Cross Sectional Midterm (Modules 1 - 5)

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An __________ of the brain is an area of necrotic dead tissue usually caused by prolonged ischemia.

An Infarct.

Which body position is used for localization terms in anatomy and imaging procedures?

Anatomic position is used as the reference to localize anatomical structures.

A fairly common pathology seen in the brain is a(n) ___________; a sac formed by a localized dilation of a vessel wall, usually an artery.



Anterior Elbow


Anterior chest


Anterior is synonymous with ventral and refers the front of the body. Posterior is synonymous with dorsal and denotes the back of the body.


Anterior surface of hand

_________ means toward the front of the surface.


The middle layer of the meninges is the:

Arachnoid membrane.


Area around the naval


Area behind the knee


Armpit (Inferior aspect of shoulder)

In anatomic position, the hands are positioned:

As a part of the definition of anatomic position, the hands must be positioned with the palms turned outward or facing forward, which is supinated.

Sectional images that are displayed as if the viewer is standing at the patient's feet and looking up are obtained in the ________ plane.

Axial images are displayed as if the viewer is standing at the patient's feet and looking up so that the patient's right is on the viewer's left and vice versa.

__________ sectional images are displayed as if the viewer is standing at the patient's feet and looking toward the patient's head.

Axial sectional images are displayed as if the viewer is standing at the patient's feet and looking toward the patient's head.

The Spinal Cord extends from the foramen magnum to the _________ disc space.


Which quadrant is the spleen located?


LUQ Organs

Left Lobe of Liver, Stomach, Tail of Pancreas, Spleen, Left Kidney, Portions of Large Intestine.

What type of curve should be present in the cervical portion of the vertebral column?



Lower back

Thoracic Cavity Organs

Lungs, Heart, Great Vessels, Thymus, Esophagus.


Maximum Intensity Projection. Primarily used in angiographic imaging. Targets the highest voxel numbers and maps them into a 2-D image.

Which type of 3-D image reconstruction technique is most often used in angiographic procedures? (Maximum intensity projection "MIP", Volume rendering, Shaded surface display, Multiplanar reconstruction)

Maximum intensity projection is most often applied in angiographic imaging.


Medial refers to being closer to midline while lateral is further from the midline.

__________ means toward, or closer to the midline of the body.


Which body plane passes vertically through the body from head to toe and divides it into equal anterior and posterior halves?

Median Coronal Plane: passes vertically through the body from head to toe and divides it into equal anterior and posterior sections.

Which of the following structures are part of the brainstem? (Medulla Oblongata, Midbrain, and/or Pons?

Medulla Oblongata, Midbrain, and the Pons are apart of the brainstem.

Which of the following structures are parts of the brainstem? (Midbrain, Pons, and/or Parietal Lobe)

Midbrain and Pons.

LLQ Organs

Most of Small Intestine, Portions of Large Intestine, Left Ureter, Left Ovary, Left Spermatic Cord.



Another name for the spinal cord is the ___________.

Neural Tube.

Which plane passes through the body at any angle to the other body planes?

Oblique planes pass through the body at an angle to the other body planes.

Multiplanar Reformation

Often used for skeletal lesions and fractures. Uses a series of 2-D image data to create volumetric images along any plane.

One might describe the shoulder as being the __________ joint of the upper limb.

One might describe the shoulder as being the proximal joint of the upper limb.

What is the innermost layer of meninges?

Pia Mater

All of the following are part of the diencephalon, except? (Pons, Thalamus, Pituitary Gland, or Epithalamus)


The brainstem consists of the mid-brain, medulla oblongata and the __________.



Proximal refers to a location closer to the origin, or point of attachment, of the part and distal describes being farther from the origin.

What is the correct drainage flow of the lacrimal apparatus?

Puncta, Lacrimal canaliculi, lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal duct, osteromeatal complex.


Region between pubis and anus



RUQ Organs

Right Lobe of Liver, Gallbladder, Right Kidney, Medial Portion of Stomach, Portions of Small and Large Intestines.

Which body plane passes vertically through the body from front to back?

Sagittal planes pass through the body vertically from front to back.

__________ sectional images are displayed as if the patient is in a lateral position.

Sagittal sectional images are displayed as if the patient is in a lateral position.

__________ planes are vertical planes that cut through the body from superior to inferior and divide the body into right and left portions.



Shaded Surface Display. Sets a threshold number, and every volumetric value than the define number is shaded, creating a defined surface. Used to Demonstrate surface abnormalities.

Which type of 3-D image reconstruction will not show internal structures? (Curved multiplanar, Maximum intensity projection "MIP", Volume rendering, Shaded surface display)

Shaded surface display is used to demonstrate surface abnormalities, so it will not demonstrate internal structures.


Sole of foot

The sacrum has openings called foramina that transmit __________ and __________ to the periphery, but the coccyx is a solid bone.

Spinal Nerves and Blood Vessels

Abdominal Cavity Organs

Stomach, Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Spleen, Intestines, Kidneys, Ureters.

All of the following are features of the sphenoid cranial bone, except which? (Pterygoid Processes, Styloid Process, Sella Turcica, Lesser Wings)

Styloid Process - the styloid process is on the temporal bone.


Superficial indicates closer to the surface and deep means that a structure is farther away from the surface.

Which of the following brainstem structure functions in coordinating eye movements with those of the head? (Superior Colliculi, Inferior Colliculi, Red Nucleus, or Medulla Pyramid)

Superior Colliculi


Superior indicates being above or on top of another structure while inferior is below another structure.

One might describe the relationship of the adrenal glands relative to the kidneys as being:

Superior. The adrenal glands are situated on the upper poles of the kidneys and can be described as being superior to the kidneys.

What is the specialized sheath that connects all three portions of the brainstem?


What is the function of the Pons

The Pons relays sensory information between the spinal cord, crebellum, and cerebrum and has some functions in controlling autonomic responses, such as respiration.

All of the following facial bones are paired, expect which of the following? (Vomer, Zygoma, Maxilla, Lacrimal)

The Vomver is a solitary facial bones.

The action of the temporalis muscle of mastication is to what?

The action of the temporalis muscle of mastication is to elevate and retract the mandible.

The alveloar process is a feature of which of the following? (Maxillae, Palatines, and/or Mandible)

The alveolar process is specially formed to hold the roots of the teeth, so it is a feature of both the mandible and the maxillae.

Which subarachnoid cistern runs along the lateral sides of the midbrain?

The ambient cistern runs along the lateral sides of the midbrain.

The regional term for the forearm is:

The antebrachial region refers to the forearm.

Which of the following organs is located in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen? (Right lobe of the liver, Stomach, Appendix, Medial portion of the stomach)

The appendix is located in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen.

In a normal, open-mouth position, the articular disk of the temporomandibular joint should be located where?

The articular disk follows the mandibular condyle and should be situated just above it in both the open- and closed-mouth positions.

What is the structure that serves as the anterior limit for movement of the temporomandibular joint?

The articular eminence of the temporal bone serves as the anterior limit for normal movement of the TMJ.

What does the atlas of the cervical vertebrae articulate with?

The atlas of the cervical vertebrae articulates with the condyles of the occipital bone.

Which of the following are auditory ossicles? (Stapes, Incus, and/or Malleolus)

The auditory ossicles are the incus, stapes, and malleus, NOT malleolus - malleolus is the distal process of the tibia and fibula.

Anatomic Position Criteria

The basic position is standing upright. The palms are facing forward. It is the reference position for localization of other structures.

Areas where the subarachnoid space expands are termed:

The basilar cisterns are areas where the subarachnoid space naturally expands.

Where is the bregma located?

The bregma is located at the anterior cranium at the junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures.

All of the following are located in the pelvic cavity, except for: (Urinary bladder, Uterus, Rectum, Cecum)

The cecum is located in the abdominal cavity.

In which cavity of the body is the central nervous system located?

The central nervous system is located in the dorsal body cavity.

The communicating channel between the third and fourth ventricles is the:

The cerebral aqueduct connects the third and fourth ventricles.

What is the function of the choroid plexuses?

The choroid plexuses produce cerebrospinal fluid.

Where is the coronal suture located?

The coronal suture is located on the anterior aspect between the frontal and parietal bones.

Which sinuses are divided into three groups?

The ethmoid air cells are divided into three groups: anterior, middle, and posterior.

The paranasal sinuses located in the cranial bones are which of the following? (Ethmoid, Maxillary, and/or Sphenoid)

The ethmoid, frontal and sphenoid bones are all cranial bones that contain paranasal sinuses. The maxilla is a facial bone.

The flood of the orbit is formed by which of the following? (Maxilla, Palatine, and/or Zygoma)

The floor of the orbit is formed by portions of the maxilla, palatine, and zygoma facial bones.

The roof of the orbit is primarily formed what bone?

The frontal bone comprises the orbital roof.

Which paranasal sinuses begin to develop during fetal life? (Frontal, Ethmoid, and/or Maxillary)

The frontal sinuses are absent at birth, but both the ethmoid and maxillary sinuses begin to develop during fetal life.

Which sinuses drain into the middle meatus of the osteomeatal complex?

The frontals, anterior ethmoids, and maxillary sinuses drain into the middle meatus of the osteomeatal complex.

The gallbladder is located in the _________ of the abdomen.

The gallbladder is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen.

Which of the following can be palpated to find L4?

The iliac crest is the external landmark used to locate L4.

To localize T7 for imaging procedures, the external landmark used is the:

The inferior angle of the scapula is a palpable, external landmark that is used to locate T7.

Which facial bones are thin, scroll-shaped bones that project into the nasal cavity?

The inferior nasal conchae are the thin, scroll-shaped facial bones located in the inferior nasal cavity.

All of the following are functions of the lacrimal apparatus of the eye, except which of the following? (Produce Tears, Maintain Moisture, Provide Nutrients, Maintain Fluid Pressures)

The lacrimal apparatus does NOT function to maintain fluid pressures of the eye.

Where is the lambda located?

The lambda is the posterior fontanel located at the junction of the sagittal and lambdoidal sutures.

What structure separates the lateral ventricles?

The lateral ventricles are separated by the septum pellucidum.

What is the angle of the mandible called?

The mandibular angle is also known as the gonion.

What is the largest immoveable facial bone?

The maxilla is the largest immoveable facial bone.

The meningeal space that is filled with cerebrospinal fluid is:

The meningeal space that is filled with cerebrospinal fluid is SUBARACHNOID.

All of the following are proximal to the tarsals, except for: (Metatarsals, Tibia, Femur, Innominate Bone)

The metatarsals are distal to the tarsals, rather than proximal, since they are farther from the point of attachment for the lower limb.

The number of shades of gray displayed in a digital image is the window __________.

The number of shades of gray displayed in a digital image is the window width.

What is the primary blood supply to the eye?

The opthalmic artery is the primary blood supply to the eye.

What is the sensory nerve of vision?

The optic nerve is the sensory nerve of vision.

The overall brightness of a digital image is termed the window ___________.

The overall brightness of a digital image is termed the window level.

A patient has a cut on the sole of his foot. Which term is used to denote the sole of the foot?

The plantar surface of the foot refers to the sole of the foot.

The posterior aspect of the knee joint is referred to as the ____ region.

The popliteal region is the area on the posterior aspect of the knee joint.

What is the innermost layer of the globe of the eye called?

The retina is the innermost layer of the globe of the eye.

Where is the sagittal suture located?

The sagittal suture is located between the parietal bones.

The space between the dura mater and arachnoid meningeal layers is termed the:

The space between the dura mater and arachnoid meningeal layers is termed the SUBDURAL SPACE.

What cranial bone that is located at the lateral apex of the orbit?

The sphenoid bone is located on the lateral aspect of the bony orbit.

Which is the most posterior paranasal sinus? (Maxillary, Frontal, Ethmoid, or Sphenoid)

The sphenoid sinus is located most posterior.

The spleen is located in the:

The spleen is located in the abdominal cavity.

Where is the squamous suture located?

The squamous suture is located on the lateral sides between the temporal and parietal bones.

The structural features of the temporal cranial bone includes which of the following? (Styloid Process, Mental Foramen, and/or Petrous Ridge)

The styloid process and petrous ridge are on the temporal bone. The mental foramen is located on the mandible.

What soft tissue structure of the temporomandibular joint functions to prevent posterior dislocation of the joint?

The temporomandibular ligament, or external lateral ligament, limits posterior dislocation of the TMJ.

What structure divides the external ear from the middle ear?

The tympanic membrane divides the external ear from the middle ear.

The region of the abdomen located in the center of the middle row is called the:

The umbilical region is the name of the region in the center of the middle row.

The ventral cavity of the body is subdivided into the:

The ventral body cavity is subdivided into the thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities.

To adjust the brightness of a digital image, the _____ is adjusted.

The window level controls the overall brightness of a digital image.

The window level is adjusted by setting the midpooint of the __________ __________.

The window level is adjusted by setting the midpooint of the gray scale.

How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?

There are 12 cranial nerve pairs.

What portion of the vertebral column has unique facets for articulation with the ribs?





Top of foot or posterior surface of hand

T/F. Proximal is the opposite of distal.



Upper Arm

Pelvic Cavity Organs

Urinary Bladder, Rectum, Reproductive Organs

Which of the following is medial to the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)? (Urinary Bladder, Femur, Hip Joint, Iliac Crest)

Urinary Bladder.

The 7th cervical vertebra has a long spinous process that is typically not bifid and referred to as?

Vertebra Prominens.

The number of shades of gray displayed in a digital image is called the:

Window width is defined as the number of shades of gray displayed in a digital image.

Volume Rendering

Better demonstrates narrowed areas. All CT numbers encountered by the ray projected through the data set are weighted and displayed accordingly.



RLQ Organs

Cecum, Appendix, Portions of Small Intestine, Right Ureter, Right Ovary, Right Spermatic Cord.


Cephalic and cephalad are synonymous and indicate toward or closer to the head. Its opposite term is caudal, or caudad, meaning toward or closer to the feet.

What are the rope-like bands of white matter that pass through the midbrain?

Cerebral Peduncles.

The venous channels, that are found between layers of dura mater in the brain, receive blood from the internal and external veins of the brain, receive __________ from the subarachnoid space, and ultimately empty into the internal jugular vein.

Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF). The venous channels, that are found between layers of dura mater in the brain, receive blood from the internal and external veins of the brain, receive CSF from the subarachnoid space, and ultimately empty into the internal jugular vein.




Chest region; middle of back

Coronal images are displayed as if:

Coronal images are generally displayed as if viewer and patient are face to face.

___________ sectional images are displayed as if facing the patient.

Coronal sectional images are displayed as if facing the patient.

Muscles that are located more interior in the body are described as being:

Deep structures are located more interior than superficial structures.



The Limbic System is often referred to the __________ Brain.

Emotional Brain.



Which dural fold lines the longitudinal fissue?

Falx Cerebri




Groin (Where upper leg joins trunk)

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