Data Analysis

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A researcher is examining the relationship between use of illegal drugs (opiods/THC/Other) and sepsis (yes/no) in a sample of 78 ICU patients. An appropriate test would be: chi squared


A study examines the abuse of bath salts (yes/no) and bowel control (yes/no). The Chi Square is 32.8 with a p value of 0.005. You know this means: the abuse of bath salts is associated with bowel control


A study examines the relationship between interpersonal violence and health in women. They include an independent variable of exposure to violence from an intimate partner, other personal violence or both. The independent variable is measured at what level? nominal


You conduct a study of 1,000 people and determine that 137 have a virus and test positive with your screen. 21 have the virus and test negative with your screen. 506 do not have the virus and test negative with your screen. What is the prevalence rate of the disease? 15.8%


You have collected data about the average age of participants in your study. You are delighted to find that the variable is normally distributed. If the mean age is 12 years and the standard deviation is 4 years. What is the median age for your subjects? 12 years


You have two randomly selected groups enrolled in two different weight loss programs and you want to compare the average number of pounds lost. What test would be appropriate? independent t test


Your patient completes a DXA scan and the report indicates her left hip bone density has a Z score of -1.4. You know this means: you patients bone density is below average


Your subjects complete a pretest to assess their cognitive skills and have a median score of 67% on the pretest. Then they complete your intervention and a post-test with the following scores: 82%, 79%, 47%, 65%, 81%, 57%, 57%, 52% and 66%. What was the median on the posttest? 65%


A hospital researcher conducts a study that reports if an emergency travel advisory is issued during a storm the risk of traumatic injuries is impacted (RR=0.89, 95% CI=0.74-0.98 ). You know this means: An emergency travel advisory is a significant protective factor decreasing traumatic injuries.


A hospital researcher is coding adults according to size. A person with a below - average body mass index (BMI) is coded as 1, average is 2, and above average is 3. What level of measurement is this? ordinal


A hospital researcher is coding adults according to size. A person with a below - average body mass index (BMI) is coded as 1, average is 2, and above average is 3. What level of measurement is this? ordinal


A hospital researcher is examining data about nurses in their first year of practice at her hospital. Use the table below to answer the following question. During what time frame were the most medication errors made? 4-6 months


A hospital researcher wants to complete a study to see if there is a relationship between the number of quiet hours and patient satisfaction (poor, moderate, high) in a convenience sample of 110 patients at your hospital. What statistical test would you recommend? spearman's correlation coefficient spearmans correlation coefficient


A numeric amount or measurement is associated with what type of measurement? quantitative


A professor wishes to determine if there is a difference between the average test grades of her students who use the resources available to them with those students who don't use the resources. The Alpha is 0.05 and the P-value is 0.03. She should conclude: Reject the null hypothesis because there is a statistically significant relationship between nursing students' grades and their use of available resources.


A random sample of medical personnel were involved in a hand washing study at a local hospital to determine if the average residual bacterial count on hands was different for day or night. The study involves an alpha of 0.10 and finds a p value of 0.12. What should the researcher conclude? There is NOT a statistically significant difference in the residual bacterial count found on the hands of day and night nurses.


A researcher collects demographic data on the marital status of the study subjects. The variable is measured as married <2 years, married 2-9 years, married >9 years. The researcher reports that the most frequent response from subjects is married <2 years. What other measure of central tendency would be appropriate to report from this type of variable? median


A researcher collects demographic data on the marital status of the study subjects. The variable is measured as married/divorced/separated/widowed/never married/cohabitating. What would be the most appropriate measure of central tendency? mode


A researcher collects demographic data on the marital status of the study subjects. The variable is measured as married/not married. What would be the most appropriate measure of central tendency? mode


A researcher collects demographic data on the marital status of the study subjects. The variable is measured as the number of years married on a scale of 0-75. What would be the most appropriate measure or measures of central tendency? any of these measures of central tendency would be appropriate


A researcher is examining the relationship between taking oral prednisone for severe arthritis and blood glucose levels. One of the study subjects is your patient and you see from the report that his blood glucose level has a Z score of 2.2. You know this means: Your patient's average blood glucose level is higher than the average blood glucose level of the study participants.


A researcher is examining the relationship between the number of surgical errors made and experience (measured in years) in a sample of 60 residents (surgeons) at your hospital. An appropriate test would be: Pearson's correlation coefficient


A researcher reports that performance was significantly correlated with overall patient engagement among healthcare workers enrolled in an online degree program (r=0.8). You know this means: all of these are correct


A researcher utilizes a t-test to compare the average amount of beta-lactamase produced by two different types of bacteria. The Levene's test for equality of variances has a p value of 0.01. You know this means: You should report the t-test results associated with NOT assuming equal variances.


A researcher wants to compare the mean engagement score for healthcare employees enrolled in 3 different online degree programs (DNP/MSN/ BSN). What test would you recommend she utilize? ANOVA


A researcher wants to examine the relationship between age in years and the patient engagement score (0-100) for 700 nurses enrolled in an online degree program. What test would you recommend she utilize? pearsons correlation coefficient


A researcher wishes to determine if medical personnel in California have higher average vitamin D levels than medical personnel in New York. What would be an appropriate test to use? t test for independent samples


A researcher wishes to determine if there is a difference in the mean IQ level for a sample of brothers and a sample of their sisters. What would be an appropriate test? t test for dependent groups


A small pilot study reports consumption of energy drinks are not associated with adverse outcomes in children. However, a larger follow up study correctly reports that energy drinks are associated with death in children under age 5. You know this means: the small study was a type II error


A study examines the relationship between educational preparation and scores on a cultural competency exam. Subjects included are Radiology Technologist (RT) with an associate's degree, RTs with a baccalaureate degree, RTs with a master's degree, and RTs with a doctoral degree. In this example, educational level is the: independent variable


A study examines the risk of overdose (yes/no) and the use of hydromorphone (yes/no) in a sample of teens. What would be an appropriate test to use? chi squared


A study examining the relationship between travel and stress reports an r=0.4. You know that this means: There is a moderately positive correlation between the variables in the study.


A study reports that synthetic marijuana use is associated with altered mental status and tachycardia (heart rate over 100 beats). You know this means: there was adequate power to detect a difference


A study reports that taking Glucophage is associating with lower postprandial hyperglycemia (an exaggerated rise in blood sugar) (p<0.01). You know this means: a statistically significant association was found


The study you are reading reports that there are 673 subjects in the study and 72 are unlicensed personnel, 514 are licensed personnel, and 87 declined to answer the question. What percentage of the subjects are unlicensed personnel? 10.7%


You have collected data about the fasting blood glucose (FBG)level of participants in your study. You are delighted to find that the variable is normally distributed. If the mean FBG is 82 and the standard deviation is 2.8 in what range would you expect to find the FBG of 95% of your study participants? 76.4-87.6


You have collected data on voided fluid (VF) of participants in your study. The mean VF is 120 mls. Because you have some outliers noted in your study you also report a median VR which is 138 mls. Based on this data you know: the variable is not normally distributed


You randomly select 120 healthy individuals and randomize them into a group given a daily multivitamin and a group who does not take a daily multivitamin. You follow the sample for ten years and identify all cases of pernicious anemia which develop. Which statement is true? You can determine the RR for developing pernicious anemia from this data


You read a large study that indicates taking nitrofurantoin is associated with liver impairment. However, after examining the sampling methodology and the statistics you believe this conclusion is an error. If the conclusion is an error you know this means: a type I error was made


You want to conduct a study using probability sampling. You might consider what approach: stratified sampling


You would like to determine if meeting with a registered hospital chaplain (yes/no) is related to having a do not resuscitate order (yes/no) among a group of terminally ill patients at your health center. What would be the best statistical test to utilize? Chi- square


Your hospital had 317 reports of patients having allergic reactions in 2016. In 2017, you implemented the hospital wide use of latex free products and eliminated approximately 76% of the allergic reactions among patients. How many allergic reactions were reported in 2017? 76


Your patient completes a DXA scan and the report indicates her left hip bone density has a Z score of 1.8. You know this means: your patients bone density is above average


Your study of the use of compression stockings for post-surgical deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prevention utilizes an independent t-test and reports a p value of 0.02. The study has an alpha of 0.05, a beta of 0.08 and a sample size of 567 patients. What do you conclude? the results are statistically significant


Your subjects complete a pretest to assess their cognitive skills and have a mean score of 62% on the pretest. Then they complete your intervention and a post-test with the following scores: 82%, 79%, 47%, 65%, 81%, 57%, 57%, 52% and 76%. What was the mean on the posttest? 66%


hospital researcher is examining data about nurses in their first year of practice at her hospital. Use the table below to answer the following question. What percentage of the medication errors were made in the first nine months of practice? 77.8%


If a researcher wants to examine if there is a relationship between the number of steps taken and heart rate in a group of 1000 athletes, what would be the appropriate test to recommend? pearsons correlation coefficient


If utilizing a wearable fitness tracker is a statistically significant protective factor related to weight gain, identify which of the following 95% CL for a relative risk would be appropriate. 0.37-0.87


In January of 2016 a clinic is opened in Sierra Leone and 90 patients with Ebola are admitted. In February, 45 of the previous patients with Ebola have died and 78 more newly diagnosed patients with Ebola are admitted. How many incident cases of Ebola are there at the clinic in February? 78


Looking at the box and whiskers plot that is above. How might the outlier in Unit B inpact the average blood glucose level? it could increase the mean in Unit B


Researchers examine the impact of Omega-3 fatty acids on vasomotor symptoms in menopausal women. Subjects in the study are given either a placebo (0g daily), 1g daily or 1.8g daily and asked to record any vasomotor symptoms they experience. THE OMEGA-3 FATTY ACID variable is an example of what type of data? ordinal


Researchers examine the impact of Omega-3 fatty acids on vasomotor symptoms in menopausal women. Subjects in the study are given either a placebo (0g daily), 1g daily or 1.8g daily and asked to record the level of the vasomotor symptoms they experience on a scale of 0-10 each day. THE LEVEL OF VASOMOTOR SYMPTOMS is an example of what type of data? ratio


Researchers examine the impact of nonpharmacologic therapies on vasomotor symptoms. The therapies are recorded as yes or no to the use of acupuncture, exercise, relaxation, yoga, vitamin E or Omega-3 fatty acids. This is an example of what level of measurement? nominal level


Researchers examine the role of nonpharmacologic therapies on vasomotor symptom management in menopausal women. Subjects in the study are asked to keep a journal and describe or characterize any vasomotor symptoms they experience and how the nonpharmacologic therapies impact those symptoms. This is an example of what type of data? qualitative


Researchers examined the relationship between interpersonal violence and health in college age women. 540 students were selected to participate in the study, however, 93 did not answer the questions about violence and were thus not included in the study. Not answering the violence questions is an example of exclusion criteria


Researchers examined the relationship between interpersonal violence and health in college age women. The researchers administered a psychological distress questionnaire which produced a score on a scale of 0-12. What would be an appropriate measure or measures of central tendency to consider for this variable? any of these measure of central tendency would be appropriate


Researchers examined the relationship between interpersonal violence and health in college age women. They received 490 responses. Of those responses 89 women reported being abused at some point in their lifetime and 355 reported no history of abuse. What percentage of the sample were abused? 18.2%


Researchers studied symptom distress and palliative care designation among a sample of 900 hospitalized patients. They reported that women had higher average distress scores from anxiety (2.44) then men (2.20) but that this association was not significant. Which statement is correct? if this result were incorrect it would be a type II error


Researchers studied symptom distress and palliative care designation among a sample of 900 hospitalized patients. They reported that women were significantly more likely to experience distress from fatigue when compared to men. Which statement is correct? if this result were incorrect it would be a type I error


Researchers study the relationship between interpersonal violence and health in college age women. The researchers planned to examine the average score on a psychological distress scale and compare the score for abused versus non abused women. What would be an appropriate test to consider? t test for independent groups


Researchers study the relationship between interpersonal violence and health in college age women. The researchers report an odds ratio (OR) for psychological distress among abused versus non abused women (OR 1.37 95% CI 1.03-2.21). Based on this information, you know: abused women are significantly more likely to have psychological distress


Researchers study the relationship between interpersonal violence and health in college age women. The selected an alpha of 0.05. The researchers wanted to see if there was a significant difference in the type of primary residence (home vs. student housing) for abused versus non abused college aged women. They report a p value of 0.35. You know this means: There is not a statistically significant difference in the type of primary residence for abused vs. non-abused college aged women.


Researchers study the relationship between taking Vitamin C and life expectancy. A p value of 0.43 is reported. If the researchers were incorrect about this conclusion it would be an example what? a type II error


Researchers study the relationship between taking phenazopuradine and discoloration of urine. The alpha of the study is 0.05 and the reported p value is 0.04. You know this means: the result is statistically significant


Researchers use the chi-square test to determine if there is a significant association between marital status and being physically active. They examine this table from their SPSS output. What should they conclude? There is a significant association between marital status and being physically active.


Researchers want to conduct an independent t-test to compare subjects for whom English is a primary language and non-native English speakers. In order to do so the outcome or dependent variable needs to be what level: interval or ratio


Researchers wanting to assess skin irritation associated with a new sunscreen developed for those with photosensitivity. They randomly sample 240 men with a history of photosensitivity and 240 wmen without a history of photosensitivity and ask them to apply the cream and report the level of skin irritation they experience after spending 20 minutes in the sun using a scale of 0-10. The average skin irritation score for the group with a history photosensitivity was 1.2 and the average skin irritation score for the group without a history of photosensitivity was 1.4. The Levene's test for equality of variances had a p value of 0.08. You know this means: the researchers should report the t test results assuming equal variances


Several days after a wedding, an outbreak of food poisoning occurred among attendees. Of the 108 guests at the wedding, 76 were ill and met the case definition.50 of the 76 who were ill ate the wedding cake.Three of those who were well ate the wedding cake.What is the attack rate for those who ate the wedding cake? 94.3%


The researcher examines the relationship between hours of sleep and average test scores and reports an r=0.56, p=0.02. You know this means: all of these answers are correct


The director of the clinical documentation department wants to determine if there is an association between meeting monthly productivity goals (met/unmet) and nurses being certified clinical documentation specialists (yes/no). What would be the appropriate analysis method for the researcher to choose? chi squared test


The following table presents the number of new cases of an emerging infectious disease. What is the relative frequency of the 2017 cases? 40.5%


You have collected data about the fasting blood glucose (FBG) level of participants in your study. You are delighted to find that the variable is normally distributed. If the mean FBG is 82 and the standard deviation is 2.8 in what range would you expect to find the FBG of 68% of your study participants? 79.2-84.8


You are asked to answer a question about the quality of your manager's interpersonal interactions with colleagues and patients as part of her annual evaluation. The options are poor, fair, strong. You know this means: the variable is at an ordinal level


You are asked to rank the quality of your manager's interpersonal interactions with colleagues and patients on a Likert scale of 1-7. You know this means the data can be analyzed at what level. Interval level


You are conducting a study to determine if there is a relationship between daily teeth brushing (yes/no) and coronary heart disease (yes/no). What test would be appropriate to use? chi squared


You are conducting a study to determine if there is a relationship between sleeping well (yes/no) and arriving at work on time (yes/no). What test would be appropriate to use? chi- square


You are enrolling swimmers in a study on lung capacity. You want 25% of your sample to be those who compete at 100m or less distances and 50% to be swimmers who compete at 100m-500m distances and 25% to be swimmers who compete at >500m distances. You begin enrolling for your study at 5am at the pool. By 9 AM you have all of your 100-500m swimmers enrolled, and all of your >500m swimmers enrolled. This is an example of what type of sampling method? quota sampling


You are examining your data using a chi square test and produce the following SPSS output. What should you conclude about your null hypothesis? you should fail to reject your null hypothesis


You are interested in studying the discharge time for surgical patients on your service in the past three months. You determine that this data is available for all surgical patients on your service in the past three months utilizing a basic electronic medical record search. Your budget supports this work so you decide to collect data on all the patients involved. Your study includes: the population


You are reading a study that examines the impact of stress on ulcerative colitis. What is the independent variable? stress


You are reading a study that reports selecting a random sample of hospitals and estimating admission delay times. You know this is an example of: probability sampling


You are reading a study which randomly selected and enrolled every 60th prisoner from a population of 300,000 prisoners. You know this is an example of what type of sampling methodology? systematic


You are studying gastroesophageal reflux therapy among two hundred premature infants all of whom are less than 30 weeks and being tube fed in a NICU. You measure the average intraesophageal pH upon entry into the study, at two weeks, at four weeks and at six weeks. The best method to analyze this data is: repeat measures ANOVA


You conduct a case control study and determine that five people with Guinea Worm were exposed to water from river A. One person with the disease had no exposure to water from river A. You also determine that ten people without the disease drank from river A and eighty-nine were healthy and did not drink from river A. Calculate the appropriate Odds ratio. 44.5


You conduct a randomized study and find in your sample of patients admitted to the hospital with dementia, 31% will have a return emergency department (ED) visit within three months of discharge. National data becomes available at the end of the year, which then shows that within the full population of patients with dementia who are admitted to the hospital the actual return to ED rate within three months was 29%. You conclude: the difference reflects sampling error


You have collected data about the average response time of participants in your study. You are delighted to find that the variable is normally distributed. More than half your respondents take longer than 16 seconds to respond and one third take less than 12 seconds to respond. What is the median response time of your participants? the same as the mean response time


You have collected data about the average response time of participants in your study. You are delighted to find that the variable is normally distributed. The mean response time is 30 seconds and the standard deviation is 4 seconds what percent of your subjects would you expect to respond in 26-34 seconds? 68%

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