Cultural Competence Model

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Cultural Blindness

-Blindness or ignorance of cultural differences. -Perceives themselves as non-biased -They believe that culture makes no difference in how someone/a group acts or reacts. -Assumes that we are all alike so what works with members in one group will work with all members of all different cultures.

Cultural Incapacity

-Lacking to be responsive to different groups, but not intentionally. -Usually because of ignorance and unfounded fear. -Fails to recognize when there is mistreatment among cultural differences.

Cultural Pre-competence

-Movement towards cultural sensitivity -Actively pursues knowledge about differences and attempts to integrate this into info into deliver of services. -Recognizes that cultural differences exists, but are acknowledged as "differences" and nothing more. -learning and understanding new ideas is encouraged along with solutions to help with performance and services.

Cultural Proficiency

-Positive end of the spectrum -Proactively regards cultural difference -Promotes improved cultural relations among diverse groups -Holds culture in very high esteem.

Cultural Competence

-The capacity to function in an effective manner within the context of the targeted group. -Acceptance and respect of differences. -Continual expansion of knowledge of the targeted group. -Actively seeks advice and consultancy. -Committed to incorporating new knowledge and experiences into a wider range of practice.

Cultural Destructiveness

-negative end of spectrum -Blatant attempts to to destroy the culture of a given group. -Assumes that one group is superior to another - Only thinks that there is one way of being and purposefully denies or outlaws any other cultural approach

What is power?

Ability to aim/achieve goals even when oppressed by others.

What is privilege?

An unearned right, advantage, or immunity granted to beyond the common advantage of others.

Cultural Competence Model?

Destructiveness, Incapacity, Blindness, Pre-competence, Competence, Proficiency

What is Cultural Competence?

Gaining it, it a process that usual takes self-assessment.

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