Criminal Investigation 9th Edition

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Facial composites have been used successfully to identify suspects in numerous cases. Two most noted cases include?

- Oklahoma "Murrah Building" bomber Tim McVeigh - Baton Rouge serial killer Derick Todd Lee

A search warrant cannot be issued unless it meets with constitutional guidelines and what 3 legal requirements?

1) Authorized by proper official 2) For specific items or objects 3) Probable Cause

Although DNA is extremely complex chemically, it consists of only five basic elements: (nucleotides) what are the 5 elements?

1) Carbon 2) Hydrogen 3) Oxygen 4) Nitrogen 5) Phosphorus

A forensic autopsy or post Mortem examination is used to identify what 3 factors?

1) Cause of Death 2) Mechanism of Death 3) Manner of death (Victim)

What are the 6 warrantless searches

1) Consent 2) Exigent Circumstances 3) Incident to arrest 4) Terry Frisk 5) Plain View 6) Automobile

Gunshot wounds can be classified based on the range from the muzzle of the gun to the target. What are the three classifications?

1) Contact wound 2) Near-contact wound 3) Intermediate wound 4) Distant wound

Jonathan White suggests that five distinct forms of terrorism can be considered:

1) Criminal 2) Ideological 3) Nationalistic 4) State-sponsored 5) Revolutionary

What reasons would constitute an exigent circumstance or warrantless searches?

1) Destruction of evidence 2) Danger to life 3) Threat of suspect escaping

What are the 6 main objectives for Criminal Investigations?

1) Detect crimes 2) Locate and identify suspects in crimes 3) Locate, document, and preserve evidence in crimes. 4) Arrest suspects in crimes 5) Recover stolen property 6) Prepare sound criminal cases for prosecution

A crime laboratory's chemistry section is typically divided into three subunits. What are the 3 subunits?

1) General Chemistry 2) Toxicology 3) Paints and Polymers

What are the three legal elements of Aggravated Assault?

1) High probability of death 2) Disfigurement 3) Permanent loss of function (organs) dismemberment

Only two organizations are legally allowed to perform a forensic autopsy. List the two?

1) Medical Examiner Office 2) Coroners Office

Violent crime is composed of four offenses:

1) Murder 2) Non-negligent manslaughter 3) Rape 4) Robbery 5) Aggravated Assault

A search warrant return must contain what six items of information?

1) Name of Officer serving the warrant 2) Date of warrant 3) List of property seized 4) Officer signature 5) Property owner 6) signature and date of judge

Crime scene notes in a homicide investigation should include what 5 things?

1) Name of Officers 2) Witness information 3) Complainant Information 4) Entry/Exit of Suspect 5) Weather Condition

The problem of Internet child pornography can be divided into three components—the _____ _____ and _____ of images.

1) Production 2) Distribution 3) Downloading

Stalking is distinguishable from many other types of crime in what two important ways?

1) Repeat victimization 2) Impact on the victim

What are the the factors for the "totality of the circumstances"?

1) Severity of Crime 2) Immediate threat 3) Active resistance or evading

What are the 4 most commonly used search patterns of and crime scene?

1) Spiral 2) Grid 3) Strip/Line 4) Quadrant/Zone

What are the 5 main goals of the interrogation process?

1) Truth of crime 2) Admission of guilt 3) All facts and method of operation 4) Information to get logical conclusion 5) Information for Prosecution

What is the jail sentence for cyberstalking?

0-4 years jail

Cleanup of any areas, such as counters, tabletops, or equipment that may have come in contact with contaminated items, should be performed using a diluted chlorine bleach solution of __ part chlorine to __ parts water.

1 / 10

Almost half (44 percent) of street robberies occur ___ mile or less from the victims' homes—perhaps because people are near home most of the time or offenders specifically target them near their homes.

1 mile

A search warrant basically contains three stages. List the three stages.

1) Affidavit 2) Search Warrant 3) Search Warrant Return

"___" refers to the strong influence of the starting point or first approximation on the final estimate.


What three interview types have been shown to be more effective in helping children recall information than standard interviewing techniques?

1) Child cognitive interview 2) step wise interview 3) narrative elaboration

What are the three classifications of burglary?

1) Forcible entry 2) Unlawful entry 3) Attempted unlawful entry

The process of body "decomposition" tissue breakdown may take from several days up to years. What are the 5 stages of decomposition?

1) Fresh 2) Putrefaction 3) Black Putrefaction 4) Butyric Fermentation 5) Dry Decay

What are the 5 styles of an interrogation?

1) Logical 2) Sympathetic 3) Indifferent 4) Face-Saving 5) Egotistical

What 4 things does a search warrant affidavit have to contain for a magistrate to sign off on?

1) The Reason to request 2) The Officer name requesting 3) Specific Item 4) Specific area to be searched 5) Signature of Judge

What are the two legal elements of Simple Assaults?

1) Threats to cause harm 2) Bodily injury

Officer and suspect clothing often provides extremely important information about the shooting and must be properly preserved. What four elements can clothing tell about the incident?

1) position of the arm during shooting 2) Distance between Officer and subject 3) Distance and trajectory of the bullet 4) entry and exit wounds

When an Investigator places more weight on evidence that supports their hypothesis rather than on clues or evidence that weakens it is know as "___ ___"?

"Belief Perseverance"

Because of his blindness, John Fielding was soon dubbed the "___ ___" (beak meaning magistrate) to the criminal underworld in London.

"Blind beak"

The Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock fired more than 1,100 rounds using semi-automatic rifles fitted with "__ __ __" which allowed him to fire at a rate similar to that of a fully automatic weapon.

"Bump fire stocks"

According to Brent E. Turvey, "___ ___" or linking analysis refers to the process of determining whether or not there are discrete connections between ___ or more previously unrelated cases through crime scene analysis.

"Case linkage" / two

"_______" encourages citizens to engage in "anonymous" informing to assist police in developing suspects in crimes or to catch criminals in the act of committing them.


A typical example of a false data entry, or ____ _____, is the case of a timekeeping clerk who filled out data forms of hours worked by 300 employees in a railroad company department.

"Data diddling"

Sexual assault crimes are typically seen as "____ ___".

"Garbage collector"

Although lawful and appropriate to do so, the defense attorney may inquire of the officer on the witness stand whether this was done before trial and may even attempt to take custody of the report to place into evidence under the "___ _____ ____" exception to the hearsay rule.

"Past recollection recorded"

During Europes Industrial Revolution, "___ ___" were recruited from the riffraff of the streets to aid law enforcement officials in locating criminals.

"Thief Catchers"

The anticipatory search warrant may not be executed until a specific event or "___ ___" have occurred.

"Triggering conditions"

By examining the "____", one can determine the type of shot and gauge of gun, and possibly identify the gun.


The loss sustained in most robberies is less than $____.


The average loss from ATM robbery is $___ to $___

$100 to $200

Identity theft is a crime that causes victims very serious economic harm (ranging from $5,000 to $______ per victim)


It is estimated that the four major drugs that are smuggled into the United States from Mexico (methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, and marijuana) generate as much as $______ per year for the sources of supply.

$22 billion

According to insurance companies, a $20,000 stolen vehicle can be stripped and sold into $_______ worth of parts inventory to unscrupulous scrap and auto-body shops.


In 1991, a New York State grand jury indicted the London-based Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) and its two principal officers for fraud, bribery, money laundering, and grand larceny after a two-year investigation. BCCI had looted depositors out of more than $__ ____, which was called "the largest bank fraud in history."

$5 billion

What are the 4 classifications of death?

1)Accidental 2) Natural 3) Murder 4) Suicide

The injury SBS is estimated to affect between 1,200 and _____ children every year in the United States.


According to the FBI, in 2015, an estimated 33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs with about ____ million members are criminally active in the United States.

1.4 million

A disturbing reality is that according to the FBI, in the United States there is one robbery every ___ minutes


Domestic violence tends to be underreported: women report only __/__ to 1/2 of their assaults to police, men perhaps less.


According to the FBI, computer crimes are believed to cost private and public businesses anywhere from $40 to $___ billion yearly.


The vast majority of them are girls (76 percent), with the average age being slightly older than ___ years of age.


Some research suggests that burglars most often strike on weekdays, from 10:00 to ____ a.m. and from 1:00 to ____ p.m.—times when even routinely occupied houses may be empty.

11:00 / 3:00

The rate of cooling can, be a primary determinant as to the time of death. For example, a corpse will feel cool to the touch from 8 to __ hours after death and will remain the same temperature as its surroundings for about __ hours after death.

12 / 24

Due Process is the extension to what Amendment?

14th Amendment

In 1986, the President's Task Force on Combating Terrorism (PTFCT) reported that an estimated 60 percent of the Third World population are under 20 years of age and half are ___ years or younger.


In all cases after dealing with clean up in a crime scene, one should thoroughly wash any exposed skin surfaces with hot running water and soap for at least __ seconds before drying.


The crime of embezzlement is increasing at ___ percent per year and has an estimated annual cost of $4 billion.


An estimated _____ people are murdered every year, and most of these (an estimated 85 percent) involve people who knew each other (e.g., friends, neighbors, family members).


On June 29, 2009, Madoff was sentenced to the maximum allowed sentence, ___ years in prison.


SBS occurs primarily in children __ months of age or younger.


The London police force was created in ___ by an act introduced in parliament by Home Secretary (similar to the U.S. Secretary of the Interior) Sir Robert Peel.


The watershed in British police development occurred in ___ with the establishment of the London Metropolitan Police Department.


Identity theft became a federal crime in ___ with the passage of the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act.


Bank robberies are relatively uncommon: only about ___ of every ___ robberies are of a bank.

2 / 100

Rigor mortis sets in typically between ___ and ___ hours after death. Typically first observed in the Jaws and neck.

2 and 4

A suicide note or death note is a message left by someone who later attempts or commits suicide. It is estimated that 12 to ___ percent of suicides are accompanied by a note.


As we move in closer to the subject of the crime scene, additional photos should be taken. These photos should be taken at a distance no greater than __ feet away from the subject or item being photographed.


In the United States, domestic violence accounts for about ___ percent of the nonfatal violent crime women experience and 3 percent of that which men experience.


According to this book, how many active social media accounts does Twitter have?

200 million

In the United States, almost half of offenders arrested for robbery were under ___, and nearly two-thirds were under 25.


In human beings, __ pairs of chromosomes originate from each parent


After a search warrant has been executed and the search has been complete, the requesting officer must return the search warrant return back to the judge within ___ hours.


The duration of a kidnapping episode was usually less than __ hours.


Timelines within which people must make a report, often within __ hours of the event that triggered the suspicion of child sexual abuse.


Any contaminated clothing should be carefully removed as soon as practicable, separated from non-contaminated linens, and laundered in water at least 160°F for ___ minutes.


The "reverse sting operation" discussed here requires between 20 and ___ officers to be conducted safely and efficiently.


The average age of killers of abducted children is around __ years. They are predominantly ____ (85 percent) and half of them (51 percent) either live alone (17 percent) or with their parents (34 percent).

27 / unmarried

Statistics show that many robberies do not result in physical harm to the victim or extensive loss, but 1 in ___ does involve actual injury.


Under the Federal Rules of Evidence, a dying declaration is admissible if the proponent of the statement can establish: 1) Unavailability of Declarant 2) Statement for prosecuting (Murder/Civil) 3) ___________________________? 4) Declarants cause to impending death

3) Imminent death of Declarant

Obtain saliva samples from the victim and suspect, waiting __ minutes if a person has eaten or been smoking.


Sexual abusers are usually in a position of authority or ___ over their victims. They are usually male and typically in their early __'s, although a significant proportion are adolescents.


What is the desired amount of human pubic hairs that should be collected for specimen analysis?

30 - 60

Auto Theft Styles: Owners whose vehicles need extensive repairs oftentimes perpetrate the "30-day special" scam?

30-Days Special

A disturbing reality is that according to the FBI, in the United States there is one murder every ___ minutes


Postmortem lividity may appear anywhere between 30 minutes to __ hours after death.


Research and experience have shown that children are most at risk of dying of maltreatment during the first ___ years of life.


Try to collect a minimum of __ ounces of a specimen using a leakproof container. Seal the container with an adhesive tape and label it with your initials, the date, and an exhibit number.


Recaps of videotaped interrogation are common and take an average of 15 to __ minutes.


A "wash cycle" for money laundering is to transform small denominations of currency to businesses, money market deposits, or real estate—may take as little as __ hours.


Time limitation of a search warrant to be executed. Although noted reasonable, a typical timeline for a search warrant to be executed is within ___ to ___ hours.

48 to 96

Most ATM robberies occur at night, with the highest risk between midnight and _____a.m.

4:00 am

In most cases of child deaths, there is no exception to the ___ Amendment requirement for a search warrant for valid consent to search.


What amendment protects the unreasonable search and seizure?

4th Amendment

Close-up photos are taken at a distance of less than __feet using the zoom feature on the digital camera, and they should focus on small segments of a larger surface or on specific objects in the scene.


Federal sentencing guidelines result in a 20-year sentence; sentences can be increased by ___ years if a weapon is present during a robbery.


Georges-Abeyie (1983) Suggest that terrorist operate in Small groups or bands of 3 to __ people.


Some statistics show that one out of ___ homes in the United States will experience a break-in or some type of "home invasion."


What is the desired amount of human head hairs that should be collected for specimen analysis?

50 - 100 hairs

An estimated ___% of all sexual assaults are believed to go unreported to authorities.


According to this book, how many active social media accounts does YouTube have?

500 million

Which Amendment protects against self incrimination?

5th Amendment

Convenience stores are the target for an estimated __ percent of all commercial robberies.


It is important that the crime scene photographer shows the relationship between one item of evidence and another. In the event that an item to be photographed is smaller than __ inches, two photos should be taken.


Someone can drown in as shallow of water as __ inches?


When using the grid search pattern, Investigators should try to make squares averaging about __ square feet?


A disturbing reality is that according to the FBI, in the United States there is one rape every ___ minutes


There is more than a ___ percent chance that you will face a weapon when robbed.


The Electronic Privacy Information Center reported that the system had only a 61.4 percent accuracy rate In three months, leading airport officials to consider other security alternatives


Law enforcement estimated the size of the fraud to be $___billion, based on the amounts in the accounts of Madoff's 4,800 clients as of November 30, 2008.


Burglaries of residential properties accounted for ____ percent of all burglary offenses.


Street robbers are more likely to rob youths (age 17 and below) between 3:00 and ____p.m.


Which Amendment protects the right to confront their accuser and the right to counsel?

6th Amendment

The right to legal counsel is protected under what Amendment?

6th Amendment (Escobe v. Illinois)

Research shows that kids between __ and __ are most likely To be sexually abused.

7 and 12

ROBBERY AFTER PREVIOUS ASSOCIATION OF SOME DURATION BETWEEN VICTIM AND OFFENDER. These are considerably less common than stranger-to-stranger robberies, which account for an estimated ___% of robberies.


According to this book, how many active social media accounts does Facebook have?

750 million

Although many jurisdictions report an increase in daytime burglaries, some occur at night, typically between ____a.m. and 12:00 p.m.

7:00 am

Eyelids may remain open; the pupils may become irregular in size and shape and typically become milky and cloudy in color within __ to 10 hours of death.


To begin the superglue fuming process, a small amount of glue is recommended, usually a 1- to 2-inch-diameter pool for approximately __ cubic feet of container space.


Each human face has approximately __ nodal points.


According to a recent International Association of Chiefs of Police social media survey, ___%of law enforcement agencies use social media for criminal investigations.


Ominously, the child suffers a sexual or physical assault in an astounding __ percent of the stereotypical kidnappings.


The federal witness security program enjoys a ___ percent success rate in convictions of organized crime members by persons entering the program.


In the United States, where most bank robberies are federal offenses, ___ percent of bank robbers tried in U.S. district courts are convicted and sentenced.


Clearly, the polygraph machine can only detect certain changes in the human body, and estimates are that such changes can be detected up to __ percent of the time.


"Drug Courier Profile" involves agents observing suspected drug traffickers and developing a pattern of behavior typical of those who use commercial ___ or public ____ for drug trafficking.

Airlines / highways

The Volstead Act of the Prohibition (1920-1933) period failed to criminalize the purchase or consumption of ___—only its manufacture, transportation, and sale.


When investigating an arson case, a blue-orange flame represents burning ____.

Alcohol (accelerant)

Define: The pattern of crevices formed by the burning of a wooden structure.


Define: An amino acid-staining diazo dye used in biochemical research to stain for total protein on transferred membrane blots.

Amido Black Protein

A second process, involving the development of prints using ___ ___ present as a result of perspiration, is generally the most common method of fingerprint development for latent prints.

Amino Acids

"Forensic ____" the branch of physical anthropology that studies skeletons and human remains, usually to seek clues as to the identity, race, and sex of their former owner.


The Department of Homeland Security paid out hundreds of millions of dollars in grants to build facial recognition databases—pulling photos from drivers' license and other identification to create a massive library of residents, all in the name of ___-_____.


What type of warrant is based on an affidavit showing probable cause to believe that at some future time, particular evidence of a crime will be located at a particular place?

Anticipatory search warrant

The grooming process of a sexual predator has been described as a way of blurring the lines between ____ and inappropriate behaviors.


Fingerprints may be resolved into what three large general groups of patterns?

Arch / Loop / Whorl

Arterial spray is blood propelled out of the breached blood vessel by the pumping of the heart and often forms an ___ pattern consisting of large, individual stains, with a new pattern created for each time the heart pumps.


On April 21, 2009, the U.S. Supreme Court decided ___ v. ___ in which the Court announced new, albeit narrow, rules as to when law enforcement officers may properly search the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle incident to the arrest of one of its occupants.

Arizona v. Gant

Generally, a stakeout consists of an inside team and an outside team of two officers each. The outside team is normally designated as the ___ team.


National statistics show that "when measured on a cost per incident basis, ____ is the most expensive crime committed."


Perhaps one of the oldest known crimes is the act of ____. It creates a severe threat to human life and costs society billions of dollars per year.


Bite mark evidence is typically found at the scene of what three violent crimes?

Assault, Sexual Assault and Murder

A gang is a group of people who, through the organization, formation, and establishment of _____, share a common identity.


What type of Evidence links a suspect with a crime, such as fingerprints, footprints, bloodstains, and fibers.

Associative evidence

An _____ death represents one of the most bizarre and complex crime scenes of all. In this type of wrongful death, a body (typically, male) is discovered in a partially suspended position, nude, or clad only in feminine attire. Typical cause of death is ____?

Autoerotic / asphyxia

Typically in bloodstain analysis, ___ spatter is larger and fewer drops.


Rim fire weapons instead use "____ powder," which produces extremely fine/faint tattooing.


The most common method for laundering money is called ___ methods.


By using two different ____ institutions, the kiter may use funds from one bank to cover checks drawn on another.


United States v. Dunn, the Supreme Court ruled that the warrantless search of a ___ that is not part of the curtilage is valid.


Define: The collection of injuries sustained by a child as a result of repeated mistreatment or beating.

Battered Child Syndrome

Investigations have revealed that pyromaniacs may have a sordid past, which includes being abused as a child, ______, and cruelty to animals.

Bed wetting

Criminal profiles are groupings of ___ characteristics commonly seen in a particular class of offenders.


Critical thinking calls for a persistent effort to examine any ___ or supposed form of knowledge in light of the evidence that supports it and the further conclusions to which it tends.


Technology in crime detection began to flourish during the nineteenth century with the creation of a personal identification system by Alphonse ___, the director of the criminal identification section of the Paris Police Department.


One way defense attorney can attack the credibility of an officer on the stand is to demonstrate his or her ____ and or lying while testifying


What does Dennis Lynn Rader "BTK" stand for?

Bind, Torture and Kill

If possible, use the fingers or tweezers to pick up hair, and place in paper ____ or ___ envelopes, which should then be folded and sealed in larger envelopes.

Bindles / Coin

BPA uses principles of ___ (physics and mathematics)


The IAFIS maintains the largest ___ database in the world, containing the fingerprints and corresponding criminal history information for more than 47 million subjects in the Criminal Master File.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported that the chances of being murdered are greater on the day of ___ than at any other point in a person's life.


What type of evidence is known as the "smoking gun" leading to a conviction in trial?

Bite mark

When investigating an arson case, ___ smoke indicates that the material is made with a petroleum base.

Black (observed at the beginning of a fire)

After the body goes through the bloating stage, it begins the ____ putrefaction stage. At this point, the body cavity ____, the abdominal gases escape, and the body darkens from its greenish color.

Black / Ruptures

If a deceased body was discovered lying face down, it should be returned to the same position to avoid any shifting of the ___ and subsequent altering of lividity.


What is the stain most commonly found in a crime scene and can provide an investigator with much valuable evidence?


Physical evidence for Robbery. List the 5

Blood Fingerprints Notes Binding material Fired cartridges

Reasonable doubt was cast into jurors of the Simpson trial because ___ sample evidence that had been ___ by lab technicians and also argued misconduct from LA detectives.

Blood / misconduct

During the initial walk-through of a crime scene, investigator should be mindful of what is above their head. These areas are likely to yield evidence such as ___ and ___.

Blood splatter and bullet holes

If suffocation or smothering has taken place, then the eyes of the deceased will be _____; this is a common way of accurately determining that one of these methods has been employed.


___ ___ ___ (BPA) is the interpretation of bloodstains at a crime scene in order to recreate the actions that caused the bloodshed.

Bloodstain Pattern Analysis BPA

Britain's "___ ___" occurred on November 13, 1887, when 2,000 police officers disrupted a meeting in Trafalgar Square organized by the Social Democratic Federation, resulting in more than 100 casualties.

Bloody Sunday

Amido Black Protein is used in criminal investigations to detect blood present with latent fingerprints by staining proteins in blood a ___-___ color.


Officers of the London Metropolitan Police Department were dubbed "___" after the department's founder, Home Secretary Sir Robert Peel.


Concealing drugs by taping or otherwise attaching illicit drugs to the body of a person transporting the drugs is also known as "___ ___".

Body packing

The Black Putrefaction stage ends as the ____ become apparent, which can take anywhere from ___ to 20 days after death depending on region and temperature.

Bones / 10

A French anthropologist Alphonse Bertillon developed a system to measure and record the dimensions of certain ___ parts of the body.


During a typical "_____", one or more gang members distract store clerks while one or two others lift merchandise. (organized retail theft)


On April 15, 2013, two bombs went off near the finish line of the ___ Marathon, killing three spectators and wounding more than 260 other people.


Following the lead of London's police force, the first professional police forces were established in the United States at ___ in 1837, __ __ in 1844, and Philadelphia in 1854.

Boston / New York

Originally called "Mr. Fielding's People," they soon became known as the ___ __ Runners, the first well-known investigative body in England.

Bow Street

Ligature marks are normally dark ___ in color and have a red band on either side of these horizontal marks signifying the ___ of the item used to carry out strangulation.

Brown / width

The use of fingerprints for identification purposes is based on distinctive ridge outlines that appear on the ____ on the inside of the end joints of the fingers and thumbs.


According to a report issued by the NIJ, the typical computer hacker is a juvenile possessing a home computer with a telephone modem who uses electronic ____ ____ for a variety of illegal purposes.

Bulletin boards

A warrantless search using consent was also provoked by officer coercion in what court case?

Bumper v. North Carolina

Many crimes result in the formation of impression marks. Such crimes include ___ and rape.


According to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, property crime includes what 4 major offenses?

Burglary Larceny-theft Auto theft Arson

A decision must be made whether or not to arrest a suspect when he or she delivers the contraband. Also known as a "___-___".


Investigation of drug cases. One of the most critical factors is the ____ strategy to be used. This consideration examines the use of a particular type of drug buy (___-___ or buy-walk)


To take that action after subsequent deliveries during a buy-bust is known as a ___-____..


Furnishings in a interrogation room should be minimal, consisting of chairs, preferably without a ___, and containing pencil and paper but otherwise nondescript, with no distracting ___..

Desk / Decoration

U.S. Supreme Court in Ker v. California (1963) and Cupp v. Murphy (1973) when it decided that police may enter a dwelling unannounced in cases in which a delay in the search would result in what?

Destruction of evidence

On November 5, ___ ___ ___ opened fire during Sunday services at the First Baptist Church of Sunderland Springs, killing 26 and injuring 20.

Devin Patrick Kelley

As it relates to criminal investigation, profiling is based on the notion that crime is, ____ or ____, based on the personality of the person committing it.

Directly / Indirectly

Hans Gross of Austria wrote in his Handbook for Criminalistics that ___ found on shoes can probably reveal useful information for criminal investigations.


The grease and oils naturally produced by the skin ____ very easily and naturally become good candidates for development with iodine.


The "inevitable ___ exception" states that evidence that has been seized illegally or evidence stemming from illegally seized evidence.


Munchausen syndrome is a psychological disorder in which a patient fabricates symptoms of ___ or injury in order to undergo medical tests, hospitalization, or even medical or surgical treatment.


Sherlock Holmes is famous for his astute logical reasoning which is his ability to assume almost any ___ and make use of forensic science to solve cases that seem unsolvable.


Depending on the material or clothing present on the body, it is sometimes possible to predict the ___ between a firearm and the victim.


Internal computer crimes have been around for years and have acquired names such as Trojan horses, logic bombs, and trap ___ to indicate different programming techniques designed to carry out the unauthorized functions.


in a "__-___" lineup, neither the officer administering the lineup nor the witness knows the identity of the suspect, so there is no way the officer administering the lineup can influence the witness in any way.


"Minimization" is the seriousness of the crime is _____ and the suspect believes he or she is less likely to get in trouble.


Generally, the theory behind asset forfeiture is to take the profit out of illicit drug sales by seizing money or property that was either used to facilitate a ___ crime or acquired with illicit drug revenues.


Studies have revealed that ___ abuse is the greatest contributor to the commission of crime.


Law-enforcement agencies that are inexperienced with the handling and distracting of hazardous material should consult with the regional _ _ _ or appropriate state/federal agencies.

Drug Enforcement Administration DEA

Since 1985, the DEA has used a tactic that has since been called a ___ ___ profile (known as Operation Pipeline)

Drug courier

The "___ ___ stage" is the deterioration of skeletal remains and is the longest of the decomposition processes.

Dry decay

the imposition of restrictions on physical behavior, such as prolonged interrogation and deprivation of water, food, or sleep is defined as?


Electronic Communications Privacy Act. This law basically prohibits ________ on electronic mail, conversations on cellular phones, video conference calls, and computer-to-computer transactions.


The Locard exchange principle, also known as Locard's Theory or the transfer of evidence theory, was first put forward by a twentieth-century forensic scientist, ___ Locard.


What style of interrogation relates to using: plays on the suspect's sense of pride and precision in the commission of the crime. It is pointed out how daring and difficult the crime was to implement and that it took a great degree of planning and intelligence to pull it off.

Egotistical Style

Casper's law (or ratio): If all other factors are equal, then when there is free access of air, a body decomposes twice as fast than if immersed in water and ___ times faster than if buried in earth.


Research suggests that when the offender is present in a lineup, young children and ___ people perform nearly as well as young adults in identifying the perpetrator.


The "new" police were ___ first paid, full-time police force, consisting of about 1,000 uniformed officers. (Replaced the old Constable "Bow Street Runners")


One of the best-known corporate scandals is the ___ scandal of 2001.


What scandal was also considered a landmark case in the field of business fraud and brought into question the accounting practices of many corporations throughout the United States?

Enron Scandal

Street robberies often occur on weekends, when ______ districts are busier and associated businesses are open later.


"Forensic ____" studies the insects and other vermin found in corpses; the sequence in which they appear, the kinds of insects, and where they are found in their life cycle


A "logic bomb" is a set of instructions inserted in a computer program that looks for specific ___ in a computer's normal functioning.

Errors (crashing programs)

In an article published in Forensic Science International, ___ ___ concluded that the CSI effect is indeed real.2

Evan Durnal

Detecting lying and deception: a trained listener can observe a pattern of ____ in the suspect and after a period is able to identify these statements as lies or efforts to deceive.


Taking detailed notes as a patrol officer and as an investigator are important because they could become decisive ___ In prosecuting a suspect.


The ____ ___ relates primarily to cases involving issues of search and seizure, arrests, interrogations, and stop-and-frisk violations.

Exclusionary Rule

in 1963, the Supreme Court ruled in Brady v. Maryland that the defense has the right to examine all evidence that may be of an ______ nature.


The "expert witness" is one whose knowledge exceeds the knowledge of anyone with a moderate education or ____ in the field.


(Officer involved shooting- Witnesses). Lying is one explanation, but it is possible that perception can be influenced by an individual's background and ____ including the chaos and emotional impact of a shooting incident.


True or False: If hair is attached, such as in dry blood, or caught in metal or a crack of glass, investigators should attempt to remove it from the object to preserve the value of its time?


True or False: Alan Pinkerton outwitted the assassins by putting Lincoln on an later train? (After he was placed in charge of Secret Service)

False (Earlier)

True or False: Freshly skeletonized bone is often called "grease" bone?

False (Green) with a grease like texture

True or False: When a latent print is clearly visible, it should be developed before attempts are made to photograph it.

False (it should be photographed first)

True or False: Experience has shown that bodies found in water will have decomposed twice as fast as those found exposed to air?

False (it's actually the other way around)

In the fresh stage of decomposition, you can see visible and physical signs of decomposition?

False (you cannot see any physical signs)

Reliance on ___ ___ leads to misplaced confidence about the strengths and weaknesses of cases and can lead an investigator down dead-end paths

False clues

True or False: Multi-family homes are at a higher risk of burglary than Single-family homes?

False. Single-family homes are

True or False: Interviews of cooperating citizens and witnesses are often conducted inside the office.

False: Outside the office

True or False: It is a proven hypothesis that when a suspect displays shifty eyes and looks up and to the left when answering uncomfortable questions must be lying?

False: there is no evidence to support that

The maximization method includes ___ telling suspects they have fingerprints linking them to the crime, that they failed a lie detector test, or that an acquaintance of the suspect witnessed him or her committing the crime.


Operation ___ and ____was a sting operation run by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Phoenix Field Division

Fast and Furious

Today, it is illegal to harass or terrorize anyone using devices such as pagers, __ ____, or computers. (California)

Fax machines

The structure of the interrogation setting should also be conducive to the obtaining of confessions. Its surroundings should reduce ___ and therefore encourage the suspect to discuss his or her role in the crime. (Business-like setting)


United States, burglary rates are the highest in August, and the lowest in ____.


(Mapp v. Ohio) expanded the scope of the exclusionary rule by applying it to both ___ and ___ courts.

Federal / State

In the United States, the term primarily refers to financial institutions with deposits that are ____ insured and that fall under the Bank Protection Act.


Technicians at the morgue will look for fingernail scrapings. This evidence might turn up hair, skin, blood, or ___ that might be useful in developing a suspect.


During an interview/interrogation, feet that ___ or point to the ____ communicate discomfort.

Fidget / Door

"___ ___ ___ ___" FACT is a patented and validated automated scoring algorithm for quantifying and evaluating voice stress patterns.

Final Analysis Confirmation Tool (FACT)

In the mid-1840s, the study of ___ patterns became a popular means to identify suspects in crime.


The CID has become well-known for its investigative methods, primarily its ___ techniques, which have been borrowed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).


Identifying criminal suspects through the use of ______ has proven to be one of the most effective methods for apprehending persons who might otherwise go undetected and continue their criminal activities.


Sir Francis Galton, a noted British anthropologist, published his book "____" and devised the first scientific method of classifying fingerprint patterns.


The evidence collected first is usually that which is most fragile. Therefore, ___ should be lifted as a priority.


The value of _____ at a robbery crime scene is immense, so it is essential to conduct a thorough search of all surfaces in or near the scene that the robbers might have touched.


A person commits the crime if he or she knowingly causes the death of another person after deliberation on the matter.

First Degree Murder

Whose primary sexual orientation is toward children and whose sociosexual maturation develops as a result of unresolved conflicts in his or her development?

Fixated child molester

What fingerprinting technique might be effective on surfaces such as tile floors, glass surfaces, and countertops?

Flashlight at oblique angle

Professional shoplifters usually carry shopping bags lined with ___ and duct tape to block the electric current that detects security tags.


The "Oblique" or side lighting technique Is used fanned back and forth. Any evidence, such as trace evidence and ___ , will noticeably show up.


Botanical evidence, or what is termed "___ ___" is when forensic botanists look to plant life in order to gain information regarding possible crimes.

Forensic Botany

What is odontology?

Forensic dentistry

What interview style can reduce amount of times a child has to be interviewed?

Forensic interview

Typically in bloodstain analysis, ___ blood spatter is a fine mist.


Every day, at least ___ children in the United States die from maltreatment.


The FBI estimates that only one of every ___ forcible rapes is reported to the police.


The French Sûreté Nationale proved quite successful in keeping tabs on crime; in less than seven years, Vidocq estimated, the brigade had arrested more than ___ thousand lawbreakers and had nearly eliminated whole categories of crime.


Brown v. Mississippi (1936), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that physical coercion used to obtain a confession was a violation of the ___ Amendment.


The ___ Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is the primary constraint on the seizure of property by government agents.


The probable cause requirement is one of the most important components of the ___ Amendment because it lies at the heart of police officers' authority to search, seize, and make arrests.


When a crime is committed, ___ (or trace) evidence needs to be collected from the scene.


MitoSearch estimates the relative ___ of specific sequences for the various populations represented within the database and assesses the relative relatedness of each population with reference to the size of each database.


The uniqueness, permanence, and arrangement of the ___ ___ allow unit examiners to positively match two prints and determine whether an area of a friction ridge impression originated from one source to the exclusion of all others.

Friction Ridge

The Supreme Court case United States v. ___ What is the result of an Anticipatory search warrant.

Grubbs. (Child Porn video)

Rifling (impressions) on the sides of casings may be used in linking a specific ____ with a crime.


A single strand of ___ may identify the race, sex, approximate age, and the true color of the hair of its host.


Defensive wounds are often to be found on the ____ and ____ and this is because the victim will be trying to protect their face and upper body from attack by the assailant.

Hands / Arms

Relational databases exist in complex cases such as ___ fraud and ___ diversion cases where physicians and hospitals store information in the cloud.

Healthcare / pharmaceutical

Soon after the hanging of Jonathan Wild, ___ ___ was appointed magistrate in Westminster, a city adjacent to central London. (Lived on Bow Street and wrote the novel Tom Jones)

Henry Fielding

These are rules of thumb that substitute simple questions for more complex ones—that typically operate on an intuitive level and work well most of the time.


Which type of "thief catchers" whose motivations were mercenary in nature?


One of the primary items of evidence in officer-involved shootings is firearms. In this regard, officers should ensure that their firearm is secured safely until it can be examined by investigators. If it is ____, the firearm should not be removed, opened, reloaded, or tampered with in any regard.


In some types of crime, such as ___, investigators must develop leads through interviews with friends, family, and associates of the victim as well as witnesses to the crime.


Research into ___ ___ was vastly expanded during the early twentieth century by Paul Uhlenhuth, a German physician.

Human blood

The Bloods, MS-13, Sureños, and Somali gangs have been reportedly involved in ____ ____.

Human trafficking

Individual car components in high demand are "tuners" or "street racers," which are often stolen for ____ export to Central and South America or Europe.


Drugs such as LSD, methamphetamine, fentanyl, and PCP are more typically products of ____ drug labs.


Since the Chimel v. California case, Oofficers can search only the arrested person and the ___ physical surroundings under the defendant's control (i.e., within arm's length of the defendant).


What style of interrogation relates to using: acts as though he or she does not really care if the suspect cooperates or not but thinks that he or she must go through the motions of making the opportunity available to the suspect.

Indifferent Style

Evidence merely tends to incriminate a person without offering conclusive proof is defined as?

Indirect or Circumstantial evidence

Today, many revised state statutes categorize threats and actual physical contact as ____ assault


The type of lineup used by most police departments across the nation is the ___ lineup.


In a "lineup" for identification procedures, eyewitnesses are presented ____ with a number of individuals.


What are the two categories of child molesters?

Situational and Preferential

Which style of child molester doesn't necessarily suffer from any specified psychological disorder but may commit such crimes because of one of several external factors?

Situational molester

Photo lineups consist of ___ or more photographs.


The Bertillon system was based on the idea that certain aspects of the human body, such as ___ size, ___ shaping, and eye color, remained the same after a person had reached full physical maturity.

Skeletal / Ear

The speed at which decomposition occurs varies greatly. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and the season of death all determine how fast a fresh body will ____ or mummify.


Because videos and photos may tend to distort the dimensions of the crime scene, a properly prepared crime scene ___ is all the more important to a properly documented crime scene.


In the event that the responding officer must move a deceased body, its position should be documented through the use of both photographs and ___.


The "bank method" technique, is where traffickers take their cash to a bank and conduct several transactions that usually involve trading currency of ____ denominations for ____ ones.

Small / Larger

After the bullet enters through the skin, the skin retracts due to its elasticity. This will make the wound appear ___ than the bullet that has passed through.


Define: "Structuring" method of placement whereby cash is broken into smaller deposits of money, used to avoid suspicion of money laundering and to avoid anti-money laundering reporting requirements.


Today, the process, known as "criminal investigative analysis", is accomplished by identifying psychological and ___ characteristics surrounding the crime as well as the manner in which it was committed.


Which type of "thief catchers" who would implicate their accomplices in order to move up the social ladder?

Social Climbers

It is well known that criminals and criminal investigators like to use ___ ___ when tracking communications on a crime.

Social media

Latent impressions developed by the use of silver nitrate are caused by the reaction of ___ ___ present in perspiration.

Sodium Chloride

The process of bone breakdown or decomposition is more highly dependent on ___ type and pH, along with the presence of groundwater.


The Vuchetich system is the basis of systems presently used in many ___-speaking countries. (Juan Vuchetich)


By 1924, rival gangs organized themselves for control of "____" operations, prostitution rings, and virtually any other source of illegal income.


What is used to identify minute samples of a substance by burning the material and interpreting the light emitted from the burning process.


A ____ is used to analyze coloring agents in small samples such as those found in paint and cloth.


The RAND study established that the amount and quality of evidence obtained were positively related to the amount of effort devoted to crime scene search and the ___ with which crime scene technicians were dispatched.


The deceased's fingerprints can be taken by using an ink roller on each finger. Next, while strips of fingerprint paper are placed in a curved holder such as a ___, each finger is placed against the strip and an impression is taken.


The whole point to understanding the shotgun choke is that the choke plays an important role in the rate at which the shot pellets ____ as they travel away from the shotgun.


A "___ arsonist" sets fires at three or more separate locations, with no cooling-off period between them.


Define: A killing in a rampage fashion which is committed when someone embarks on a murderous assault on his or her victims (two or more) in a short time in multiple locations.

Spree Murder

In 1937, Congress declared labor ___ unconstitutional and the industrial division of the Pinkerton agency was officially dissolved.


Wiretaps and property searches ordinarily must be authorized by a ___ or ___ judge, who determines whether such tactics are needed to investigate a crime.

State or Federal

Which form of terrorism occurs when governmental regimes use or threaten to use violence in international relations outside established diplomatic protocol?

State sponsored terrorism

In the case ___ v. ___ (1963) the court held that evidence must be offered to show that the photograph is an accurate representation of the object(s) portrayed.

State v. Fournier

The Texas Rangers were unofficially created by ___ _. ___ in a call-to-arms written in 1823 and were first headed by Captain Morris.

Stephen F. Austin

Protection of evidence: In magnetic tapes and diskettes - evidence can be destroyed by magnetic fields such as ___ ___ and printers.

Stereo speakers

At the time of completion in Rigor mortis, typically 8 to 12 hours after death, the torso, jaws, neck, and upper and lower extremities are "___ __ _ ____."

Stiff as a board

Intermediate, or close-range, wounds may show a wide zone of powder ____, but lack a muzzle imprint and laceration


Many law enforcement officers cite testifying in court as one of the most ____ aspects of their job.


Many people do not realize that 40 percent of all robberies are committed by ___-____ tactics.


Police officers conducting a lineup must use caution to avoid ___ influences.


Of all the people shot and killed by police in 2017, one of the youngest was 14-year-old Jason Pero from the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Tribe. This incident was known as a "___ __ cop"

Suicide by

Cyanoacrylate resin, or "_____", was developed in the late 1950s as a bonding adhesive for metals and plastics.


To develop a latent fingerprint with powder, the powder used should contrast with the color of the ___ of the print.


According to Doyle, Holmes was inspired by a ___ at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh named Joseph Bell.


____ photography is used covertly in establishing identities or in documenting criminal behavior.


Live lineups typically use five or six people (a ___ plus four or five fillers)


The "protective search" is limited by law to a "___" of the premises to discover victims or perpetrators.


The practice of money laundering began in ___ during the 1930s as concerned Europeans began funneling their capital beyond the clutches of Hitler's Third Reich.


What style of interrogation relates to using: the suspect is easily affected by an emotional appeal, the sympathetic approach might be a good technique. Speaking in low tones and emotions.

Sympathetic Style

___ reasoning, sometimes referred to as "bottom-up logic," moves from the particular to the general.


After an initial evaluation of evidence in a case, the criminal investigator draws conclusions through a process of reasoning. This process is typically achieved through ___or ___reasoning.

Inductive / Deductive

40 percent of children who are victims of fatal maltreatment are ___ (younger than 1 year old), and 75 percent are younger than ___ years old.

Infants / 5

Planning drug investigations through the use of ____ information is one of the most common avenues in which drug cases are initiated.


The interrogation is designed to match new ___ with a particular suspect to secure a confession.


Generally, it does not matter how the officer marks evidence as long as the ___ of the seizing officer and the ___ of the seizure are clearly indicated on the seized item and on any container used to enclose the object, such as an envelope or cardboard box.

Initials / Date

Erroneous identifications create more ___ and cause more suffering to innocent persons than perhaps any other aspect of police work.


Stalking involves a pattern of overtly criminal and/or apparently ____ behavior that makes victims fear for themselves or others.


It is important to note that the identification of ___ has proven to be one way that the time of death can be determined.


What is a national fingerprint and criminal history database maintained by the FBI's CJIS Division?

Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS)

"Coerced ____" occurs mostly in highly suggestible and confused suspects who actually begin to believe they are guilty of the crime they didn't commit.


Title V of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 made it a federal offense for anyone engaged in ___ or ____ communications to knowingly use a telecommunications device "to create, solicit, or initiate the transmission of any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image, or other communication which is at the scene lewd, mischievous, filthy, or indecent, with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass another person."

Interstate / International

A relatively formal conversation conducted for the purpose of obtaining information is defined as?


Through an ____, investigators learn about the subjects and their needs, fears, concerns, and attitudes.


As humans, we have only two types of decision-making mechanisms: the ___ and ___.

Intuitive / Irrational

Harris v. United States (1968). A police officer found evidence of a robbery while ____ an impounded vehicle. (Plain-view)


Define: A technique essentially brings together the retrieval of investigative information and draws inferences about that information in as far as the ways that police decision-making can be supported through scientific research.

Investigative Psychology

Open-ended questioning is recommended for the forensic interview because any influence of the ____ is reduced and the probability of the resulting information being accurate is increased.


A high percentage of arsons are attributed to revenge, ____, and spite. People committing such acts are usually adults who target both individuals and property.


A handcuffed young man reported to police that he had been threatened with a knife inside that apartment building, prompting the officers to investigate. The police responded and arrested a man named ___ ___.

Jeffrey Dahmer

In 2002, ___ J. ____ questioned the processes of inductive and deductive reasoning in his book Dead Reckoning: The Art of Forensic Detection.

Jon J. Nordby

One hireling, ___ ___ gained fame in eighteenth-century England for operating a London brothel that also served as headquarters for thieves and thugs, with whom he was well acquainted. "Set a thief to catch a thief"

Jonathan Wild

36-year-old Nigerian-born Olushina Adekanbi was arrested on credit card fraud charges. What made this case unusual was the fact that Adekanbi, who also went by more than two dozen aliases, had earned the nickname "___ __ ___ ___" because he ran the largest credit card fraud ring in the United States.

King of New York

Carlos Ponce also known as El Rey de los Carros (___ ___ __ ____), ran an interstate auto theft ring that stole luxury cars in South Florida.

King of the cars

Among the methods of forgery includes the use of fictitious checks drawn on a nonexistent firm or person known as schemes called check ____.


Similar to DNA and fingerprints, electronic surveillance is ___ evidence.


Generally, fingerprints can be divided into three main groups: What are the 3 groups?

Latent / Plastic / Visible

Define: Impressions produced by the ridged skin on human fingers, palms, and soles of the feet.

Latent Print

Police officers normally testify as ___ witnesses, meaning that they should state only facts and not express ____ or engage in conjecture or speculation

Lay / opinions

The handling of needles and other sharp objects should require the wearing of ___ gloves over disposable rubber gloves.


In the interrogation, the investigator can tell if the suspect is lying as they prepare to answer a question, he looks up and to the ___, purses his lips, tenses his ___, and brings his eyebrows down.

Left / Eyelids

The ___ case allows the use of evidence obtained by officers acting in "reasonable reliance" on a search warrant issued by a neutral magistrate but that is ultimately found invalid.

Leon (Good faith exception)

"___ analysis" charting is a technique designed to show relationships between individuals and organizations using a graphical visual design.


After a person dies, circulation of blood through the arteries and veins ceases. As the body settles, color in the ___ and ___ disappears as the blood settles into the lower capillaries of the body.

Lips / Nails

The bobbies were required to meet rigid standards of professionalism. Minimum standards included minimum weight and height requirements and standards of ___ and character.


To determine the temperature of the dead body, the medical examiner will typically place a thermometer in the ___ of the subject?


Draper v. United States (1959) found that specific information as to the ___ of a suspect, when provided by a reliable informant, can also constitute probable cause for an arrest.


The purpose of the walkthrough is to note the ___ of potential evidence and to mentally outline how the scene will be examined.


"Commodity flow analysis" may greatly simplify the investigative process by charting the ___ flow of such commodities as drugs, money, and illegal arms shipments.


What style of interrogation relates to using: In doing so, the investigator, it is hoped, will persuade the suspect that cooperation is the only way the charges against him or her can be lessened.

Logical Style

Neither in Scotland, nor in a yard, the "Scotland Yard" is the name of the headquarters of ___ ___ Police and, by association, has become synonymous with the force.

London's Metropolitan

Investigators can use chemical reagents such as ___ to find and photograph latent bloodstains.


Expirated spatter is usually caused by blood from an internal injury mixing with air from the ___ being expelled through the nose, mouth, or an injury to the airways or lungs.


Lying v. Truth: Crossed legs?


Lying v. Truth: Head tilt down, chin on chest and no tilt?


Lying v. Truth: Pupils fully dilated or closes eyes?


Houseflies, deposit eggs on the remains of the corpse, usually in the area of the eyes, mouth, nostrils, and wounds. The eggs then become ____ and feed on the body. Typically, the time span for the hatching of the maggot is ___ hours.

Maggots / 24

Bacteria also enter the venous system, causing blood to hemolyze. This leads to the formation of red streaks along the veins. This color soon changes to green through a process known as?


In 2016, a Sacramento District Attorney, ___ Schubert, helped organize a task force that consisted of investigators from across the state as well as the FBI.


If the case in which the informant testifies involves organized crime, the informant is eligible to enter the federal Witness Security (WITSEC) program. The WITSEC program, developed in 1971 and operated under the U.S ___ ____.

Marshall's Service

Define: The process of one person assuming the identity of an authorized computer user by acquiring items, knowledge, or characteristics.

Masquerading (difficult to prove in trial)

A "___ arsonist" sets three or more fires at the same location.


Define: A murder that consists of four or more murders in a single incident within a short span of time.

Mass Murder

What is used to separate and record ions according to their characteristic masses. It is most commonly used in the detection of trace elements in glass, ashes, and other inorganic material.

Mass Spectrometer

"Trace evidence" generally refers to minute or even microscopic bits of ___ that are not immediately apparent to the naked eye.


Define: The exaggeration of evidence available, telling the person that the interrogator knows he or she is guilty or stressing the consequences of the crime.


Sir Henry Littlejohn, who was also Police Surgeon and Medical Officer of Health in Edinburgh, provided Doyle with a link between ___ investigation and the detection of crime.


The coroner is an elected, or sometimes appointed, government official who is trained in investigating deaths, but who may not have a ____ degree.


The official determination regarding the death of the victim and circumstances surrounding the death is typically made by who?

Medical Examiner

The intent of the ___-range photo is to depict specific items or objects in the crime scene.


The purpose of the ___-range photography process is to allow jurors to link each print with the general crime scene photos.


A higher number of employee injuries are reported in _____ robberies, as active resistance and confrontation are more prevalent in these situations.


is Daubert v. ___ ___ Pharmaceuticals, 509 U.S. 579 (1993). A Daubert motion, raised before or sometimes during trial, attempts to exclude the presentation of unqualified evidence to the jury.

Merrill Dow

___ _. ___ is Professor of Criminal Justice at Columbia College of Missouri, located in Columbia, MO. In addition to being a teaching faculty member, he serves as the program coordinator for the Master of Science of Criminal Justice Program and the founder of the college's Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science Program.

Michael D. Lyman

In instances in which a latent print has limited quality and quantity of detail, unit personnel may perform ___ examinations to effect conclusive comparisons.


Define: What are tiny frequency modulations in the human voice. When a test subject is lying, the autonomic, or involuntary, nervous system causes an inaudible increase in the microtremor's frequency?


A single strand of DNA can be ____ of nucleotides long.


Computer crimes are measured in _____ (as little as 0.003 of a second).


during the nineteenth century in the American Frontier, outlaws posed serious problems in two newly settled areas which mainly affected ___ camps and ___ towns.

Mining / Cattle

Corporate crime is a form of white-collar crime whereby trusted executives working within a company ____ funds or otherwise betray the trust of customers or other consumers.


Define: A software package specifically designed for the compilation and analysis of mtDNA databases.


___ DNA (mtDNA) analysis, which is applied to evidence containing small or degraded quantities of DNA from hair, bones, teeth, and bodily fluids.


Many criminals will attempt to steal blank VIN tags, which are then stamped with numbers and placed on vehicles. This is where the ____ digit of the VIN, the check digit, is beneficial in determining the authenticity of the tag. (Bogus Vin)


The _ _ _ _ is a professional organization of forensic scientists in America, with areas of expertise including pathology and biology, toxicology, criminalistics, questioned documents, and forensic odontology and anthropology.

The American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS)

What does the AAFS stand for?

The American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS)

What was called the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in the United States?

The Las Vegas shooting (Stephen Paddock)

What research facility in Tennessee is also known as the "body farm"?

The University of Tennessee anthropology research facility

Which demographic for age of individuals is targeted for home repair scams?

The elderly because they usually on their own homes.

Who was the 1995 Oklahoma City bomber?

Timothy McVeigh

An "exit wound" is larger and more irregular with protruding ___ and no abrasion ring.


In United States v. Sokolow (1989), the Court ruled that the legitimacy of such a stop must be evaluated according to a "___ __ ___ _____" criterion, in which the defendant's entire behavior is taken collectively to provide the basis for a legitimate stop.

Totality of the Circumstances

"Triangulation" is the process of finding one's position on a given plane when two visual landmarks are known. While routing a call to the cell phone, the cell towers analyze the signals sent from the phone and then decide which ___ is best placed to carry out the communication with the phone.


Physical contact between a suspect and a victim may result in the transfer of ___ materials such as hairs and fibers.


Serial killers such as Wayne Williams, John Gacy, and Gary Ridgeway (the "Green River Killer") were apprehended as a result of ___ evidence or implements of their crimes being found in their possession.


___ evidence is any type of material left at or taken from a crime scene or the result of contact between two surfaces.


What type of evidence is hair or clothing fibers?

Trace evidence

Well many patrol officers will only testify in court a few times in their career, ____ cops and criminal ____ may testify on a regular basis.

Traffic / investigators

True or False: A GPS device installed by police can be used to follow a person 24 hours a day?


True or False: Child prostitutes and the participants in exploitation cases involving multiple victims are frequently boys.


True or False: During a consent search, officers can be limited to the scope of their search by the owner of the area allowing to be searched?


True or False: If wounds on a dead body indicate severe bleeding and little blood is on the scene, the body may have been moved.


True or False: Statistics reveal that robbers who use drugs are twice as active as those who do not?


True or False: The Texas Rangers were established before Texas became a State?


True or False: The ballistics forensic unit investigates tool mark related evidence?


True or False: The most common type of robbery is the one committed on public streets and alleyways.


The benefits of working a deep-cover undercover operation allow an undercover agent time to gain total ___ of the criminal suspect to the point of openly discussing criminal operations.


The element of ___ is critical in establishing the crime of embezzlement.


Lying v. Truth: Both Eyebrows raised and mouth partially open?


Lying v. Truth: Hands clasped together holding back of head?


Lying v. Truth: Hands on chin?


Lying v. Truth: Tilted Head?


"___ ___" develops when the investigator focuses on a limited range of alternatives and results in the officer becoming so focused on an individual or an incident that no other person or incident registers in the officer's thoughts.

Tunnel Vision

Stalking is widespread. Nearly one in ___ women and one in ___ men are stalked at least once in their lifetime.

Twelve / Forty five

A supervisor and a minimum of at least ___ investigators should respond to all incidents involving the use of deadly force.


To ensure that the suspect actually reads the statement, he or she should be asked to correct any ___ errors and to initial any corrections in ink.


Murder and non-negligent manslaughter, as defined in the ____ ___ ___ (UCR) program, is the willful (non-negligent) killing of one human being by another.

Unicorn Crime Reporting

The primary purpose of the ____ is for identification and registration?


White smoke, indicates that ____ matter is burning, such as straw or hay. (Arson)


In many cases, the suspect will be willing to give a ___ statement about his or her involvement in a crime but might be unwilling to have it written down at the time.


Studies have revealed that rapists reveal a great deal about themselves during the course of the attack through ____ remarks and comments.

Verbal (compliments and demands)

It is not at all uncommon during the progress of a case for a person who was interviewed as a witness or ___ to become a primary ___ at a later date.

Victim / Suspect

As a rule, the cognitive interview technique is used for eliciting information from ____ and ____, in contrast to obtaining confessions from suspects.

Victims / Witnesses

A "___fingerprint" may develop as a result of touching other substances such as blood, flour, ink, or oil.


Who is known as the "Prophet" of the polygamous sect known as the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints (FLDS)?

Warren Jeffs

In England, the first police worked only at night and were originally called the ___ of ___. (Old Charley's)

Watch of London

___ and air temperature are the most important contributing factors. The temperature of the body before death can influence its temperature after death occurs.


Under certain conditions (normally cool, damp soil), bodies may undergo saponification and develop a ___ substance called adipocere.


The exclusionary rule originated with the 1914 case of ___ v. __ __ but was geared to apply to federal, not state, governments.

Weeks v. United States

Define: A "non-violent crime for financial gain committed by means of deception by persons whose occupational status is entrepreneurial, professional or semi-professional, and utilizing their special occupational skills and opportunities."

White Collar Crime (Dictionary of Criminal Justice Data Terminology)

The only fingerprint patterns in which one needs to define pattern areas for classification purposes are loops and ___.


Block and ___'s study of the New York Police Department and Greenberg et al.'s decision-making model for felony investigations both support the idea that patrol officers make the majority of arrests during ___ investigations and can provide excellent case-screening benefits for investigations.

Wideman's / preliminary

The first official use of fingerprinting was in 1858 by Sir ___ ___, British chief administrative officer for the Hooghly district, Bengal, India.

William Herschel

Exceptions to typical VIN locations are those of certain luxury automobiles that have their VINs affixed to the left-side ____ post.


In 1986, Congress passed the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), which brought major changes in the requirements law enforcement officers must meet to intercept ___ communications (involving the human voice).


In one of the biggest cases of cyber-extortion, a computer hacker stole credit card numbers from an online music retailer, (___ ______), and released thousands of them on a website when the company refused to pay $100,000 ransom.

CD Universe (300,000 customers)

The "___ ___" where jurors have been introduced to forensics through their exposure to television crime shows and expect forensic evidence in jury trials—trials in which no such evidence may even exist

CSI Effect

The most obvious symptom of the ___ ___ is that jurors think they have a thorough understanding of science they have seen presented on television, when they do not.

CSI Effect

(An international survey, based on ratings from 2005, concluded that ___ ___ was the most popular TV program in the world.)

CSI Miami

The precedent established for warrantless searches of automobiles is the ____ doctrine


The most common form of embezzlement is the theft of ____ from a trusted party.


___ results when an object swung in an arc flings blood onto nearby surfaces.


When responding to reports of neglect, at the point when investigators begin exploring the allegations with a child, they should approach this as a forensic interview opposed to a ____ _____.

Casual conversation

Because of television crime dramas, jurors today expect more ____ proof than forensic science is capable of delivering.


Schneckloth v. Bustamonte, 1973 - In the event that the suspect changes his or her mind about the search, officers must ___ searching or obtain a search warrant to continue.


Wounds inflicted by ___ ___ ___ differ from those of the other weapons in that they can damage organs, bones, and tissue without even coming into contact with them.

Center fire rifles

Hyperventilating causes a decrease in carbon dioxide, which leads to ____ hypoxia.


The total accounting of evidence is known as the ___ _ ___.

Chain of custody

Statistically, persons of certain ages and with certain ______ are more apt to set fires than are others.


Who is the Executive Director of the International Association of Undercover Officers

Charlie Fuller

An "accelerant" is a ____ fuel that causes a fire to burn hotter, spread more quickly than usual, or be unusually difficult to extinguish.


In the case of drug or forensic evidence, it is likely that the police ____ will already have custody and transport it to court.


In 1991, the ____ ___, which investigated the behavior of the Los Angeles Police Department in the Rodney King beating incident, found that there was a significant number of officers who regularly used force against the public and who often ignored department guidelines for the use of force.

Christopher Commission

The gas _____ os most commonly used for isolating gases or liquids from complex solutions or mixtures, generally in the analysis of illicit drugs, plastics, and explosives.


What instrument is used to look at complex mixtures by separating them into their components.


Experience has shown that most burglars are convicted on ______ evidence.


Investigators might need to rely on ________ evidence to prove receipt of stolen property.


What is the most common type of evidence in an arson case?

Circumstantial evidence

In U.S. federal courts, the dying declaration exception is limited to ___ cases and criminal ____ prosecutions, although many states copy the Federal Rules of Evidence in their statutes and some permit the admission of dying declarations in all situations.

Civil / Homicide

intelligence files are ___ files. They contain information regarding ongoing criminal activity, but much of this information has not been verified as factual.


The 1985 Supreme Court case of U.S. v. Montoya de Hernandez focused on the issue of "alimentary canal smuggling," in which the offender typically swallows condoms filled with ___ or ___ and waits for nature to take its course to recover the substance.

Cocaine / Heroin

What is defined as the use, or threat of use, of illegal physical methods to induce a suspect to make an admission or confession?


Ronald P. Fisher of Florida International University and Edward Geiselman of UCLA developed the technique of ___ interviewing.


Similar to an optical illusion, ___ biases are consistent and predictable and can result in distorted judgments and faulty conclusions.


It is important to note that close-up photos should be taken with and without a small ruler or other item, such as a ___, to provide perspective.


The Visalia Ransaker's string of burglaries, rapes, and murders became "___ ___" until DNA evidence led to his arrest.

Cold cases

In rape cases, the victim's pubic region should be ___ prior to collecting standards of evidence from hair.


The first supervisor to arrive at the scene of an officer-involved shooting should be considered the incident ______.


What type of robbery typically occurs at the end of a workweek and during the evening and very early morning hours. (Means of quick escape)

Commercial robbery (businesses close to main streets and highways)

Investigators must remember that a crime scene is a location where evidence of a crime may be found. It is not necessarily where the crime was ___?


What "warrantless search" was tied to court case Florida v. Royer?

Consent Search

RISS enhances the ability of criminal justice agencies to identify and target criminal ___ and activities.


Mexican drug-trafficking organizations are among the most prominent drug gangs primarily because of their control over the production of most drugs _____ in the United States.


One of the most important aspects of securing the crime scene is to preserve the scene with minimal ___ and disturbance of physical evidence.


In the evidence-collection process, ___ of evidence occurs most commonly when evidence is not properly secured, is wrongfully mixed with other types of evidence, or is altered significantly from its original condition at the crime scene

Contamination (inadmissible/ incompetent

Acevedo case holds that if an officer has probable cause to believe that a container in an automobile holds ___, the officer may open the container and seize the evidence, provided that the evidence is in fact contraband.


Define: Legal foundation of the federal government's battle against illicit drug abuse since its implementation in 1970.

Controlled substance act (Controlling Man-Del of dangerous drugs)

Ridgway's pleas to the 48 murders gave him the dubious distinction of having more ____ than any other serial killer in the nation's history.


The ___ method of crime scene sketches uses the practice of measuring an object from two fixed points of reference.


Define: Large urban areas have sections of town that are known as drug distribution areas.

Coping areas

What type of Evidence establishes that a crime has been committed, such as pry marks on a doorjamb.

Corpus Delicti

What type of evidence refers to evidence that establishes That a crime has been committed such as Pry marks on a door jam?

Corpus Delicti

Police functions expanded with the establishment of the U.S. Marshal's Service and the Secret Service, formed during the Civil War to investigate ___.


This is the most common means of collecting information and includes a process known as intelligence gathering. This is a process of data collection on criminal acts that have not yet occurred but for which the investigator must prepare.

Covert Information collection

High rates of all types of street robbery, including ATM robbery, are likely to coincide with ____ _____ markets, as street robbery is a quick way for addicts to get the cash they need to buy crack, and it does not require a lot of planning or skill.

Crack cocaine

If the defense attorney gains access to the official report of the investigator he will use it to attack the _____ of the investigator.


The elderly are prime targets of cons and scams, including check and __ ___ fraud.

Credit Card

Car rental companies are prime targets for ___ ___ fraud and Offenders may sell fraudulently rented cars in the stolen vehicles market.

Credit card

According to this book, one of the best entry-level white-collar crimes is ___ ___ abuse.

Credit/debit card

Eugène-François Vidocq has been called the father of ___ ___. (Napoleon Era)

Criminal Investigation

Howard Vincent was appointed director of criminal investigations and he reorganized Scotland Yard, strengthening its central unit. And with that, the a respected unit of plainclothes police detectives was born called?

Criminal Investigation Department (CID)

Which FBI division maintains one of the largest repositories of fingerprint records?

Criminal Justice Information Services

Which form of terrorism involves the use of terror for profit or psychological gain?

Criminal terrorism

In a most basic sense, ___ thinking is the use of rational skills, worldviews, and values to get as close as possible to the truth.


in general, anything that the officer uses while on the witness stand to refresh his or her memory may be seen by the defense attorneys and may be used by them to ___-_____ the officer or otherwise to attack the prosecution's case.


The ___-___ method of crime scene sketches is used in indoor crime scenes. It is basically a top-down view of the crime scene, with the walls of the room "folded" down to reveal locations of bullet holes, blood-spatter evidence, and so on, which would not be apparent otherwise.


The Nathan Brown case represents a potential problem stemming from one of the most-studied topics in the area of criminal identification- __-___ identification.


The use of fluorescent powders or aerosols are typically used to dust ___ or other documents that may be handled by criminals.


Efforts in identifying a deceased victim may begin with a ____ inspection of the victim's personal effects and clothing.


According to the court case Oliver versus the United States, ___ is considered someone's yard.


In all life forms, from viruses to human beings, the basis for difference lies in the genetic material known as deoxyribonucleic acid which is more commonly known as?


The technology behind the face-recognition system is made from the peaks and valleys in our face "landmarks". These landmarks are known as?

Nodal points

ATMs that are off bank premises are usually more profitable for banks because they attract a higher volume of _____ customers, who must pay service fees.


Organic matter containing moisture to any degree may be subject to decay if sealed in a ___ container.


Properly conducted forensic interviews are legally sound in part because they ensure the interviewer's objectivity; use nonleading, _____ techniques; and emphasize careful documentation of the interview.


No furniture should block the investigators view of a suspect. A large portion of ____ behavior emanates from the lower body, not just from the ___ and ___.

Nonverbal / Hands and Face

ON FEBRUARY 28, 1997, the nation's deadliest bank robbery occurred when a bank heist went bad and resulted in a shootout between two heavily armed bank robbers, Larry Phillips Jr. and Emil Mătăsăreanu, and officers of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in the ____ ____ district of Los Angeles (see opening chapter photo)

North Hollywood

What major incident sparked debate on the need for patrol officers to upgrade their firepower in preparation for similar situations in the future?

North Hollywood Shootout

In the mid-1990s, ___-DNA analysis—which can link suspects to crime scene evidence with ___ certainty—became widely available, prompting some legal scholars to argue that older, less reliable tests, such as hair and fiber analysis, should no longer be allowed in court.

Nuclear / Mathematical

The use of fingerprinting also makes it possible to learn accurately the suspect's ___ (and type) of previous arrests and convictions.


What case has been called the most publicized criminal trial in American history.

OJ Simpson Trial

"Testimonial evidence" is a verbal statement offered by a witness while under ___ or ___. It may also be evidence offered by way of a sworn pretrial deposition.

Oath / Affirmation

A good technique to use indoors on hard floors is the ___ lighting technique (also known as side lighting).


Inductive reasoning gathers together particular ___ in the form of premises, and then it reasons from these particular premises to a general conclusion.


According to authorities with the Clark County Commissioner, the name "1 ___" was declared the official title for investigations into the Las Vegas mass shooting.


When the jury found former Hall of Fame football player O. J. Simpson not guilty of murder on __ __ __, a case that had drawn unprecedented national media attention and captivated the country for over a year finally came to a close.

October 3, 1995

Customers using ___-______ ATMs are more vulnerable to robbery.


Motor vehicle thieves target a wide range of popular passenger vehicles, often seeking valuable parts from ____ model year vehicles for sale on the black market.


In the side lighting technique, a flashlight is held about __ inch(s) from the floor. The beam is then angled so that it just sweeps over the floor surface and is almost ___ to the surface.

One / Parallel

___ ___ and pastures outside the curtilage are not protected by the Constitution; thus, searches made by the government of those areas are not considered "unreasonable."

Open fields

Investigation case files are also known as?

Open files (making arrest or conviction)

Taliban controlled 96 percent of Afghanistan's poppy fields and made ____.


Most bank robberies are not thought out and well planned. Increasing evidence suggests that many bank robberies are spontaneous and ____ crimes that are often acts of desperation.


If a reddish-brown to ___-___ color powder tattooing exists, it indicates that the individual was in fact alive when the wound was inflicted.


Mummification is also indicated when all of the internal ___ are lost due to insect activity.


The first and most critical step in an arson investigation is to determine the fire's point of ___.


When individuals tell the truth, they often make every effort to ensure that other people understand. In contrast, liars attempt to manage others' ___.


NOT ALL CRIMINAL cases go to trial. In fact, most are settled outside the courtroom through the ___-_____ process.


During the initial walk-through of a crime scene, Investigators should make sure their hands are occupied by either carrying notebooks, flashlights, pens, etc., or by keeping them in their ___.


BERNARD "BERNIE" MADOFF is the confessed operator of the largest ____ scheme in world history, and the largest financial fraud in U.S. history.


In cases that are eventually solved, the investigator spends more time in ___-___ processing than he does in apprehending the suspect.


A "Ponzi Scheme" is an illegal investment named after Charles Ponzi, an Italian immigrant who settled in Boston and scammed thousands of victims in New England and others in a ____ ___ speculation investment during the 1920s.

Postage stamp

Contemporary research holds that forcible rape is often a planned violent crime, which serves the offender's need for ____ rather than sexual gratification.


Which style of child molester has sexual desires focusing on children and typically has a more identifiable psychological disorder?

Preferential molester

Research study suggests that many cases can be closed at the ___ investigation stage with greater Patrol Officer case-screening abilities.


The evidence collection process begins immediately after the discovery of a crime. In most situations, this precursory investigative phase is known as the ___ investigation


Experience has shown that probably no aspect of the homicide investigation is more open to error than the ____ and protection of the crime scene.


Some of the most critical tasks performed by detectives include rapid arrival at crime scenes; searching the area; and identifying, collecting, and ___ evidence.


The ___ response is a prevention in deterrence sometimes achieved by arresting the criminal and by aggressive prosecution.


Evidence established by law that at face value proves a fact in dispute is defined as?

Prima Faci evidence (minimum blood alcohol content to show that a person is under the influence.)

According to an article written by Hamilton County, Ohio, Evidence Examiner Michael Trimpe, "GSR" results when the firing pin of a gun hits the back of the cartridge, activating the shock-sensitive ____, which ignites the ___, forcing the bullet down the barrel of the gun and on its path.

Primer / Gun powder

The CVSA detects, measures, and displays changes in the voice ___ frequency.


A key psychological factor contributing to successful interrogations is ___. This encourages the suspect to feel comfortable in unloading the burden of guilt.


Part most of the allure of the classic detective novels of the early twentieth century was the introduction of the ___ ___.

Private Eye

The famous Pinkerton "___ ___" became the logo of Allan Pinkerton's National Detective Agency.

Private Eye

Growing incidents of mob violence between Protestants and Catholics, immigrants and Native Americans, and abolitionists and __-___ groups were probably the most crucial catalysts for expanded police functions.


The ___ response to anticipated criminal activity, as with many vice and organized crime investigations.


Define: The minimum amount of information necessary to warrant a reasonable person to believe that a crime has been or is being committed by a person who is about to be arrested.

Probable Cause

The search warrant must contain specifics about the location to be searched, the objects being sought, the ___ ___ that indicates that there is property to seize, and a signature of the ___ authorizing the search.

Probable Cause / Judge

What do investigators have to have/prove for a judge to sign off on a search warrant?

Probable cause

Caregivers with a disorder called Munchhausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) have more recently become the subject of ___.


In the sense that most robbers are motivated by economic gain, robbery could be considered a ____ crime.


The RAND study found that police investigators were more oriented toward clearing cases than toward the problems of successful ___ following arrest.


Fielding's runners were not paid as police officers but rather, in terms of thief-taker rewards, a percentage of all fines resulting from successful ___ of thieves.


Normally, evidence must be held in custody of the law enforcement agency until a ___ or similar authority formally issues a release allowing it to be returned to its owner or otherwise disposed of.


In Maryland v. Buie (1990), the Court held that a "___ ___" during an arrest in a home is allowed if justified.

Protective Sweep (search for suspect only)

The chain of custody requires that from the moment the evidence is collected, every transfer of evidence from one person to another be documented and that it be ___ that nobody else could have accessed that evidence.


As in exigent circumstances in the field, show-up conducted shortly after the commission of the offense and in reasonable ___ to the crime scene may be tolerated by courts.


Robbery is particularly significant crime because of the _____ trauma suffered by its victims.


The ___ profiling technique recognizes that hate, passion, fear, and confusion may all have certain indicators somewhere at the scene.


The "___ ___ exception" to Miranda was ruled on in New York v. Quarles (1984). This decision found that police officers who are reasonably concerned for public safety may question persons who are in custody and who have not been read the Miranda warning.

Public safety

Postmortem lividity may appear as a ____ color stain on the skin close to the surface


___ and ___ are not classified as robbery under the Uniform Crime Reporting Program but are included under the category of larceny theft.

Purse snatching / pickpocketing

Warden v. Hayden was based on an exigent circumstance to conduct a warrantless search for what reason?

Pursuit of a fleeing suspect

In the "____ stage" gases enter the body which can cause swelling and make it difficult for the investigator to identify the body.


Odor, color changes, and bloating of the body during body decomposition are the results of ___? (What stage of decomposition)


A transcript of his deposition that was released to the media, Cosby admitted to casual sex, involving recreational use of the sedative-hypnotic methaqualone (_______), with a series of young women, and acknowledged that his dispensing the prescription drug was illegal.


Which indoor search method uses dividing the room in half and having each investigator searching half of the room?


Researchers Walsh and Wolak discovered more than a ____ of the online sexual predators had prior arrests for nonsexual offenses, and 9 percent had prior arrests for sexual offenses against minors."


The ___ ___ laboratory function examines and compares data appearing on paper and other evidentiary materials.

Questioned Documents

As a rule, two investigators handle the interrogation: one actually conducts the ____, and the other acts as a witness to statements made by the suspect.


Early studies by both the ____ Corporation and the Police Executive Research Forum challenged long-held opinions about criminal investigation and made some practical recommendations.


The _ _ _ _ program began with funding from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) discretionary grant program.


An examination of human hair can occasionally reveal the possible ___ of the individual from whom it came and the part of the body from which it originated.


Marks that are the result of hanging have a ___ imprint, which will normally point in an ___ direction as gravity pulls the body downward during hanging.

Raised / Upward

DeAngelo started as the Visalia ___. The Ransaker was associated with nearly 100 burglaries in Visalia which caught the attention of the police in 1975.


only 115 reported abductions represent cases in which strangers abduct and kill children, hold them for ____, or take them with the intention to keep, as with ____ ____ case.

Ransom / Jaycee Dugard

Define: Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.


Videotaping confessions is a practice most seen while investigating homicide, ___ and aggravated assault.


A liars speech ___ and voice ___ will also increase 95 percent of the time and will usually "stall" before giving an answer.

Rate / pitch / stall

The ___ response addresses crimes that have already occurred, such as murder, robbery, and burglary.


Criminal investigations are conducted through the use of three different responses: Name the three?

Reactive, Proactive, Preventive

When taking photos for Arson, the investigator should focus on the location of rags, large amounts of paper, cans, or empty ____ that might have been used in setting the fire.


When investigating Forgery, the logical first step of the investigation is to interview the person who was the _____ of the bad check.


One reliable method for determining body temperature is to insert a thermometer into the ___ of the deceased


Between 1760 and 1800, Fielding was given authority to organize a horse patrol, which was later followed by a permanent foot patrol. The patrol officers, smartly outfitted in ___ vests and ___ jackets and trousers, became the pioneers of England's uniformed police.

Red / Blue

Evidence samples destined for blood typing and certain other forensic tests should be ___.


Define: A method of storing data in files based on relationships between pieces of data.

Relational Database

In simultaneous lineups, witnesses compare lineup photographs with each other rather than to their memory of the offender. This is also referred to as using ____ judgement.


The principal requirements to admit a photograph into evidence are ___ and authentication.


What two standards have been used for admitting evidence for trial?

Relevancy and Frye test

A ___ photograph applies to the matter in question and is used to support testimony and representative of the evidence that relates it to the matter in question to determine the truth of the circumstances.


Investigators should remember that the official police ___ is the backbone of the criminal prosecution process.


What does RFLP stand for?

Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism

Which form of terrorism involves persons whose guerrilla-like tactics invoke fear in those holding political power and their supporters?

Revolutionary terrorism (kidnappings, bombings, assassinations)

Skidmark characteristics are likely commonly seen from what type of gun?


Tools used by geographic profilers include specialized software systems, such as ___ or CrimeStat.


Define: The process of stiffening, or contraction of body muscles after vital functions cease, is generally considered a poor indicator of time of death.

Rigor mortis

Define: The theft or attempted theft, in a direct confrontation with the victim, by force or the threat of force or violence.


When aggravated assault and larceny-theft occur together, the offense falls under the category of what criminal offense?


Sir ___ ___ is credited with creating the first modern police force in London in 1829.

Robert Peel

Another outlaw, Jesse James, was one of the most famous of the American West. During his time, he acquired a ___ ___ reputation.

Robin Hood

"____" is an illegal pharmaceutical substance that is virtually tasteless.


Define: An automated form of the Trojan horse method where small amounts of assets (i.e., money) are taken from specified accounts or sources and where the whole appears to be unaffected.

Salami Techniques

The "___ ____" involves the thief purchasing a wrecked vehicle that is unrepairable and then the thief steals a similar type of vehicle, removes its VIN tag, and replaces it with the salvaged vehicle's VIN.

Salvage switch

ViCAP specifically works by identifying and linking the signature aspects in violent serial crimes. The signature of a crime is the intrinsic part of the crime that the criminal must include in order for him or her to be ____ and thus is present in every crime committed by the same person.


Define: The process of presenting sequentially changing information to an automated system to identify those items receiving a positive response.


___ ___ refers to techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. (empirical and measurable evidence)

Scientific Method

Seizing materials not included in a ___ warrant could cost an investigator the success of an entire investigation for computer crimes.


What document designates the specific premises to be searched and the specific items to be seized and is the basic requirement for law enforcement officers to seize property.

Search warrant

Define: An itemized inventory of all property and material seized by officers at the location of the search.

Search warrant return

The Fourth Amendment says that all ___ must be preceded by the officer's obtaining a search warrant.


The FBI is the lead agency for preventing and investigating intelligence activities on U.S. soil. In fact, it is the ___ highest priority for the FBI because foreign espionage poses a threat to the nation's national security.


A person commits the crime if he or she knowingly causes the death of another person while committing a criminal act and not acting under the influence of sudden passion.

Second Degree Murder

A motor vehicle is defined in the UCR Program as a ___-_____ vehicle that runs on land surfaces and not on rails.


Genetic patterns found in blood or ___ can be just as distinctive as fingerprints.


Define: A murder that arouses intense public interest.

Sensational Murder

A ____ lineup involves people or photographs that are presented to the witness one at a time.


What are the two most common types of photo lineups?

Sequential and Simultaneous

The "_____ arsonist" sets three or more separate fires with a definite cooling-off period between them.


Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP), PROFILER (a robot, rule-based expert system programmed to profile ___ criminals)


Define: A murder of separate victims with time breaks as short as two days to as much as weeks or even months between victims.

Serial Murder

What procedure was established to study human blood stains and distinguish them from the blood of most other animals?


___ ____ cases of a child are among the most difficult cases for law-enforcement to investigate.

Sexual abuse

Analysts can tell the direction of the impacting object by the ___ of the spatter (tails point in the direction of motion).


Soil evidence was first used over 100 years ago in the fictional literature of ___ ___?

Sherlock Holmes

___ ___ is a fictional detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a Scottish author and physician who graduated from the University of Edinburgh Medical School.

Sherlock Holmes

Fired at close range, the ____ is the most common and destructive of all small arms.


"Marbelization" can be seen on what three areas of the body?

Shoulders, Chest, Thighs

Gangs active on the western frontier, such as the Younger brothers and the ___ gang, represent the colorful heritage of the antihero.


The ___ standard is a legal precedent set in 1993 by the Supreme Court of the United States regarding the admissibility of expert witnesses' testimony during federal legal proceedings.


The Anti-Car Theft Act, enacted in 1992, made armed auto theft ("carjacking") a federal offense. In 1994, the passage of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act made carjacking resulting in ___ a federal crime punishable by death.


Define: When one intends to "dupe" others by communicating messages meant to mislead and meant to make the recipients believe what the agent (the person performing or committing the act) either knows or believes to be untrue.


___ reasoning, sometimes referred to as "top-down logic," is a thought process in which a conclusion is based on the concordance of multiple premises that are generally assumed to be true.


Undercover assignments are either performed in the short term or long term (or "deep cover"). Short-term undercover operations are normally considerably safer and permit the help of surveillance officers and protection that undercover agents working in a ___-____ capacity do not have.


"Exculpatory evidence" is evidence favorable to the _____ in a criminal trial that exonerates or tends to exonerate the defendant of guilt. (Not guilty)


When a criminal suspect is being interrogated, the investigator must gently and skillfully break down the suspect's ____ to gain an admission or confession and do so while staying within the constraints of constitutional law.


"Pattern areas" are the part of a loop or whorl in which appear the cores, ____, and ridges with which we are concerned when classifying.


Evidence used to demonstrate or clarify an issue rather than to prove something is defined as?

Demonstrative evidence

Who was known at the "BTK Killer" killed people like animals. "I put the down"

Dennis Lynn Rader (serial killer)

Statistics show that there are an estimated ___ cases per year in the United States in which a child is abducted and murdered.


According to the Economic Crime Digest, shoplifting is the form of theft that occurs most frequently in business and accounts for some of the greatest losses: an estimated $___billion a year.


How many characters are there in a VIN?


In one study by Diana Russell, women in the San Francisco area were surveyed, and Russell found that 38 percent had experienced intrafamilial or extrafamilial child sexual abuse by the time they reached age ___ years.


ATMs were first introduced during the late ____ in the United States.


Anticipatory search warrants have also been argued unconstitutional because it violates a persons ___ amendment of not having probable cause.


Research has shown that vocal changes occur ___ percent of the time when a person lies.


Items seized other than those listed in the warrant is not considered "within the ___ of the ____" and will probably be excluded from the trial as evidence obtained illegally.

Within the scope of the search

Subsequent to the RAND study, a number of researchers have shown that less than half of all felony arrests result in successful prosecution. This is primarily due to the high drop out of ___ cooperation.


Failure of ____ to appear at trial is a recurrent problem and one that often results in dismissal of criminal charges against defendants or failure of the prosecution's case.


The time of death in a homicide case, particularly when there are no ____, is one of the most critical variables in its investigation.


The practice of profiling was developed during ___ ___ II by government psychologist William Langer to predict Adolph Hitler's future actions.

Word War II

The use of fingerprints was refined by Sir Francis Galton and was adopted by Scotland ___ in 1901.


Does a suspect have a right to an attorney if he or she requests one during a police station interrogation?


Acquaintance molesters often gain access to children through ___ serving organizations.


The literature of terrorism has been closely associated with the word ____, which can be defined as "little war" (Friedlander 1982).


Many cellular phones incorporate Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) technology. GSM localization uses "____" to establish the position of GSM cell phones, generally with the objective to trace the user.


A polygraph test cannot detect lies but it does measure the ___ responses from the subject, including fear, anxiety, excitation, and other emotions.


Serial offenders are often ____. Because of their high level of functionality and charisma, they can be difficult to spot.


Why is physical evidence so important? List a few things that physical evidence can provide for an investigation.

• Prove the elements of a crime or reveal that a crime has been committed. • Place the suspect at the scene. • Physical evidence can be used to eliminate innocent persons. • Suspects confronted with physical evidence may confess to a crime. • Witness testimony can be supported with physical evidence. • Physical evidence can have a powerful positive impact on juries in criminal cases.

What are the circumstances that a search warrant does not have to be obtained to search and seize property?

• incident to arrest • consent of the owner • "plain view" • hot pursuit of criminal • "stop and frisk" • exigent circumstances

Virtualization is commonly seen in what kind of computing?


What does CVSA stand for?

Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA)

According to early English Common Law, the ____ of a suspect was by far the most important type of evidence against an accused person.


An interrogation is accusatory and systematic questioning of a person suspected of involvement in a crime for the purpose of obtaining a ____.


From a legal perspective, a ____ is defined as a "criminal suspect's oral or written acknowledgment of guilt, often including details about the crime," and a coerced confession as a "confession that is obtained by threats or force."


"Algor Mortusl" is the ____ of the body's temperature to that of its surroundings.

Cooling (Fresh Stage)

Some people say that "_______" is the crime of the twenty-first century.


The name "Scotland Yard" invokes the image of a foggy London street being guarded by a ___ in a trench coat puffing smoke from his pipe.


As a rule, ___ ___ are stored on removable media such as Secure Digital (SD) cards, flash drives, and Memory Sticks.

Digital images

In some specific instances, lay witnesses are permitted to express opinions but should not offer opinions or conclusions on "____ examination" unless an opinion or conclusion has been specifically solicited by the prosecutor.


In many ways, the crime scene sketch can show certain details better than a photograph. For example, photographs are two dimensional and may fail to show the ___ between objects. Also, a photograph cannot show the entire crime scene, whereas a sketch can.


Of specific importance in the observation phase is the relative ___ of any object to the victim.


"Pitfalls" when testifying, investigators should be aware of questions involving ____ and ____.

Distance / Time

Coercion and ____ are similar in that they both create an environment of intimidation during the interrogation process.


A visible fingerprint is also known as a "___ print".


Ismael Zambada-Garcia, known as "__ ____," Mexico-based Sinaloa Cartel


Define: A low-profile crime that typically consists of employees of organizations stealing large amounts of money over a long period of time.


Small air bubbles in the drops of blood are typically found in this type of blood spatter?


Define: The use of children for illegal activities such as prostitution and pornography.


Auto Theft Styles: After securing a bank loan for a new vehicle, an owner obtains an insurance policy for it?

Export Fraud

The ___ are the most sensitive part of the human body and, in death, do not react to light, touching, or pressure.


Of all investigative procedures used by police in criminal cases, probably none is less reliable than the ___ identification.


Experience and research have shown that civilian ___ frequently prove to be unreliable observers, and erroneous identifications are often the result.


Technologically, the most commonly used software in the United States is ____, although there are other popular products such as "IQ Biometrix," "CompuSketch," and "SuspectID."


Probably the single most significant development in criminal investigation in the United States was the establishment of the ___ in 1924.


True or false: Officers must use a pen or pencil to insert in the barrel of a firearm when attempting to pick it up in a crime scene?

False: This can damage or destroy blood or fibers from the weapon.

According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), every year, more than 200,000 children are abducted by ____ members.


Today the FBI Identification Division has become renowned as the world's largest repository of ____.


What are the two "psychological" types of child molesters?

Fixated and Regressed

Victims of burglary often claim that they were "robbed." Such incidents are not actually robbery unless the burglar encounters someone in the structure and uses ___ or threatens them as a means of completing the theft.


What crime is the least reported of all violent crimes?

Forcible rape

In addition to yielding the information needed to make a determination about whether abuse or neglect has occurred, ____ interviewing provides evidence that will stand up in court if the investigation leads to criminal prosecution.


It is important for an investigator to understand basic techniques of collection and preservation of evidence, but to do so, a fundamental understanding of criminalistics or ___ science is often required.


Define: Fragmented information flow in a logical sequence to make it purposeful to the user, such as taking a group of surveillance reports and arranging them in the order in which they occurred to determine primary suspects, locations most frequented, vehicles driven, and so on.


Of all of the rapist profiles discussed, the "____ _____" rapist is the most dangerous.

Anger-excitation (Sadistic Sexual acts)

Studies indicate that when any witness becomes visibly ____ or otherwise loses composure, the jurors tend to lose _____for that witness and thereafter give that witness's testimony less weight.

Angry / respect

Which 3 states report the highest number of gang members?

Arizona / Illinois / California

A case is considered unsolved until a suspect has been identified, ____, and prosecuted for the crime.


___ spray refers to the spurt of blood released when a major artery is severed.


Counterfeiting and marketing cards require considerable organization, for both production and distribution. International organized crime rings working out of East ___ tend to be involved in such operations.


____ absorption involves swabbing the suspect's hands with cotton swabs and then soaking them in an acid solution.


What does ATM stand for?

Automatic Teller Machine

The key procedure for finding evidence of the cause of death is the forensic ____, a procedure required in all cases of questionable cause of death.


"___" refers to the ease with which previous examples come to mind. This occurs because people make judgments based on only what they remember, not on the totality of their experiences.


As a provision of the "best evidence rule" (___ v. ___, 1933), the original notes must be provided in court whenever possible.

Cheadel v. Barwell

Adipocere (grave wax) formation is the loss of body odor and the formation of a ___ appearance on the cadaver.


Evidence samples that may be subject to DNA testing must be kept in a ___ state to avoid deterioration.


Wong Sung v. United States was the introduction to what exception to the exclusionary rule?

Fruits of the poisonous tree

Banking institutions often consider the _______ check as legitimate because of its "official" appearance.


Which outdoor search method is best described as roping off into individual squares so it's easier for officers to concentrate on?

Grid Pattern

Law enforcement officers, laboratory technicians, and evidence custodians should be aware of the risks of exposure to ___ and ___? (Blood, bodily fluids, needles, knives)

HIV / Hepatitis B

For the most part, ____ produce larger and more obvious tattoo patterns than _____ weapons because of the use of flake powder.

Handguns / Rimfire

When searching for a deceased person in water, the body itself is wrapped in a body bag and key areas, such as the ___, are wrapped up separately to preserve potential evidence


Investigators will usually see searing and powder blackening of the immediate edge of the wound is seen from a "___ contact wound"?


Crime scene chalk used after moving a deceased body off the floor indicates the position of what three body parts?

Head, Arms, Legs

One of the most advanced techniques for detecting accelerants in fire debris is called "____ gas chromatography."


What major league baseball team was in Enron Field affiliated with?

Houston Astros

Taliban, Hamas and Hezbollah: "______" stating that they are one part terrorist organization, and are becoming one part global drug trafficking cartel. May pose as the biggest threat to the US in the future.


Use of a ligature is also common and is designed to restrict the flow of oxygen (_____) to the victim during sexual orgasm. Basically, the sensation of choking is believed to heighten the sexual stimulation of the participant.


"Superzapping" a macro or utility program used in most ____ mainframe computer centers as a systems tool. a "break-glass-in-case-of-emergency"


There is increasing evidence to suggest that obtaining or accessing credit card accounts is the main motive for ___ ___.

Identity theft

What is an etymologist?

Insect expert

Numerous reddish-brown or possibly orange lesions around the entrance to the wound also characterize this type of wound?

Intermediate wound

What decision-making process falls between the automatic operations of perception and the deliberate processes of reasoning?


Different situations encountered by the criminal investigator require different types of judgment. With often unreliable and incomplete data or under chaotic and uncertain conditions, ____ decision-making is preferable. (Street Cop or Soldier in battle)


Define: The Involuntary accidental or nonintentional death of another human being, with severe negligence.

Involuntary Manslaughter

____ is generally used for developing prints on paper and wood surfaces?


What are the three most commonly used chemical developers for fingerprinting investigation?

Iodine / ninhydrin / silver nitrate

When sprayed on blood, Luminol creates a bright blue luminescent glow by reacting with ___ in the blood's hemoglobin.


What does ISIS stand for?

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

Who was the first Director of the FBI?

J. Edgar Hoover

On April 25, 2018, law enforcement officials arrested 72-year-old ___ ___ DeAngelo, the notorious Golden State Killer, in a suburbon of Sacramento.

Joseph James

Who was known as the Golden State Killer and the East Area Rapist?

Joseph James DeAngelo

For years, "______" has been ranked as the premier criminal motivation for motor vehicle theft, committed primarily by juvenile offenders.


What branch of government controls the authorization of a search warrant?

Judicial Branch

People who criticize the polygraph test often refer to it as "___ science".


An abundance of a drug such as methamphetamine or PCP that is selling at an unusually low price might indicate a ____ nearby.


Edmond Locard was the director of the first known crime ___ in Lyon France.


Define: The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another.


A ___ photograph is one that relates to and makes a substantive contribution to the specific case in question.


Define: In Arson, Materials used in spreading the fire. These include gunpowder; rags soaked in flammable liquid; and flammable liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, and alcohol.


After the criminal touches the dusted object, the area is examined by the use of an ____ light, which will display any fingerprints clearly.


Kiting consists of drawing cash on accounts made up of _______ funds.


Reader systems typically check each plate number against "hot lists" of plates that have been uploaded to the system and provide an instant alert to law enforcement officers when the plate matches or "hits" from law enforcement clearing houses such as the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) vehicle file (which includes stolen vehicles and vehicles used in the commission of a crime).

National Crime Information Center (NCIC)

The (___ ___ ___ ___ NICB) not-for-profit insurance organization committed to combating vehicle theft and insurance fraud.

National Insurance Crime Bureau NICB

Which form of terrorism is characterized by activity that supports the interests of an ethnic or nationalistic group, regardless of its political ideology.

Nationalistic terrorism

As a rule, the crime scene photographer will find that ___ light at the scene is inadequate for good-quality photos and that ___ lighting is required.

Natural / Artificial

What is the concept of using a single computer to run multiple operating systems?


Define: The killing of another person out of an act of passion but lacks premeditation.

Voluntary Manslaughter

Define: The deliberate killing of another person and is typically classified into two subcategories:

Voluntary and Involuntary

Accordingly, 80 percent of the fire protection in the United States is provided by ____ fire departments.


What is defined as: An initial inquiry by officers to establish facts and circumstances of a suspected crime and to preserve any evidence related to that crime?

Preliminary Investigation

The Federal Foreign Relations Authorization Act defines terrorism in terms of four primary elements. What are the 4 terms?

Premeditated Politically motivated Violent Committed against noncombatant targets.

In the process of deduction, the investigator begins with some statements, called "___," that are assumed to be true.


"Trap door" technique in which programmers insert debugging aids that break ____ codes in the computer and then insert an additional code of their own.


In almost every case of SBS, the baby begins to show symptoms such as _____ or unconsciousness within minutes of the injury. The baby may have difficulty _____, or his or her breathing may stop completely.

Seizures / breathing

An additional 58,000 are taken by nonrelatives with primarily _____ motives.


_____ is often a feature of relationships involving domestic violence.


The fence is a person who buys and sells ____ property with criminal intent.


A pathologist may also be able to estimate the time of death based on the child's ____ contents and investigative notes about the child's last meal.


More than half (57 percent) of child abduction murders are committed by a killer who is a ___ to the victim.


____ intelligence plays a role in the investigation of crimes by providing the investigator with a tool for long-range planning.


A temporary protection order can be issued the same day the woman requests it and can be put in effect for a ___ or longer


Which form of terrorism involves an effort to change the current political power. It has been argued that it also involves a revolution?

Ideology terrorism

The exclusionary rule states that courts will exclude any evidence that was ___ obtained even though it may be relevant and material.


The Chimel decision established that a search made incidental to a lawful arrest must be confined to the area around the suspect's ___ control.


What type of bloodstain result from blood projecting through the air and are usually seen as spatter, but may also include gushes, splashes, and arterial spurts?


The best way to accurately assess new information is to remain ___ and open-minded, because things change during the course of an investigation as more is learned about what occurred.


The choke on a shotgun is a constriction in the last couple of ___ in the barrel and can vary in the degree of constriction.


A persuasive impact of an "interrogation tape" is for the state to introduce the tape into evidence to highlight ____ in the defendant's story.


On the face of a cliff in Nova Scotia, a prehistoric ___ picture writing exists of a hand with ridge patterns crudely marked.


What is the easiest bomb to construct?

Pipe bomb

The search warrant ___ presents facts that the officer believes constitute probable cause to justify the issuance of a warrant.


Define: The deliberate burning of property while creating an imminent danger to human life or risking great bodily harm.

Aggravated Arson

The Electronic Communication Privacy Act focuses on these 3 areas?

1) Wire taps and Bugs 2) Pen registry 3) Tracing Devices

Before going to a jury trial, officers should be familiar with these?

1) designated courtroom to go to 2) No talking about case information in public 3) Be punctual 4) dress appropriately 5) avoid contact with the defense before trial

What are the three types of missing children cases?

1) family abductions 2) endangered runaways 3) non-family abductions - lost/injured

Evidence stained with bodily fluids (e.g., blood, semen) must be ___-____ before packaging and submission to the laboratory.

Air-dried (breathable non-plastic "paper", loose fitting containers)

Any biohazardous materials should be double bagged in secure plastic bags, taped or secured by ___ (never stapled), and labeled as a biohazardous material.


The post-shooting investigation of an officer-involved shooting will often involve what two investigations?

Administrative and Criminal

Experience has shown that the most typical defense ploy in a computer crime case is to attack the _____ of evidence seized.


Law enforcement officers are faced with many dangers. The rising specter of ___ has created a health concern for criminal investigators charged with collection and preservation of crime scene evidence.


____ is the process, therefore, of proposing a likely explanation for an event that must then be tested.


An "exit wound" is notably different from an entrance wound. For example, a reddish-brown area of roughened skin, known as the ___ ring, surrounds an entrance wound and small amounts of blood escape through.


During sequential lineups, witnesses must make a decision about each photograph or member before moving on to the next, prompting them to use ___ judgment


So many violent offenders have histories of child ___ and neglect is testimony to the fact that child abuse is often an intergenerational phenomenon.


In discussing child fatalities, ___ ___ ___ (AHT) is the most common type of fatal injury and maltreatment death and includes brain trauma resulting from SBS and other types of direct blunt trauma to the brain.

Abusive Head Trauma

Many types of death are associated with this category, including drowning, falling, automobile wrecks, and accidental drug overdose.

Accidental Death

The inside team is responsible for briefing officers concerning their ____ if a crime occurs.


Normally, strangulation is carried out by squeezing the area just about the ____ ___ for a sustained period of time, thus crushing the windpipe and preventing the victim from being able to breathe.

Adam's apple

Officers arriving on scene must obtain Witnesses' full identities, including ___ and phone numbers immediately.


To avoid reducing its evidentiary value, soaked clothing should be __-___ before being bagged.


Today, under federal law (18 U.S.C. §2256), child pornography is defined as "___ ____ ____, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means

Any visual depiction

What style of interrogation relates to using: the investigator attempts to give the suspect a "way out" that will justify his or her participation in the crime.

Face-saving Style

Nodal points are measured creating a numerical code, called a "___", representing the face in the database.


One powerful tool for investigators to use is ___ ___. It is also recognized as the closet thing to universal language?

Facial expressions

A "___ witness" has personal knowledge of events pertaining to a case and can only testify to things he or she personally has observed.


The ___ test involves the admission of scientific evidence.


Define: Items such as tools, liquor, and clothing that are indistinguishable from others like them.

Fungible goods

Define: A criminal who is a member of a crime organization, such as a gang.


In the Daubert case, the Supreme Court held that federal trial judges are the "____" of scientific evidence.


The Vancouver Police Department instituted the world's first ___ profiling capability in 1995.


____ profiling is a criminal investigative technique that analyzes the locations of a connected series of crimes to determine where the offender most likely resides. (serial murder or rape)


Sometimes, a burglar who makes his or her entrance through a window will remove the ____. This makes it difficult for the officer to detect a break-in with only a superficial glance.


The use of __ ___ ___ (GPS) in the Wrice bank robbery reflects how police across the nation are turning to such devices for surveillance, eavesdropping, and other tasks that traditionally have been performed by uniformed officers and detectives.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

The 1984 case of United States v. Leon introduced what first exception to the "exclusionary rule"?

Good faith exception

The medical examiner is a licensed physician who is appointed by the ____ of a state to investigate deaths that appear to be of a violent, suspicious, or ____ nature.

Governor / Unnatural

The federal standard for police use of force was established by the U.S. Supreme Court in ___ v. ___, 490 U.S. 396 (1989). "Objectively reasonable"

Graham v. Connor

Bacteria break down hemoglobin into sulfhemoglobin, which causes the ___ color change in the lower abdomen. (Putrefaction stage)


Gary Ridgeway was dubbed the "___ ___ ___" almost 20 years after the bodies of some of his 48 victims showed up in Washington State's Green River, about 45 miles from Seattle.

Green River Killer

The prescribed way for officers to move a handgun is to pick it up using two fingers on the textured part of the ___ where no fingerprints can be removed.


Define: A method that is used by online sexual predators to lure the children they meet.


After serving his days in jail as a spy, Vidocq pioneered many new investigative methods and is often considered as one of the founders of ___ ___.

Modern Criminology

Define: The process of concealing or disguising the proceeds of a crime or converting those proceeds into goods and services.

Money Laundering

Examination for GSR may aid in distinguishing entrance wounds from exit wounds, for the entrance wound will have ___ GSRs than the exit, or the exit will have none.


Forensic autopsy is also commonly known as the "Post ____ ____"

Mortem Examination

According to a study by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), investigative traits most commonly desired include?

Motivation Intuition Stability Judgment Street knowledge Teamwork Persistence Reliability Intelligence Dedication Integrity

The number of drug overdose deaths, particularly from prescription drugs, has grown exponentially in the past decade and has surpassed ___ ___ crashes as the leading cause of injury death in the United States.

Motor vehicle

It is quite common for an officer involved in a hostile shooting incident to experience "perceptual distortions" of various types. Some may experience sound diminishes and gunshots, shouts, or other sounds may be ____ or unheard.


After the early putrefaction and black putrefaction phases have taken place, the body begins _____. (Body begins to dry out)


Under law, categories of homicide are generally divided into two distinct classifications:

Murder and Manslaughter

___ ___ is a Children's fictional book that featured a fictional young girl who dabbles as an amateur detective in various mysteries.

Nancy Drew

(__ __ __ __) that 15 percent of all vehicles reported stolen were fraudulent claims.

National Auto Theft Bureau

A "plastic fingerprint" results when a finger presses against plastic material and leaves a ___ impression of friction ridges.


_______-based gangs continue to pose the greatest threat in most law enforcement jurisdictions nationwide.


Unfortunately, under certain conditions, heuristics can lead to cognitive biases—mental errors resulting from ___ information processing.


Define: This includes personal interaction with people, many of whom are witnesses to crimes, victims of crimes, or the suspects themselves.

Overt Information collection

Auto Theft Styles: The vehicle owner lies about the theft of his vehicle and then orchestrates its destruction to collect insurance money?

Owner give-ups

Soft tissue decomposition is mainly influenced by temperature and ____?


When the blood changes from red to a dark purplish color it loses ____. This is the beginning of lividity.


Some drugs, such as liquid ___ and liquid ___, may be absorbed accidentally through the skin.


if the robbers handled any ___ products (e.g., notes to bank tellers), such surfaces are particularly good for preserving latent prints and should be protected and processed.


Each item found as evidence is put into a sterilized container (contrary to popular belief, this is almost never a plastic bag but is actually a ___ bag or ___, which prevents further decomposition of evidence) and labeled for later analysis at the laboratory.

Paper / Envelope

"Type lines" enclose the pattern areas of loops and whorls and may be defined as the two innermost ridges, which start ___, diverge, and surround or tend to surround the pattern area.


What type of blood stain includes drops, flows, and pools, and typically result from gravity acting on an injured body?


What are the three basic classifications of blood stains?

Passive / Transfer / Impact

A latent fingerprint is also known as a ___ fingerprint.


"Forensic ___" studies the clues to the cause of death found in the corpse as a medical phenomenon.


it is during the preliminary phase of the interview that the investigator's ____ will be tested rigorously.


For years, the means of identifying the type of person responsible for a particular crime was known as "___ ___".

Personality Profiling

Auto Theft Styles: An individual creates a phony title or registration to secure insurance on a nonexistent vehicle?


Today, victims are more met with suspicious e-mail and/or ___ attempts to trick victims into revealing personally identifiable information resulting in identity theft.


The Bertillon System used a combination of ___ with standardized physical measurements.


Crime scene evidence is dynamic. Protection and preservation of the scene are therefore crucial because both avert the possibility of contamination, loss, or unnecessary movement of ___evidence.


one of the hallmarks of embezzlement is the stealing of merchandise by a company's employees, or "______"


Reginald Muldrew broke into the apartment of a Gary, Indiana, woman, putting a pillow over her face, and then raping and threatening to kill her. Earning him the nickname "_____ ____".

Pillowcase rapist

Vigilantes in the mining camps would conduct trials against dangerous offenders. Cattle ranchers would often hire range detectives to capture rustlers. As a result, some business firms emerged, such as the famed ___ Detective Agency, which offered to protect property and pursue offenders for a fee.


Which organizational structure was adopted By the FBI?

Pinkerton's National Detective Agency

Chimel v. California (1969) dealt with areas that are not in "___ ___" that are searched without a warrant.

Plain view

Harris v. United States is the result of the "__-___" doctrine.


Clearly, the distinct advantage of robbery over some other type of crime is that it is quick, easy, and requires little ____ or preparation.


DNA evidence should never be placed in ___ bags because they retain damaging moisture.


____ intelligence targets criminal activity considered to be of immediate importance to the investigator.


Collection and preservation of evidence: It is important that each item submitted as evidence be sealed with _______ evidence tape, dated, ___, and labeled as to its contents and its association with the victim or suspect.

Tamperproof / initialed

"Minimization" refers to the requirement that officers take every reasonable effort to monitor only those conversations, through the use of phone ___, body ___, and the like, that are specifically related to the criminal activity under investigation. As soon as it becomes obvious that a conversation is innocent, the monitoring personnel are required to cease listening.

Taps / Bugs

"_____," as it is sometimes referred to, is when the gunpowder will spray around the area of the wound and burn to the skin as it is hot on being fired from a weapon.


Define: Tiny pinpoint hemorrhages may result from the discharge of unburned powder being deposited into the skin.


As DeAngelo's victims lay terrified, he would pause for a snack of crackers after raping them. He also placed a ___ and saucer on the bodies of some of his victims and threatened them with murder if he heard the ceramic rattle.


The CVSA II has the capability to record live and ____ examinations onto the system's hard drive.


___ v. ___ (1985) involved the police shooting and subsequent killing of an unarmed boy as the youth fled from an unoccupied house.

Tennessee v. Garner

Define: A policy intended to intimidate or cause terror.


Miranda warning applies only when ____ evidence is being sought. (Custodial interrogation)


Research has shown that efforts by the police to obtain corroborating physical evidence or ___ of more than one witness result in higher conviction rates.


The ___ ___ are the oldest state law enforcement body in the United States.

Texas Rangers

The psychological profiling technique was used successfully by the FBI in the investigation of ___ ___, the serial murderer responsible for the murders of 30 young women in the northwestern United States between 1973 and 1978.

Theodore (Ted) Bundy

To approach the residence, a more innovative burglar may pose as a salesperson, insurance agent, public utility worker, or other "legitimate" person to verify what?

There is nobody home

1880 by Henry Faulds of the Tsukiji Hospital in Tokyo, Japan, discussed future possibilities of fingerprint science. He recommended the use of a ___ ___ of printer's ink as a transfer medium, as is generally used today.

Thin film

According to the FBI, 74 percent of children abducted and murdered were killed within the first ____ hours of their disappearance.


Overall, the total price tag for auto theft is about $8 billion annually. One in ____ stolen cars never makes it back home.


Victims of SBS syndrome are typically ____ years old and younger.


___ percent of sexual assault defendants were registered sex offenders at the time of their crimes and the majority of the defendants had met their victims on the Internet.


Studies of assault cases have revealed that most victims of assault (two-thirds to ___-____ of cases) are acquainted with their attacker.


It is quite common for an officer involved in a hostile shooting incident to experience "perceptual distortions" of various types. Some may experience ___ distortion in which events appear to occur in ___ ____.

Time / Slow motion

Pinkerton gained national fame when he uncovered a plot to kill Abraham Lincoln during the 1860s. The plot was designed to kill Lincoln on a ___ while en route to give his first inaugural speech in Washington.


What type of bloodstain results in leaving wipes, swipes, or pattern transfers behind such as a bloody shoeprint or a smear from a body being dragged?


The ___ method in a crime scene sketch is a bird's-eye view of the scene that uses fixed objects from which to measure.


One early example of cybercrime involved the planting of an unauthorized program known as a "___ ___", which automatically transferred money to an illegal account whenever a legal transaction was made.

Trojan horse

Define: The secret placement or alteration of computer instructions so that the computer will tell a second computer how to perform illegal functions.

Trojan horse (inserting instructions)

What are the two commonly used classifications of evidence?

corpus delicti and associative evidence

After Crime Lab identifies a stain, it is characterized by DNA analysis using the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) or ___ ___ ___ (PCR) techniques.

polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

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