CPTR 115 Final

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* In multitasking computer, the program counter keeps track of how many programs are currently loaded into main memory.


*Although they were large and expensive by today's standards, early computers such as the MARK I and ENIAC were comparable in performance ( memory capacity and processing speed ) to modern desktop computers.


*Because the ARPANet used ordinary phone lines to connect computers over large distances, it was slow compared to existing technologies of all time


*Because transistors were smaller and produced less heat than heat than vacuum tubes, they allowed for the design of smaller and faster computer.


*In a stored-program computer, both machine language instructions and the data operated on by those instructions can reside in main memory at the same time


*In real computers, it takes roughly the same amount of time to transfer data from main memory to registers as it does to add two numbers in registers.


*Moore's Law dictates that integrated circuitry must be manufactured out of silicon, as opposed to other semiconductors such as germanium.


*Suppose a CPU contains eight registers. Within a Machine language instruction, at least 3 bits would be required to uniquely identify one of the registers


*Supposed you wish to add two numbers that are stored in memory. Before the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) can add the numbers, they must first be transferred to registers within the CPU.


*The ARPANet, the precursor to today's Internet, was funded primarily by the U.S. Department of Defense


*The main reason that workers wear protective clothing when manufacturing integrated circuits is to protect them from exposure to dangerous chemicals


*Within the CPU the control unit is responsible for fetching machine-language instruction from memory interpeting their meaning, and carrying out the specified CPU cycles.


A hard disk is classified as volatile memory, because it requires a constant power supply in order to retain its information


A kilobyte of storage is 2^10= 1024 bytes, where a byte is a collection of 8 bit.


Search engines such as Google.com verify the accuracy of information on Web pages before they report those pages

Types of Input Devices

keyboards Mice Microphones Barcode Readers Touch Screens Image Scanners


A bit is a unit of data that corresponds to one of two potential values (commonly written as 0 and 1)


A bus is a collection of wires that carry information as electrical signals between the hardware components of a computer


A circuit is a collection of transistors (and possibly other electronic devices) wired together to produce a particular behavior.


A directory is a collection of files that are organized together and labeled with a common name.


A flip-flop is a circuit that serves to store a single bit.

True is an example of an IP address.


A microprocessor is a special -purpose computer that is used to control scientific machinery.


A router is a special-purpose computer on the Internet that receives message packets, access routing information, and passes the packets on toward their destination.


A semiconductor is a metal that can be manipulated to be either a good or a bad conductor of electricity.


A sequence of instructions for assembling a bookcase does not qualify as an "algorithm" since the instructions are not written in formal, mathematical notation.


A web browser is an example of application software.


Ada Byron is generally acknoledged as the world's firs programmer due to her work on Babbage's Analytical Engine.


All modern CPUs provide the same set of basic operations that can be executed in a single CPU cycle


Amazon.com is the largest e-commerce site in terms of yearly online sales


An algorithm is a step-by-step sequence of instructions for carrying out some task


An electromagnetic relay is a mechanical switch that can be used to control the flow of electricity through a wire.


Any piece of memory that is used to store the sum of numeric values is known as a register.


As computer programs can be complex and difficult to write, they are known as "hardware."


Because of budget constraints public schools are less likely to have Internet access today than they were 10 years ago.


Big-Oh notation is used to measure the exact number of seconds required by a particular algorithm when executing on a particular computer.


Binary search is an example of an O(log N) algorithm, where the number of items in the list to be searched is N.

Types of output devices

Cathode-ray tube (CRT) Liquid crystal display (LCD) Laser printer Ink-jet printer Plotter


Commercial software systems are thoroughly tested so that all programming errors are identified and fixed before the system is marketed


Compute technology has greatly impacted the banking industry to the extent that credit cards and debit card have reduced consumers' reliance on cash.


Embedded processors are computer chips that are built into appliances and machinery to control their workings


For a precise, clearly-stated problem, there can be only one algorithm that solves that problem.


Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce are credited with independently inventing the integrated circuit.


JavaScript, C++, and Java are all examples of high-level programming languages.


Keyboard and mice are examples of computer input devices.


If there is no electrical current on the input wire to a NOT gate, then there will be current on its output wire


In a centralized computer network , the failure of a single machine or connection can isolate large portions of the network


In order to be classified as a "computer", a device must have a keyboard and display screen.


In the URL http://balance3e.com/index.html, the part balance3e.com identifies the web server where the page is stored.


Instant messaging software allows users to send and receive messages almost instantaneously, allowing for interactive conversations between remote users


Many Web servers improve performance by uses parallel processing, in which multiple processors run simultaneously to handle page request .


Microsoft marketed the first commercial Web browser


Moore's Law states that the number of transistors that can be manufactured on a computer chip doubles every 12 to 18 months


NMOS and PMOS were two competing companies that manufactured microchips in the early 1960s


Nonmetals such as carbon and oxygen tend to be good conductors of electricity.


One advantage of assembly languages over machine languages is that they enable the programmer to use words to identify instructions instead of using binary-number sequences.


Suppose you have been given a sorted list of 100 names and need to find a particular name in that list. Using binary search, it is possible that you might have to look at every location in the list before finding the desired name.


Suppose you have been given a sorted list of 100 names and need to find a particular name in that list. Using sequential search, it is possible that you might have to look at every location in the list before finding the desired name.


The " digital divide" refers to the fact that the disadvantaged is society minorities, the poor, and uneducated citizens are less likely to have access to the Internet.


The Internet Society, an international nonprofit organization, maintains and enforces standards for the hardware and software of the Internet.


The World Wide Web was developed in the early 1970's, shortly after the creation of the internet


The World Wide Web was developed in the early 1970s, shortly after the development of the internet


The first personal computer was the IBM PC which first hit the market in 1980.


The first programmable machine was a mechanical calculator designed by Charles Babbage.


The path that data follows within the CPU, traveling along buses from registers to the ALU and then back to the registers is known as the CPU datapath


The size of main memory is generally measured in MHz or GHz


The sum of the binary numbers 101>2 and 1>2 is 110>2


Vacuum tubes, as they have no moving parts, enable the switching of electrical signals at speeds far exceeding those of relays.


When a Web page is loaded into a Web browser, JavaScript code in that page is executed by a JavaScript interpreter that is embedded in the browser.


When a message is broken into packets for transmission over the Internet, it is a guaranteed that all packets will take the same route from source to destination.

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