CS 2401 Unit 1 - 8

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Reverse engineering of data focuses on?

A and B - Database structures & internal data structures

Decomposing a problem into simpler ones is common when dealing with complex problems. This is known as -------?

A and B - Divide and Conquer & Modularity

Which of the following statements about the given diagram clipping are true? (more than one answer)

B inherits all of A's associations & B can execute the same use cases as A.

Which of the following statements about the given diagram clipping are true? (more than one answer)

B inherits all of A's associations, B can execute the same use cases as A.

A ------- is a path that begins and ends at the same node whereas a --------------- is a circuit with no node (other than the starting node) included more than once

Circuit, cycle

Boundary testing and Control-flow testing are criteria for ?

Code Coverage

On the Ordinal Cohesion Scale, rate the following in the Lowest to Highest order of cohesion.

Coincidental, Logical, Temporal, Sequential, Functional

Which of the following is not an issue to consider when reverse engineering?


Hiding the object state , so that it can be observed or affected only via object's methods is known as ----------?


A Test, is an erroneous hardware or software element of a system that can cause the system to fail.


Acceptance tests are normally conducted by the developer?


Boundary value analysis can only be used to do white-box testing.


Cohesion is of two types, Internal and Syntactic


Cyclomatic complexity measures software complexity from the machine's viewpoint in terms of how the size of the input data affects an algorithm's usage of computational resources (usually running time or memory)


Cyclomatic complexity of graph G equals #edges + #nodes - 2 --- V(G) = e + n - 2


For a strongly connected graph a real edge is created to connect the END node to the BEGIN node


If you are able to anticipate that the components are likely to be reused in future projects then it is not advisable to use the Pub-Sub design pattern.


In Domain analysis, we consider the system as a "black box". In Use Case analysis, we consider the system as a "transparent box."


In the RSA system, the receiver does as follows: Randomly select two large prime numbers p and q, which always must be kept secret. Select an integer number E, known as the public exponent, such that (p 1) and E have no common divisors, and (q 1) and E have no common divisors. Determine the private exponent, D, such that (ED 1) is exactly divisible by both (p 1) and (q 1). In other words, given E, we choose D such that the integer remainder when ED is divided by (p 1)(q 1) is 1. Determine the product n = pq, known as public modulus. Release publicly the public key, which is the pair of numbers n and E, K = (n, E). Keep secret the private key, K = (n, D).


Is the following diagram about cohesion true?


Low degree of connectivity (associations) among the objects is a sign of bad design.


Object's coupling is indirectly proportional to the number of different messages the object sends to other objects.


Objects are abstractions that specify the state and behavior of different collections of objects.


Software engineering umbrella activities are only applied during the initial phases of software development projects.


Software is a product and can be manufactured using the same technologies used for other engineering artifacts?


Symmetric cryptosystems are also known as Public Key systems


The only time reengineering enters into work with a legacy system is when it components will be implemented as objects.


The size estimate for a software product to be built must be based on a direct measure like LOC.


These documents record the process of development and maintenance. Plans, schedules, process quality documents and organizational and project standards are process documentation. This is called as Product Documentation


This is the process of preparing the document for professional printing. It is supported by desktop-publishing packages, artwork packages and type styling programs. This process is Document Polishing


Concept Maps, while representing knowledge about the problem domain, are expressed in terms of 'concepts' and -------, and are used to represent knowledge, beliefs, feelings etc.


Which of the following activities is not part of the software reengineering process model?


___________ algorithm is based upon factorizing a number n into its Prime Factors.

RSA Algorithm

The term ____________is often used to describe modifying the design and/or implementation of a software module without changing its external behavior, and is sometimes informally referred to as "cleaning it up."


---------------cohesion is difficult to automate


LOC-based estimation techniques require problem decomposition based on

Software Functions

Look at the two diagrams and identify them.

State , Context

The developer should not create a software artifact (a system requirement, a UML diagram, or source code) unless they know how it will be tested. This kind of development is known as ?

Test Driven Development

-------------------measures the degree to which the specification or code of a software program has been exercised by tests. -------------------measures the degree to which the source code of a program has been tested.

Test coverage, Code coverage

To prioritize the work on use cases, we use

Traceability Matrix

A design pattern is a way of reusing abstract knowledge about a problem and its solution. Pattern descriptions usually make use of object-oriented characteristics such as inheritance and polymorphism.


A use case represents an activity that an actor can perform on the system and what the system does in response.


An actor is any entity (human, physical object, or another system) external to the system-to-be that interacts with the system-to-be.


An interface is a set of functional properties (services) that a software object provides or requires.


Because Use Cases represent recipes for user achieving 'goals', each use case name must include a 'verb' capturing the goal achievement.


Because Use Cases represent recipes for user achieving 'goals', each use case name must include a 'verb' capturing the goal achievement. True or False?


Documentation standards may be process standards, defining how documents should be produced, product standards, defining document organization or document interchange standards.


Domain modeling determines how elements of system-to-be interact (internal behavior) to produce the external behavior.


Domain models represents real - world concepts, not the software components.


End-users use the software to assist with some task. This may be flying an aircraft, managing insurance policies, writing a book, etc. They want to know how the software can help them. They are not interested in computer or administration details.


Equivalence testing divides the input domain into classes of data from which test cases can be derived to reduce the total number of test cases that must be developed.


For an input parameter specified as a Boolean value, partition the value space into one valid and one invalid equivalence class.


Indirect communication is usually used when an object cannot or does not want to know the identity of the object whose method it calls.


Kerckhoffs' Principle states that a cryptosystem should remain secure even if everything about it other than the key is public knowledge. The security of a system's design is in no way dependent upon the secrecy of the design, in and of itself.


Organizations are often fronted by a point-of-contact person. A common pattern is to have a specialized worker to take orders from the clients and orchestrate the workings of the workers inside the system. This type of object is known as Controller


Product documentation is used after the system is operational but is also essential for management of the system development.


The four basic steps in software project estimation are: Estimate the size of the development product. { either Lines of Code (LOC) or Function Points (FP)} Estimate the effort in person-months or person-hours. Estimate the schedule in calendar months. Estimate the project cost in dollars (or local currency)


The observer pattern , separates the display of the state of an object from the object itself and allows alternative displays to be provided. When the object state changes, all displays are automatically notified and updated to reflect the change.


The unit to be tested is also known as the fixture.


This traceability property is critical for a good development method (process), because the design elaboration progresses systematically, without great leaps that are difficult to grasp and/or follow.


Which of the following statements characterize use cases?

Use cases specify the functionalities and the behavior that the system which is being developed should have.

Analysis phase is concerned about the ________ aspect of software engineering where as Design is more focused on __________ aspect.

What, How

Software reengineering process model includes restructuring activities for which of the following work items?

all of the above - code, documentation, data

The association between an actor and a use case is ( more than one answer)

an undirected continuous line & is binary

For the given program fragment and its corresponding graph, which of these are valid paths? (2 correct choices)

e1, e2, e4, e5, e4, e6, e7, e8, e1, e2, e4, e6, e9, e10

Process models are described as agile because they ?

emphasize maneuverability and adaptability

Coupling is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module

is connected to other modules and the outside world.

Test Driven Development

is that every step in the development process must start with a plan of how to verify that the result meets some goal

An --------------- is a software packaging of data and code together into a unit within a running computer program.


Initiating actor is the --------------actor where as participating actor is the --------------- actor.

Primary, Seconday

'Velocity' of the development team ( in effort estimation ) is defined are the -----------?

Productivity of the team

A popular approach to micro-level design is known as responsibility-driven design (RDD). We know the types of responsibilities that objects can have: Type 1 responsibility (knowing): Memorizing data or references, such as data values, data collections, or references to other objects, represented as a _____________. Type 2 responsibility (doing): Performing computations, such as data processing, control of physical devices, etc., represented as a ____________ Type 3 responsibility (communicating): Communicating with other objects, represented as __________ sending (method invocation).

Property, Method, Message

Traceability Matrix

A traceability matrix is a document that details the technical requirements for a given test scenario and its current state. It helps the testing team understand the level of testing that is done for a given product.

Match with the correct choices. In context diagrams, what are the following used for?

A-3, B-1, C-2

In UML diagrams, relationship between object and component parts is represented by


Methods that are even more aggressive in terms of short iterations and heavy user involvement are often characterized as -------------?


Selects elements from the "edges" of the equivalence class, or "outliers" such as- zero, min/max values, empty set, empty string, and null, confusion between > and >=, etc. This type of testing is known as

Boundary Testing

Selects elements from the "edges" of the equivalence class, or "outliers" such as- zero, min/max values, empty set, empty string, and null, confusion between > and >=, etc. This type of testing is known as---

Boundary Testing

Consider the following diagram:

If an instance of A is deleted, all contained instances of B are also deleted

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