CS 3040

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Match each situation in the first list with an item in the second list. int[] A; A[0] = 0; The JVM starts running your program, but the JVM can't find the Java platform classes. (The Java platform classes reside in classes.zip or rt.jar.) A program is reading a stream and reaches the end of stream marker. Before closing the stream and after reaching the end of stream marker, a program tries to read the stream again. __error __checked exception __compile error __no exception

3 (compile error). The array is not initialized and will not compile. 1 (error). 4 (no exception). When you read a stream, you expect there to be an end of stream marker. You should use exceptions to catch unexpected behavior in your program. 2 (checked exception).


A concurrent application's ability to execute in a timely manner is known as its liveness. This section describes the most common kind of liveness problem, deadlock, and goes on to briefly describe two other liveness problems, starvation and livelock.

Advantages of Exceptions

Advantage 1: Separating Error-Handling Code from "Regular" Code Advantage 2: Propagating Errors Up the Call Stack Advantage 3: Grouping and Differentiating Error Types

A more efficient guard invokes Object.wait to suspend the current thread. But...

Always invoke wait inside a loop that tests for the condition being waited for. Don't assume that the interrupt was for the particular condition you were waiting for, or that the condition is still true.

Chained Exceptions

An application often responds to an exception by throwing another exception. In effect, the first exception causes the second exception. It can be very helpful to know when one exception causes another. Chained Exceptions help the programmer do this

Synchronized Statements

Another way to create synchronized code is with synchronized statements. Unlike synchronized methods, synchronized statements must specify the object that provides the intrinsic lock: public void addName(String name) { synchronized(this) { lastName = name; nameCount++; } nameList.add(name); }

Can Atomic actions be interleaved?

Atomic actions cannot be interleaved, so they can be used without fear of thread interference. However, this does not eliminate all need to synchronize atomic actions, because memory consistency errors are still possible.

Why "Always Close Streams?"

Closing a stream when it's no longer needed is very important — so important that CopyBytes uses a finally block to guarantee that both streams will be closed even if an error occurs. This practice helps avoid serious resource leaks. One possible error is that CopyBytes was unable to open one or both files. When that happens, the stream variable corresponding to the file never changes from its initial null value. That's why CopyBytes makes sure that each stream variable contains an object reference before invoking close.

When Not to Use Byte Streams

CopyBytes seems like a normal program, but it actually represents a kind of low-level I/O that you should avoid. Since xanadu.txt contains character data, the best approach is to use character streams, as discussed in the next section. There are also streams for more complicated data types. Byte streams should only be used for the most primitive I/O. So why talk about byte streams? Because all other stream types are built on byte streams.

When should you write your own exception classes?

Do you need an exception type that isn't represented by those in the Java platform? Would it help users if they could differentiate your exceptions from those thrown by classes written by other vendors? Does your code throw more than one related exception? If you use someone else's exceptions, will users have access to those exceptions? A similar question is, should your package be independent and self-contained?

Thread Interference

Interference happens when two operations, running in different threads, but acting on the same data, interleave. This means that the two operations consist of multiple steps, and the sequences of steps overlap.

If it's so good to document a method's API, including the exceptions it can throw, why not specify runtime exceptions too?

Runtime exceptions represent problems that are the result of a programming problem, and as such, the API client code cannot reasonably be expected to recover from them or to handle them in any way. Such problems include arithmetic exceptions, such as dividing by zero; pointer exceptions, such as trying to access an object through a null reference; and indexing exceptions, such as attempting to access an array element through an index that is too large or too small.

What if a thread goes a long time without invoking a method that throws InterruptedException?

Then it must periodically invoke Thread.interrupted, which returns true if an interrupt has been received. For example: for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { heavyCrunch(inputs[i]); if (Thread.interrupted()) { // We've been interrupted: no more crunching. return; } } In this simple example, the code simply tests for the interrupt and exits the thread if one has been received. In more complex applications, it might make more sense to throw an InterruptedException: if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } This allows interrupt handling code to be centralized in a catch clause.

Deadlock describes...

a situation where two or more threads are blocked forever, waiting for each other.

Add a readList method to ListOfNumbers.java. This method should read in int values from a file, print each value, and append them to the end of the vector. You should catch all appropriate errors. You will also need a text file containing numbers to read in.

/* * Copyright (c) 1995, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of Oracle or the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ import java.io.*; import java.util.Vector; public class ListOfNumbers2 { private Vector<Integer> victor; private static final int SIZE = 10; public ListOfNumbers2() { victor = new Vector<Integer>(SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) victor.addElement(new Integer(i)); this.readList("infile.txt"); this.writeList(); } public void readList(String fileName) { String line = null; try { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r"); while ((line = raf.readLine()) != null) { Integer i = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(line)); System.out.println(i); victor.addElement(i); } } catch(FileNotFoundException fnf) { System.err.println("File: " + fileName + " not found."); } catch (IOException io) { System.err.println(io.toString()); } } public void writeList() { PrintWriter out = null; try { out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("outfile.txt")); for (int i = 0; i < victor.size(); i++) out.println("Value at: " + i + " = " + victor.elementAt(i)); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.err.println("Caught ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Caught IOException: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (out != null) { System.out.println("Closing PrintWriter"); out.close(); } else { System.out.println("PrintWriter not open"); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { new ListOfNumbers2(); } }


A thread often acts in response to the action of another thread. If the other thread's action is also a response to the action of another thread, then livelock may result. As with deadlock, livelocked threads are unable to make further progress. However, the threads are not blocked — they are simply too busy responding to each other to resume work. This is comparable to two people attempting to pass each other in a corridor: Alphonse moves to his left to let Gaston pass, while Gaston moves to his right to let Alphonse pass. Seeing that they are still blocking each other, Alphone moves to his right, while Gaston moves to his left. They're still blocking each other, so...

Why did the designers decide to force a method to specify all uncaught checked exceptions that can be thrown within its scope?

Any Exception that can be thrown by a method is part of the method's public programming interface. Those who call a method must know about the exceptions that a method can throw so that they can decide what to do about them. These exceptions are as much a part of that method's programming interface as its parameters and return value.

Thread Objects

Each thread is associated with an instance of the class Thread. There are two basic strategies for using Thread objects to create a concurrent application. To directly control thread creation and management, simply instantiate Thread each time the application needs to initiate an asynchronous task. To abstract thread management from the rest of your application, pass the application's tasks to an executor. This section documents the use of Thread objects. Executors are discussed with other high-level concurrency objects.

If count is an instance of SynchronizedCounter, then making these methods synchronized has two effects:

First, it is not possible for two invocations of synchronized methods on the same object to interleave. When one thread is executing a synchronized method for an object, all other threads that invoke synchronized methods for the same object block (suspend execution) until the first thread is done with the object. Second, when a synchronized method exits, it automatically establishes a happens-before relationship with any subsequent invocation of a synchronized method for the same object. This guarantees that changes to the state of the object are visible to all threads.

Byte Streams

Programs use byte streams to perform input and output of 8-bit bytes. All byte stream classes are descended from InputStream and OutputStream. There are many byte stream classes. To demonstrate how byte streams work, we'll focus on the file I/O byte streams, FileInputStream and FileOutputStream. Other kinds of byte streams are used in much the same way; they differ mainly in the way they are constructed.

There are actions you can specify that are atomic:

Reads and writes are atomic for reference variables and for most primitive variables (all types except long and double). Reads and writes are atomic for all variables declared volatile (including long and double variables).

Character Streams

The Java platform stores character values using Unicode conventions. Character stream I/O automatically translates this internal format to and from the local character set. In Western locales, the local character set is usually an 8-bit superset of ASCII. For most applications, I/O with character streams is no more complicated than I/O with byte streams. Input and output done with stream classes automatically translates to and from the local character set. A program that uses character streams in place of byte streams automatically adapts to the local character set and is ready for internationalization — all without extra effort by the programmer. If internationalization isn't a priority, you can simply use the character stream classes without paying much attention to character set issues. Later, if internationalization becomes a priority, your program can be adapted without extensive recoding. See the Internationalization trail for more information.

Modify the following cat method so that it will compile: public static void cat(File file) { RandomAccessFile input = null; String line = null; try { input = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); } return; } finally { if (input != null) { input.close(); } } }

The code to catch exceptions is shown in bold: public static void cat(File file) { RandomAccessFile input = null; String line = null; try { input = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); } return; } catch(FileNotFoundException fnf) { System.err.format("File: %s not found%n", file); } catch(IOException e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); } finally { if (input != null) { try { input.close(); } catch(IOException io) { } } } }

The Interrupt Status Flag

The interrupt mechanism is implemented using an internal flag known as the interrupt status. Invoking Thread.interrupt sets this flag. When a thread checks for an interrupt by invoking the static method Thread.interrupted, interrupt status is cleared. The non-static isInterrupted method, which is used by one thread to query the interrupt status of another, does not change the interrupt status flag. By convention, any method that exits by throwing an InterruptedException clears interrupt status when it does so. However, it's always possible that interrupt status will immediately be set again, by another thread invoking interrupt.


The join method allows one thread to wait for the completion of another. If t is a Thread object whose thread is currently executing, t.join(); causes the current thread to pause execution until t's thread terminates. Overloads of join allow the programmer to specify a waiting period. However, as with sleep, join is dependent on the OS for timing, so you should not assume that join will wait exactly as long as you specify. Like sleep, join responds to an interrupt by exiting with an InterruptedException.

Logging API

The next code snippet logs where an exception occurred from within the catch block. However, rather than manually parsing the stack trace and sending the output to System.err(), it sends the output to a file using the logging facility in the java.util.logging package. try { Handler handler = new FileHandler("OutFile.log"); Logger.getLogger("").addHandler(handler); } catch (IOException e) { Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("package.name"); StackTraceElement elements[] = e.getStackTrace(); for (int i = 0, n = elements.length; i < n; i++) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, elements[i].getMethodName()); } }

Exception Handler

The runtime system searches the call stack for a method that contains a block of code that can handle the exception. This block of code is called an exception handler. The search begins with the method in which the error occurred and proceeds through the call stack in the reverse order in which the methods were called. When an appropriate handler is found, the runtime system passes the exception to the handler. An exception handler is considered appropriate if the type of the exception object thrown matches the type that can be handled by the handler. The exception handler chosen is said to catch the exception. If the runtime system exhaustively searches all the methods on the call stack without finding an appropriate exception handler, as shown in the next figure, the runtime system (and, consequently, the program) terminates.

checked exception

These are exceptional conditions that a well-written application should anticipate and recover from. For example, suppose an application prompts a user for an input file name, then opens the file by passing the name to the constructor for java.io.FileReader. Normally, the user provides the name of an existing, readable file, so the construction of the FileReader object succeeds, and the execution of the application proceeds normally. But sometimes the user supplies the name of a nonexistent file, and the constructor throws java.io.FileNotFoundException. A well-written program will catch this exception and notify the user of the mistake, possibly prompting for a corrected file name. Checked exceptions are subject to the Catch or Specify Requirement. All exceptions are checked exceptions, except for those indicated by Error, RuntimeException, and their subclasses.

The second kind of exception is the error.

These are exceptional conditions that are external to the application, and that the application usually cannot anticipate or recover from. For example, suppose that an application successfully opens a file for input, but is unable to read the file because of a hardware or system malfunction. The unsuccessful read will throw java.io.IOError. An application might choose to catch this exception, in order to notify the user of the problem — but it also might make sense for the program to print a stack trace and exit. Errors are not subject to the Catch or Specify Requirement. Errors are those exceptions indicated by Error and its subclasses.

runtime exception

These are exceptional conditions that are internal to the application, and that the application usually cannot anticipate or recover from. These usually indicate programming bugs, such as logic errors or improper use of an API. For example, consider the application described previously that passes a file name to the constructor for FileReader. If a logic error causes a null to be passed to the constructor, the constructor will throw NullPointerException. The application can catch this exception, but it probably makes more sense to eliminate the bug that caused the exception to occur. Runtime exceptions are not subject to the Catch or Specify Requirement. Runtime exceptions are those indicated by RuntimeException and its subclasses. Errors and runtime exceptions are collectively known as unchecked exceptions.

How does a thread support its own interruption?

This depends on what it's currently doing. If the thread is frequently invoking methods that throw InterruptedException, it simply returns from the run method after it catches that exception. For example, suppose the central message loop in the SleepMessages example were in the run method of a thread's Runnable object. Then it might be modified as follows to support interrupts: for (int i = 0; i < importantInfo.length; i++) { // Pause for 4 seconds try { Thread.sleep(4000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // We've been interrupted: no more messages. return; } // Print a message System.out.println(importantInfo[i]); } Many methods that throw InterruptedException, such as sleep, are designed to cancel their current operation and return immediately when an interrupt is received.

Is there anything wrong with this exception handler as written? Will this code compile? try { } catch (Exception e) { } catch (ArithmeticException a) { }

This first handler catches exceptions of type Exception; therefore, it catches any exception, including ArithmeticException. The second handler could never be reached. This code will not compile.

What exception types can be caught by the following handler? catch (Exception e) { } What is wrong with using this type of exception handler?

This handler catches exceptions of type Exception; therefore, it catches any exception. This can be a poor implementation because you are losing valuable information about the type of exception being thrown and making your code less efficient. As a result, your program may be forced to determine the type of exception before it can decide on the best recovery strategy.

The Catch or Specify Requirement

This means that code that might throw certain exceptions must be enclosed by either of the following: A try statement that catches the exception. The try must provide a handler for the exception, as described in Catching and Handling Exceptions. A method that specifies that it can throw the exception. The method must provide a throws clause that lists the exception, as described in Specifying the Exceptions Thrown by a Method. Code that fails to honor the Catch or Specify Requirement will not compile. Not all exceptions are subject to the Catch or Specify Requirement.


Threads communicate primarily by sharing access to fields and the objects reference fields refer to. This form of communication is extremely efficient, but makes two kinds of errors possible: thread interference and memory consistency errors. The tool needed to prevent these errors is synchronization. However, synchronization can introduce thread contention, which occurs when two or more threads try to access the same resource simultaneously and cause the Java runtime to execute one or more threads more slowly, or even suspend their execution. Starvation and livelock are forms of thread contention. See the section Liveness for more information.

Guarded Blocks

Threads often have to coordinate their actions. The most common coordination idiom is the guarded block. Such a block begins by polling a condition that must be true before the block can proceed. There are a number of steps to follow in order to do this correctly.

Synchronized Methods

To make a method synchronized, simply add the synchronized keyword to its declaration: public class SynchronizedCounter { private int c = 0; public synchronized void increment() { c++; } public synchronized void decrement() { c--; } public synchronized int value() { return c; } }

Is using simple atomic variable access more efficient than accessing these variables through synchronized code?

Using simple atomic variable access is more efficient than accessing these variables through synchronized code, but requires more care by the programmer to avoid memory consistency errors. Whether the extra effort is worthwhile depends on the size and complexity of the application.

Can constructors cannot be synchronized?

Using the synchronized keyword with a constructor is a syntax error. Synchronizing constructors doesn't make sense, because only the thread that creates an object should have access to it while it is being constructed.

What two actions that create happens-before relationships?

When a statement invokes Thread.start, every statement that has a happens-before relationship with that statement also has a happens-before relationship with every statement executed by the new thread. The effects of the code that led up to the creation of the new thread are visible to the new thread. When a thread terminates and causes a Thread.join in another thread to return, then all the statements executed by the terminated thread have a happens-before relationship with all the statements following the successful join. The effects of the code in the thread are now visible to the thread that performed the join. For a list of actions that create happens-before relationships, refer to the Summary page of the java.util.concurrent package..

Locks In Synchronized Methods

When a thread invokes a synchronized method, it automatically acquires the intrinsic lock for that method's object and releases it when the method returns. The lock release occurs even if the return was caused by an uncaught exception. You might wonder what happens when a static synchronized method is invoked, since a static method is associated with a class, not an object. In this case, the thread acquires the intrinsic lock for the Class object associated with the class. Thus access to class's static fields is controlled by a lock that's distinct from the lock for any instance of the class.

Is the following code legal? try { } finally { }

Yes, it's legal — and very useful A try statement does not have to have a catch block if it has a finally block. If the code in the try statement has multiple exit points and no associated catch clauses, the code in the finally block is executed no matter how the try block is exited. Thus it makes sense to provide a finally block whenever there is code that must always be executed. This include resource recovery code, such as the code to close I/O streams.

Starvation describes ...

a situation where a thread is unable to gain regular access to shared resources and is unable to make progress. This happens when shared resources are made unavailable for long periods by "greedy" threads. For example, suppose an object provides a synchronized method that often takes a long time to return. If one thread invokes this method frequently, other threads that also need frequent synchronized access to the same object will often be blocked.

Using volatile variables reduces the risk of memory consistency errors, because...

any write to a volatile variable establishes a happens-before relationship with subsequent reads of that same variable. This means that changes to a volatile variable are always visible to other threads. What's more, it also means that when a thread reads a volatile variable, it sees not just the latest change to the volatile, but also the side effects of the code that led up the change.

how to call the getStackTrace method on the exception object

catch (Exception cause) { StackTraceElement elements[] = cause.getStackTrace(); for (int i = 0, n = elements.length; i < n; i++) { System.err.println(elements[i].getFileName() + ":" + elements[i].getLineNumber() + ">> " + elements[i].getMethodName() + "()"); } }


is an event, which occurs during the execution of a program, that disrupts the normal flow of the program's instructions.

Atomic Access

is one that effectively happens all at once. An atomic action cannot stop in the middle: it either happens completely, or it doesn't happen at all. No side effects of an atomic action are visible until the action is complete.

Memory Consistency Errors

occur when different threads have inconsistent views of what should be the same data. The causes of memory consistency errors are complex and beyond the scope of this tutorial. Fortunately, the programmer does not need a detailed understanding of these causes. All that is needed is a strategy for avoiding them. The key to avoiding memory consistency errors is understanding the happens-before relationship. This relationship is simply a guarantee that memory writes by one specific statement are visible to another specific statement.

stack trace

provides information on the execution history of the current thread and lists the names of the classes and methods that were called at the point when the exception occurred. A stack trace is a useful debugging tool that you'll normally take advantage of when an exception has been thrown.

Synchronized methods enable a simple strategy for preventing ______?

thread interference and memory consistency errors: if an object is visible to more than one thread, all reads or writes to that object's variables are done through synchronized methods. (An important exception: final fields, which cannot be modified after the object is constructed, can be safely read through non-synchronized methods, once the object is constructed) This strategy is effective, but can present problems with liveness, as we'll see later in this lesson.

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