Culture Final

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Which component of transcultural nursing has been greatly supported through the research conducted by anthropologists?

Assessment of woman's ability to function successfully in her role within the family. Which is the basis to support the need for transcultural nursing in a health care setting that serves a multicultural metropolitan community? Anthropology refers to the study of humans and humankind, including their origins, behavior, social relationships, physical and mental characteristics, customs, and development through time and in all places in the world. Social relationships include the female role in the family structure. The remaining options are not based on cultural considerations but are rather universally considered.

Which assessment question demonstrates sensitivity to the possible existence of culturally driven maltreatment toward an openly homosexual client whose wounds have become infected due to poor wound care?

"Do you believe your wound dressings were changed as frequently as they should have been?" Ethnoviolence (hate crimes) is seen increasing worldwide. Homosexual men are often primary targets of hate crimes even in health care settings. Asking the client to evaluate his care is the most effective way to determine the element of prejudicial treatment or neglect leading to maltreatment or neglect of the client. Asking the client directly will instill potential biases toward the staff and so should be avoided. The remaining options are not as focused on the potential issue of poor nursing care and its resulting harm.

Which assessment question shows an understanding of the impact of cultural beliefs and behaviors on a client's demonstration of pain?

"How can I help you deal with the pain you are experiencing?" Transcultural nursing enables nurses to more accurately assess the cultural expression of pain and to provide culturally appropriate interventions to prevent or alleviate discomfort. Asking the client to identify acceptable pain-relieving measures will allow for appropriate pain management intervention. The remaining options are questions asked to assess pain regardless of cultural diversity.

Which statement demonstrates the nurse's ability to communicate sincerely and respectfully with a culturally diverse client population?

"I'm always careful to apologize when I'm having difficulty understanding a client." Success in cross-cultural communication includes the ability to intervene or start over when misunderstandings occur. Assessments should not be condensed just to avoid the language barrier. The remaining options are not directly related to sincere, respectful communication.

Which statement demonstrates a lack of knowledge concerning the role eye contact plays in various cultures?

"It's so important to maintain eye contact with the client while providing discharge teaching." The use of eye contact is among the most culturally variable nonverbal behaviors that clients will use to communicate with you. Although most nurses have been taught to maintain eye contact when speaking with clients, individuals from culturally diverse backgrounds may attribute other culturally based meanings to this behavior. The remaining options are true statements.

Which statement exhibits an understanding of the meaning of culturally congruent nursing care?

"Providing culturally congruent nursing care offers care the client has confidence in." Culturally congruent care is beneficial and meaningful to the people being served. Outcomes may not be better when care is provided in a culturally congruent manner. The remaining options describe the legal and ethical components of such care.

Which proverb used to describe a patient would suggest that the American nurse views the client as being aggressive and demanding?

"The squeaky wheel gets the oil." Americans generally being individualist in culture would identify a client as being aggressive and demanding when using this proverb describing an individual who is willing to be noisy in order to get what he or she wants. The proverb citing a nail and hammer reverses to the more collectivistic view of not standing out or bringing attention to oneself. Waiting is viewed as an indication of patience in an individual while few are chosen is a realistic view on possible success.

Which statement by a nurse demonstrates an attempt to minimize personal prejudice in their nursing practice?

"When the client's family begin their religious rituals, I get concerned about what I should be doing." The term prejudice refers to inaccurate perceptions of others. Prejudice results in conclusions that are drawn without adequate knowledge or evidence. By asking for clarification, the nurse is attempting to avert making a prejudiced assumption. The other options lack the element of making an inappropriate assumption.

Which interpersonal behavior would be more prevalently exhibited by a nurse from a collectivist culture?

A Chinese nurse, who is the focus of the unprofessional behavior of another nurse, refusing to report the behavior to the nurse manager. Collectivism entails the need to maintain group harmony above the partisan interests of subgroups and individuals. In collectivist cultures, values such as interpersonal harmony and group solidarity prevail. A staff member whose ethnic heritage is Asian or South American is likely to be influenced by collectivism. The other options lack the focus of those values.

Which regrettable outcome is the result of racism?

A Hispanic nurse is not considered for a promotion to nurse manager because it is believed that "all Hispanics lack self-discipline." Racism implies that superior or inferior traits and behavior are determined by race. Racism connotes prejudice and discrimination. Making a judgement concerning advancement based solely on a prejudicial viewpoint is racism. The other options lack the element of superior or inferior traits.

Which activity would be best supported by the Council on Nursing and Anthropology Association?

A multidisciplinary research project on the effects of culture on pain management plans. Promotes interdisciplinary research.

When applying for certification as a transcultural nurse, which activity best supports the need to possess appropriate specialized knowledge?

A portfolio showing completion of educational classes that support culturally congruent nursing. Applicants for certification have to compile a portfolio of qualifying documentation to authenticate their educational and experiential background. The remaining options are not requirements of the current certification process that reflects the possession of specialized knowledge.

Health care organizations are expected to be culturally competent. Which service shows the ability to best manage the difference in cultural values and practices?

Ability to adapt special diets to meet client cultural dietary needs. According to the National Center for Cultural Competence, cultural competence requires that organizations have the ability to manage the dynamics of difference among clients and their cultural needs. Providing dietary attention to such individual needs is an example of this competency. The remaining options are not based on cultural considerations of different values or practices but are universally considered for each client since all clients will benefit from a compatible roommate, access to private space, and family involvement.

Which nursing intervention demonstrates one of the strengths of the transcultural nursing Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality?

Assessing for stress factors affecting a Haitian client as well as her immediate family. Among the strengths of Leininger's theory is its flexibility for use with individuals, families, groups, communities, and institutions in diverse health systems. The remaining options involve only the client.

Which nursing intervention demonstrates an avoidance of one of the cited criticisms of current transcultural nursing theories?

Asking the Jewish client whether he or she will need a kosher diet menu These theories tend to foster stereotyping and fail to consider the variations within cultures that influence the ways in which people express their cultural orientation. Supporting a client's expressed religious rituals and encouraging reminiscing about experiences are not examples of stereotyping. Suggesting dietary changes based solely on ethnic background is an example of stereotypical behavior.

Which tool used currently by a health care institution to recruit ethnically diverse heath care professionals is supported by current government statics?

Assisting Hispanic nurses to acquire permanent citizen status. Women have historically constituted the majority of personnel in nursing and in many allied health disciplines. For the past two decades, women and members of racially and ethnically diverse groups have made significant inroads into health professions that were once overwhelmingly the province of White men. The largest gains for most culturally diverse groups, however, occurred during the mid- to late 1970s. Since that time, with the exception of Asians and Hispanics, cultural diversity in the health care fields has been relatively stable. The other options lack the focus on either of the primary ethnic cultures mentioned.

Which nursing activity shows an understanding of the process of culturally competent nursing practice?

Attending two in-service programs yearly on attaining cultural competency. Cultural competence has been defined as a process, as opposed to an end point, in which the nurse continuously strives to work effectively within the cultural context of an individual, family, or community from a diverse cultural background. Attending yearly in-service programs on the topic will help update the nurse's cultural knowledge. The remaining options do not show the continuous striving for new and current cultural content.

Which activity will best minimize the risk of allowing discrimination and prejudicial behaviors to impact personal nursing practice?

Engaging in regular reflective, cultural self-assessments. Through self-assessment, it is possible to gain insights into the health-related values, attitudes, beliefs, and practices that have been transmitted to you by your own family and your own life experiences. These insights also enable you to overcome ethnocentric tendencies and cultural stereotypes, which are vehicles for perpetuating prejudice and discrimination against members of certain groups. The other options, while appropriate, do not have the impact of self-assessment on cultural sensitivity.

According to Purnell Model for Cultural Competence, what initially indoctrinates an individual to cultural norms?

Family Purnell Model for Cultural Competence suggests that culture is learned first in the family, then in the school, and later in the community and social organizations such as churches, workplaces, and other group associations.

Facilitators include identification of the cultural values of the organization, institution, or agency and clear articulation of these values in the organization mission statement and policies. While the other options are appropriate, they lack the statement professing the importance of the value that the correct option displays.

Holding educational programming that compares and contrasts American standards of professional health care education to those of other cultures. Characteristics of the staff member such as individual preferences, biases and prejudices for and against certain groups as a result of varied educational backgrounds must be considered. Familiarizing the involved professionals with the levels and extent of education possessed by those earning their credentials in countries other than the United States will serve to dispel these biases and prejudices. While review of hiring policies and supporting the implementation of ethnic health care practices are appropriate, they are not as influential in combating prejudices as is a formal effort to educate the involved staff. To make such information as vitae and application documents access to the public is not necessarily adding in the understanding of these documents.

An institution best demonstrates a commitment to the establishment of a harmonious multicultural work environment when:

Including that goal into the formal wording of its mission statement. Facilitators include identification of the cultural values of the organization, institution, or agency and clear articulation of these values in the organization mission statement and policies. While the other options are appropriate, they lack the statement professing the importance of the value that the correct option displays.

A nurse provides care to a vast culturally diversed population. How can the nurse best address the need to provide cultural congruent nursing care?

Master the skills required to perform an effective cultural assessment. It would be virtually impossible to know about the culturally based, health-related beliefs and practices of the entire population. It is, however, possible to master the knowledge and skills associated with effective, cultural assessment. Immersion into all the various cultures is not realistic. The remaining options are appropriate but not as effective in delivering culturally congruent care as the correct option.

Which nursing intervention best shows compliance with offering linguistically appropriate services for a culturally diverse population?

Notifying the client that he or she is entitled to language translation services. It has been recommended that in order to be culturally supportive with non-English-speaking clients, health care organizations must provide to patients/consumers, in their preferred language, both verbal offers and written notices informing them of their right to receive language assistance services. It is not realistic for staff to speak in the client's native language. Family members are not necessarily reliable translators. Reliance on nonverbal communication techniques is not good practice

Research supports which of the following institutional policies regarding recruitment of professional nurses?

Offering male nurses paid paternal maternity leave. Since 1990, the number of males entering into the nursing profession has almost doubled and now they represent the second largest cultural subdivision in nursing. The other options lack the factor of substantial numbers of nurses coming from these cultural groups.

It is determined that an older, widowed client is a member of a familistic culture. Which intervention is best directed toward communicating effectively with the client?

Presenting information related to possible treatment modalities to the entire family. Familism—which emphasizes interdependence over independence, affiliation over confrontation, and cooperation over competition—may dictate that important decisions affecting the client are made by the family, not by the individual alone. The other options would not be culturally congruent for this client.

Which nursing activity has priority when providing culturally congruent care?

Self-reflection concerning beliefs associated with the client's culture. Before you can provide culturally competent care for people from diverse backgrounds, it's important to engage in a cultural self-assessment. When interacting with clients from various cultural backgrounds, you must be aware of your own cultural values, attitudes, beliefs, and practices. The remaining options, while appropriate, do not have priority over self-reflection among the available options

Which is the basis to support the need for transcultural nursing in a health care setting that serves a multicultural metropolitan community?

The diversity seen in the values, beliefs, behaviors, as well as physical and mental characteristics of the client population. There is a marked increase in the migration of people within and between countries worldwide. As a result, transcultural nursing is needed because of the growing diversity that characterizes our national and global populations. Diversity refers to differences in values, beliefs, behaviors, physical and mental characteristics, and related attributes of groups of people in society. Respectful and accepting nursing care is a universal expectation not reliant upon culture. The health care needs presented by a culturally diverse population are not dependent on culture but rather culture requires the delivery of the care in a culturally appropriate manner. Economics and social backgrounds may present barriers even among a culturally homogenous population.

Which consideration is the basis for the selection of an interpreter for an older client who has a limited ability to speak and understand English?

The interpreter should ideally be of similar age and of the same gender as the client The interpreter should be of similar age and of the same gender as the client to help minimize cultural issues regarding the interaction between genders and deference to age. An understanding of jargon is not necessarily a concern since the information should not be delivered using such language. Family members may not be effective translators especially if there is an age or gender issue. While maintaining autonomy is a concern, it does not have priority over effective communication in this situation.

Which institutional strategy demonstrates an understanding of the barriers to a harmonious multicultural workplace environment?

Unit managers have the authority to terminate any employee found to be racist. The barriers that must be overcome include hatred, prejudice, bigotry, racism, discrimination, and ethnoviolence. All employees should be apprised that there will be zero tolerance for those who engage in negative behaviors, and management staff at all levels should be given the authority to impose sanctions when violations occur. The other options are examples of strategies to support/encourage a harmonious multicultural workplace.

Which nursing intervention demonstrates an understanding of the full scope on culturally sensitive nursing care?

When planning a teenaged focused educational program on sexuality, both homosexual and heterosexual lifestyle choices are discussed. Cultures are both ethnic, related to nationality, and nonethnic. Examples of a nonethnic culture would include the gay, lesbian, and transgender members of all ethnic groups. The remaining options focus on ethnic cultures only.

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