Current events: Ukraine-Russian war

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How many companies left Russia because of the Russo-Ukraine war?


How long did the Battle of Kyiv last?

1 Month, 6 Days

In what year did the groundwork for the 2022 Russian invasion be set?


In the second quarter of 2022, how much did the Russian GDP decline?


How long was the Russian convoy that was being sent to aid Russian forces in the battle of Kyiv?

40 miles or 65 kilometers

What principle of war was used by the Russians when they began building up forces around Ukraine before the invasion?

Amass forces

What one of a kind aircraft was destroyed due to the fighting at the Hostomel Airport?

Antonov AN225

In what month did Russian evacuate the North to pursue the fronts in the East and South?


How does Russia supply its troops on the ground?

By rail

What was the biggest Russian success of the early phase of the war in Ukraine?

Capture of Kherson

What abandoned nuclear power plant became under heavy controversy at the beginning of the war due to shelling and occupation around it?

Chernobyl Nuclear Powerplant

What did Putin believe would happen when the invasion of Ukraine began?

Collapse of Ukrainian forces

What piece of land was annexed by Russia in 2014?

Crimean Penisula

What were the two reasons why Russia invaded Ukraine?

Demilitarization and Denazification

What was the name of the conflict zone in Eastern Ukraine?

Donbass Region

Hint: Military Alliance, What was one of the unofficial reasons for the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Fear of Ukrainian admittance into N.A.T.O

On what day did Russia announce their invasion of Ukraine?

February 24th, 2022

What was the title given to the possibly fake Ukrainian ace pilot during the battle of Kyiv?

Ghost of Kyiv

What was the name of the airport that the Russians attempted to use as the base for an air bridge, before being kicked out by Ukrainian forces at the very start of the invasion?

Hostomel Airport

What two anti tank launchers were supplied to Ukraine by Western Powers?

Javelin and NLAWs

What is the capital city of Ukraine?

Kyiv or Kiev

What was the West's reaction to the Russian Invasion?

Lobby sanctions

What are the two break away republics in Eastern Ukraine

Luhansk P.R and Donetsk P.R

What Western provided anti-air launcher was provided to Ukraine?


What 4 reasons lead to Russian withdrawal from Kyiv?

Poor Logistics, communication, morale, and underestimate of Ukrainian resolve

What 2 reasons lead to the Russian air force being unable to provide much support in the war?

Poor training and lack of precision guided munitions

What did Ukraine experience in 2014 which led to national instability?

Revolution of Dignity or a national coup

What international banking system were Russian banks suspended from because of the invasion?

SWIFT System

What did Putin say the invasion was to avoid a total war?

Special Military Operation

When modern weaponry ran out, what did both sides begin deploying to supply the front?

WW2 Era Small Arms

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