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What is table space?


Sample reports for data warehousing?

1. Credit and churn Analysis. 2. Insurance Fraud 3. Call Record analysis 4. logistics management

Data models? Name types....

1. Relational model- for database management is a database model based on first-order predicate logic,FIFO Model first formulated and proposed in 1969 by E.F. Codd. Says that datatype has to be same, primary key separates rows, All row info is related. Intersection row and column is atomic. 2. Entity Relationship- is an abstract and conceptual representation of data. Entity-relationship modeling is a database modeling method, used to produce a type of conceptual schema or semantic data model of a system, often a relational database, and its requirements in a top-down fashion. 3. Object oriented model-Class used as template to create object. is a database management system in which information is represented in the form of objects, consisting of single structures known as objects. 4. Network Model-Allows nodes on network to have more than one parent. 5.Hiericial model- organizes data in a tree structure, there is a hierarchy of parent and child data segments, uses parent child relationship. One parent for every node.

Clause order Describe?

1. Select Clause (Field name) 2. From Clause (Tables) 3. Where Clause (Predicates) (Multi Predicates) 4. Group By Clause (Aggregating fields) Sum, Min, Max, Avg, Total, Count 5. Having Clause (Predicate T or F Quantities) 6. Order By Clause (The order Printing)

what are the types of databases?

1. Single user- supports one user at a time. 2. Multi user- supports multi users at same time. 3. Work Group- used in specific department. 4. Enterprise Database- used by an entire organization, supports many users, usually more than 50 users, across many departments. 5. Distributed database- supports data distributed across several different sites called distributed. 6. operational database- manages day to day operations of a company. 7. Data warehouse-focuses on storing data used to generate information used to make decisons. 8. Temporal- is a database with built in time aspects, includes valid time and transaction time. 9. Decision Support Systems- typically uses artificial intelligence using prolog....AKA knowledge base systems.

Sql Commands?

1.DDL-Data definition language-used to define the database structure or schema. (Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate, Comment, Rename) Come with auto commit 2.DML-Data manipulation language- used for managing data within schema objects. (Select, insert, update, delete, merge, Call, explain plan, lock table) 3. TCL- Transaction Control Language- used to manage the changes made by DML statements. Allows statements to be grouped together into logical transactions. (Commit, Savepoint, Roolback, Set Transaction) DCL-Data Control Language- Statements- (Grant, Revoke)

name some functions of DBMS system?

1.Database Definitions 2. Database Creation 3. Retrival (query and reporting) 4. Update 5.Database performance tuning

What is Queue data structure?

A basic data structure that is used throughout programming, FIFO

What is Decision Support systems?

A class of computers based on information systems including knowledge base systems.

What is class?

A collection of like objects with shared structure (attributes) and behavior (methods)

What is Partial Dependency?

A condition in normalization in which an attribute is dependent on only a portion (subset) of the primary key.

What is link list?

A data structure that consist of a sequence of data records such that in each record there is a field that contains a reference to the next record. Last link in a link list normally contains null. Not constrained by geographical location.

What is data management?

A discipline that focuses on the proper generation, storage, and retrieval of data.

What is record?

A logical connected set of fields that describe a person, place, or thing.

What is Schema?

A logical grouping of database objects (tables, indexes, views, queries) that are related to each other. Usually a schema belongs to a single user or application.

Numeric fields can do the following?

A numeric field can add, subtract, multiply, and divide.....

What is pointer?

A programming data type that points to or refers to another value stored elsewhere in the computer memory.

What is database?

A shared integrated computer structure that stores a collection of End user data; meta data.

What is an array?

An array is method of storing elements of indexed data. Elements of data are stored in blocks within the array. Each element is referenced by an index or subscript. Requires consectutive addresses in memory, and also requires same data type.

What is an index?

An ordered array composed of index key values and row id values. Indexes used to speed up and facilitate data retrieval, allows database application to find data faster, without reading the whole table.

What is node?

Any item stored in a tree.

What is block?

Block is the smallest unit of data storage.

What is B.E.S.T.

Blocks, Extents, Segments, Table Space.

Data types?

Char, Int, Varchar, Number, Date

Define Database Analyst?

Collect and document users requirements, Design and develop database architecture for information. Design, construct, modify, integrate, implement and test data models.

Raw facts known as?


what is unstructured data?

Data that has not been processed and is in original raw state in which collected.

What is Semi Structured Data?

Data that is semi-processed.

Define DBA?

Database administrator, integrity, security, availability, performance, development and testing....

What is Def of DBMS?

Database management system. A computer based system that manages data resources and information.

What is a child node in a tree?

Each node in a tree has zero or more child nodes, which are below it in the tree (by convention, trees are drawn growing downwards). A node that has a child is called the child's parent node (or ancestor node, or superior). A node has at most one parent.

Creator of Relational Database Model

Edgar Ted Codd, wrote article titled "A Relational model of data for large shared data". Invented the relational model for database management, the theoretical basis for relational databases.

What is XML?

Extensible markup language, a language used to represent and manipulate data elements in a textual format.

What is Extents?

Extents are logical units of database storage, made up of blocks.

what is a field?

Field is a character or group of characters (alphabetic, numeric) that has a specific meaning. that defines person place or thing, ex: soc sec, name, address, phone

Processed raw data known as?

Information, is processed raw data processed to reveal its meaning.

Note Columns go vertical down and up

Note Columns go vertical down and up

Note Field name also called Attribute

Note Field name also called Attribute

Note Rows go horizontal

Note Rows go horizontal

Note every byte in a computer has an address and is stored in bytes

Note every byte in a computer has an address

Note pointers hold addresses

Note pointers hold addresses

Note: DBMS acts as intermediary between database and users

Note: DBMS acts as intermediary between database and users

What is Definition of column? Another name for column? What does field need to have?

One column might require a unique identifier. A column is a set of data values of a particular simple type, one for each row of the table. Column also called Field, and has to have title attached and can be (alpha numeric, date, varchar, char, int) data types.

Creator of Entity Relationship modeling? Name of models?

Peter Chen, created concept of entity relationship modeling in 1976. American computer scientist and Professor of Computer Science at Louisiana State University, who is known for the development of Entity-Relationship Modeling in 1976. Created One to One, One to Many, and Many to many.

Rows must have the following?

Primary key, and have the same data type.

What is Promote Method?

Promote method will change or upgrade to the next level.

Define Data Administrators?

Research and document data requirements, data collection and administration policy, data access rules and security.

What is root in Tree?

Root is the top item in a tree.

What are Segments?

Segments are collection of extents.

Index segments?

Stores each index data in its own index segment.

What does sql

Structured Querie Language

What is knowledge?

The body of information and facts about a specific subject.

Fields have to have? Also called?

The same data types, Called Columns

What is Transaction Time?

The time a transaction was made.

What is bi-temporal database?

This is a database that has both transactional and valid transaction time. Both temporal roolback and historical information.

Other names for Rows?

Tuples, and Records.....

What is Valid time?

Valid time is the time for which a fact is true in the real world

Centralized database?

a database that is central to one location or site.

What is a function?

a function is smaller units of code that runs a specific task. Then returns control back to the system.

what is a procedure?

a procedure is a program or process that acomplishes a specific function on a regular basis. becomes a routine.

What is Normalization?

a process that assigns attributes to entities in such a way that data redundances are reduced or eliminated.

What is subschema?

individual users partial view of a database.

Transistive Dependency?

is a dependency of one non prime attribute on another nonprime attribute.

What is TREE data structure?

is a non empty set, tree is a widely-used data structure that emulates a hierarchical tree structure with a set of linked nodes.

What is data warehouse?

is a repository of an organizations electronically stored data, designed to support reporting and analysis.

What is Data mart?

is a subset of an organizations data store, usually for a specific department or specific purpose.

What is Stack data structure?

is an ordered list where insertion and deletion take place at one end called top of stack, stack is LIFO

max number of nodes in binary Tree?

max two nodes

Derived Field?

means a field that info can be provided by any other field of info.

what is structured data?

reformatting data such that data can be stored and used in information generation.

Row definition?

represents a single, implicitly structured data item in a table.

Temporary segments?

when processing queries, oracle often requires temp work space for immediate stages of sql statement parsing.

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