility and attractiveness C) credibility and recency D) attractiveness and recency

credibility and attractiveness

Elements in television commercials have positive and negative effects. Which of the following characteristics is most likely to have a positive effect? A) extensive information about components, ingredients, or nutrition B) an outdoor setting with the message as part of the setting C) a large number of on-screen characters D) demonstration of product in use

demonstration of product in use

Motivational research relies on ________ of individual consumers. A) psychographic profiles B) Jungian analysis C) behavioral targeting D) depth interviews

depth interviews

The ________ threshold refers to the ability of a sensory system to detect changes between two stimuli. A) absolute B) differential C) intensity D) relative


According to the ________ factor leading to adaptation, simple stimuli habituate because they do not require attention to detail. A) exposure B) vigilance C) discrimination D) relevance


Kanisha is confronted with a strange set of products during her most recent visit to the cosmetics counter at her favorite department store. Urban Grunge nail polish is "hot, hot, hot" according to recent ads. Kanisha likes the idea of a new nail polish but is unsure about the image that might be projected by the dull colors of the nail polish line. With such names as Street Slime, Garbage Goo, and Trash Can, caution might be the right move. Which of the following attitude functions most closely matches Kanisha's purchase decision? A) utilitarian function B) elaboration function C) ego-defensive function D) knowledge function

ego-defensive function

According to the information processing-approach to studying the memory process, in the ________ stage, information enters in a way the system will recognize it. A) storage B) retrieval C) encoding D) decoding


Brand ________ refers to the extent to which a consumer holds strong, favorable, and unique associations with a brand in memory-and the extent to which the consumer is willing to pay more for the branded version of a product than for a non-branded version. A) dynamics B) position C) logo D) equity


L. L. Bean products are known to be rugged, outdoorsy, tough, athletic, and dependable. Because the company has worked very hard to establish these thoughts in the minds of consumers and has spent large sums of money to make sure that their products maintain the favorable L. L. Bean reputation, L. L. Bean has achieved brand ________ with its products. A) dynamics B) animism C) parity D) equity


"It's time for the Christmas shopping list," thought Martha's mother, so she asked Martha for a quick list of her favorite perfumes. Martha gave her mother six names that were all her "favorite." This group constitutes Martha's ________ for perfume. A) position set B) activation set C) rational set D) evoked set

evoked set

According to the ________ hierarchy, the consumer considers purchases based on an attitude of hedonic consumption (such as how the product makes him or her feel or the fun its use will provide). A) experiential B) habitual C) low-involvement D) standard learning


Ben Perez is driving along a mountain road. In the distance, he sees a road crew working on a fallen tree that has blocked the highway. When Ben first sees the road crew, which of the following perceptual processes has been engaged? A) exposure B) attention C) adaptation D) interpretation


Dorothy's red shoes in the Wizard of Oz (1939) exemplify which of the following concepts of the self? A) extended self B) ideal self C) mirror-image self D) actual self

extended self

The extended self is comprised of ________. A) our actual and ideal selves B) our actual and virtual selves C) external objects we consider a part of us D) our body image and self-esteem

external objects we consider a part of us

A woman no longer receives compliments on the perfume that she wears. In learning terms, the stimulus-response connection has weakened. Which of the following processes best explains what has occurred in the example? A) negative reinforcement B) extinction C) discrimination D) generalization


If a conditioned stimulus is only occasionally matched with an unconditioned stimulus, the association between the two will become weakened. This is called ________. A) generalization B) interference C) the spacing effect D) extinction


A free recall test of a sample of potential customers would involve showing ads one at a time and asking each respondent if she had seen it before.


According to a Freudian system of analysis, the superego is the counterweight to the ego.


According to the retailer's rule of thumb based on the closure principle, when a sale catalog is created, the prices (on average) of the products in the catalog should be reduced by about 20 percent.


An individual with the personality trait of extroversion tends to be quiet and reserved.


Behavioral theorists rely on internal mental states to explain learning.


Fixed-interval reinforcement explains why airlines' frequent flyer programs are so successful.


It is unusual for consumers to have multiple role identities.


John Deere established a reputation for building dependable farm tractors. When the company began to build small yard tractors, it insisted on using the same logo on its small mowers as on its large tractors. John Deere was applying stimulus generalization through look-alike packaging.


Marketers have generally failed in their efforts to introduce scented marketing practices and products to the American marketplace.


Marketing research has indicated that consumers have difficulty assigning personality qualities to most mundane, functional products.


Motivational research is based on the trait theory of personality.


Sensory marketing has proven to be largely ineffective as a marketing approach.


The absolute threshold is dependent upon how strong a marketer makes a stimulus.


The concept of the self-image congruence model helps to explain why it is a deal killer in the Japanese business culture to mishandle a business card from a prospective client.


The icons on the restroom doors in a bar in Wyoming were a doe and a buck. This is an excellent example of hyperreality.


The looking-glass self is molded by elements of the pop culture, such as comic book heroes.


The reality principle, according to Freudian psychology, is behavior guided by the primary desire to maximize pleasure and avoid pain.


The two major approaches associated with behavioral learning theory are classical conditioning and observational learning.


When Shira was a young girl, her teacher gave her a sticker every time she earned above 90% on a test. Shira's teacher was using classical conditioning.


When a company engages in a "piggybacking strategy," it is hoping that customers will be able to discriminate between the company's product and a competitor's product.


The salience of a brand refers to its degree of pricing flexibility (i.e., frequency of price changes).

false Brand Salience is the degree to which your brand is thought about or noticed when a customer is in a buying situation.

Kinsei engineering focuses on the visual sense.

false Kansei Engineering is a method for translating feelings and impressions into product parameters.

Weber's Law states that the intensity of the stimulus is greater if its duration is increased.

false The law states that the change in a stimulus that will be just noticeable is a constant ratio of the original stimulus.

The spacing effect describes the tendency for consumers to recall printed material more effectively when the advertiser repeats the target item repeatedly in a short time period rather than periodically over a longer time span.

false The spacing effect is the phenomenon that when repeatedly reviewing learned information spaced out over time makes these items easier to remember.

The observational learning process begins with a step called motivation.

false attention, memory, initiation, motivation

T/F: Perception refers to the immediate response of our sensory receptors to such basic stimuli as light, color, and sound.

false sensation

Determining the most effective reinforcement schedule to use with consumers is important to marketers. What type of reinforcement schedule is most likely being used when after a period of time has passed, the first response a consumer makes brings the reward? A) fixed-interval reinforcement B) variable-interval reinforcement C) fixed-ratio reinforcement D) variable-ratio reinforcement

fixed-interval reinforcement

The popular marketing technique known as ________ marketing applies the principles of instrumental conditioning by reinforcing regular purchases; consumers are given rewards with values that increase along with the amount purchased. A) rebate B) discount C) reward D) frequency


According to the exposure factor leading to adaptation, frequently encountered stimuli ________ as the rate of exposure increases. A) adapt B) habituate C) prime D) overload


Herbal companies traditionally sold their products in cylinder-shaped plastic containers that were very characteristic of the herbal market. One company broke with tradition and began to sell its herbal products in bottles that appeared to be straight from the pharmacy's shelf. They were rectangular with white labels that looked very professional and very serious. Sales went through the roof. What form of stimulus generalization most likely worked for the herbal company? A) masked branding B) halo effect C) continual reinforcement D) shaping

halo effect

Physically attractive people are perceived as smarter, cooler, and happier than average people. These perceptions are a result of a ________. A) halo effect B) principle of cognitive dissonance C) balance theory D) self-perception theory

halo effect

The ________ refers to the tendency people have to react to stimuli similar to an original stimulus in a classical conditioning situation in much the same way they responded to the original stimulus. A) masking illusion B) sensory memory C) cueing effect D) halo effect

halo effect

When Jane shops, she must feel the fabric of any potential clothing buy before she even bothers to see what the design is. She has a high need to touch. Which sense system is important to Jane in her clothing shopping?


As manufacturing costs decrease and the amount of products that people accumulate goes up, consumers increasingly want to buy things that will provide ________ value.


A(n) ________ is a particular model, or exemplar, of appearance. A) ideal of beauty B) self-concept C) cathexis D) ideal self

ideal of beauty

All multiattribute attitude models specify the importance of three elements. Two of those elements are attributes and beliefs. What is the third element? A) action variables B) motivations C) recency of events D) importance weights

importance weights

Through the process of ________, people try to "manage" what others think of them by strategically choosing clothing and other products. A) impression management B) self-extension C) self-esteem D) social comparison

impression management

Much learning takes effort and time, but some learning is so casual as to be unintentional. This type of learning is referred to as ________ learning. A) stage one B) subliminal C) incidental D) evoked


Sam Bolton hums the Purina Cat Chow jingle as he drives down the expressway. A thought suddenly occurs to Sam: "Why am I humming this stupid jingle? I don't buy this stuff. In fact, I don't even have a cat." Sam knows this jingle through ________. A) stimulus generalization B) reinforcement modeling C) incidental learning D) operant conditioning

incidental learning

Based on motivational research, which of the following consumption motives most likely explains a person's motivation to purchase gourmet foods, foreign cars, or perfume? A) security B) eroticism C) disalienation D) individuality


Claudia Norman, a marketing consultant, recommended that brand equity for a new environmentally-friendly product could be established by giving initial customers free memberships in the Sierra Club organization. Claudia used which of the following in her recommendation? A) promotional conditioning B) emotional learning C) classical conditioning D) instrumental conditioning

instrumental conditioning

John wants to teach his dog to do tricks such as "sit up," "roll over," and "fetch a stick." By systematically rewarding his dog for responding in the correct way, John is able to accomplish great progress over a 30-day period. John was able to teach his dog using which of the following learning processes? A) classical conditioning B) instrumental conditioning C) stimulation conditioning D) extinction conditioning

instrumental conditioning

Memories of products are often replaced (forgotten) as we learn additional information. This displacement of information is called ________. A) the highlighting effect B) interference C) decay D) generalization


Researchers agree that there are various levels of commitment to an attitude. The highest level of involvement is ________. A) internalization B) identification C) compliance D) actualization


Roger was really angry when Coca-Cola attempted to switch from its older formula to New Coke. He wrote letters to Coca-Cola, talked to friends, called the local bottler, attempted to hoard "old Coke," and complained to the local grocery store manager. In this example, which degree of commitment would be most closely associated with Roger and his attitudes? A) compliance B) identification C) information acquisition D) internalization


Which of the following refers to the meanings we assign to sensory stimuli? A) schema B) semiotics C) interpretation D) perception


The minimum difference that can be detected between two stimuli is known as the ________. A) "bare" minimum B) gradual differentiation C) j.n.d. (just noticeable difference) D) graded difference

j.n.d. (just noticeable difference)

The ________ function of attitudes applies when a person is in an ambiguous situation and needs order, structure, or meaning. A) knowledge B) utilitarian C) value-expressive D) ego-defensive


The idea that each human life is unique rather than a part of a group developed in ________. A) ancient times (between the first and fifth centuries) B) late medieval times (between the eleventh and fifteenth centuries) C) colonial times (between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries) D) modern times (between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries)

late medieval times (between the eleventh and fifteenth centuries)

According to the two-factor theory, the net effect of being exposed repeatedly to the same message is a combination of ________. A) argument and counter-argument B) learning and tedium C) compliance and non-compliance D) affect and cognition

learning and tedium

The ________ hierarchy assumes the consumer does not initially have a strong preference for one brand over another. Instead, a consumer acts on the basis of limited knowledge and then forms an evaluation only after the product has been purchased or used. A) experiential B) habitual C) low-involvement D) standard learning


Simi Ghandi is never quite sure which brand of gum to buy. She tries some, likes some, and rejects some. However, through a process of behavioral learning she does remember those brands that taste good and make her mouth feel fresh. The problem is that she cannot often remember the brands that are not so good and often repeats purchasing mistakes. "Oh well," says Simi, "gum buying is not that big of a deal anyway." Which of the following hierarchies would best describe Simi's situation? A) standard learning hierarchy B) experiential hierarchy C) low-involvement hierarchy D) habit hierarchy

low-involvement hierarchy

Within a knowledge structure, which of the following is the LEAST complex knowledge unit? A) meaning B) proposition C) schema D) script


On her first visit to China, Jane did not know how to pay for the produce she had selected at a market. She watched several Chinese women pay for their selections, and then Jane copied their behavior. In this example, Jane used ________. A) shaping B) stimulus discrimination C) modeling D) stimulus generalization


In the 1950s, an approach called ________ research attempted to use Freudian ideas to understand the deeper meanings of products and advertisements. A) psychic B) archetype C) motivational D) lifestyle


Processing information from more than one medium at a time is known as ________. A) multitasking B) perceptual hyperactivity C) perceptual chunking D) interactive attention


Many marketers use "the good old days" as a common theme in promotional messages. This is a strategy of focusing on ________. A) the highlighting effect B) the halo effect C) nostalgia D) memory spikes


Another name for instrumental conditioning is ________ conditioning. A) operant B) neo-classical C) stimulus D) reward


The process by which people select, organize, and interpret sensory information is called ________.


An individual may not process stimuli that are in some way threatening, or may distort the meaning of a stimulus to make it less threatening. This type of perceptual filter is called ________. A) perceptual defense B) perceptual vigilance C) subliminal perception D) adaptation

perceptual defense

Because the brain's capacity to process information is limited, consumers are very selective about what they pay attention to and tend to select stimuli that relate to their current needs. This type of perceptual filter is called ________. A) perceptual defense B) perceptual vigilance C) subliminal perception D) adaptation

perceptual vigilance

The ________ route to persuasion is taken when the receiver is not really motivated to think about the arguments made in a communication message. A) central B) peripheral C) dual D) subconscious


What form of marketing is based on the premise that a marketer will be much more successful when he communicates with consumers who have already agreed to listen to him? A) segmented marketing B) behavioral targeting C) e-commerce marketing D) permission marketing

permission marketing

Popular online matchmaking services such as and offer to create your "personality profile" and then hook you up with other members whose profiles are similar. This approach focuses on the quantitative measurement of ________. A) ego B) id C) personality traits D) animism

personality traits

An active attempt to change attitudes is called ________. A) behavior modification B) persuasion C) communication D) cognition


Lifestyle, attributes, competitors, and quality are all dimensions marketers can use to carve out a brand's ________ in the marketplace. A) sensory signature B) position C) priming D) trade dress


The ________ for a brand guides how a company uses elements of the marketing mix to influence the consumer's interpretation of the brand's meaning in the marketplace relative to its competitors. A) positioning strategy B) Gestalt psychology C) sensory signature D) priming strategy

positioning strategy

If a woman gets compliments after wearing Obsession perfume, she is more likely to keep buying the product and wearing it. What type of instrumental conditioning has occurred in the situation? A) neutral reinforcement B) positive reinforcement C) negative reinforcement D) symbolic reinforcement

positive reinforcement

What mechanism is used when a consumer learns to perform responses that produce rewarding outcomes? A) extinction B) punishment C) negative reinforcement D) positive reinforcement

positive reinforcement

In the process of ________, certain properties of a stimulus evoke a schema. A) priming B) differentiating C) indexing D) perceptual mapping


The theory of cognitive dissonance is based on the ________. A) knowledge function B) principle of cognitive consistency C) principle of cognitive-affect conflict D) self-identification function

principle of cognitive consistency

A new Green Giant ad campaign relied on the ________ when it used a redesigned package for Green Giant products that showed the Green Giant in a "sea of green." It was felt that the Green Giant products were now unified under a common design banner. A) principle of similarity B) figure-ground principle C) subliminal principle D) closure principle

principle of similarity

In a typical ________ test, subjects are shown ads one at a time and asked if they have seen them before. A) recall B) recognition C) chunking D) salience


Research has indicated that the color ________ creates feelings of arousal and stimulates appetite.


Jason and Mark were talking in class, but so was everyone else. As they continued to discuss their day's adventures, it suddenly became clear to them that the teacher was staring at them. They didn't realize that the class had been called to order and what was once only one conversation among many was now disruptive. Jason apologized quickly, and the teacher resumed her normal activities. This is a good example of how a consumer's ability to detect a difference between two stimuli is ________. A) absolute B) negligible C) relative D) embedded


Men are more likely to use a woman's body shape as a sexual cue. One explanation of this phenomenon is that feminine curves provide evidence of ________. A) compatibility B) reproductive potential C) intellectual capacity D) sociability

reproductive potential

Elizabeth created a print ad in which the coach of a football team was shown standing out in the middle of a hay field. The text read, "UNR's Coach Roberts . . . outstanding in his field." Elizabeth was using a literary device called ________. A) metaphor B) simile C) allegory D) resonance


People tend to give "yes" responses to questions, regardless of what they are asked. This is an example of ________. A) response bias B) elaborative rehearsal C) salience D) nostalgia

response bias

Susan selects and runs her focus groups carefully. She wants to make sure that each focus group member provides meaningful information for her research purpose. As she is examining potential focus group candidates, she notices that three men and two women seem to provide "yes" answers regardless of what she asks them. They seem to want to be on the focus group very badly and appear eager to be "good subjects." If Susan follows prudent testing methodology, she should reject these test subjects in order to avoid the possibility of which of the following biases? A) neophyte bias B) order bias C) response bias D) affinity bonding bias

response bias

In the past, ketchup formed an unbecoming "scum" on its surface when exposed to air, so manufacturers created the traditionally shaped ketchup bottle with the narrow opening. When chemicals were developed to reduce this oxidation, it was then possible to sell ketchup in more conveniently shaped containers. Customers, however, rejected bottles that didn't have the traditional ketchup shape. This is an example of the power of ________ in the marketplace. A) sensory overload B) thresholds C) hyperreality D) schema


The ________ summarizes the beliefs a person holds about his own attributes and how he evaluates the self on these qualities. A) actual self B) self-esteem C) self-image D) self-concept


According to ________ models, we choose products with attributes that match some aspect of our selves. A) impression management B) identity marketing C) self-fulfilling prophecy D) self-image congruence

self-image congruence

Which theory of attitudes assumes that people use observations of their own behavior to determine what their attitudes are? A) theory of cognitive dissonance B) balance theory C) social judgment theory D) self-perception theory

self-perception theory

A common practice among advertisers is to create new relationships between objects and interpretants by inventing new connections between products and benefits. A classic example of this was equating Marlboro cigarettes with the American frontier spirit. Which of the following terms best describes this practice? A) subliminal persuasion B) figure-ground projection C) semiotic relationships D) consumer-modeling connections

semiotic relationships

The field of ________ examines the correspondence between signs and symbols and their role in the assignment of meaning. A) semiotics B) psychophysics C) Gestalt theory D) hyperreality


The immediate response by our eyes, nose, mouth, or fingers to such basic stimuli as light, color, sound, odor, and texture is called ________.


When a gas station blows "fresh coffee smell" around the gas pumps to tempt customers to come inside for a cup, the gas station is using a form of ________ marketing to influence customers. A) one-on-one B) subliminal C) differentiated D) sensory


Nadia Ali loves the feel of her new sweater and the smell of her leather car seats on a crisp fall day. As she passes a billboard, she sees an ad for Baskin-Robbins ice cream and immediately does a U-turn into the shopping center where she knows the famous ice cream store is located. In the above example, Nadia is responding to ________. A) sensory inputs emanating from the external environment B) sensory inputs emanating from the internal environment C) emotional outputs D) decision sequences dictated by sensory outputs

sensory inputs emanating from the external environment

The average adult is exposed to about 3,500 pieces of advertising information every single day, far more information than they can or are willing to process. Consumers who are exposed to more information than they can process are in a state of ________. A) advertising bombardment B) sensory overload C) sensory shifting D) circuit overcapacity

sensory overload

The sensory characteristic of a product that sticks with consumers, helping them to remember the product in a unique way, is called the ________.

sensory signature

Melissa knows that when she goes to the dentist she must make an appointment, show up on time, bring proof of insurance, and have her teeth cleaned before any other dental services will be performed. With respect to her visit to the dentist, Melissa has learned a schema known as a(n) ________. A) service script B) evoked set C) proposition D) elaborative rehearsal

service script

Most Freudian applications in marketing relate to the product's ________. A) brand personality B) hidden values C) competitive advantage D) sexual symbolism

sexual symbolism

A sales manager pays a bonus to new trainees when they develop a good sales prospectus. Later, after the trainees have completed two months of training, the manger pays a bonus only for an actual sale. The manager is applying what process of instrumental conditioning to help the trainees be productive in their sales careers? A) shaping B) modeling C) negative reinforcement D) variable-ratio reinforcement


Which theory of attitudes assumes that people assimilate new information about attitude objects in light of what they already know and feel, using an initial attitude as a frame of reference to categorize new information? A) theory of cognitive dissonance B) multiattribute theory C) social judgment theory D) self-perception theory

social judgment theory

Which of the following is NOT one of the four levels of the extended self? A) family level B) community level C) social level D) individual level

social level

Historically, people have most closely associated tattoos with ________. A) social outcasts B) members of the ruling class C) members of fraternities and sororities D) members of religious orders

social outcasts

Which of the following refers to the process by which the way a word sounds influences the listener's assumptions about what the word describes?

sound symbolism

In the communications model, the element in which the message originates is the ________. A) medium B) source C) message D) consumer


Which of the following has occurred when a stimulus is able to evoke a weakened response years after the stimulus was first perceived? A) spontaneous recovery B) scripting C) reverse extinction D) response bias

spontaneous recovery

As May-Lee considers her purchase of perfume, she shifts back and forth between thinking about claims made by the different brands, remembering ads she has seen, and considering her emotional responses to the various brands. Which of the following processes most accurately describes what May-Lee is going through? A) spreading activation B) advertising decay C) polar parallels D) scalar processing

spreading activation

Samantha is passing down the cereal aisle when she spots a box of Frosted Flakes cereal featuring Tony the Tiger on the box front. She remembers the taste of the cereal and how much fun she had talking to Tony while she ate her cereal as a kid. She buys a box and leaves the cereal aisle without examining any other cereal products. What aspect of the retrieval process did Samantha use in her product search process? A) salience B) the von Restoff effect C) the spacing effect D) state-dependent retrieval

state-dependent retrieval

Behavioral learning theorists do not focus on internal thought processes; rather, they look to external evidence to study learning. What aspects of the environment are of most concern to behaviorists in studying learning? A) energy and work B) stimulus and response C) thought and memory D) sensation and perception

stimulus and response

According to the theory of classical conditioning, ________ should be encouraged by promoting unique attributes of a well-established brand. A) stimulus generalization B) the halo effect C) stimulus discrimination D) extinction

stimulus discrimination

Which of the following occurs when a customer learns that two products are different even though the packages of both products look similar? A) extinction B) brand equity C) stimulus generalization D) stimulus discrimination

stimulus discrimination

Family branding, licensing, and look-alike packaging are all marketing strategies based on ________. A) stimulus generalization B) the spacing effect C) stimulus discrimination D) extinction

stimulus generalization

According to a major study of more than 1,000 commercials, the single most important factor in whether a commercial will be persuasive is whether the communication ________. A) stresses a unique attribute or benefit of the product B) employs a sexual symbol or suggestion C) provides specific price information D) features a credible spokesperson

stresses a unique attribute or benefit of the product

According to Weber's Law, the ________ the initial stimulus, the greater a change must be for people to notice the change. A) more common B) stronger C) weaker D) more unusual


Most messages merely present one or more positive attributes about a product or reasons to buy it. Which of the following best describes this approach to communicating a message? A) supportive arguments B) countervailing arguments C) refutational arguments D) direct arguments

supportive arguments

A(n) ________ is a sign that relates to a product by either conventional or agreed-on associations. A) icon B) index C) symbol D) schema


According to the sociological tradition of ________, relationships with other people play a large part in forming the self. A) self-image congruence B) self-completion theory C) symbolic interactionism D) body cathexis

symbolic interactionism

Erika landed a job as an analyst for a small marketing research firm whose task was to observe and probe patient behaviors at a small Midwestern clinic. In her study, she noticed that many of the patients had a tendency to underestimate the time since their last doctor visit. The memory lapse she observed was due to a memory problem called ________. A) omitting B) averaging C) telescoping D) normalizing


A billboard is positioned beside a busy highway. However, the merchant that has purchased the billboard complains that no response is being generated by his advertising message. Upon closer inspection, the billboard company determines that the typeface used is too small to be effectively read by a motorist going 60+ mph on the highway. Which of the following sensory thresholds would be most appropriate to explain the failure of this advertisement to connect with motorists? A) the intensity threshold B) the differential threshold C) the absolute threshold D) the relative threshold

the absolute threshold

In a Freudian interpretation, which of the following is most closely associated with the pleasure principle? A) the id B) the ego C) the superego D) the anti-ego

the id

Instead of spending the weekend working on the research paper due at the end of next week, Andrew decided to spend the weekend going out with friends. According to Freudian theory, which system dominated in Adam's decision? A) the id B) the superego C) the anti-ego D) the ego

the id

From a semiotic perspective, every marketing message has three basic components. Which of those components is the sensory image that represents the intended meaning? A) the sign B) the object C) the interpretant D) the structure

the sign

An advertisement emphasizes that if a consumer uses a certain deodorant he or she will not offend other people and will not cause problems in the workplace because of bad body odor. What part of the Freudian system is this ad appealing to? A) the id B) the superego C) the anti-ego D) the ego

the superego

Stimulus generalization refers to ________. A) the tendency for stimuli to be similar in nature B) the fact that most conditioned stimuli are similar to unconditioned stimuli C) the tendency of stimuli similar to a conditioned stimulus to evoke similar, conditioned responses D) the tendency for extinction to occur when an unconditioned stimulus does not follow a stimulus similar to a conditioned stimulus

the tendency of stimuli similar to a conditioned stimulus to evoke similar, conditioned responses

The Berry and Dale advertising agency has proposed a new campaign for Bayer Aspirin to overcome the public's tendency to "tune out" Bayer commercials. The proposed technique involves creating ten different 15-second spots that all demonstrate reasons for using Bayer Aspirin. Which of the following theories of message communication is the agency trying to account for in its proposal for Bayer Aspirin? A) the trait-factor theory B) the balanced communication theory C) the two-factor theory D) the theory of reasoned action

the two-factor theory

Which theory of attitudes states that people are motivated to take action to resolve inconsistencies between attitudes and behaviors? A) theory of cognitive dissonance B) self-perception theory C) social judgment theory D) balance theory

theory of cognitive dissonance

Some theorists have proposed a model that focuses on studying consumer goals as a way to explore attitude formation. According to this model, what consumers believe they have to do to attain their goals would also be part of any evaluation of attitudes. Which of the following theories would be most closely linked to the statements above? A) theory of reasoned action B) theory of trying C) theory of direct response D) rejection theory

theory of trying

People in every culture adorn or alter their bodies in some way. Decorating the self serves a number of purposes. Which of the following is NOT one of those purposes? A) to separate group members from non-group members B) to place the individual in the social organization C) to enhance sex-role identification D) to indicate expected life-span

to indicate expected life-span

Some color combinations come to be so strongly associated with a corporation that they become known as the company's ________.

trade dress

What theory of personality suggests that one person differs from another because of a number of different characteristics such as introversion or extroversion? A) trait theory B) collective unconscious theory C) Freudian theory D) archetype theory

trait theory

A consumer is attached to an object to the extent that she relies upon it to maintain her self-concept.


A consumer's ability to detect a difference between two stimuli is relative to the strength of those stimuli.


A mother observes her daughter stirring batter in a bowl just the way she does when she bakes. The daughter has modeled her mother's behavior.


Alba is dedicated to fitness and nutrition. She rarely eats fast food because of the high calories and low nutritional value. Though Alba is exposed to many advertising messages from fast food restaurants each day, she rarely processes these messages. This is an example of subliminal perception.


Alfred Adler suggested that many actions that people take are motivated by their desire to overcome feelings of inferiority.


Cognitive learning theory approaches tend to stress the importance of internal mental processes.


Colors look duller to older people, which is why they prefer white and other bright tones.


Conditioning effects are more likely to occur after the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli have been paired a number of times.


Conducting motivational research tends to be less expensive than conducting a large-scale, quantitative survey because interviewing and data-processing costs are relatively minimal.


Consumers are more likely to be aware of stimuli that relate to their current needs. This is an example of perceptual vigilance.


Consumers who are more satisfied with their bodies are more frequent users of such "preening" products as hair conditioners, blow dryers, cologne, facial bronzer, tooth polish, and pumice soap.


Consumers' attraction to slot machines can be explained by the variable-ratio reinforcement schedule the machines use.


Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty features women with imperfect bodies modeling in advertisements for skin and hair care products. The nature of the social comparison that occurs when a consumer uses these marketing images as a benchmark is likely different than the social comparison that occurs when a consumer sees advertisements for other skin and hair care products.


Episodic memories are likely to become part of a person's long-term memory.


Every time Tim goes to bat, he rubs the charm on the necklace that his girlfriend gave him. This charm has never failed to help him get a good hit. The charm has become part of Tim's extended self.


Fragrance is processed by the limbic system, the most primitive part of the brain and the place where immediate emotions are experienced.


Individuals have different absolute thresholds for visual and aural stimuli. This fact supports the statement that subliminal advertising would need to be tailored to the individual in order to be effective.


It is common for companies to divide up their consumers along lifestyle dimensions and label these groups with terms such as "Geek Chic Guy" or "Whole Foods Woman."


It is common for consumers to describe themselves in terms of the neighborhood or town from which they come. This is an illustration of the community level of the extended self.


Lars has developed an online, multiplayer game that he thinks could be the next big hit in computer-mediated environments. Lars is in the process of looking for financial backers as he moves from the prototype of his game to the finished product. To encourage financial backers, Lars should explain that for most people interested in playing online games, the gap between their online and offline selves is narrowing.


Learning refers to a relatively permanent change in behavior that is caused by experience.


Marketers assist in the process called elaborative rehearsal when they use catchy slogans or jingles to help consumers remember information about products or services.


Men and women who are exposed to beautiful models in advertisements and commercials are likely to alter their perceptions of their own body shapes.


Novelty in the form of interruption intensifies our experiences, increasing our enjoyment of pleasant stimuli and amplifying our dislike of unpleasant stimuli.


On Lost, the popular television drama with mysterious and supernatural plotlines, the fictional Hanso foundation sponsors questionable research projects. Many Lost Web sites now sell items bearing the Hanso name and logo. This is an example of hyperreality.


One of the goals of successful marketing is to have potential customers think of the marketer's product whenever they try to remember products within a certain category. This remembered set of products is called an evoked set.


People tend to pattern their behavior on the perceived expectations of others, which is a form of a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Personality refers to a person's unique psychological makeup and how it consistently influences the way a person responds to his or her environment.


Retrieval is the process whereby we recover information from long-term memory.


Sarah Palmer realizes she just made a mistake. In her hurried shopping trip, she picked up the yellow plastic squeeze bottle from the grocery store shelf, assuming that it was French's mustard. To her dismay, it was the store brand. Her confusion is an illustration of the importance of package schematics.


Secret shoppers may be used by marketers to test the effectiveness of service quality among employees. This is a form of variable-interval reinforcement.


Shari Gomez sees the big red heart on the front of a Cheerios box and immediately thinks of an ad she has seen that discusses the heart-healthy benefits of Cheerios. This is an illustration of a stimulus-response connection.


Social comparison is a basic human tendency.


Some color combinations can become so associated with a company that the corporation may be granted exclusive use of these colors.


Stimulus generalization can create a halo effect.


T/F: A behavioral researcher studying how consumers use multi-sensory, fantasy, and emotional factors in selecting products is studying hedonic consumption.


T/F: As people's incomes rise, they are more likely to prefer additional experiences over additional possessions.


T/F: Interpretation is the last stage of the perceptual process.


T/F: Unlike computers, people do not passively process whatever information happens to be present.


T/F:The first step in the perception process is exposure to a stimulus. Without exposure, there would be no perception.


The ego is the referee in the fight between temptation and virtue.


The growing number of Web sites and blogs devoted to excessive weight loss illustrates the problem of body image distortion.


The location of a product's image on a package influences the way our brains make sense of it; we perceive objects lower in a frame to be heavier than objects higher in the frame and objects on the right side of a frame heavier than those on the left side of the frame.


The success of hybrid ads supports the idea that the viewing environment of a marketing message affects recall.


Western cultures tend to subscribe to an independent understanding of the self, which emphasizes the inherent separateness of each individual.


When Pavlov's famous dogs responded to a bell signaling feeding time, they were exhibiting what is called classical conditioning.


When the Casa Sanchez restaurant in San Francisco gives free lunches for life to anyone who gets its logo tattooed on his or her body, the restaurant is using identity marketing.


You can understand the following uniquely-printed sentence because of the Gestalt principle of closure. Percption is imptant in undrstdng consmr bhavr.


The fine line between familiarity and boredom has been explained by the ________, which proposes that two separate psychological processes are operating when a person is repeatedly exposed to an ad. A) balance theory B) repetition theory C) halo theory D) two-factor theory

two-factor theory

Rick Tuan has a unique problem. He must persuade a good friend to stop smoking. He knows that if he just says "Quit," his message will be rejected. Instead, Rick chooses to offer a ________ message in which he presents the positives and negatives of quitting smoking. He feels sure that this approach will have a greater likelihood of success with his friend. A) supportive B) low-involvement C) two-sided D) refutational


Consumer researchers have adapted some of Sigmund Freud's ideas. In particular, his work highlights the potential importance of ________ that influence our purchases. A) rational-thinking B) unconscious motives C) conscious motives D) deviant behavior

unconscious motives

"Casual Fridays" in American workplaces encourage the expression of a person's ________. A) virtual self B) dual self C) cultural self D) unique self

unique self

Which of the following attitude functions is associated with a focus on particular social identities and lifestyles (e.g., "What sort of man reads Playboy?")? A) utilitarian B) value-expressive C) ego-defensive D) knowledge


A department store decides to use "secret shoppers" at unannounced times to test for service quality among its personnel. Store personnel are rewarded for excellent service attitudes. Which of the following reinforcement schedules would most likely apply in this situation? A) fixed-ratio reinforcement B) fixed-interval reinforcement C) variable-frequency reinforcement D) variable-interval reinforcement

variable-interval reinforcement

Which type of reinforcement best characterizes what an individual would typically experience while fishing? A) fixed-interval reinforcement B) variable-interval reinforcement C) fixed-ratio reinforcement D) mixed-ratio reinforcement

variable-interval reinforcement

Almost any technique that increases the novelty of a stimulus also improves recall of the stimulus. This result is called the ________. A) highlighting effect B) von Restorff Effect C) spacing effect D) halo effect

von Restorff Effect predicts that an item that "stands out like a sore thumb" (called distinctive encoding) is more likely to be remembered than other items.

The ideal self is a person's conception of how she ________. A) adapts to play different roles B) imagines others to think of her C) would like to be D) realistically thinks she is

would like to be

People across all cultures appear to favor physical features that are associated with ________. A) intellect B) wealth C) youth D) confidence


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