Data Analytics- Quiz 1

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a stack of DVDs as tall as a 55-story building

1 petabyte is equivalent to what?

the storage capacity of NASA datacenter

1 yottabyte is equivalent to what?

1. Volume 2. Variety 3. Velocity

3 V's of Data Analytics


80%-90% of future data growth comes from ____________ data types

1 byte

Basic unit of measurement

What happened?

Descriptive analytics answers what question?

Why did it happen?

Diagnostic analytics answers what question?

1. the use of database marketing and decision-science-based analytical tools 2. deliver great service that customers demand

How has Harrah increased customer loyalty in this challenging economy?


It mostly involves data stored in ________.

structured data

Most traditional analysis performed in companies includes _____ _____.

unsupervised learning

No target attribute

What will happen?

Predictive analytics answers what question?

How can we make it happen?

Prescriptive analytics answers what questions?

structured data

Transaction data and spreadsheets are examples of what?

1. Nominal 2. Ordinal

Two types of data under categorical

1. Descriptive 2. Diagnostic 3. Predictive 4. Prescriptive

Types of Data Analytics:

1. Numerical 2. Categorical

Types of data:

1. computers have become more powerful 2. networking has become ubiquitous 3. algorithms have been developed that can connect multiple data sets

What contributed to the opportunities to perform data analytics?

Instead of focusing on how much people spent in our casinos during a single visit, it became clear that they needed to focus on their potential worth over time.

What did Harrah learn from the data they collected?

It created a large customer database that included information about how customers behaved and their spending patterns.

What did the Total Gold player card program do that was good?

A focus on customer satisfaction

What other important aspect, combined with deep data mining and decision-science marketing, helped Harrah's over strategy?


What type of data analytics is for decision support and decision automation?


What type of data analytics is more for optimization?


What type of data analytics requires no human input?


What type of data analytics requires the most amount of human input?

1. Harrah's revenue depended on their casinos 2. cultivating lasting relationships with the company's core customers—slot players—would lead to greater and more sustainable profit growth

What was Harrah's thought behind their idea and success?

1. nothing differentiated this program from their competitor's effort 2. customers earned different rewards at different properties 3. customers were not given any incentives to consolidate their gaming with Harrah's

What were the problems behind the Total Gold player card program?

1,800 ZB

all the data recorded in 2011 was equivalent to how many zettabytes?

5 EB

all the information generated in 2003 is equal to how many Exabytes?


an attempt to predict a continuous attribute


bar charts and histograms- uni-variable or bi-variable?

structured data

data containing a defined data type, format, and structure

unstructured data

data that has no inherent structure, which may include text documents, sensor data, images, audio, video, log files


data that has order

ordinal data

data that includes relative frequency

nominal data

data that is in counts are included in a bar chart


data with no order

supervised learning

discover patterns in the data that relate data attributes with a target (class) attribute


errors in data


finds "natural" grouping of instances given un-labeled data

1 GB

how many gigabytes is a two-hour film?

30 KB

how many kilobytes is one page of text?

5 MB

how many megabytes is a piece of music?

1 TB

how many terabytes is 6 million books?


learns a method for predicting the instance class from pre-labeled (classified) instances


line plots and scatterplots- uni-variable or bi-variable?

Association Rules

method for discovering interesting relations between variables in large databases

1. supervised learning 2. unsupervised learning

methods of business analytics

1. classification 2. regression

methods of supervised learning

1. clustering 2. association rules

methods of unsupervised learning


numerical data is _________


refers to the increasing speed of which data is created and the speed at which it can be processed, stored, and analyzed


structured data can contain unstructured components. True or False?

unstructured data

text documents (tweets, facebook), sensor data, images, audio, video, and log files are examples of what?

Business Analytics

the study of data through statistical and operations analysis, the formation of predictive models, application of optimizations techniques and the communication of these results to customers, business partners and colleague executives

1. byte 2. Kilobyte 3. Megabyte 4. Gigabyte 5. Terabyte 6. Petabyte 7. Exabyte 8. Zettabyte 9. Yottabyte

volumes of data


we try to predict a categorical value with __________


we try to predict numerical variable with __________

expand their business in other emerging markets and focusing on the corporation's gaming.

what did Harrah do that was different than their competitors?


what did Walmart find, after data mining, was the top-selling pre-hurricane item?

class setting

what is an example of supervised learning?

nominal or ordinal

what kind of data can be made into bar charts?


what kind of data can be made into histograms?


what kind of data can be made into line plots and scatterplots?


what type of data analytics has the most value?


what type of data analytics is most difficult

1. Total Gold player card program

what was Harrah's first tactic in building customer relations?


when there is one variable in the chart

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