CST 100 Exam - Chapter 13

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True or false: Clothes and grooming affect the impression that speakers make when in front of most audiences


When presenting an online speech, it is important to remember A. That gestures and expressions are more noticeable B. To fill the entire viewing screen C. That the audience will only be able to hear your voice D. To move your eyes as if looking at different viewers


Which of the following is most likely to detract from a speaker's credibility and may create negative perceptions about the speaker's intelligence? A. Vocalized pauses B. Conversational quality C. Hand gestures D. Silent pauses


Which of the following are articulation problems? A. Saying goin' instead of going B. Saying opposum instead of possum C. Saying didja instead of did you D. Saying nucular instead of nuclear Can be more than one

A and C

While presenting a speech on auto repairs, Jeff switches between staring at his visual aids and looking at a spot in the middle of the audience. How should he have been looking at his audience? A. He should have looked at more than one spot in the audience B. He should have kept his attention on the visual aids C. He should have picked a specific person with whom to make eye contact D. He should have attempted to make eye contact with as many people as possible

A and D

The advantages of extemporaneous speaking include which of the following? A. It encourages the speaker to adopt a conversational tone B. It is more precise than impromptu speaking C. It does not require rehearsal D. It does not require developing an outline E. It is more flexible than reading from a manuscript Can use more than one

A, B, and E

Which of the following are methods of speech delivery? A. Impromptu B. Professionally C. Extemporaneous D. Casually E. From memory F. From manuscript Can be more than one

A, C, E, and F

Most online speeches require _________ traditional speeches A. The same amount of practice as B. More practice than C. Less practice than


When called upon to give an impromptu speech, which of the following strategies should you employ? A. Avoid eye contact with the audience B. Act calm C. Use signposts D. Don't use notes Can use more than one

B and C

Brianne is giving a speech on how explosions are created in movies. She states everything in a similar manner, with little inflection. Eventually, despite her explosive content, she notices that many in her audience are looking bored, and one is actually taking a nap. Which of the following would be the most effective way to make the delivery of her speech more engaging? A. Increase volume B. Insert more pauses C. Adopt a monotone D. Alter her pitch


Unlike traditional speech settings, with online presentations you can invite the audience to ask questions during the speech. Which of the following best explains why this may be recommended? A. It gives the speaker time to change visual aids B. It fits the casual attitude of the Internet C. Some viewers might not be able to watch the entire presentation D. It can help keep the audience involved


When a person is asked to present opinions or words unexpectedly, it is usually A. An extemporaneous speech B. A prepared speech C. A memorized speech D. An impromptu speech


When deciding how loudly to speak, you should consider which of the following? A. The acoustics of the room B. Whether you are speaking extemporaneously or impromptu C. Whether you will have a microphone D. The size of the audience Can be more than one

A, C, and D

Which of the following are advantages of good eye contact? A. It should include intense gazes B. It will increase a speaker's credibility C. It will help a speaker engage an audience D. It is not needed in a larger audience Can be more than one

B and C

It is important for speakers to remember that gestures should: A. Be choreographed B. Be suited to the audience C. Be avoided D. Not distract from the message E. Appear natural Can be more than one

B, D, and E

Mark Twain once said, "The right word might be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause." Which of the following was Twain likely referring to? A. How a pause can help you determine whether or not your audience is paying attention B. How a well-timed pause can buy you time if you forget your speech C. The ability of a well-timed pause to provide dramatic impact D. How pauses can give listeners time to ask questions


As a speaker handling the question-and-answer period, if you do not know the answer to a question, which of the following may be reasonable options? A. Answer defensively B. Be evasive C. Allow a qualified person from the audience to answer D. Fake it by just making something up E. Offer to find the answer later F. Admit you do not know the answer

C, E, and F

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