Cranium ch.11
How many facial bones are there?
The Occipital bone articulates with which six bones
2 parietal, 2 temporal, sphenoid, and atlas
How many cranial bones are there?
The ethmoid bone fits into what notch
Ethmoidal notch
Name the bones in the Calvarium (Skullcap)
Frontal, right parietal, left parietal, occipital
Name the bones in on the floor of the cranium
Right temporal, left temporal, sphenoid, ethmoid
Name the two main parts of the frontal bone
Squamous (vertical portion) , Orbital (horizontal portion)
Name the parts of the temporal bone
Squamous portion, mastoid portion, petrous portion
What is included within the orbital/horizontal portion of the cranium
Supraorbital margin, superciliary ridges, glabella, frontal tuberosities
Temporal bone
bone that forms parts of the side of the skull and floor of the cranial activity. There is a right and left temporal bone.
What makes up the atlantoccipital joint
first cervical vertebrae (atlas) and lateral condylar portions (occipital condyles)
Frontal bone
formation of forehead and superior orbits
Ethmoid bone
forms part of the posterior portion of the nose, the orbit, and the floor of the cranium
Orbital plate
forms superior part of each orbital
The parietal bone articulates with what five bones
frontal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid, parietal bones
What is included within the squamous/vertical portion of the cranium
glabella, supraorbital groove, supraorbital margin, supraorbital notch, frontal tuberosity
Styloid process
inferior to mandible and anterior to the EAM
foramen magnum
large opening at the base of the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes as it leaves the brain
Jugular foramina
located in the base of the cranium, jugular veins are formed, three cranial nerves pass
What forms the temporomandibular joint
mandible and temporal bone
The Temporal bone articulates with which three bones
parietal, occipital and sphenoid
External occipital protuberance (inion)
prominent bump at the inferiosuperior portion of the skull
The frontal bone articulates with what four bones
right and left parietal, sphenoid, and ethmoid
supraorbital groove
slight depression above eyebrow
supraorbital notch
small hole within supraorbital groove slightly medial - artery and nerve passes through
smooth raised prominence between the eyebrows
squamous portion - temporal bone
thin upper portion that forms part of the skull, most vulnerable portion of the entire skull to fracture
internal acoustic meatus
transmit the nerves of hearing and equilibrium
Parietal bone
two skull bones between the frontal and occipital bones and forming the top and sides of the cranium