Cranial Nerves except Trigeminal and Facial: Head and Neck Innervation

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What muscles of the eye are innervated by the parasympathetic fibers via the short ciliary nerves of ciliary ganglion?

Sphincter pupillae

The ____ nerve, _____ nerve and _____ nerve all exit through the jugular foramen.

glossopharyngeal, vagus; accessory

The ___ nerve or cranial nerve ____is the cranial nerve for special sensory taste.

glossopharyngeal; IX

The vestibulocochlear nerve is for ____, ___ and _____.

hearing; equilibrium; motion

The hypoglossal nerve exits the cranium through the ____ ____, runs anteriorly between the ___ ___ ___ and the ___ ___ ___, runs deep to the ____ belly of the digastric and _____ muscle to enter the _____ triangle.

hypoglossal canal; external carotid artery; internal jugular vein; posterior; stylohyoid; submandibular

The vestibulocochlear nerve enters the ____ ____ ____ with the ___ nerve and divides into ___ and ____ branches.

internal acoustic meatus; facial; cochlear; vestibular

The ____ ____ nerve is responsible for taste to the root of the tongue and epiglottis.

internal laryngeal

The glossopharyngeal nerve exits the cranium through the anterior aspect of the ___ ____ where it has 2 ganglia.

jugular foramen

The internal laryngeal nerve is responsible for sensory to the ____ (above the ___ ___) and the ___ ____.

larynx; vocal folds

The trochlear nerve, like the oculomotor nerve, runs anteriorly in the ___ ____ of the ____ ____, enters the ____ through the ____ ____ ____.

lateral wall; cavernous sinus; orbit; superior orbital fissure

The oculomotor nerve runs anteriorly in the ___ ___ of the ___ ___, enters the ___ through the ____ ____ ____ then branches into the ___ and ____ divisions.

lateral wall; cavernous sinus; orbit; superior orbital fissure; superior; inferior

Which cranial nerves are sensory?

CN I- olfactory CN II - optic CN VIII - verstibulocochlear

Which cranial nerves are motor?

CN III- oculomotor CN IV- trochlear CN VI- abducent CN XI - accessory CN XII - hypoglossal

Which cranial nerves are both sensory and motor?

CN V - trigeminal CN VII- facial CN X- vagus CN IX- glossopharyngeal

What nerve is responsible for sensory to the carotid sinus (baroreceptor) and carotid body (chemoreceptor)?

Carotid sinus nerve

What is the muscle has somatic motor innervation of the glossopharyngeal nerve?

Stylopharyngeous m

What muscle, used as a pulley or trochlea to redirect its line of action, is innervated by the trochlear nerve?

superior oblique muscle

The auricular branch of the vagus nerve is responsible for innervation to the ___ ____, part of the ___ ___, and the ___.

tympanic membrane; ear canal; auricle

The accessory nerve ascends along the ____ _____ ____, enters the skill through the ____ ____, loops around and exits the cranial cavity through the posterior part of the ____ ____.

upper cervical cord; foramen magnum; jugular foramen

What is the order of the cranial nerves?

"Oh! - Olfactory Once - Optic One - Oculomotor Takes - Trochlear The - Trigeminal Anatomy - Abducent Final - Facial Very - Vestibulocochlear Good - Glossopharyngeal Vacations - Vagus Are - Accessory Heavenly!" - Hypoglossal

What type of nerve is the glossopharyngeal nerve?

- somatic motor - somatic sensory -visceral motor -visceral sensory -special sensory

What type of innervation does the vagus nerve (CN X) have?

- somatic motor -somatic sensory - visceral motor -visceral sensory -special sensory

What are the branches of somatic sensory of the glossopharyngeal nerve?

1. Tympanic nerve 2. Carotid sinus nerve 3. Pharyngeal and Tonsillar nerves 4. Lingual nerve

What are the two branches of the superior laryngeal nerve of the vagus nerve?

1. internal laryngeal 2. external laryngeal

What muscles of the eye are innervated by the superior division of the oculomotor nerve?

1. levator palpebrae superioris 2. superior rectus

What muscles of the eye are innervated by the inferior division of the oculomotor nerve?

1. medial rectus 2. inferior rectus 3. inferior oblique

What are the branches of the vagus nerve?

1. meningeal branch 2. auricular branch 3. pharyngeal branch 4. superior laryngeal 5. cardiac branches 6. recurrent laryngeal

The axons of ____ ___ nerve cells in the retina (____ ____ cells) project back to the brain forming the ___ ___.

3rd order; retinal ganglion; optic nerve

The hypoglossal nerve runs with the superior root of the ____ ____ and provides motor innervation to the _____ and _____ muscles.

Ansa cervicalis; thyrohyoid; geniohyoid

What does the hypoglossal nerve innervate?

Intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles.

What muscle responsible for abducting the eye is innervated by the abducent nerve?

Lateral rectus muscle

What nerve is responsible for sensory and taste (special sensory) to the posterior 1/3 of the tongue?

Lingual nerve of the glossopharyngeal nerve

The ciliary muscle is responsible for accommodation of the lens, which is innervated by what division of the oculomotor nerve?

Parasympathetic fibers via the short ciliary nerves of the ciliary ganglion

What nerves are responsible for sensory to the pharynx, palatine tonsils and soft palate?

Pharyngeal nerve and tonsillar nerve

Damage to what nerve could lead to lack of voice production?

Recurrent laryngeal nerve

What nerve supplies motor function to the laryngeal muscles except for cricothyroid m?

Recurrent laryngeal nerve

Which cranial nerves are sensory, motor or both?

SSMMBMBSBBMM "Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Boobs Matter More"

What does the accessory nerve innervate?

Trapezius muscle and sternocleidomastoid muscle

What nerve is responsible for sensory to the middle ear and is affected during ear infection?

Tympanic nerve

CN VI is called the ____ nerve and it is a ___ ___ nerve.

abducent; somatic motor

The ___ ____ of the vagus nerve are visceral motor and sensory to the heart and lungs.

cardiac branches

The abducent nerve runs through the ___ ____ parallel and inferior to the ___ ___ artery, then enters the ____ through the ____ ____ ___.

cavernous sinus

The ___ nerve goes to the cochlear, the organ for hearing.


CN IV is the smallest ____ nerve with the longest ____ course.

cranial; intracranial

The vagus nerve exits the ___ through the middle aspect of the ___ ____ between the glosspharyngeal (IX) and accessory (XI) nerves, then travels inferiorly in the ___ through the ___ ____.

cranium; jugular foramen; neck; carotid sheath

The ___ ___ nerve is responsible for motor to the cricothyroid muscle.

external laryngeal

The parotid gland has visceral motor innervation by the ___ ___ nerve to the ___ ___ and the _____ nerve (CN V3).

lesser petrosal; otic ganglion; auriculotemporal

The ____ branch of the vagus nerve is responsible for sensory to the dura mater of the ____ ____ ____only. The rest of the dura mater is innervated by CN __.

meningeal; posterior cranial fossa; V

The axons of secondary nerve cells or ___ ___ become the ____ ____.

mitral cells; olfactory tract

The pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve is responsible for ___ innervation to the ____ muscles except for ____ (CN IX) and soft palate except for ___ ___ ___ (CN V3).

motor; pharyngeal; stylopharyngeal; tensor velli palatini

The olfactory nerve begins on the ___ ____ on the ____ ____ and arises through the foramina of the ____ _____, synapse on the _____ ____.

olfactory receptors; olfactory mucosa; cribriform plate; olfactory bulb

The optic nerve enters the cranium through the ____ ____, forms the ____ ____, and posterior to the chiasm becomes the ____ ____.

optic canal; optic chiasm; optic tract

The ____ ____ nerve of the vagus nerve travels inferiorly, wraps around the subclavian artery and the arch of aorta then ascends in the neck in the groove between the esophagus and trachea.

recurrent laryngeal

While the internal laryngeal supplies sensory above the vocal folds, the ___ ____ nerve supplies sensory to the larynx below the vocal folds.

recurrent laryngeal

The accessory nerve (CN XI) is ___ ____ only.

somatic motor

The hypoglossal nerve is ___ ____.

somatic motor

The trochlear nerve (CN IV) is a ___ ___ nerve.

somatic motor

The oculomotor nerve (CN III) is a ___ and ____ ____ nerve. It has ____ fibers.

somatic; visceral motor; parasympathetic

The olfactory nerve (CN I) is a ___ ___ nerve.

special sensory

The optic nerve (CN II) is a ___ ____ nerve.

special sensory

The ___ nerve goes to the ___ ___ for balance and equilibrium.

vestibular; semicircular canal

CN VII is called the ____ nerve and is a ___ ___ nerve.

vestibulocochlear; special sensory

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