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Under RCRA definition of a waste that easily catches fire with a flash point of less than 140F is considered___________________?


Which of the following statements is false regarding bias?

It can cause difficulties in interpreting epidemiological studies.

In risk analysis, extrapolation usually refers to which of the following?

Using animal data to predict a human response.

From a risk management perspective, the "best" course of action is that which diminishes the risk at any cost.


There are how many Titles or Sections to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990?


Bills are first introduced into both the house and the senate to a subcommittee for review and support. What percent of these bills fail to make it through this process?


A(n) ____________________ effect is an immediate or rapid reaction to exposure to a harmful substance


Risk can be defined as the likelihood of an unwanted occurrence coupled with __________ .

An element of uncertainty about when the risk might occur.

Differentiate among the types of doses used by researchers to study the toxic effect of chemicals.

Chapter 12 (CH. 12 slide 19, 21, 22, 35, pg. 505 old textbook)

Discuss the major components of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990.

Chapter 13, slides 23-24; old textbook pg. 530

What are the perceived basic principles in regulatory compliance.

Chapter 13, slides 41-44

Which of the following risks are associated with the largest number of deaths per year in the U.S?

Cigarette smoking

Researchers focus their interests on certain health responses. These specific physiological changes such as No Observable Effect Level (NOEL), are called_________.


Which of the following statements is true regarding environmental risk?

Environment risk is often uncertain

. Toxicology is a science devoted to the study of all risks to human life.


Acceptable daily intake (ADI) are foolproof, as they are calculated using a safety factor.


Driving and smoking are risks that are not currently well-understood.


Exposure assessment is the final step in the risk analysis process


Pollution prevention is defined as the deliberate increase in the amounts of hazardous substances which enter he the environment via recycling.


Risk analysis is a field of study that has been active for the last 100 years.


Subchapter D of RCRA regulates underground tank storage of toxic substances and petroleum products.


The effective dose refers to the dose at which 75% of the animals demonstrate a response to the chemical.


The majority of chemicals in commercial use have been screened for toxicity before they were made available to the public.


The only funds for Superfund come from extracting money from PRPs.


Whenever a person uses his/her property to cause material injury or annoyance to his neighbor, his/her actions constitute a trepass.


There are three distinct types of stormwater permits and these include individual, general and


Title III federal OSHA regulations require all facility owners or operators to prepare or have available MDSSs for hazardous chemicals in the workplace. What is an MSDS?

Material Safety Data Sheet

A main feature of the CWA is the NPDES - which are initials for

National Pollution Discharge Elimination System

Many State Acts and the Clean Water Act approach water pollution control through a comprehensive permitting scheme known as the _______________________?

National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

Several different types of epidemiological studies exist. Explain the difference among cross-sectional, cohort, and case-control studies.

Refer to chapter 12, Page 12 of PDF of Living with the Earth, under Study Types heading -Old textbook CH. 12 pg. 508

Discuss some of the tools of risk analysis.

Refer to chapter 12, slide 16 Venn Diagram -Old textbook CH. 12 pg. 503-510

The primary objective of the Clean Water Act is to

Restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters

Which of the following statements is false regarding risk?

Risk can be eliminated from one's lif

The cleanup of inactive and abandoned hazardous waste sites is provided for by the

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) (RCRA)

During an exposure assessments, all of the following are measured except ________.

The level of the substance actually taken in

Persons harmed by the careless and improper handling or disposal of hazardous wastes can file suit to recover damages for their losses even if ________.

There has been full compliance with all government regulations and permit conditions.

A federal regulation that (1) mandates the development of data concerning the effects of chemical substances and mixtures on human health and the environment; and (2) restricts or prohibits the manufacture and/or use of materials such as asbestos, CFCs and PCBs is the _________.

Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)

Before new chemicals may be introduced into commerce, federal law requires premanufacture notification as well as notification of significant new uses of existing chemicals. The federal law requiring this is the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).


Dose-response assessment provides a direct measurement of the risk.


It is difficult to study all of the possible harmful effects caused by interactions of industrial chemicals. Such a study would be too expensive to be realistic even for a subset of several hundred chemicals.


Laboratory-bred mice and rats are widely used for toxicity studies because their systems have many functional similarities to human systems.


Long-term studies use smaller doses of chemicals than either chronic or acute studies.


The federal act which regulates the handling, storage, and use of pesticides is popularly known as FIFRA.


The reporting requirements in SARA Title III require many businesses to file annual reports listing the estimated quantities of both routine and accidental releases of listed toxic chemicals.


The two major groups of hazardous waste identified under RCRA include listed and characteristic wastes.


Define risk communication and discuss obstacles that exist in its performance.

True. (Refer to chapter 12, slide 46-49, Old textbook pg. 515-16)

A(n) ____________________ is the probability of suffering harm from a hazard that can cause injury, disease, death, economic loss, or damage


Each person who offers a hazardous material for transportation must provide a monitored 24-hour emergency response telephone number.


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