Customer service

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I work best in a fast- paced environment? I prefer to have a steady workload?

MLM: I work best in a fast- paced environment

I work best when I'm put under-pressure? I would rather avoid being put in a stressful work environment?

MLM: I work best when I'm put under-pressure

I work better in a calm work environment? I work better when it is very busy?

MLM: I work better when it is very busy

I'm able to work efficiently in highly demanding conditions? I would rather work in a peaceful environment?

MLM: I'm able to work efficiently in highly demanding conditions

Sometimes I can be rude to other people? I'm never rude to my coworkers?

MLM: I'm never rude to my coworkers

If something seems too difficult, I avoid it? I'm proud of my ability to take on difficult tasks?

MLM: I'm proud of my ability to take on difficult tasks

If you try hard enough, you will succeed? There is no way to guarantee success?

MLM: If you try hard enough, you will succeed

It is easy for me to notice how someone is feeling? At times I don't know how other people are feeling?

MLM: It is easy for me to notice how someone is feeling

Most rewards are well deserved? Some people do not work hard enough to deserve a reward?

MLM: Most rewards are well deserved

My performance is best when I am very busy at work? When I have a reasonable workload, I perform best?

MLM: My performance is best when I am very busy at work

I can tell how someone is feeling at times? Usually, I can tell how another person is feeling?

MLM: Usually, I can tell how another person is feeling

I don't make friends easily? When I meet new people, I make friends quickly?

MLM: When I meet new people, I make friends quickly

You gain success by being lucky and working hard? You gain success by working hard and staying motivated?

MLM: You gain success by working hard and staying motivated

If I try my best, that is what matters most? I have high expectations of my work?

If I try my best, that is what matters most I have high expectations of my work

A customer is interested in shipping a package, but is unhappy with the price. He insists he can ship elsewhere for less.

ML -Try to learn what the customer's needs are, and suggest a similar but less expensive alternative. LL- Explain that your prices are the same across the country, and that you are unfortunately unable to adjust the price.

When you tell a customer that the Global Express mailing label he needs is out of stock, he becomes upset. He needs one today and says he doesn't have time to drive around looking for it.

ML -Work to figure out what the customer needs the label for, and suggest an in-stock alternative. LL- Ask your supervisor's permission to personally pick the product up from another post office.

A new employee is having difficulty learning the position which is making everyone do more work to make up for it.

ML -You remain patient since you know the new coworker will get better with experience. LL- Tell your supervisor about it and suggest that a different position may be better for him.

our department is extremely busy today and your team is struggling to keep up with the pace. You observe a few coworkers taking personal calls on their cell phones and not handling their share of the workload

ML- Encourage your coworkers to work together as a team so the workload can effectively be managed. LL- Double your own efforts to make up for your coworkers who are not handling their share of the work.

A customer opted for the tracking feature when sending a package and paid the fee. Unfortunately, when she attempted to locate the package, she found no tracking information. She retained her receipt which lists the tracking confirmation number.

ML- Explain that you understand her concern and you will research the matter. LL- Explain that when this happens it is typically the result of the package not being scanned yet. The tracking number should appear the following day.

A customer complains to you about poor service from one of your coworkers. He clearly wants to tell someone about his negative experience.

ML- Let him express his frustration, apologize for the situation, and ask if he'd like to speak with a supervisor. LL- Explain that your coworker is normally very good, but is just extremely busy today.

A customer wants a new type of stamp that just came out last week. You discover it is out of stock in your post office. You apologize, but she seems disappointed.

ML- Offer to special order the stamps for her. Explain that while you may not be able to get it today, you'll try to get it as soon as possible. LL- Tell her that if it is important for her to get the stamps today, you know of another post office close by that carries them.

A customer asks you for help locating a specific box to package his item for Priority Mail Express. He cannot find it in the post office.

ML- Politely explain where the box is, and ask if he needs help finding anything else. LL- Explain where the box is in the post office, and offer assistance with finding it.

Your supervisor asks you to finish a task before lunch. While you are working on it, you overhear two customers struggling to find a particular size of flat rate box.

ML- Quickly tell the customers where they can find the box so you can finish your task LL- Focus on your assigned task. The customers did not ask for help and you do not want to make them uncomfortable.

A customer is trying to return a set of birthday cards she says was damaged when she bought it. Your post office does carry the product, but she does not have the receipt to show that she bought it there.

ML- Tell her that you cannot refund her money, but offer to exchange her product for one that is not damaged. LL -Refund the customer's money and offer a replacement product at no cost

Accomplishing my goal is what matters most? Trying my best is what matters most?

MLM: Accomplishing my goal is what matters most

If I don't succeed even after putting in my best effort, I am not disappointed with myself? Accomplishments are what motivate me to work hard?

MLM: Accomplishments are what motivate me to work hard

Anybody can succeed when they work hard? Working hard does not always lead to success?

MLM: Anybody can succeed when they work hard

don't set my goals too high, so I don't get disappointed if I don't achieve it? Challenging goals always motivate me?

MLM: Challenging goals always motivate me

Employees should do what is requested of them at work? Employees should do more than what is requested of them at work?

MLM: Employees should do more than what is requested of them at work

Even if someone doesn't express it, I can usually tell how they are feeling? Other people should let me know if they are upset with me?

MLM: Even if someone doesn't express it, I can usually tell how they are feeling

Lucky people are successful? Hard working people are successful?

MLM: Hard working people are successful

I always complete my work duties? I always exceed my responsibilities at work?

MLM: I always exceed my responsibilities at work

I always see the good in any situation? I always think about what could go wrong in a situation?

MLM: I always see the good in any situation

I am a very outgoing person? I am a quiet person?

MLM: I am a very outgoing person

I am always respectful to others? I'm disrespectful to some people?

MLM: I am always respectful to others

I am confident in my ability to do well? I have doubted myself at times?

MLM: I am confident in my ability to do well

I am often described as being quiet? I am often describes as being very outgoing?

MLM: I am often describes as being very outgoing

Some challenges are just too hard to work through? I can accomplish anything I put my mind to?

MLM: I can accomplish anything I put my mind to

I can deal with anything that I am faced with? Some obstacles are too difficult to handle?

MLM: I can deal with anything that I am faced with

People should say when something is wrong? I can tell how someone is feeling?

MLM: I can tell how someone is feeling

Individuals should express when something is bothering them? I can tell when someone is frustrated or upset?

MLM: I can tell when someone is frustrated or upset

Sometimes I talk about my coworkers when they aren't there? I don't talk about people behind their back?

MLM: I don't talk about people behind their back

I enjoy having a lot of work to do? I prefer a reasonable and steady amount work?

MLM: I enjoy having a lot of work to do

I prefer slow workdays? I enjoy having a lot of work to do?

MLM: I enjoy having a lot of work to do

I feel comfortable socializing right away with new people? When I meet new people, it takes me a long time to open up?

MLM: I feel comfortable socializing right away with new people

I have a positive outlook on things? I'm prepared for the worst?

MLM: I have a positive outlook on things

I like to give others an optimistic point of view? I'm good at pointing out what can go wrong?

MLM: I like to give others an optimistic point of view

I usually think about the negative before the positive in a situation? I like to have a positive outlook regardless of the situation?

MLM: I like to have a positive outlook regardless of the situation

My coworkers aggravate me at times? I never get aggravated at my coworkers?

MLM: I never get aggravated at my coworkers

I perform my best when I am stress-free? I perform my best in a high-pressure environment?

MLM: I perform my best in a high-pressure environment

I prefer setting goals that are challenging and push my abilities?- I like setting goals that I know are practical and reachable?

MLM: I prefer setting goals that are challenging and push my abilities

It is best to consider what can go wrong? I prefer to keep a positive outlook?

MLM: I prefer to keep a positive outlook

I prefer to work in a stress-free environment? I prefer working under pressure?

MLM: I prefer working under pressure

I set challenging goals for myself? I set goals I know I can accomplish?

MLM: I set challenging goals for myself

I tend to be more laidback? I tend to be more talkative?

MLM: I tend to be more talkative

I do what is required of me at work? I try to do more than what is required of me at work?

MLM: I try to do more than what is required of me at work

I always do my job? I always go above and beyond what is required of me?

SLM: I always go above and beyond what is required of me

I always complete my work assignments? I do more work than what is expected of me?

SLM: I do more work than what is expected of me

At times, I have not liked someone? I haven't ever disliked someone?

SLM: I haven't ever disliked someone

I keep my attention on my own work? I often help my coworkers?

SLM: I keep my attention on my own work

Coworkers shouldn't always expect others to help complete their work? I often sacrifice my own time to help coworkers?

SLM: I often sacrifice my own time to help coworkers

I usually spend my time helping coworkers? I spend time on my own work?

SLM: I spend time on my own work

I've never made a mistake while I was working? I've made mistakes at work occasionally?

SLM: I've never made a mistake while I was working

People shouldn't always expect their coworkers to help them with their work? If my coworker needs help, I'm always willing to assist them?

SLM: If my coworker needs help, I'm always willing to assist them

My outcome is always based on my actions? There have been times where a situation impacted my outcome?

SLM: My outcome is always based on my actions

I often spend time helping coworkers? Coworkers are responsible for their own work?

SML: I often spend time helping coworkers

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