CPA #6 - Critical Thinking & Argumentation

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What is 1. autonomy?

"How does a drive to form one's own conclusions encourage us in any fashion to seek and listen to views that are NOT our own?" -You want to pick and choose from the widest possible array of possibilities -Otherwise could miss a decision/position

What are the primary values of a critical thinker?

1. Autonomy 2. Curiosity 3. Humility 4. Respect for good reasoning wherever you find it

Explain the 3 general guidelines Ruggiero suggests for identifying when evidence is sufficient.

1. Evidence is sufficient when it permits a judgement to be made with certainty (wishing is NOT certainty, assuming and pretending is not either. certainty exsists when there is NO GOOD reason for doubt and no baisis to dispute) 2. if certanity is unattainable, evidence is sufficient if one view of the issue has been shown to have the force of probability (meaning that this view is more reasonable than any other competing view) 3. In all other cases, the evidence must be considered insufficient (if evidence does not show one view to be more reasonable from a competeing view, hold back judgement until a reasonable and evidence suffient view is available)

Distinguish between labartory and field enviorments. Describe the advanatges and disadvantages to both.

1. Lab: enables researchers to vary the conditions and therby identify the causes/effects more preciseley HOWEVER its articifical 2. Field enviorment: occurs in natural setting, the scientist is out there HOWEVER, the prescence of researchers can influence subjust and distort findings

What are the types of evidence to organize your thinking, identified by Ruggiero.

1. Personal experience (no need for internet/library, we have this evidence in our mind) Q: Are the events typical or unique? 2. Unpublished report (Stories we hear from other people= "gossip") Q: Where did the sotry orginate? 3. Published report (Found in a variety of published/boradcasted works, scholarly books, etc.) Q: Does the author have a reputation for careful reporting? 4.Eyewitness Testimony (Considered most reliable kind of evidence, can be flawed though) Q: What circumstances since the event could have affected the eyewitness's recollection? 5. Celebrity Testimony (Celebrities endorsing products and services in commericals and infomercials) Q: In the celebrity a paid spokesperson? 6. Expert opinion (Generally more reliable than most varieties of evidence) Q: Does the person have in addition to credentials in the broad field, specif expertise in the particular issue addressed? 7. Expeiriment (2 types: lab and field. Lab enables researchers to vary conditions and identify causes/effects more precisely, still artificial. Field occurs in natrual setting but can effect results due to distracting subjects) Q: Has it been replicated by other epxierimenters? 8. Statistics (Applies to any information that can be qauntified) Q: Who created it and why? 9. Survey (Most common tolls in porfesionals, data from survey is quanitfiable) Q:Was the sample truly representative? 10. Formal Observation (2 kinds: detached and particpant. Detached does NOT interact with the individuals being studied. Participant observation is where the researcher is involved in the activity being studied) Q: Is it likely the presence of the observer disorted the behavior of the partcipant? 11. Research review (undertaken when a considerable body of research has alread been done on a subject) Q: Has the reviewr omitted any relevant research?

What are the advantages and disavnatges to sponge thinking style?

Advantages of S: -the more information absorbed about the world, the more capable you are of understanding its complexities -knowledge you have aquired provides a FOUNDATION for more complicated thinking eventually -productive start toward becoming a thoughtful person -quick and easy (not very strenuous) Disadvantages of S: -provides the method for deciding which information and opinions to believe and which to reject -if the reader depended on this appraoch, he would believe everything he read last -does not evaluate information but memorizes the reasoning

What are the advantges and disadvanatges to panning for gold thinking style?

Advatages of PG: -appraoches the reading assuming and ready to aquire new knowledge -requires reader to ask themself a number of questions to uncover the best avilable decisions/beliefs -interactive involvement (dialogue between reader and writer or speaker and listener) -you are willining to agree but first need convincing answers to your questions -ASK QUESTIONS TO BE AN ACTIVE LISTENER Disadvantages of PG: -takes time and is very strenuous in comparison to sponge method

What is 4. Respect for good reasoning wherever you find it?

All opinions or conclusions are not equally worthwhile -critical questions provide framework in choosing the right people for you -find strong reasoning and rely on it until something better comes

What is 3. Humility?

Recogonize that even the smartest person in the world makes many mistakes each week and provides the ideal platform for engaging actively with other people -we do not all have same insights -its a good expierience to associate with others and help fill those gaps -Humilitiy keeps us from the belief "those who disagree with me are biased and i am not."

Explain the difference between "the sponge" and "panning for gold" thinking styles as secribed by Browne & Keeley (2012).

The sponge: aborbing. Emphasizes knowledge acquistion. Panning for gold: provides a model for active readers and listeners as they try to determine the worth of what they read and hear. 2 appraoches (must be something in your pant to evaluate and to evaluate arguments, we have to posses knowledge and dependable opinions)

What is 2. curosity?

To take advanatges of the panning for gold method of living your life, you need to listen and read -Other people have the power to move you forward due to their knowledge/expeirences -ask questions of what you have just encountered -learn how to ask the right questions

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