Cross Cultural Exam 2

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Based on the biases self-enhancers have, which of the following is someone who self-enhances most likely to say after failing a chemistry test?

"Even though I failed this chemistry test, I can still do well in physics."

When completing the Twenty-Statements Test (TST), people from non-Western cultures, in contrast with people from Western cultures, are more likely to write which of the following?

"I am a student."

Shweder and collegues found that Indian parents are more likely to sleep in the same room with their children than are American parents. Given their studies, which of these is the most compelling explanation for their results

Americans place more value on providing parents with exclusive sleeping spaces

A group of East Asians and Americans have won a contest, and each person is allowed to pick a car from a selection of cars. All cars are of the same make, model, and year. The only thing that differs between them is that they can be one of two colors. Furthermore, there is an extremely unequal proportion between the two colors, making the minority color very unique. Given this scenario, which of the following statements is true?

Americans will choose minority-colored cars.

Research finds that the Big Five model does not provide a complete list of personality traits in all cultures. Which of the following is FALSE regarding the additional personality factors found in various non-U.S. cultures

An ambition factor was found in Spain

which of the following is true about young children's development

Babies have more face to face contact with their parents in Western cultures than in non-Western cultures

Both Brianna, an American college student, and her Japanese classmate Yoshi are slated to give presentations in their cultural psychology class tomorrow. Tonight, they want privacy, so they are practicing their speeches in their rooms alone. Given that public speaking heightens one's sense of objective self awareness, how do you expect both students to react when practicing their presentations alone versus when presenting in front of their classmates

Brianna will be more critical of her public (versus private) performance but Yoshi will be critical of both.

How does cultural distance differ from cultural fit?

Cultural distance refers to culture-culture matching of variables, whereas cultural fit refers to person-culture matching of variables.

When comparing East Asian mothers with American mothers, which of the following statemtents is true?

East Asian mothers are more likely to focus their children's attention on their academic failures than mothers in the United States

According to research, which of the following could at least partially explain why children at East Asian schools tend to do better at math than children at American schools?

East Asian teachers tend to use more concrete examples when teaching math than American teachers

Which of the following statements is true of face?

Face is more easily lost than it is gained.

Manchi and Eason were both born in Hong Kong. Manchi moved to Canada at age 18, and Eason moved to Canada at age 40. Based on research on cultural adjustment, which of the following best characterizes their adjustment to Canada?

For Manchi, the amount of time she lives in Canada will have little or no effect on her identification with being Canadian. For Eason, the longer he stays in Canada, the less he will identify with being Canadian

The most collectivist states of the United States are

Hawaii and Utah

Jaden has a strong sense of his own identity and does not see a strong divide between strangers he has just met and his family members. What is this characteristic of?

Independent Theory of self

As a member of his college debate team, Marvin's goal is the same as his teammate's goal: to win! In preparation for a major competition, Marvin's coach institutes several rules that will help the team members focus, including a rule to abstain from drinking alcohol the night before the competition. If Marvin is from a collectivist culture, how will he most likely respond to this rule?

I don't mind following this rule since I know that what benefits the team ultimately benefits me too.

Korean differs from English in that English has an /f/ and a /p/ phoneme, whereas Korean lacks the /f/ phoneme. To many Koreans, these two phonemes sound the same. Applying what is discussed in the textbook about language acquisition to Ji-su, a Korean, which of the following would you most likely expect to occur?

Ji-su will be ablet to perceive the difference between the /f/ and /p/ in her first year

What can be said about sensitive windows for language acquisition?

Learning a sign language is subject to sensitive window constraints similar to that when learning a spoken language

You are a teacher who assesses your students' science knowledge by having them play one of many science games available on the computer, so you want them to take this task seriously. Your class is comprised fully of Asian American and Euro-American children. How would you maximize their motivation to play these science games?

Let other classmates choose the game for the Asian American students, but let the Euro-American students choose for themselves.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why acculturation is challenging to study?

Most places where psychological research is conducted are becoming less diverse, making it difficult to find people who have acculturated.

Given what you know about cultural influences on the Twenty-Statements Test (TST), which of the following women is most likely to respond primarily by describing her important roles and responsibilities within her family?

Naserian, a Kenyan woman from the Masai tribe

Tara is studying self-enhancement in South Korea compared to the United States. Her results suggest that Americans describe themselves more positively on a variety of personality dimensions than do South Koreans, but she is worried that this effect isn't real and that what is really happening is that the South Korean participants feel compelled to be modest. Do you think this alternative explanation is credible?

Not really: If Tara's study ensures anonymity, and uses indirect measures of self-enhancement, the findings from past research suggest it is unlikely that her participants feel compelled to hide their self-enhancement motivations.

As you recall, researchers have conducted a number of studies examining how people from the United States and India experience choices differently. Which of the following is incorrect regarding these research findings

Relative to North Americans, Indians perceive themselves as making more choices, even in research studies where the two groups receive the same amount of opportunity to make choices

You work for an international charity foundation and are in charge of seeking donations from American and Polish people. Based on Cialdini's research on the importance of consistency with the self and with peers, which of the following would you use to secure the most donations from the two populations?

Remind Americans of their past donations but remind Poles of their peer's donations

Who of the following is the most likely to engage in frame-switching?

Rie, a bicultural Japanese Canadian who is high in bicultural identity integration

Varun is a Fijian immigrant to Canada. After observing him over time, his friends felt like he was not really participating in Canadian culture, but he did seem to have much to do with his Fijian roots. Which of the following best describes Varun?

Separation strategy

Your classmate Teodora describes herself as having an interdependent self-view. Knowing only this, which of the following would be INCONSISTENT with this characterization of her self-concept?

Teodora says that she is the same person she was in high school and that she also acts the same in class, at home, with her parents, and with her friends.

You have saved up a lot of money over the last few years and have decided to travel the world. In interacting with people from different cultures all over the world, which of the following are you most likely to find

The big five explains personality adequately everywhere but does especially well explaining personality in the West

Yuexi, a Chinese mother, wants to use strong parental control with her child. Based on the textbook, which of the following would most likely occur as a result?

The child will be less happy than if Yuexi had used less parental control

The Blurgs, an alien family from Neptune, want to build a new home. This family consists of a father, a mother, a 20-year old son, a 10 year old son, and a baby daughter. When deciding on sleeping arrangements, the people of Neptune greatly value respect for hierarchy, as defined by Shweder and colleagues, in their study examining cultural differences in sleeping arrangements between Americans and Indians. Which of the following most reflects this value.

The older brother sleeps in his own room

which of the following statements is most likely to encourage self ehanchement motivations

The path you travel in life is yours and yours alone

Alex and Tess are parents who place great emphasis on the value of the sacred couple. They have a postpubescent son, a prepubescent daughter, and a toddler son. What sleeping arrangements are they most likely to have?

They sleep in the same room separate from their children

which of the following migrants is most likely to pursue separation or marginalization acculturation strategies

Trang, who looks physically distinct from the majority in the host culture

The First Nations tribe that has been most successful (of the ones studied) at adjusting to mainstream Canadian settler traditions has been the


Your friend Pedram is planning to immigrate somewhere and wants to go to a place where he will have the best chance of adjusting to the new culture. Which of the following should you recommend as being the best place for him?

a society that espouses values that match Pedram's personality

Sandy is a talented knitter with years of experience, who enjoys knitting gifts for her friends and co-workers. With their encouragement, Sandy decides to create a series of instructional knitting videos. However, once the video camera is pointed at her, she worries if her knitting is good enough and whether anyone will want to watch her videos given that there are so many other, possibly better, instructional videos available. Which of the following most accurately characterizes what Sandy is experiencing

an increase in objective self awareness

Research on stereotyped portrayals of Native Americans, such as Chief wahoo of the Cleveland Indians and Disney Pocahontas, shows that Native Americans

appear to experience stereotype threat after viewing these images

which of the following is the strongest evidence for frame-switching rather than blending

bilinguals tend to switch between their two languages depending on context

Choong-hyun is motivated to maintain face, especially among his co-workers. Consequently, Choong-hyun is also motivated to

ensure that his coworkers view him positively.

Which of the following best characterizes the situation of a 13 year old East Asian boy

he will not have the ability to distinguish all human phonemes

Based on Ma and Schoeneman's study of self-descriptions of Americans and Kenyans, which of the following is the most accurate in describing the Samburu

high in an interdependent view of the self

The research evidence for self-enhancement motivation shows that stronger self-enhancement motivations are associated with

high scores—above the midpoint—on self-esteem questionnaires.

Which of the following scenarios would most likely lead to Basdeo using frame-switching more than Mel?

if Basdeo were a bicultural and Mel were a monocultural

Your friend Satoshi is writing a personal statement for a scholarship application and he wants to make sure he is sufficiently highlighting his excellent academic record and personal qualities. You recall from your cultural psychology textbook a study showing that Japanese individuals' self-descriptions tend to vary across different situations. Consequently, you advise Satoshi to write his personal statement

in his dorm room alone

the terrible twos is a development stage that

is a nonuniversal

adolescent rebellion

is more pronounced in societies with greater numbers of role distinctions and opportunities.

Imagine that Georgi moved to Canada from Bulgaria about a year ago. We might expect that he

is struggling, as he feels a bit homesick and has not yet made many Canadian friends.

Your friend, while describing her recent trip to India, concluded, "India is a very collectivistic culture, so all Indians possess an interdependent view of the self." Do you agree with this conclusion? Why or why not?

no, because the self-views of individuals cannot be categorized so neatly into "independent" and "interdependent" categories

Recall that Kashima and colleagues had men and women from various Western and Eastern cultures complete several measures of independent and interdependent self-views. Their study found gender differences for

only the interdependent facet of relatedness

Shuang is a Chinese mother. Compared with Shuang, Alex, an American mother, is more likely to

openly praise her child.

Five Factor Model of Personality

openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

Independent and interdependent self-views differently influence how people engage with close others as opposed to strangers. Considering this phenomenon, which of the following statements accurately reflects this difference

people with independent (versus interdependent) self views are more likely to trust a stranger

According to research by Alesina and colleagues, regions that used ____ in farming centuries earlier were found to have ____ today

plow cultivation, less egalitarian gender norms

two parents are trying to plan sleeping arrangements for their three children: a 15 year old daughter, a 3 year old son, and a 2 year old daughter. They decide that the 2 year old will sleep alone and the 15 year old and 3 year old will sleep in the same room. The parents sleep separately from the children. According to this arrangement, which of the following principles was violated

protection of the vulnerable

If I told you that Jamie, an Asian American from New York (i.e., a member of a visible cultural minority within the United States), experienced identity denial yesterday, this means that, of the following situations, he experienced

someone of European descent not believing that Jamie was born in New York, insisting that he must have been born somewhere in Asia.

Charlotte, an American student from the United States, and her friend Chanda, who is from India, are talking with each other about their college academic advisors. They realize that they have both received the same advice from their advisors: they should take more statistics courses than their major requires. Given what you know about cultural influences on choice, how is each woman likely to respond to her advisor's advice?

something something, make me more competitive for grad school.

Kosuke is a Japanese student who just won a drawing competition. Jack is a Canadian student who also just won a drawing competition. Immediately after their victories, they were asked to create another drawing. Compared to Kosuke, what is Jack more likely to do?

spend more time drawing than Kosuke

According to the textbook, which of the following is true about culture and parenting styles

strong parental control is more associated with positive outcomes in East Asia than in the West

Research on the perception of phonemes by infants reveal that

the lack of exposure to a language can lead people to be unable to distinguish between two phonemes from that language as they get older

Leticia knows Spanish as her native language and learned English as a very young child. Amy knows English as her native language and learned Spanish as an adult. Which of the following will be true?

the same location of Leticia's brain will be activated when she processes English or Spanish

Wan-Ying wants to use the jiào xun type of parenting on her child. What is she MOST likely to do?

try to ensure that he child steers away from socially undesirable behaviors

Ji-yoo's culture emphasizes an incremental theory of the self. As a teacher, Ji-yoo wants to create exams that reflect this theory of self and are thus consistent with the expectations of her students. What types of exams should she create

very challenging exams that measure study habits

Several real estate agents have been convicted of several counts of real estate fraud. The most plausible reaction from American and Japanese news outlets is that Japanese newspapers are likelier than American ones to

view the real estate companies to be at fault.

Researchers find ____ support for the Big Five in less industrialized, subsistence cultures. This may be due to

weaker, lack of familiarity with answering questions in an interview format that consequently affects the quality of data

When will you NOT see an adjustment phase after experiencing culture shock?

when the person moves to a homogenous society

In a study, five people are asked to taste test three dishes, one of which tastes like garbage. They must then judge which dish was the best. However, four of the people are confederates and are told to always say that the garbage dish is the best. The real participant (the fifth person) is then asked to give his or her judgment. This study is done in both an individualistic and a collectivistic culture. Based on the results obtained using Asch's paradigm across cultures, what do you expect to happen in this case?

A lot of participants from the individualistic culture would say that the garbage dish is the best one, but even more participants from the collectivistic culture would say the same.

Research conducted on East and West Germany found that

East Germans displayed more behaviors associated with learned helplessness than West Germans.

Horst grew up in urban German, Kosuke grew up in urban Japan, and Joko grew up rural Indonesia. All else being equal, we would expect ____ to have experienced the most difficulty in adolescence, ____ to have experienced the second most difficulty in adolescence, and ____ to have experienced the least difficulty in adolescence

Horst, Kosuke, Joko

You are introduced to a person who is said to have an independent view of self. Based on Markus and Kitayama's model, which of the following would you LEAST expect the person to say

I am a member of a ballet dance group

ichiro, a Japanese student, wants to sell his used book that he's had for a decade. Kent, an American student, wants to sell the exact same book, which he has also owned for a decade. They price their respective books depending on how much they think the books are worth. The books themselves are valued at $50. Which of the following best predicts what the two price tags will most likely be?

Ichiro: 30$, Kent: 70$

Why do motivations for self-consistency appear weaker among East Asians than among Westerners?

In the West, self-consistency correlates more strongly with subjective well-being and with being liked by others than it does in East Asia

which of the following people is taking an outside-in perspective of the self

Lily, who perceives herself as smart after learning that her roommates saw all A's on her report card

You are an executive for a Korean advertising agency and you have been asked to create a TV commercial for a new condominium, targeting people from Korea. Based on Kim and Markus's research on advertisements in Korea and the United States, which of the following would you most likely use in your commercial?

The architecture of this condo blends in well with the buildings surrounding it."

Amy's daughter, Sophia, is going to be an architect. In order to increase her creativity, Amy wants Sophia to live temporarily in a few other countries for a year in each place, living among the citizens, before starting her job. Based on research on the relationship between multiculturalism and creativity, will Amy's plan for Sophia work?

Yes, because this plan will lead to greater integrative complexity, which partially leads to higher levels of creativity.

Which of the following would be an example of secondary control?

You convince yourself that taking the bus to work is not so bad after all.

Which of the following would be the best example of primary control?

You return a computer game to the local computer store because it did not excite you as much as you wanted it to.

which of the following statements accur4ately describes the relationship between social class and individualism

higher social classes is associated with independence in Western cultures and interdependence in Eastern cultures

Mia loves visiting foreign countries and travels every chance she gets, usually staying for up to a month in each country. "I don't think I will ever get tired of traveling," she says. "Every single culture I've experienced has been so amazing and exciting!" According to the acculturation curve, which stage has Mia experienced

honeymoon stage

The Patels, an Indian family, are trying to decide on room arrangements for a new house they are building for themselves, their 16 year old daughter and their 15 year old son. According to Shweder's research, which of the following moral principles is likely to be the MOST important for this family.

incest avoidance

In India, whihc principles are most important for determining sleeping arrangements? The list should go from most important to least important

incest avoidance, protection of the vulnerable, female chastity anxiety, respect for hiearchy

You are chatting with a stranger in a coffee shop. Every time you ask him something about himself, he talks about associations to which he belongs and clubs he has joined. He rarely talks about his own attributes. Which of the following best describes him?

interdependent view of self

In Western cultures, ________. In East Asian cultures, ________.

the social world is viewed as more changeable than are individuals; individuals are viewed as more changeable than the social world.

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