Criminology Final Exam CH 1-14

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The most important of Durkheim's numerous contributions to contemporary sociology is his concept of , which means a state of normlessness, chaos, or disorder: a) the laws of imitation b) moral insanity c) organic solidarity d) anomie

the consequences of making and enforcing rules

The primary concern of labeling theorists is: a) the consequences of making and enforcing rules. b) understanding the power struggles in society. c) the cause of deviant behavior. d) the ways in which the law is applied to different social classes.

edwin sutherland

Who generated the most widely accepted definition of criminology? a)Joe Allen b)Cesare Lombroso c)Edwin Sutherland d)Horatio Caine

Raffaele Garofalo

Who initially coined the term criminology in 1885? Enrico Ferri Cesare Criminologia Jose Allen Raffaele Garofalo

wolfgang and ferracutie

Who introduced the subculture of violence theory? a) Shaw and Miller b) Sue B. Coulture c) Cloward and Ohlin d) Wolfgang and Ferracuti

cesare beccaria

Who is known as the "father of modern criminology"? a) Tito Criminologia b) Emile Durkheim c) Pepe Allen d) Cesare Beccaria

charles goring

Who offered the major challenge to Lombrosian theory and proved his findings to be wrong? a) Horatio Grissom b) Jose Allen c) Robert Loblaw d) Charles Goring


________ posited that bumps on the head were indications of psychological propensities. a) Phrenology b) The somatotypes school c) Psychoanalytic theory


______________ theory assumes that for every individual there exists a containing external structure and a protective internal structure, both of which provide defense, protection, or insulation against delinquency. a) Containment b) Differential association c) Social bond d) Drift

swift, certain, and appropriate to the crime

ccording to Cesare Beccaria, punishment should be based on these 3 principles together


criminal behavior peaks around age , and then declines thereafter. a) 12 b) 18 c) 30 d) 41

subculture of violence

A person talks about a mugging by saying that the person who was mugged shouldn't have been at that place and at that time of day (i.e., that they brought about the circumstances for their being mugged). Which theory is this person using to explain the mugging? a) social control b) differential association c) subculture of violence d) offender precipitation


According to Matza, when a bond between a person and the law is not in place a youth may enter a state of __________, where he or she exists in limbo between convention and crime. a) confusion b) transition c) anomie d) drift


According to Sheldon, which of the following individuals would be most likely to engage in criminal behavior? a) ectomorph b) mesomorph c) endomorph

there is some support for the hypothesis that some genetic influences increase the risk of criminality

According to studies of twins: a) there is absolutely no evidence that genetic factors explain criminality. b) there is some support for the hypothesis that some genetic influences increase the risk of criminality. c) there is a very strong causal relationship between genetics and crime.

motor vehicle theft

According to the UCR, which of the following crimes is considered to be a crime against property? a) aggravated assault b) traffic violations c) motor vehicle theft d) robbery


According to the UCR, which of the following crimes is considered to be a property crime? a) robbery b) aggravated assault c) burglary d) kidnapping

a sense of guilt and remorse

Cesare Lombroso argued that the "born criminal" was NOT distinguishable by ____________. a) atavistic stigmata b) large jaws and strong canine teeth c) a sense of guilt and remorse


Chris Rock's comedy act, as shown and discussed in class, highlights most strongly the tenets of which following criminological theory? a) social disorganization b) neutralization c) labeling d) conflict


Crime has been shown to decrease when an individual has more "stakes in conformity". Which of the following is NOT considered to be one of the elements in stakes in conformity? a) age cohort or growing up b) career/education c) family d) philanthropy

conflict and consensus

Criminologists distinguish between which two conflicting perspectives on the origin of criminal law? a) political and scientific b) criminological and criminal justice c) sociological and psychological d) conflict and consensus

criminality or the causes of criminal behavior

Criminology generally focuses on the study of: a)correctional systems. b)decision-making processes. c)the efficiency of the criminal justice system. d) criminality or the causes of criminal behavior

all of the above

Criminology is the scientific study of: a) society's reaction to the breaking of the laws b) the making of laws c) the breaking of laws d) all of the above

the root causes of crime

Criminology, different from criminal justice, generally focuses on which of the following areas most? a) the needs of victims. b) the just treatment of offenders. c) the root causes of crime. d) the effect of sentencing philosophy.

american society is made up of various groups and subgroups, each with its own standards or right and wrong

Cultural deviance theorists argue that: a) American society is made up of various groups and subgroups, each with its own standards of right and wrong. b) people learn to commit crime as a result of contact with antisocial values, attitudes, and criminal behavior patterns. c) crime is most likely to occur among the lower social classes.

the research methods of modern science

Edwin H. Sutherland mandated that criminologists, like all other scientists, collect information for study and analysis in accordance with: a) history b) biological reasoning c) the research methods of modern science


Freud proposed that this acts as a moral code or conscience. a) anti-ego b) ego c) id d) superego

prison life was full of violence and degrading conditions that fueled their own violence

Gladiator Days: After watching the video, which statement best describes how prison life affected Troy Kell and Eric Daniels? a) Prison life was easy, giving them more meaningful friendships and relationships than they ever had on the outside. b) Prison life was pretty uneventful; just a matter of doing time and waiting to be released one day. c) Prison life resulted in them being victimized all the time by other white inmates. d) Prison life was full of violence and degrading conditions that fueled their own violence.


Gladiator Days: Eric Daniels was an accomplice to Troy Kell and helped him murder another prisoner. What crime did Eric Daniels commit that sent him to prison in the first place? a) Homicide b) Robbery c) Forgery d) Booty Banditing


Hirschi posited four social bonds that promote socialization and conformity. Which of the following is NOT one of those bonds? a) involvement b) attachment c) coercion d) belief


The leading cause of death for young black men is: a) drug overdose b) AIDS c) suicide d) murder

how are gang members influencing, teaching, and recruiting members

If a person interested in gangs looked at the gang problem from a Differential Association perspective, which of the following questions would s/he ask? a) Are the resources/institutions in gang areas strong or weak? b) Do youth have enough opportunities to achieve conventional goals in society c) How are gang members influencing, teaching, and recruiting members?

are the community resources/institutions in the gang areas strong or weak

If a person interested in gangs looked at the gang problem from a Social Disorganization perspective, which of the following questions would s/he ask? a) Are the community resources/institutions in gang areas strong or weak? b) What are the positive and negative relationships in a person's life that can steer them away from gangs? c)What role does the criminal justice system play in the treatment of gang members?

what do gangs give its members

If a person interested in gangs looked at the gang problem from a Subculture perspective, which of the following questions would s/he ask? a) What is the interplay between offender-victim-area? b) Are the resources/institutions in gang areas strong or weak? c) What do gangs give its members that they do not get from society, their families, and other aspects of "straight" life?

zone II: the zone of transition

In Park & Burgess' study of the "natural urban area" and Social Disorganization of the city, this area was found to have the most crime: a) Zone I: the loop, downtown b) Zone II: the zone of transition c) Zone III: the commuter zone, the suburbs d) Zone X: the crime zone

property, white collar, drug and alcohol

In addition to 'violent crime', list the other 3 General Categories of Crimes


In terms of gender, men are about ______ times more likely to commit crime than women. a) 4-5 b) 20 c) 60


In the United States, explanations of criminal behavior have been dominated by what type of theories? (hint: these explanations are generally seen as the most viable theories today) a) political b) philosophical c) sociological

why people commit crimes in the first place

Labeling theory DOES NOT focus on this aspect of criminal behavior: a) why certain people have had criminal status conferred upon them by both the criminal justice system and the community at large b) why certain behaviors are defined as criminal or deviant c) how certain acts are defined as criminal or deviant d) why people commit crimes in the first place

biological determinism

Lombroso's The Criminal Man replaced the concept of free will with the concept of ___________ a) biological determinism b) individual rationality c) systematic utilitarianism

in the lower class

Merton and his followers believe that the greatest proportion of crime will be found: a) evenly distributed across the social classes. b) in the lower classes. c) in the middle classes. d) in the upper classes.

all of the above are criticisms of merton's theory

Merton's theory has been criticized for which of the following reasons? a) It assumes that the heterogeneous society in the United States has goals that everyone agrees on. b) It cannot explain why there is so much useless, destructive behavior. c) It neglects crime committed by middle- and upper-class people. d) All of the above are criticisms of Merton's theory.

both of the above

Merton's theory of anomie emphasizes: a) cultural aspirations. b) institutionalized means to attain the desired ends. c) Both of the above. d) None of the above.


Narco Cultura: This is the Mexican city that was highlighted in the movie, the subject of extreme narco culture, high rates of murder, corruption, etc. a) Mexico City b) Guadalajara c) Cancun d) Juarez

motor vehicles

Over 1/3 of reported thefts are from . a) houses b) purses c) motor vehicles d) department stores


Over the past 20-25 years, the overall crime rate in the U.S. has . a) ncreased b) decreased c) remained the same

facial features

Physiognomy is the study of ___________ and their relation to human behavior. a) moral reasonings b) bumps on the head c) facial features d) psychological problems

less than 15-20%

Police solve ______ of all reported crimes (arrested, charged, and turned over for prosecution). a) less than 15-20% b) more than 75% c) about half or 50%

male aggression

Radical feminists view the cause of crime in women to be: a) male aggression. b) racial discrimination. c) class oppression. d) childhood fixation on G.I. Joe instead of Barbie


Shaw & McKay's study of Social Disorganization focused on this city: a) San Francisco b) Los Angeles c) New York d) Chicago

focuses on the development of high-crime areas

Social disorganization theory: a) maintains that people learn to commit crime as a result of contact with antisocial values, attitudes, and criminal behavior patterns. b) maintains that crime is most highly related to an individual's social class. c) focuses on the development of high-crime areas in which there is a disintegration of conventional values caused by rapid industrialization, increased immigration, and urbanization.

differential association

The act of genocide is an example used in what criminological theory? a) differential association b) social disorganization c) stakes in conformity d) environmental

individuals choose to commit crimes after weighing the consequences of their actions.

The classical school of criminology is based on the assumption that: a) criminals are born, not made. b) criminals are distinguishable from noncriminals by atavistic stigmata. c) body build is related to various mental disorders. d) individuals choose to commit crimes after weighing the consequences of their actions.

both a and b

The conflict model of law assumes that: a. the appropriate object of criminological investigation is conflict within a society. b. the criminal law expresses the values of the ruling class within a society. c. members of a society by and large agree on what is right. d. both a and b

members of society by and large agree on what is right

The consensus model of law assumes that: a) the criminal law expresses the values of the ruling class in a society. b) the criminal justice system is a means of controlling the classes that have no power. c) the appropriate object of criminological investigation is conflict within society. d) members of society by and large agree on what is right.

criminality of biological parents

The results of adoption studies: a) support the claim that the criminality of the adoptive parents has more influence on the child than does the criminality of the biological parents. b) support the claim that the criminality of biological parents has more influence on the child than does that of the adoptive parents. c) suggest that neither the criminality of the biological parents nor the criminality of the adoptive parents affects the child.

the psychological reasons why an offender commits a crime

The routine-activity approach DOES NOT explore: a) the surrounding environment of where a crime might occur. b) what suitable targets are. c) situational factors. d) the psychological reasons why an offender commits a crime.


The strongest predictor of criminal behavior is: a) race/ethnicity b) social class c) age d) gender

marvin wolfgang

The term "victim precipitation" was coined by: a) Chester Cheetah. b) Henry Hyena. c) Marvin Wolfgang. d) Wile E. Coyote.


The vast majority of Index Crimes reported are crimes. a) drug b) violent c) property d) public order/morality

moral entrepreneur

The work of Howard Becker suggests that it is the who make the rules that define deviant behavior. a) capitalists b) Christians c) moral entrepreneurs d) legislators

charles darwin

What author and document was influential in making criminologists begin examining criminal behavior in terms of science? a) Cesare Beccaria's "On Crime and Punishment" b) Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" c) Giuseppi Allen's "Utilitarianism" d) Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species"

aging-out phenomenon

What is the name of the explanation for why arrest rates begin to decline after age 30? a) mid-life crisis b) aging-out phenomenon c) life-course persistent offending d) none of the above

subculture of violence

Which criminological theory is best suited as an explanation for the 'Narco Cultura' phenomenon? a) Routine Activities b) Subculture of Violence c) Victim Precipitation d) Social Control


Which of the following crimes would likely have the HIGHEST clearance rate? a) bicycle theft b) assault c) shoplifting d) murder

official statistics from law enforcement agencies

Which of the following data sources will generally show the LEAST amount of crime being committed? a) official statistics from law enforcement agencies (Uniform Crime report) b) victimization surveys (asking people their experiences with crime as a victim) c) self-report surveys (asking people their experiences with committing crime)

attachment to church

Which of the following is NOT a form of Hirschi's first bond, attachment? a) attachment to church b) attachment to school c) attachment to peers d) attachment to parents

monetary yield per crime

Which of the following is NOT one of the components of the routine-activity approach? a) absence of a capable guardian b) suitable target c) likely offender d) monetary yield per crime


Which of the following offenses IS NOT included in the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)? a) rape b) homicide c) assault d) motor vehicle theft

deviant acts are not necessarily criminal

Which of the following statements best explains the relationship between deviance and crime? a) There is no difference between criminal and deviant behavior. b) Deviant acts are always considered to be criminal. c) Deviant acts are never considered to be criminal. d) Deviant acts are not necessarily criminal.

all of the above

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the relationship between crime and social class? a) The lower classes are more likely to be the victims of crime. b) The lower classes are more likely to be represented in the criminal justice system (e.g., arrest, prison, etc.). c) Studies have shown that there is little difference among the classes in terms of crime. d) All of the above statements are true

crime has no positive purpose in society

Which of the following statements was NOT made by Emile Durkheim? a) Crime creates social change. b) Crime is a normal part of society. c) Crime has no positive purpose in society. d) Crime creates social solidarity.

involvement, belief, attachment, commitment

hirschi's theory of control notes these 4 main elements of social bond: 1. _____________ : busy with conventional activities so have no time to engage in delinquent activities 2. ____________ : acceptance of a common value system, morality, and respect for the law 3. ___________ : strong ties with significant others (parents, peers) 4. ___________ : dedication to the future goals and not engaging in risky behavior that would jeopardize those goals

innovation, conformity, rebellion, reatreatism, ritualism

in merton's "modes of adaption" there are 5 different ways people adapt to anomie and society's goals and means: 1. ___________ : professional thief, drug dealer 2. __________ : college students 3. __________ : militia member, some terrorist groups 4. __________ : drug addict, chronic alcoholic 5. __________ : worker who has abandoned life goals for safety

time, geography

the difference between crime and other forms of deviance varies by ________ and _________


the moral developmental theory posits that most delinquents and criminals, reason at the ____________ level, the same level as most children. a)conventional b) postconventional c) preconventional

official data

these are criticisms/limitations of _____________ ________ in accurately measuring crime: 1. criminal activities still happen that have not been accounted for and recorded 2. not all officers may enter the data, thus not showing the actual crime measurement

victimization surverys

these are criticisms/limitations of _____________ ____________ in accurately measuring crime: 1. the data is only collected by victims willing to fill out the survery 2. this does not account for the number of crimes that are murders (since person is not alive)

self-report surveys

this is a criticism/limitation of ________-________ _________ in accurately measuring crime: 1. most people may not want to admit that a crime has been done


true of false the "Crime Clock" is the best way to present the nature and extent of crime.


true or false According to labeling theory, "secondary" deviance only happens after the second time the deviant act is committed.


true or false Conflict theorists view society as a stable entity in which laws are created for the general good.


true or false Contrary to the established criminological theories that explain motivation, environmental criminology begins with the assumption that some people are criminally motivated.


true or false Merton's theory on the modes of adaptation has been criticized for assuming that people in the United States agree on what the socially-accepted goals are.


true or false Society's treatment of criminals (e.g., punishment) has remained relatively unchanged throughout history.


true or false Society's reactions to law-breaking has often been irrational, arbitrary, emotional, politically motivated, and sometimes counterproductive.


true or false There is a universal theory among criminologists about why some people are prone to commit crime and others are not.


true or false Crime has become increasingly more global in nature as time goes on.


true or false: Criminal behavior is deviant behavior that society feels needs to be treated formally (e.g., laws, punishment, etc.).


true or false: Criminology is not considered scientific or empirical in nature


true or false: Deviant behavior is always considered criminal behavior.


true or false: Gil Grissom coined the term "criminology" in 1885.


true or false: How criminals are treated and punished has remained relatively unchanged for the past 300 years.


true or false: The term "deviance" describes behavior that violates social norms.


true or false: Caucasians are more likely to serve time in prison than their African-American counterparts.


true or false: Cesare Beccaria was a strong supporter of the death penalty.


true or false: Differential association-reinforcement theory suggests that: (1) the most meaningful rewards and punishments are those given by groups that are important in an individual's life, and (2) persistence of criminal behavior depends on whether or not it is rewarded or punished.


true or false: Roughly 1 out of every 3 black men will be under some sort of correctional supervision during their lifetime.


true or false: Social learning theory maintains that delinquent behavior is learned through the same psychological processes as any other behavior.


true or false: The study of Ada Jukes and her criminal offspring supported the idea that bad people should be sterilized so that their genes could not be transferred to future generations.

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