D072 Unit 5 Emotional Intelligence

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a state of consciousness in which you are aware of the present moment.

Supportive communication

a strategy that seeks to preserve a positive relationship between communicators while still addressing the problem at hand. Active listening is a key feature of supportive communication.

Define "supportive communicaton"

a strategy that seeks to preserve a positive relationship between communicators while still addressing the problem. Active listening is a a key feature of supportive communication.


the skill of focusing 100 percent of your energy and attention on one specific area. Meditation helps calm the body and the mind and trains your brain to be aware of the emotional, physical, and mental processes controlling you.

Figuring out when to talk and when to listen requires social skills. Active listening should be outwardly focused, with an ____ listening-to-speaking ratio.


Emotional quotient (EQ)

A measure of the level of a person's EI.

How is a person's EI measured?

Emotional Quotient (EQ)

List the techniques you can use to support other people EI growth.

Model EI practices in daily activities, training/education programs (books, etc), coaching, incident debriefs.

Describe the three tools outlined by Sellie-Dosunmu to guide feedback?

Behavioral event interviews, simulation feedback, surveys.

A manager is meeting with an employee to discuss a recent disagreement that occurred at work. The manager reflects on the situation and is able to share personal values, beliefs, and preferences for working through conflicts and identifying personal challenges for development. Which method is the manager using to share emotional intelligence? Introducing coaching programs for employees Responding in culturally appropriate ways Scheduling team meetings to share perspectives Being transparent about areas for improvement

Being transparent about areas for improvement. Being transparent about areas for improvement supports emotional intelligence development and continuous improvement. This manager is meeting with an employee to discuss personal values, beliefs, and preferences for working through conflicts and personal challenges in development.

Which career field has a higher importance of one possessing emotional intelligence? Accountant Counselor Mechanic Scientist

Counselor. This is a career that requires someone to pay attention and be able to understand other's emotions; therefore, having a high level of emotional intelligence is important.

A manager is meeting with an employee to provide coworkers' feedback on the employee's interpersonal skills. During the meeting, the manager and employee discuss a plan to improve the employee's EI in the workplace. Which method is the manager using to share EI?

Introduce coaching program.

Jaden spends 15 - 20 minutes each writing down his thoughts on self-improvement, and how and why he acts a certain way. What technique for improving EI is this?


Which characteristic is present in someone with high emotional intelligence? Has emotional outbursts Oversteps boundaries Gives attention to detail Keeps promises

Keeping promises. Keeping promises is a common characteristic of someone who has high emotional intelligence.

A manager appears to exhibit low emotional intelligence (EI) and high awareness. The employees see the manager as being a master manipulator. Which term describes this manager? Elizabethan Napoleonism Darwinism Machiavellian

Machiavellian. A Machiavellian leader is described as being cunning and deceitful. These leaders are seen as manipulators and typically have extremely low EI and high awareness.

Which term describes a person who uses emotional detachment to control impulses and charm to hide true intentions? Machiavellian Napoleon Gandhian Elizabethan

Machiavellian. This term describes someone who is cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous.

How can having high EI affect making ethical decisions?

One aspect of emotional intelligence is moral identity, which has to do with the extent to which people want to see themselves as ethical, caring people. People with a strong moral identity are more considerate of others and are also significantly more considerate if they are also good at regulating their emotions.

Techniques for improving EI

Meditation, mindfulness, self-reflection.


being attuned and sensitive to the emotional states of others.

What is moral identity?

Has to do with the extent to which people want to see themselves as ethical, caring people.

What four things does an ethical leader need?

High emotional intelligence, moral strength, grit, and courage.

You witness an incident where you see someone display a low EI behavior. Later that day, you visit the person to transparently discuss it. This demonstrates what strategy for developing EI?

Incident debrief.


The ability to think, learn, and adapt.

Emotional intelligence (EI)

The ability to understand and manage emotions in oneself and in others.

Intelligence quotient (IQ)

A measure of your ability to learn or your general mental ability. IQ is a measure of intelligence that is adjusted for age.


A person who uses emotional detachment to control impulses and charm to hide true intentions.

A new employee is attending training on customer service. During the training session, the employee takes notes, makes eye contact with the trainer, and concentrates on gaining insights and understanding about customer service policies and approaches. Which technique is the employee using? Supportive communication Using the 80/20 rule Clarifying questions Active listening

Active listening. Active listening occurs when an individual gives full attention to the communicator and listens with sincere interest to gain insights and understanding. This employee is taking notes, making eye contact with the trainer, and concentrating on gaining insights and understanding.

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)

An IQ test designed to measure intelligence and cognitive ability in adults and older adolescents.

What are some traits associated with people with High EI?

Assertive, ambitious, driving, strong-willed, decisive, warm, entertaining, persuasive, patient, stable, predictable, good listeners, consistent.

What is the difference between EI and IQ?

EI is the ability to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions. Recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others. IQ is a number indicating a person's relative level of intelligence: it is the mental age (as shown by intelligence tests).

What is the difference between EI and IQ?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage emotions in oneself and others, IQ is a measure of your ability to learn or your general mental ability.

A manager is described as self-aware, and he understands how his personal values and cultural norms compare to those of other countries. Which concept is the manager exhibiting? Emotional connection Emotional quotient Emotional intelligence Emotional aptitude

Emotional intelligence. A person's emotional intelligence describes their ability to excel in social situations, relate to others, participate in group settings, and build relationships.

Which concept describes a person's ability to lead, negotiate conflict, build relationships, and relate to others in social situations? Emotional quotient Emotional connection Emotional intelligence Emotional aptitude

Emotional intelligence. A person's emotional intelligence describes their ability to excel in social situations, relate to others, participate in group settings, and build relationships.

Which term describes one's wellbeing and ability to build a balanced life? Emotional intelligence Emotional connection Emotional quotient Emotional aptitude

Emotional intelligence. Having emotional intelligence impacts one's health, overall well-being, and relationships. It is the key to building a balanced life.

What EI enable people to do?

Enables people to build relationships, relate to others in social situations, lead, negotiate conflict, and work as part of a team.

What are the benefits of leaders having high EI?

Enables people to build relationships, relate to others in social situations, lead, negotiate conflict, and work as part of a team.

What is a benefit of assessing the emotional intelligence of an individual? Enhanced judgment Subjective feedback Improved profitability Increased productivity

Enhanced judgement. Emotions influence thinking. Assessing emotional intelligence provides insights for improving emotional responses that can enhance an individual's judgment.

What role does courage play in being an ethical leader?

Ethical leaders need to be able to take risks and do the right thing, even when they are afraid and regardless of the potential consequences.

An employee learns that part of the annual performance evaluation involves surveying peers about their behavior and how it impacts others in the organization. Which technique is being used in the evaluation process? Mindfulness Meditation Self-reflection Feedback

Feedback. Feedback is reflection conducted by others about an individual's personal behaviors and their impact on others. This employee will be conducting surveys to generate peers' reflections about the employee's behaviors and the ways they impact others in the organization.

Sure Start is focusing on steps to help the senior leaders manage their emotional health. Charlie would like to help each senior leader find individuals they trust to give them input about their performance, specifically since the expansion of the company into the global market. Which technique is being used with these senior leaders? Mindfulness Meditation Self-reflection Feedback

Feedback. Feedback is when individuals seek honest, straightforward input from others about their performance.

What role does grit play in being an ethical leader?

Grit has a greater impact than IQ and twice the importance of talent. Grit also closely correlates with emotional intelligence and has the ability to manage emotions. Leaders use both emotional intelligence and grit to foster organizational growth that aligns with their personal passion and vision.

Simulation feedback

In this type of feedback, individuals role-play in challenging EI simulations and are provided feedback based on their behavioral choices. Coaches then discuss what went well and what could be done differently based on EQ competencies.

Which term describes the measure of one's ability to learn and is adjusted for age? Emotional quotient Emotional intelligence Intelligence factor Intelligence quotient

Intelligence quotient. Intelligence quotient is one's ability to learn, which is adjusted as people age.

Which adjective describes someone who is Machiavellian? Awkward Manipulative Shy Impulsive

Manipulative. Someone who is characterized as Machiavellian is noted as scheming and uses charm to hide intentions.

How is meditation different than mindfulness?

Meditation is focusing all of your energy and attention in one area, mindfulness is a state of consciousness where you are aware of the present moment.

A manager has been in a meeting all day and is distracted by thoughts about work responsibilities. The manager decides to refocus attention by writing down important points being discussed in the meeting in order to redirect their thoughts and reconnect to the present moment. Which technique is the manager using? Meditation Feedback Mindfulness Self-reflection

Mindfulness. Mindfulness is the state of being conscious and fully present without judgment. This manager is feeling distracted by thoughts about work responsibilities and decides to refocus attention on the meeting and reconnect to be fully present in the meeting.

Which quality must leaders possess to lead organizations in an ethical and emotionally intelligent manner? Relationship management skills Moral strength Organizational seniority Strong technical experience

Moral strength. Moral strength is an essential attribute of leading organizations, upholding high ethics, and exhibiting emotional intelligence.

Which technique is an employee who participates in professional development to earn a promotion using? Self-awareness Empathy Motivation Self-regulation

Motivation. Motivation occurs when an individual understands personal tendencies, demonstrates a willingness to possess control over the future, and works to achieve continuous improvement. This employee is determined to earn a promotion and participates in professional development for this goal.

What is the impact of a Machiavellian individual on a team's ability to function in an ethical manner? Positively impacts the group due to the motivating force Negatively impacts the group due to the detachment behaviors Positively impacts the group due to the additional work performed Negatively impacts the group due to the manipulative tendencies

Negatively impacts the group due to the manipulative tendencies. Machiavellianism is the tendency to manipulate others and opportunistically take advantage of people. It is an unethical practice.

A manager witnesses an employee disrespect a coworker during a department meeting. The manager speaks with the employee after the meeting to review the context of the disrespect and the resulting impact it had on the coworker. The manager attempts to initiate a conversation with the employee about how the behavior can be improved. Which method is the manager using to share emotional intelligence? Performing incident debriefs for employees Scheduling team meetings to share perspectives Introducing coaching programs for employees Modeling emotionally intelligent behavior

Performing incident debriefs for employees. Incident debriefs occur when low emotional intelligence behaviors are witnessed and discussed to ensure improved behaviors. This manager meets immediately with the employee to discuss the conduct and the impact on the coworker and explain ways to improve behavior.

A manager is meeting with an employee to provide coworkers' feedback on the employee's interpersonal skills. During the meeting, the manager and employee discuss methods for developing a plan to improve the employee's emotional intelligence in the workplace. Which method is the manager using to share emotional intelligence? Scheduling team meetings to share perspectives Scheduling incident debriefs for employees Modeling emotionally intelligent behavior Providing coaching programs for employees

Providing coaching programs for employees. Training and coaching programs are used to help individuals develop and use feedback to create their own emotional intelligence (EI) development plans. This manager is meeting with an employee to develop a plan to improve the employee's emotional intelligence (EI).

A manager is hosting a scenario-based workshop to demonstrate how empathy and social skills should be used in the workplace. Which method is the manager using to share emotional intelligence? Scheduling incident debriefs with employees Introducing coaching programs for employees Scheduling team meetings to share perspectives Providing training and education programs

Providing training and education programs. The scenario indicates that scenario-based workshops are being offered to support employees' emotional intelligence development in the workplace.

Which practice should be used to improve emotional intelligence and increase effectiveness in the workplace? Seeking to work individually as often as possible Hiring others similar to oneself Promoting one's preferred communication medium Respecting others' boundaries

Respecting others' boundaries. Respecting others' boundaries is an essential component of creating trust, fostering teamwork, and building relationships. These are all aspects of emotional intelligence.

With the recent expansion into the global market, Charlie would like to improve the emotional intelligence of his senior leaders, in all locations both domestic and international, by teaching the techniques in the most effective way possible. Which method should Charlie choose for this purpose? Formal examinations Corporate policies Conflict avoidance Role model

Role model. One of the most effective methods is to model emotional intelligence so others can learn from that example.

How is self-awareness different than self-management?

Self awareness refers to the ability to empathize and understand how others feel, self-management enables you to channel your emotions in a positive way when needed.

Sellie-Dosunmu outlines what 5 principles?

Self awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

A manager realizes that she has more focus in the afternoon. Which element of emotional intelligence does this describe? Self-management Social awareness Relationship management Self-awareness

Self awareness. Self-awareness is the ability to accurately perceive, assess, and exhibit appropriate emotions.

What are the five principles of Emotional Intelligence?

Self awareness: Being in tune to your inner preferences, values, beliefs, resources, being authentic. Self-regulation: Being able to manage your internal state, self-control, adaptability. Motivation: the ability to understand the emotional tendencies that impact your ability to reach your personal goals. Empathy: involves being in tune with the emotional signals of others and being able to relate and respond appropriately. Skills: a broad rance of behaviors related to managing relationships and responding to the emotions of others.

What are the building blocks that make up EI?

Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management.

What are the four areas of Emotional Intelligence?

Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management.

An employee is not generally mindful of her emotions and does not perceive emotions accurately. In which area of emotional intelligence should this employee improve? Social skills Self-awareness Relationship management Self-management

Self-awareness. An employee who has self-awareness is aware of emotions and understands them accurately.

Which term describes a person's ability to accurately perceive, assess, and exhibit appropriate emotions? Self-management Self-awareness Relationship management Social awareness

Self-awareness. Self-awareness describes one's ability to correctly assess, understand, and portray appropriate emotions.

Charlie wants to help his senior leaders in all four corporate offices worldwide understand their personal habits and the ways those habits influence their personal behaviors and actions. Which technique is Charlie asking the senior leaders to practice? Motivation Self-awareness Self-regulation Empathy

Self-awareness. Self-awareness includes conducting a self-assessment to become aware of one's internal condition and be honest about how one truly feels.

Which term describes a person's ability to accurately perceive, assess, and exhibit appropriate emotions? Self-management Self-awareness Relationship management Social awareness

Self-awareness. Self-awareness describes one's ability to correctly assess, understand, and portray appropriate emotions.

How is self-reflection different than mindfulness?

Self-reflection can be a more objective way to view trends in your thoughts so you are not relying on memory, which can be inaccurate. Mindfulness is a state of consciousness in which you are aware of the present moment.

Charlie has suggested that the senior leaders use journaling as a technique to identify how their thoughts and emotions change over time with the expansion to the global market. Which technique is being suggested to these senior leaders? Meditation Self-reflection Mindfulness Feedback

Self-reflection. Self-reflection is when individuals engage in practices such as journaling to identify how their thoughts and emotions may change over time.

During an incident debrief, an employee is counseled to focus on improving personal competencies. Which action can the employee take to achieve this? Choose effective communication channels Establish ongoing feedback sessions Work on developing empathy Self-regulate workplace behavior

Self-regulate workplace behavior. Self-regulating workplace behavior is a component of personal competencies along with staying focused on self-awareness and motivation.

Sure Start wants their new international managers to develop greater emotional intelligence by identifying their strengths and weaknesses. Charlie would like the managers to focus on their own internal conditions, such as how they manage and control their own impulses. Which principle is Charlie asking the managers to examine? Self-awareness Motivation Empathy Self-regulation

Self-regulation. Self-regulation involves recognizing one's internal condition and being able to control one's impulses.

A salesperson presents a proposal to a prospective client. At the meeting, the client listens to the salesperson's ideas and then states that the organization will be using a different vendor. The salesperson is very upset but maintains a professional demeanor. Which principle is the salesperson using? Self-awareness Empathy Social skills Self-regulation

Self-regulation. Self-regulation occurs when an individual controls personal emotions, is transparent, and adapts to situations. This salesperson presents a proposal, receives a negative response, and controls personal emotions to adapt to the situation.

As part of their employee training, Lisa and Jerome are role playing in some challenging EI situations. Their trainer/coach will provide feedback on what went well and where improvements are needed. What EQ assessment tool is this?

Simulation feedback.

A manager would like to improve the ability of employees to recognize and deal with challenging emotional situations. The manager decides to use a series of role-playing activities and provides observations on the employees' choices. Which assessment tool is the manager using to help these employees? Surveys Simulation feedback Behavioral event interviews Self-reflection

Simulation feedback. Simulation feedback occurs when individuals role play in challenging emotional intelligence simulations and are provided feedback based on their behavioral choices.

Question 5 of 10 Which component of emotional intelligence deals with the ability to empathize and understand how others feel? Self-awareness Social awareness Self-management Relationship management

Social awareness.

Which term describes a person's ability to empathize and understand how others feel? Self-management Relationship management Self-awareness Social awareness

Social awareness. Social awareness describes a person's ability to relate to and understand how other people are feeling.

A business owner meets with two managers who disagree about how to implement cost-saving measures. The owner asks both managers to explain their ideas, listens to each manager, points out how each manager's ideas have merit, and then asks the managers how they could collaborate to achieve better outcomes than they could individually. Which technique is the business owner using? Empathy Self-regulation Social skills Self-awareness

Social skills. Social skills involve working through complex problems while managing relationships. These skills are expressed through collaboration, conflict management, persuasion, and cooperation. This business owner is listening to both managers, affirming their ideas, and asking the managers how they could collaborate to achieve greater outcomes.

A manager is meeting with two employees to resolve a dispute about work responsibilities. The manager begins the meeting by explaining how valuable each employee is to the company and to each other, and the employees relax and work to resolve their dispute. Which technique did the manager use in the meeting? The 80/20 rule Clarifying questions Supportive communication Active listening

Supportive communication. Supportive communication maintains positive relationships among individuals who are communicating while addressing problems and solutions. This manager begins the meeting by expressing how valuable the employees are to the company and to each other.

How can EI be beneficial in the workplace and your personal life?

The ability to read and regulate emotions allows emploees to deal more effectively with stressful situations. If you work with difficult people you can learn to work with them. Leaders who can demostrate higher EQ are more likely to be successful.

What is the definition of moral identity in the context of emotional intelligence? The way people pursue their needs relative to those of their society The degree to which people can withstand workplace-based stress The degree to which people see themselves as ethical and caring The way people respond when confronted with ethical dilemmas

The degree to which people see themselves as ethical and caring. The degree to which people see themselves as ethical and caring determines their moral identity.

An incident debrief is being used as a mechanism to help improve an employee's emotional intelligence. How is this strategy implemented? An employee who displays low emotional intelligence behavior asks a coworker for constructive feedback on the issue. The manager makes a formal complaint to human resources about an employee's low emotional intelligence behavior. The manager observes an employee's emotional intelligence behavior and provides feedback about it to the employee at a later time. An employee makes a formal complaint to human resources about a coworker's low emotional intelligence behavior.

The manager observes an employee's emotional intelligence behavior and provides feedback about it to the employee at a later time. An incident debrief is an informal mechanism that managers can use to coach employees in their EI development. The manager observes EI behavior and then discusses it with the employee.

Social skills

a broad range of behaviors related to managing relationships with others.

Behavioral event interviews

These are guided interview questions where individuals use their own words to describe their thoughts and feelings during a specific situation. The coach then uses individual responses to measure specific behaviors and competencies and establish a development plan.


These are paper or online questionnaires that ask learners to describe their preferred actions in specific situations. More sophisticated surveys require trainers or coaches to be accredited.

A manager would like to improve the use of active listening to help ensure that the message being delivered is understood. Which action should the manager take first when the speaker finishes a statement? Respond with fact-based concerns to avoid communication errors Ask close-ended questions to ensure accuracy Translate the message into new words to signal understanding Speak without using body language to reduce cultural misinterpretation

Translate the message into new words to signal understanding. Translating the message and repeating it back in the listener's own words signals that the message was heard and understood. It is a technique associated with active listening.

Some of the major building blocks of EI include the following: Self-awareness is the ability to accurately perceive, assess, and exhibit appropriate emotions. Self-management enables you to channel your emotions in a positive way when needed. Social awareness refers to the ability to empathize and understand how others feel. Relationship management is the ability to assist others in managing their own emotions and establish supportive relationships with others.


How does high EI help global leaders?

Understanding how their own values and cultural norms compare to those of other countries.

Open-ended and follow-up questions

another active listening strategy is to think of questions you can ask for clarification.

Sellie-Dosunmu highlights numerous EQ assessment tools including

behavioral event interviews, simulation feedback, and surveys.


controlling your thoughts and impulses in order to manage your internal state.

Social competencies

emotional intelligence competencies relating to developing empathy and social skills.

Personal competencies

emotional intelligence competencies relating to self-awareness, self-regulation, and motivation.


emotional tendencies that impact your ability to reach personal goals.

The 80/20 rule

figuring out when to talk and when to listen requires social skills. Active listening should be outwardly focused with an 80/20 listening to speaking ratio.

Self awareness

knowing your inner preferences, beliefs, and resources in order to recognize patterns in your behavior and thoughts.

You can support others in their EI evolution by helping them develop what two competencies?

personal competencies and social competencies.


refers to the process of writing thoughts and emotions on a regular basis and recording how you feel from day to day.

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