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Explicit instruction is based on principles of effective instruction. Which of the following classroom activities aligns with the principles of effective instruction?

Use skill-based small groups extensively.

What is equity pedagogy?

Using different teaching styles to meet the diverse needs of students

Manifestation Determination

A determination that a student's inappropriate behavior is not a result, or manifestation, of his or her disability. This is usually determined in a hearing and is required when a student's behavior violates school rules and before the school can undertake disciplinary action that might result in a student's suspension from school.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

A federal civil rights law. It protects students from disability discrimination by public schools, and by any college, trade school, or private school that gets federal funding. Students of all ages who have a physical or mental disability that substantially limits a major life activity. That can include reading, learning, and concentrating. Children with disabilities who are not eligible for special education under IDEA may qualify for accommodations under Section 504. For example, accommodations for extra time on tests, assistive technology, calculators, keyboards, graphic organizers, and school services would be speech therapy, and transportation. An example of a student in need of a 504 would be a student with ADHD (but not always) or use of a wheelchair.


A federal education law. Kids with disabilities who qualify can get special education and related services from public schools. a child must have a disability in one of 13 categories in the law and need special education to make progress in school. Schools would receive federal funding. For example, Special education, explicit reading instruction, Related services such as speech and occupational therapy, accommodations like extra time on tests, seating at the front of the class, and Assistive technology like calculators, keyboards, graphic organizers. This is set up through an IEP, Individualized Education Plan.

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

A legal document required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act for every child with a disability; includes statements of present levels of academic performance (students' abilities and weaknesses), annual goals, instructional objectives, specific educational services needed, the extent of participation in the general education program, evaluation procedures, and relevant dates, and must be signed by parents as well as educational personnel. An example can be a student with dyslexia, speech, or language impairment, emotional disturbance, also ADHD.

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

A legal term from the IDEA that specifies that students with disabilities must be educated as close to the same environment as their typical (non-disabled) peers. It is this provision on which inclusion is based. The intent of LRE is to make sure that kids who receive special education are included in the general education classroom as often as possible.

Differentiated Instruction

A variety of techniques used to adapt instruction to the individual ability levels and learning styles of each student in the classroom; reading buddies, audio and visual, text on tape, small group re-teach, interest centers, personal agendas, different rubrics, working alone, or groups

How does acceleration differ from compacting?

Acceleration provides access to higher grade-level curriculum moving at a faster pace.

Nondiscriminatory Evaluation

All evaluations provided by the school must be fair, nondiscriminatory, and appropriate for the child's needs. All evaluations must be considered, (even ones paid for by the parents outside of the school.) Tests must be administered in the student's native language, age, and suspected disability. More than one test must be used in determining the disability and need for services. Knowledgeable and appropriately trained individuals must administer the tests. All decisions about eligibility for special education and related services must be made by a team, not a single individual. To be eligible for special education and related services, students must meet specific criteria; school districts serve students' educational needs under specified disability categories.

If EL student with exceptionalities do not have strong reading skills, they may feel intimidated practicing close reading with a difficult text. What can be done?

Allow EL students to do "Close reading activities" with portrait or pictures


Americans with Disabilities Act—forbids discrimination on the basis of a physical or mental disability if the individual can perform "essential function" of the job. Not specific to schools but the general public.


As a general education teacher, you will hear a lot of personal information about students, especially those with disabilities. You should discuss information about a specific student only with others who need to know. For example, a 3rd-grade teacher might talk with the special education teacher about problems in the classroom with a student who receives services from that teacher but should not discuss these problems with colleagues who are not part of the student's educational team.

You have a student who has an IEP for a behavioral disability and is first suspended, then expelled for repeated incidents of disrespect, disruption, and aggression. According to federal requirements, what should happen next?

Before finalizing the expulsion, the school will hold a hearing to decide whether the behavior is a manifestation of the student's disability.

How can data be used to change teaching practice for students who underperformed on a formative exam?

By temporarily decreasing task demands to build their content mastery

A school system agrees that a student with a reading disability needs specialized reading instruction due to her disability and suggests her parents hire a reading tutor to address her reading needs. Which important student right has been violated?

FAPE ( free appropriate public education )

A_____________ could be an appropriate assessment differentiated on the basis of students' learning profiles.

Choice board

Which practice may reduce inappropriate over- or under-identification of ELs for special education services?

Consider native literacy and language.


Consortium of states that promotes research, standards, and professional development to support ELLs and academics and language learning

A teacher uses reading materials at different readability levels. Which method of differentiation is the teacher using?


An exit ticket with options to complete different questions, of varying difficulty, is differentiated on the basis of


You are a teacher planning a lesson for a class that includes both students with learning disabilities and students who are gifted and talented. You decide to pre-assess your students and structure small group tasks during the lesson based on pre-assessment results. Which of the following is an appropriate strategy for your learners with gifts and talents?

Create an alternative activity with higher-order thinking questions and extension activities for students who answer pre-assessment questions correctly.

Which of the following is true about curriculum compacting?

Curriculum compacting has no negative effects on student learning, according to research.

Why is explicit instruction particularly useful for students with learning disabilities?

Explicit instruction ensures that content is explained clearly and provides students with opportunities for practice.

What is one function of the Home Language Survey for English language (EL) students?

Determines the potential need for a language assistance program


Difficulty with written information on exams or essays, despite solid comprehension of a topic

Child Find/Zero Reject

Districts must seek out and identify every eligible student with a disability, and no child can be excluded from school based on a disability

Contrary to some stereotypes, explicit instruction does allow for differentiation by teachers to meet different students' needs. Which of the following is a way that a teacher can provide meaningful content differentiation within an explicit instruction lesson?

During guided practice, give students varying problems to work on according to their ability.

True or False: If a student with an IEP violates a zero-tolerance policy, (e.g. weapon possession, drug use, etc.), all procedures must be followed regardless of the student having an IEP.

False! If the student has violated a zero-tolerance policy, the school must first read the IEP to determine whether the behavior is a result of the student's disability through a manifestation determination. If the behavior is a result of the student's disability, then the student cannot be disciplined in the same way as a student without a disability.

True or False: The primary value of differentiated assessment lies in its ability to provide information about students' learning profiles and preferences.

False: Differentiated assessment allows more accurate measurement of what students know, although it can also provide valuable information about learning profiles and preferences.

True or False: Requiring bilingual testing for all ELs would eliminate over- and under-identification of ELs in special education.

False: English-only testing is one reason that students who are not yet proficient in English may be erroneously identified for special education services.

True or False: Explicit instruction must include a small group component.

False: Explicit instruction often uses small group work, but it does not always need to incorporate group work.

True or False: All the laws discussed in this module (IDEA, Section 504, and ADA) provide funding to schools for educating students with disabilities.

False: IDEA is the only law of these three to provide funding for school districts to offer special education services to students with disabilities.

True or False: Services and instruction for students with disabilities must be provided in the LRE. A general education classroom is not always the LRE for every student; this decision is made by teams based on the needs and profile of each particular student. However, teams should carefully consider the benefits of general education placement for all students with disabilities. Placement in the general education setting is preferable for students with disabilities because it lowers costs.

False: Placement in general education is preferable, but not for reasons of cost. Placement in general education ensures students have access to same-age peers, grade-level curriculum, and an environment free from stigma.

True or False: It is appropriate to place ELs in classrooms with students of significantly different ages if their overall English proficiency levels are similar.

False: Placement of ELs should be tied to their age, grade level, and ability to access grade-level content; as a result, they should not be placed with significantly younger or older children who are learning different grade-level content.

True or False: While explicit instruction can be implemented at any grade level, its core elements are different for elementary, middle, and high school students.

False: The core elements of explicit instruction remain the same, although teachers may differentiate in age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate ways for various grade levels.

True or False: Title III requires that all ELs receive instruction in self-contained, EL-only classrooms rather than in the general classroom.

False: Title III does not regulate how EL services must be provided, and students can receive support in a variety of ways: self-contained, pullout, push-in, or co-taught instruction.

True or False: Asking gifted students to routinely tutor less advanced students is an effective instructional strategy for gifted students.

False: While occasional peer tutoring can strengthen knowledge of content, it is inappropriate to rely on more advanced students to provide remediation for peers; this fails to allow the more advanced students to move deeper into content.

Who participates in IEP?

General Education teacher, special education teacher, school psychologist (interpret the results), Someone from the district to authorize the services, & parents. Goals reevaluated every 3 years.

You are a teacher who is using explicit instruction to teach your students how to enter and exit the room during a lesson on routines and procedures in the first week of school. Which activity can be considered guided practice?

In groups of three, students review the guidelines and practice entering the room while critiquing each other.

Which of the following is a foundational component of IDEA?

Individualized education programs

Maximum language acquisition happens when learners read or hear language that is a bit beyond their current level of understanding. Which hypothesis of Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) includes this belief?


What are 6 key principles for English Learner Instruction

Instruction focuses on discipline-specific practices, cultural assets, and prior knowledge, English proficiency level(s) and prior schooling experiences, a variety of academic settings, Diagnostic tools and formative assessment practices are employed.

Which of the following is true of effective instruction for gifted students?

It should involve supported risk-taking with assurance that occasional failure is acceptable.

Title III addresses English learners (ELs), including what other status of students?

Migrant children and youth

Explicit instruction typically includes six core functions: review, presentation, guided practice, feedback, independent practice, and ongoing review. Which of the following is an important part of the "presentation" function?

Model and provide examples.

I do, we do, you do

Model new sentence pattern, vocab, or slide goal. Guided practice with students. The student does it on their own. Great of EL students EG - Sound out all parts of a word and blend. Then say each part of the word and wait for the student to repeat

You are working with a student who has a learning disability and does not structure paragraphs correctly in writing assignments. When asked, the student says he does not know what a good paragraph is supposed to look like. Which element of explicit instruction is likely to be helpful for the student?

Models, examples, and non-examples

Which statement describes what modifications and accommodations change in education?

Modifications change what a student learns, and accommodations change how a student learns.

A student with a movement impairment is given extra time and adaptive technology to answer a question. Which differentiation strategy has been applied?

Multiple means of action and expression

UDL is an instructional framework for challenging, supporting, and engaging learners. What are the three core principles of UDL?

Multiple means of action and expression, Multiple means of engagement, and Multiple means of representation. UDL represent the "what," "how," and "why" students learn.

The UDL guidelines provide specific elements, aligned to each core UDL principle, that can be used to create engaging learning experiences for all students. Which UDL principle is represented when a teacher minimizes distractions in the classroom and fosters collaboration through community-building?

Multiple means of engagement

Which provisions of ESSA will significantly impact testing of ELs?

Native language testing, State choice of accountability measures, and Option to exclude ELs' scores from school rating and accountability calculations in the first year.

change of placement

Once a child reaches more than a total of 10 school days of removal IDEA provides increased protections. the school must notify parents, the school must provide the educational services in your child's IEP or 504 plan, and conduct a Manifestation Determination after the 11th day.

You are the teacher of a student with an autism spectrum disorder who struggles to remain engaged, adjust to new ideas, and generalize skills. Which aspect of explicit instruction might be most helpful for your student and why?

Opportunities for practice, because the student will be able to adjust to performing the new skill and frequent teacher feedback can help her stay engaged

Which requirements are included in Title III of ESSA?

Options to assess ELs in their native language, Greater emphasis on parent and family communication, and Consistent methods to determine whether students are eligible for English language instruction services

Who must give input in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) placement process?


Compacting the curriculum steps

Pre-assess students knowledge, match assessment with curriculum, select appropriate activities, give formative assessment ensure students are challenged.

Student A, who has an IEP, is not following the classroom rule of always raising her hand and waiting to be called on to answer a question. What is the first thing the teacher should do?

Read the IEP to determine whether the behavior is related to a disability.

A teacher wants to create a test-taking routine for students. Which step should the teacher take to create a routine for taking tests?

Remind students to read the directions before each test begins.

Which student behavior might be cause for a manifestation determination hearing?

Repeated fighting with peers

After finishing a unit about a famous explorer, a teacher asks English learner (EL) students to make a poster about a famous explorer. Which instructional practice is the teacher using to support language development?


Parent Participation

Schools must collaborate with parents and students with disabilities in planning and implementing special education and related services

Which of these areas includes standards promoted by WIDA for describing how ELs should use language?

Social and instructional language along with academic language in mathematics, science, and social studies

Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

Special education and related services that (a) have been provided at public expense, under public supervision and direction and without charge; (b) meet the standards of the state educational agency; (c) include an appropriate preschool, elementary, or secondary school education in the state involved; and (d) are provided in conformity with the individualized education program.

Related Services

Specialized services such as transportation, counseling, speech, physical or occupational therapy required to meet a student's IEP goals

Which characteristic might indicate a potential exceptionality in an eighth-grade EL student who has recently arrived to the United States?

Student learned to read in his native country but has difficulty comprehending text in both his native language and English.

What is a characteristic of students who are learning a second language?

Students who practice the second language in academic settings learn academic language faster.

You are working with a diverse group of learners, and you need to pre-assess their background knowledge in a topic. How could you pre-assess their knowledge while differentiating the product students produce?

Tell students the topic, and allow them to select from a menu of product options that they could complete to summarize their knowledge about the topic.

Several laws address rights and access for individuals with disabilities. _________________ addresses rights, protections, and education specifically for students in schools, while the _________________ addresses rights and accessibility for all individuals.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act/Americans with Disabilities Act

A student performs well on mathematics tasks but often struggles with reading assignments. Which inference can be made?

The student may have a learning disability.

You are the teacher of an EL who has been placed in English language instruction. The EL is new to the United States and, when the state-mandated tests are given, she will have been enrolled in school for only three months. Under ESSA, which option would be most appropriate?

The student takes the required state-mandated test in math, administered in her native language, but does not take the reading assessment this year.

An EL student was placed in a special education program. It was determined later that this student was incorrectly placed in the program. What may be the reason for this?

The student was identified as having a learning disorder before being assessed as a second language learner.

What is one characteristic of English learners?

They progress through developmental stages of second language acquisition.

True or False: Modeling involves demonstration or instruction by the teacher but should still be interactive.

True: Although it may involve direct instruction or demonstration by the teacher, modeling should still be engaging and involve students.

True or False: Beginning with the most challenging material can be an appropriate strategy for teachers of gifted students.

True: As independent learners, gifted students may need less scaffolding or direct instruction than typical students, and beginning with more challenging material can help teachers determine what they should do next.

True or False: Students who are gifted can remain in general education classrooms as long as teachers plan differentiated activities for them.

True: As with all learners, the general education classroom can be an appropriate setting for gifted education as long as the classroom teacher provides challenging opportunities to learn at each student's skill level.

True or False: Dual language is another name for two-way immersion programs.

True: Dual language, or two-way immersion, is a type of program model in which students receive content instruction in two languages (such as English and Spanish). It is also sometimes called bilingual education. This model is helpful for ELs and is also sometimes used for native English speakers who are enrolled in special foreign language programs or schools.

True or False: Eliminating some curriculum material may be appropriate for gifted students.

True: Eliminating some material that students already know is called compacting and is an appropriate practice for gifted learners.

True or False: Formative classroom assessment for students with disabilities should include engaging activities just as instruction should.

True: Formative assessment can be engaging and can involve students; it need not be focused on rote response or memorization and recall.

True or False Education plans (IEPs or 504 plans) for ELs with disabilities should address students' native language proficiency as well as their English proficiency and academic skills.

True: IEPs and 504 plans should be formulated based on students' native language skills as well as their English skills and should include goals and supports in both languages as appropriate.

True or False Explicit instruction includes teacher feedback in some form.

True: Teachers may provide feedback in a variety of ways, but explicit instruction requires teacher feedback as students transition to guided practice and independent performance of the skill.

True or False: UDL is for all learners, not just those with exceptionalities.

True: While UDL can be particularly effective for students with exceptionalities, it can help teachers to provide effective instruction for all students from all backgrounds and with different learning styles.

True or False: A lesson for students with disabilities can be characterized as explicit instruction if it includes a clear teacher model for the new skill or concept, multiple chances for guided practice with appropriate scaffolding, frequent and direct teacher feedback, examples, and non-examples, and independent practice.

True: While experts characterize other elements as being typical of, or helpful in, explicit instruction, these core features can be said to be aligned with the explicit instruction model.

Students who are ELs or who have exceptionalities may need multiple opportunities to see and practice a skill. What can be recommended to a teacher?

Use a "I do, we do, you do" approach of modeling.

School districts typically administer a home language survey to families in order to identify any students who may use other languages and should be tested to see whether they are eligible for English language instruction services. Which question might typically appear on a home language survey?

What is the language most often spoken by the student?

Which question should students be able to answer using any feedback they receive?

What specifically should I do next time based on this feedback?

A teacher has a classroom of students who mostly share the same mainstream culture. The teacher has a different background and culture than many of the students in the class. Should the teacher consider using culturally responsive teaching in the classroom?

Yes, because all students can benefit from these teaching strategies.

Explicit instruction is sometimes seen as lacking real-world context. However, this is not the case. Which of the following is an example of an authentic, meaningful context for an explicit instruction lesson?

Your students are learning addition, so you have them identify items they want in a store flier and add up the cost of those items.

For gifted students, _________________ and ________________ are two strategies that can lead to engagement and learning.

collaboration, self-monitoring

systematic instruction

instruction of concepts, strategies, and skills that builds from simple to complex. a structured, systematic, and effective methodology for teaching academic skills. repetitive, group work

Providing opportunities for success allows students with learning needs to __________________

master content and increase self-confidence

Title III requires schools to report on the number of ELs receiving services and their progress toward language


If EL student with exceptionalities lack confidence or language skills to participate verbally.

provide EL students with nonverbal options for participants

Explicit instruction is sometimes erroneously seen as having an emphasis on ____________

rote instruction (habitual repetition)

Standards-based instruction for ELs should use multiple ___________________. to foster student independence.


Standards-based instruction for ELs should use multiple_______________ to foster student independence.


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