CSE 1325 Exam 1
A named scope
An encapsulated bundle of data and code
filled diamond
Data Validation
Ensuring that a program operates on clean, correct and useful data
Base Class
The class from which members are inherited
A class member variable
A method that changes the value of a private variable
unfilled diamond
Association (interact)
Exclusive right to print, publish, perform, execute, or record a creative work or its derivatives, and to authorize others to do the same
unfilled arrow
Derived Class
The class inheriting members
Version Control†
The task of keeping a system consisting of many versions well organized
pass by const reference
const Foo& foo, compiler will prohibit changes to the parameter. Best for large parameters that need not change
Trade Secret
typically restricts use to the copyright holder
header skeleton
#ifndef __NAME_H #define __NAME_H #endif
(GPL 2, 3, Lesser GPL, EPL) permits use, copying, distribution, and derivatives with share-alike rules (Linux, Gimp). GPL 3 also includes important patent clauses.
(MIT, BSD, Apache) permits use, copying, distribution, and (usually with attribution) derivatives, even proprietary derivatives (BSD Unix, Apache)
A block of memory associated with a symbolic name that contains an object instance or a primitive data value
A class or a function (NOT a method!) that is granted access to its friend class' private members
Enumerated type
A data type consisting of a fixed set of constant values called enumerators
Primitive type
A data type that can typically be handled directly by the underlying hardware
A declaration that also fully specifies the entity declared
Multiple Inheritance
A derived class inheriting class members from two or more base classes
A derived class replacing its base class' implementation of a method
A function that manipulates data in a class
A method that returns the value of a private variable
A procedure for solving a specific problem, expressed in terms of an ordered set of actions to execute
A short string representing a mathematical, logical, or machine control action
A special class member that cleans up when an object is deleted
A special class member that creates and initializes an object from the class
A statement that introduces a name with an associated type into a scope
object-oriented programming
A style of programming focused on the use of classes and class hierarchies
A template encapsulating data and code that manipulates it
A variable declared in a narrower scope than that of a variable of the same name declared in a broader scope
Validation Rules
Algorithmically enforceable constraints on the correctness, meaningfulness, and security of input data
An expression that, if false, indicates a program error (in C++, often via the assert keyword)
An instance of a class containing a set of encapsulated data and associated methods
An object created to represent an error or other unusual occurrence and then propagated via special mechanisms until caught by special handling code
line with symbols
Association with multiplicity and roles
Bundling Data and code into a restricted container
Code for which specified assertions are guaranteed to be true (often, a class in which attributes cannot change after instantiation)
Public Domain
Creative work that's not copyrighted and therefore free for you to use whenever you want.
dotted arrow
normal arrow
Directional Association
Intellectual Property†
Exclusive right to authors and inventors to their writing and discoveries
Exclusive right to make, use, or sell an invention, and authorize others to do the same
pass by reference
Foo& foo, changes will be reflected in the calling program. Use only when calling program values must change
Rule of three
If you need to define a copy constructor, copy assignment operator, OR destructor for a class, you almost certainly need to define all three.
Operator Overloading
Providing a user-defined meaning to a pre-defined operator (e.g., +, ==, <<) for a user-defined type (e.g., a class)
Reuse and extension of fields and method implementations from another class
Specifying a general interface while hiding implementation details
Symbol or name established by use as representing a company or product
Unified Modeling Language (UML)†
The standard visual modeling language used to describe, specify, design, and document the structure and behavior of object-oriented systems
all members public by default, identical to class except default visibility, traditionally has no methods but they are permitted exactly like a class. But avoid struct in CSE1325. Use class instead.
Enum class
all members public, NO methods, but type checking is enforced. NOT interchangeable
all members public, NO methods, just a list of int constants.
Scope resolution operator
define a function outside a class or when we want to use a global variable but also has a local variable with the same name.
Rule of three (why)
if one of these had to be defined by the programmer, it means that the compiler-generated version does not fit the needs of the class in one case and it will probably not fit in the other cases either
pass by value
int x, changes will not be reflected in the calling program
Virtual inheritance
is a C++ technique that ensures only one copy of a base class's member variables are inherited by grandchild derived classes. if two classes B and C inherit from a class A, and a class D inherits from both B and C, then D will contain two copies of A's member variables
The Diamond Problem
may be ambiguous as to which parent class a particular feature is inherited from if more than one parent class implements said feature
permits (often restricted) use (Windows, Photoshop)
permits (sometimes limited) use, copying, and (usually) distribution (Irfanview, early WinZip releases)
what happens if an exception is not caught
the program is terminated