Deca Hospitality and Tourism Practice Questions

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What is an example of a job title in corporate finance? A. Product manager B. Accountant C. Credit analyst D. Salesperson

C: Credit analyst. There are many types of careers in corporate finance. A credit analyst is an example of a job in corporate finance. Accountants, salespeople, and product managers are not roles that fall under corporate finance.

The "Let's Go Nuts" coffee shop brings in $68,000 in sales during the year. Its cost of goods sold totals $42,000, and its operating expenses are $27,000 for the same year. What is the net income or net loss for the coffee shop? A. $1,000 net loss B. $41,000 net loss C. $1,000 net income D. $26,000 net income

A: $1,000 net loss. To calculate the net income or net loss, subtract the cost of goods sold from the revenue to get the gross profit. In this case, $68,000 - $42,000 = $26,000. Subtract the total operating expenses from the gross profit to get the net income or net loss for the coffee shop ($26,000 - $27,000 = - $1,000). A net loss occurs when total expenses are greater than total revenue. Net income occurs when total revenue is greater than total expenses.

A business borrowed $4,000 from the Fifth National Bank. The business owns $7,000 worth of inventory and still has $24,000 of its original initial investment in the business. What is the liability of the business? A. $4,000 B. $35,000 C. $7,000 D. $24,000

A: $4,000. Liabilities are debts owed by the business. In this case, the business owes the $4,000 it borrowed from the Fifth National Bank. The $7,000 worth of inventory is an asset because it's owned by the business. The $24,000 is the business's equity or net assets.

Which of the following is a positive moment of truth: A. A customer finds chocolates on their hotel room pillows after checking in. B. A sales representative exceeds their sales quota for the year as a new hire. C. A business announces to its shareholders that it has doubled its annual profit. D. A manufacturer develops a new product model in less time than the original.

A: A customer finds chocolates on their hotel room pillows after checking in. A moment of truth is any time a customer engages with a company and has an opportunity to form an impression. Moments of truth can be small. By placing chocolates on the guest's pillow, the company has created a positive customer experience that might give the customer a lasting, positive impression. While the business, manufacturer, and sales representative examples are all positive, they do not relate to the customer experience and, therefore, are not examples of a moment of truth.

When processing sales transactions for gift cards, it is important for cashiers to A. collect cash payments. B. obtain the customers' telephone numbers. C. activate the gift cards for use. D. sign the sales receipts.

A: Activate the gift cards for use. Gift cards are popular gifts that provide recipients with the flexibility to purchase goods or services when they want to obtain or use them. Gift cards are similar to credit or debit cards in that they have magnetic strips that transmit information during the payment process. Cashiers must activate the card at the time the gift giver buys the gift card so the recipient can use it. Most businesses allow customers to pay for gift cards by various methods including check, credit/debit cards, and cash. For customer relationship management purposes, cashiers may ask customers for their telephone numbers; however, this action is not required to complete the sales transaction. If the customer pays for the gift card with a credit or debit card, they are required to sign the sales receipt.

Hospitality businesses are developing strategies to accommodate niche markets. Skydivers are an example of a group in a growing segment called the __________ market. A. adventure B. environmental C. agritourism D. geotourism

A: Adventure. The hospitality industry is developing ways to accommodate niche markets. Trends indicate that many niche markets are growing. Some of these markets include the baby boomers, health-conscious people, and adventure travelers. Adventure travelers include people who enjoy nature and often enjoy taking risks. Adventure travelers enjoy activities such as skydiving, mountain biking, and race car driving. Geotourism (or environmental tourism) refers to a market that is interested in unique or threatened outdoor environments, such as the rainforest. Agriculture enthusiasts are members of a niche market called the agritourists and often visit working farms.

In management, a primary organizing activity is A. assigning responsibility. B. controlling external conditions. C. hiring talented workers. D. evaluating job performance.

A: Assigning responsibility. Organizing is the management function of setting up the way the business's work will be done. Assigning responsibility (establishing levels of authority) is an organizing activity. Hiring talented workers is a staffing activity. Evaluating job performance is a controlling activity. Management can monitor and adapt to external conditions but cannot control them.

One way to prevent breaches of digital customer data is to A. collect as little data as possible. B. store data indefinitely. C. share data with all employees. D. report data security issues

A: Collect as little data as possible. One way that businesses can prevent large-scale breaches of customer data is to collect as little data as possible. If the business only collects the data that is necessary, rather than keeping a large amount of extraneous personal information, it will be less vulnerable. Sharing data with all employees increases the risk that customer data will be compromised. Storing data indefinitely also increases the risk of a data breach. Reporting data security issues is good practice, but it will not necessarily prevent data breaches in the first place.

Using a step-by-step selling process helps salespeople remain organized, gaining customer A. confidence. B. referrals. C. admiration. D. praise.

A: Confidence. Using a step-by-step selling process helps salespeople remain organized, gaining customer confidence. Customer confidence can in turn lead to closed sales. A salesperson's organization may or may not earn customer praise, referrals, or admiration.

When processing a room reservation by phone, the hotel reservationist should provide the guest with a(n) A. confirmation number at the end of the call. B. daily transaction code at the beginning of the call. C. policy reference number at the end of the call. D. arrival identification code at the beginning of the call.

A: Confirmation number at the end of the call. Confirmation numbers are codes that hotels use to validate and track guests' reservations. When taking guests' reservations, the hotel reservationist should provide the guest with a confirmation number near the conclusion of the call after the terms of the bookings have been set. Often, hotels will also send an email to guests that contains their confirmation numbers. If guests need to make changes to their reservations, they provide their confirmation numbers to the reservationists, which help them access and change the guests' information quickly. Reservationists do not provide guests with daily transaction codes, policy reference numbers, or arrival identification codes.

Simon, an employee at a movie theater, never takes popcorn or snacks from behind the counter unless he pays for them. He knows that the theater would run into trouble if the employees routinely took food without paying for it. Simon's behavior is an example of how employees can A. contribute to expense control. B. be punished for breaking the rules. C. increase expenses for the company. D. act as salespeople for the company.

A: Contribute to expense control. Employees can help keep expenses down by respecting company property and paying for whatever they use or take. Simon's behavior is an example of how employees can contribute to expense control—not act as salespeople, be punished for breaking the rules, or increase expenses for the company.

Which of the following is a way to anticipate customer needs without asking: A. Get to know customers B. Focus on selling products C. Offer online chat support D. Plan customer service efforts

A: Get to know customers. Companies should be familiar with their customers and information about them, such as their previous purchases and other issues they've had with the company. This will help customer service employees prevent problems before they occur and give customers what they need. Focusing on selling products will not help companies anticipate customer needs. Planning customer service efforts is a good idea, but it is not necessarily related to anticipating customer needs without asking. Offering online chat support will not necessarily help companies anticipate customer needs without asking.

Vinny was pleased with his hotel room because it looked exactly like the pictures he saw online. This example best represents which factor that leads to positive customer experiences? A. Honesty B. Efficiency C. Empathy D. Respect

A: Honesty. Customers who are treated with honesty are much more likely to have a positive experience. Because the pictures online accurately reflected Vinny's hotel room, he was happy with the experience. This example is not as directly related to respect, efficiency, or empathy.

Which of the following is an important benefit of setting goals: A. Increases your chances of success in life B. Eliminates restrictive behavior guidelines C. Makes other people happy D. Simplifies your life

A: Increases your chances of success in life. Success has been defined as reaching the goals you have set yourself. Setting goals helps you achieve success by helping you understand yourself, giving you a target to aim toward, raising your level of self-esteem, and giving you a way to measure your progress. Goals should be accepted as your own, not set to please others. Goals provide valuable guidelines, not restrictions. Not all goals make life simpler.

A technology company that offers its products in many different colors and at several different price points likely has a __________ product mix. A. shallow B. narrow C. deep D. broad

C: Deep. Depth refers to the assortment of sizes, colors, flavors, and models offered in the product lines. A deep product mix offers significant variation of its products, while a shallow product mix offers few variations within the product line. Narrow and broad are terms that refer to a product mix's width.

While an adventure tour guide is leading a white-water rafting group, a group member falls and breaks an ankle. What are the primary provisions the guide needs to help the injured group member? A. Medical kit and cell phone B. Toolbox and flashlight C. Pain and allergy medication D. Map and compass

A: Medical kit and cell phone. Medical kits should contain items needed to initiate emergency care (e.g., a splint). Depending on the location of the accident and the extent of the injury, a cell phone would be useful to call for additional help and transportation of the injured party. A toolbox, flashlight, map, and compass may be helpful but are not the primary items needed for the described situation. Most first-aid or medical kits include nonprescription pain relievers and allergy medication, but allergy medication isn't likely to be useful when treating a broken ankle.

Effective promotional communication is A. persuasive. B. non-repetitive. C. inappropriate. D. irrelevant.

A: Persuasive. Successful promotion convinces potential customers that the product being offered for sale can satisfy their specific needs. Promotional communication should also be relevant to the target audience; appropriate for the product, image, or idea; and repetitive so that customers remember the message.

Open Road Bus Tours uses analytical tracking tools specifically to study how effective its advertisements are. The bus tour company then uses this information to improve its promotional efforts and reach more customers. What type of data does Open Road collect with these tracking tools? A. Primary B. Secondary C. Nonspecific D. Outlying

A: Primary. Primary data are facts collected specifically for the problem or project at hand. In other words, primary data are collected through original research. In this example, Open Road Bus Tours collects primary data through original research (the use of analytical tracking tools). Secondary data, on the other hand, are facts and figures that have already been collected for purposes other than the project at hand. Sources of secondary data in the hospitality and tourism industry include census data, psychographics, public opinion polls, and tourism forecasts. Research data are not generally classified as "outlying" or "nonspecific."

Which of the following is a primary benefit of using big data and analytical tracking tools for hotels and other hospitality companies: A. The ability to better understand customer behavior B. The chance to outperform competing hotels C. The opportunity to enhance the company's image D. The option to sell more expensive hotel rooms

A: The ability to better understand customer behavior. Insight into customer behavior is one of the most valuable benefits of big data. Hospitality and tourism companies can use big data to analyze how customers interact with their brands and use their services, helping the companies better understand what makes customers happy. For example, a hotel company could analyze customer data to determine if a certain individual is likely to take advantage of spa services or not. Using that information, the company could then tailor its communications to the customer's preferences. Enhancing company image, outperforming competing hotels, and selling more expensive hotel rooms may be peripheral goals of analyzing big data, but not primary goals.

Why should hotels train their staff on using guest recovery solutions? A. To empower staff members to resolve customer service complaints B. So they can inform unhappy customers of the hotel's policies C. So they understand that recovery solutions are required by law D. To reduce a hotel's legal obligations to unsatisfied customers

A: To empower staff members to resolve customer service complaints. When hotels train their staff members on using guest recovery solutions, it gives them the confidence and the tools to resolve customer complaints effectively. The purpose of guest recovery is to resolve any dissatisfaction so that guests come back for another visit. Guest recovery solutions are actions taken to satisfy guests' needs and requests to increase customer loyalty. When customers are unhappy, explaining hotel policies is not likely to appease them. The use of guest recovery solutions is not typically related to a hotel's legal obligations and does not reduce them. A hotel's legal obligations relate to protecting a guest's privacy and safety and to fulfilling the contractual obligations of a guest's reservations.

A cafe manager tracks the mean number of customers at hourly intervals throughout the week. What can they interpret from this statistic? A. What time they need to staff more employees B. Which products are the most profitable C. How customer satisfaction relates to time D. Which employees are the most successful

A: What time they need to staff more employees. Descriptive statistics such as mean (average) can be interpreted to aid in business decision-making. In this instance, the mean number of customers can help the manager interpret when they need to staff more employees. For example, if the mean is highest between 6-9 a.m., they can decide to have two extra employees come in during that 3-hour window. The mean number of customers would not necessarily help the manager interpret which products are the most profitable, which employees are the most successful, or how customer satisfaction relates to time.

Sarah is speaking to a customer who is decisive, forceful, and in a hurry. Sarah should A. get to the point of her communication quickly. B. give the customer time to talk about themselves. C. discuss detailed statistics and information. D. take time to develop a relationship with the customer.

A:Get to the point of her communication quickly. Decisive, forceful individuals are typically very goal-oriented and interested in results. They usually don't like to waste time, so Sarah should get to the point of her communication quickly, especially since the customer is in a hurry. The customer is not likely to want to take time to talk about themselves, discuss detailed statistics and information, or develop a relationship with Sarah.

Which of the following statements represents a positive attitude toward criticism: A. "If I need help, I'll come ask for it." B. "I'm sure I can learn to do this the new way." C. "This is the way I was told to do it." D. "I don't need to be told how to do my job."

B: "I'm sure I can learn to do this the new way." Responsible employees can accept criticism or suggestions about how to do their jobs without getting defensive. They use the criticism to improve their job performance and to become better workers. All of the other alternative statements are examples of defensive responses.

The current price of Sun Valley Corporation stock is $25 per share. The company has one million outstanding shares. On its latest cash flow statement, the corporation reported cash flows from operating activities of $15 million. Calculate the corporation's price-to-cash flow ratio. A. 3.21 B. 1.67 C. 5.48 D. 2.34

B: 1.67. Price-to-cash flow is a valuation ratio calculated by dividing the stock price of a company by its cash flow per share (price-to-cash flow = current stock price / cash flow per share). The price-to-cash flow ratio of a company can be compared with its competitors to see whether the company's stock is overpriced or underpriced. To calculate the Sun Valley Corporation's price-to-cash flow ratio, first calculate the cash flow per share by dividing total cash flow by the number of shares ($15 million / $1 million = $15 per share). Then, divide the stock price by the cash flow per share to calculate the corporation's price-to-cash flow ratio ($25 / $15 = 1.67).

Samantha agrees to buy a bicycle from Tony for $225. This is an example of a(n) A. renegotiated agreement. B. bilateral contract. C. nonverbal agreement. D. unilateral contract.

B: Bilateral contract. In bilateral contracts, both parties promise to do something. In the example, Samantha promises to pay $225 to Tony. In exchange, Tony promises to give Samantha the bike. Unilateral contracts are contracts that involve promises made by one party. For example, a pet owner offers to pay a reward for a lost animal. In this situation, the pet owner is the only party making a promise. There is not enough information to determine if Samantha and Tony made a verbal or nonverbal agreement or if they renegotiated terms.

Which of the following is the most appropriate item to bundle with a bottle of shampoo: A. Bottle of hand lotion B. Bottle of conditioner C. Tube of toothpaste D. Bar of soap

B: Bottle of conditioner. Product bundling involves combining two or more complementary products and selling them for one all-inclusive price. The price of the bundled products is usually lower than the combined price of the products sold separately. Often, the goal is to get customers to try a product that they might not have considered purchasing. Once the customers have tried it and liked the product, companies hope that customers will purchase the goods or services at another time. It would be most appropriate to bundle a bottle of shampoo with a bottle of conditioner because they are both hair products. A bottle of hand lotion, a bar of soap, and a tube of toothpaste are not complementary products of shampoo.

When writing email messages, employees should remember that emails A. are private conversations. B. can be forwarded to others. C. take a long time to prepare. D. are formal correspondence.

B: Can be forwarded to others. When employees write email messages to coworkers or customers, the recipients of the messages can forward them to others without the sender's knowledge or permission. Therefore, employees should be cautious about the content of email messages because they have no control over what the recipients do with the emails. It is best not to include personal or sensitive information in emails, particularly if the sender wants the information to remain private. Email messages are not private conversations, do not take a long time to prepare, and are not considered formal correspondence.

Which of the following are examples of inventory that consists of finished goods: A. Automobiles, coal, and graphite B. Computers, tape, and soap C. Glassware, minerals, and magazines D. Hardware, bleach, and crude oil

B: Computers, tape, and soap. Finished-goods inventory contains products that are ready to be marketed. Computers, tape, soap, automobiles, bleach, magazines, and some types of hardware are examples of finished goods. Coal, crude oil, and minerals (e.g., graphite) are examples of raw materials that are used to make a variety of items.

The Great Luxury Inn is having budgetary issues that are negatively impacting the hotel. As a result, Leo, the hotel's front office manager, needs to prepare a short report for the general manager that outlines these budgetary issues. Which of the following should Leo do first when writing the report: A. Explain a formal plan to correct the issues B. Describe the purpose of the report C. Proofread and edit the report D. Write the conclusion for the report

B: Describe the purpose of the report. Leo's report is important for the general manager because it will provide them with the information they need to make a decision on how to deal with the budgetary issues. The report should first include an introduction, where Leo can state the purpose of the report and describe the budgetary issues. Next, Leo should work on the body of the report, which will include facts, statistics, and other relevant information. This is followed by a conclusion, which provides a short summary of the report and reinforces the message. After writing the report, Leo should proofread and edit it. A short report typically does not include formal plans to correct issues. That step will likely occur after Leo submits his report to the general manager.

Seth recently informed his manager, Tammy, that he is leaving the company. During her last meeting with Seth, Tammy took detailed notes and asked Seth questions about the problems that Seth had encountered on the job and how he handled them. Seth shared important information that his replacement will need to know so they can do the job efficiently. What technique is Tammy using to capture knowledge for future use in the organization? A. Data codification B. Exit interview C. Training session D. Concept mapping

B: Exit interview. The purpose of an exit interview is to gain feedback from an employee who is leaving the business. The feedback can provide managers with knowledge about how they can help replacements become acclimated to the job. The feedback can also provide management with ideas for improving processes and increasing efficiency and job satisfaction. Concept mapping is a method of clarifying and organizing ideas by using a graphic format to show relationships. Codification is the process of classifying or assigning value to certain ideas, statements, or data. Tammy may have used concept mapping or data codification techniques to organize Seth's feedback after the exit interview. Training involves providing new hires and employees with education to perform their jobs.

Employees at Winding Brook Resorts have not received raises in three years, but the CEO has received a large bonus each of those years. What can these employees do to advocate for raises? A. File a lawsuit B. Go on strike C. Obtain workers' compensation D. Quit their jobs

B: Go on strike. When employees feel that they deserve better economic conditions, such as higher wages, they can go on strike until they are given the opportunity to negotiate pay raises. However, employees cannot file a lawsuit unless they are being paid an illegal wage that was agreed upon in their contracts. Quitting their jobs will not necessarily help employees receive raises. Obtaining workers' compensation will not help employees receive raises and is not appropriate for this situation.

Ken is developing a web page for a new bed-and-breakfast inn. He wants to add information on the web page that describes local tourist attractions and restaurants. To allow website visitors the ability to visit these other websites from the bed-and breakfast inn's website, Ken should create A. a site map. B. hyperlinks. C. portals. D. cookies.

B: Hyperlinks. A hyperlink is a component of an electronic document that can be clicked on to jump to another place within the document or into a different document. By linking the inn's website with the website of area attractions, the site visitor can immediately go to an attraction's website to obtain further information such as location, hours, services, etc. A portal is a popular starting point for surfing online (e.g., Yahoo!). Cookies are text files that are put on a website visitor's hard disk and then later retrieved during subsequent visits to the site to track internet behavior. A site map is a flowchart that puts information on the web in a logical format, so that internet users can find what they are looking for.

Which of the following is the first step in the coaching process: A. Agree on goals B. Identify the problem C. Ask questions D. Plan for improvement

B: Identify the problem. Identifying the problem is the first step in the coaching process. You must identify the problem before you can ask questions, agree on goals, or form a plan for improvement.

One way in which many lodging facilities automate their product offerings is by A. offering valet parking services. B. implementing self-service check-in options. C. encouraging guests to order room service. D. requiring guests to pay for internet service.

B: Implementing self-service check-in options. Many lodging facilities have implemented self-service check-in and check-out options. These options often save time for the guests because they do not need to wait in long lines for an employee's assistance. It also reduces payroll expense for the lodging facilities because they do not need to pay staff to perform these types of duties. Offering valet parking services, requiring guests to pay for access to the facility's internet service, and encouraging guests to order room service for meals are not automated activities.

Which of the following is a characteristic of open, honest communication: A. It only needs to occur once. B. It encourages questions and suggestions. C. It gives more information than people need. D. It discourages conflict between people.

B: It encourages questions and suggestions. Open, honest communication is called transparency. Transparency doesn't just go in one direction. Transparent people welcome questions and suggestions. Transparency allows for conflict, is consistent and ongoing, and gives people only the information that they need.

Which of the following economic principles determines what will be produced and how much of it will be produced: A. Producers and consumers B. Law of supply and demand C. Equilibrium price D. Market price

B: Law of supply and demand. The law of supply and demand is an economic principle which states that the supply of a good or service will increase when demand is great and decrease when demand is low. Producers and consumers generally control supply and demand. Market price is the price that exists in the marketplace at any particular moment. Equilibrium price is the price at which the quantity of a good that buyers want to buy and the quantity that sellers are willing to sell are equal.

Which of the following is one of the most important skills for a project manager to possess: A. Strength B. Leadership C. Education D. Integrity

B: Leadership. One of the most important skills for a project manager to possess is the ability to guide or direct the actions of others in a desired manner. One of the main roles of a project manager is to lead the group to achieve the project's goal. Members follow an effective leader because the leader motivates them and includes them in making decisions. Education is not a skill. Integrity is a personal quality rather than a skill. Strength is a physical attribute.

Just before closing time, a rush of customers comes in to be served, but you have plans to meet friends after work. As a responsible employee, you should A. leave as planned. B. stay until the rush ends. C. say there is an emergency. D. expect others to stay late.

B: Stay until the rush ends. Responsible behavior is fulfilling one's obligations in a dependable, reliable manner. Reliable employees do what needs to be done to get the job done. Staying until the rush ends is responsible behavior because serving customers is the employee's job. An irresponsible employee might leave as planned, expect others to stay late, or say there is an emergency.

A department store that behaves below a standard of reasonable care and causes harm to an employee or customer as a result may be sued for A. assault and battery. B. negligence. C. strict liability. D. invasion of privacy.

B: Negligence. Negligence is conduct by an individual or organization that drops below a reasonable standard of care that causes harm to a person or group of people. For example, if a department store janitor failed to put out "wet floor" signs after mopping the floors and a customer fell and was seriously injured, the store may be sued for the tort of negligence. Strict liability is a tort in which a person or entity causes harm to another person or entity as a result of engaging in an inherently dangerous activity—regardless of whether the activity was intended to harm or not. Assault and battery are torts involving intentional intimidation and physical harm of another person. Invasion of privacy, as described by its name, involves the invasion of someone's privacy by using their likeness without their permission, intruding on their physical solitude, or disclosing their private information to others without their consent.

Competing businesses within the same industry usually react to each other's promotional mixes by A. changing distribution channels. B. playing follow the leader. C. trying not to outdo each other. D. reducing their promotional budgets.

B: Playing follow the leader. Competing businesses within the same industry usually use quite similar promotional mixes because many of the factors affecting the promotional mix are the same for those businesses. Businesses also use the same promotional activities to prevent losing customers to competitors. Changing the distribution channel would not necessarily make the business more competitive. Reducing the promotional budget or trying not to outdo the competition would make the business less competitive.

Many hotel chains offer special perks and benefits to guests who join their loyalty programs. In exchange for these special deals and discounts, customers agree to let the hotels collect their contact information and track their A. employment history and monthly income. B. purchasing behavior and preferences. C. preferred distribution channels. D. feasibility study results.

B: Purchasing behavior and preferences. Many hotel chains, airlines, and other hospitality and tourism businesses use customer loyalty programs to collect pertinent customer information such as guests' contact information, purchasing behavior, and preferences. In exchange for this information, businesses with loyalty programs offer special deals, discounts, and benefits to guests who participate. Hospitality and tourism customers typically don't have to share their employment history or monthly income to take part in a loyalty program. If they apply for a credit card offered by a hospitality and tourism business, they often are required to provide that information. A feasibility study, which typically has no connection to customer loyalty programs, is an organized inquiry into the possible success of a business idea or venture. Distribution channels are paths or routes that goods or services take from the producer to the ultimate consumer or industrial user. While customers taking part in a loyalty program may be asked to identify their preferred communication channels, they aren't typically asked about their preferred distribution channels.

An advantage to businesses of using quality control methods is that these methods often A. increase waste. B. reduce costs. C. involve time. D. require directions.

B: Reduce costs. It is often more costly not to provide quality than to use methods to increase quality. If businesses develop a reputation of providing low quality goods and services, they may lose customers, which is costly. Therefore, it is to the business's advantage to use quality control methods so the work will be done correctly rather than spend money to correct mistakes, handle customer complaints, and find new customers. Using quality control methods involves time, but it is time well spent to reduce the cost of correcting mistakes. Using quality control methods usually decreases waste. Some quality control methods might require directions, which could be a disadvantage.

Carlos tries to respond personally to his customers' needs and wants by using communication to influence their purchase decisions. Carlos is engaged in A. distributing. B. selling. C. financing. D. advertising.

B: Selling. Selling is determining customer needs and wants and responding through planned, personalized communication that influences purchase decisions and enhances future business opportunities. Carlos is, therefore, engaged in selling. Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services. Distribution involves moving, storing, locating, and/or transferring ownership of goods or services. Financing is a marketing function that involves understanding the financial concepts used in making business decisions.

In which of the following situations would a hotel be liable for guest property: A. Something is missing from the safe in a guest's room B. Something is missing from a safe deposit box C. Something is missing from the guest's room D. Something is missing from a meeting room

B: Something is missing from a safe deposit box. When hotel guests protect their valuables by putting them into a safe deposit box, they have the right to hold the hotel liable if something is missing from the box. The hotel has custody of the valuables. In the other alternatives, the hotel does not have custody of the missing items. Therefore, the hotel cannot be held liable.

A master budget is made up of information from A. the previous year's budget, with a 10% increase. B. specialized budgets that are generated by individual departments. C. internal sales forecasts and the probable level of competition. D. specialized budgets that are handed down from top management.

B: Specialized budgets that are generated by individual departments. A master budget is made up of information from specialized budgets that are generated by individual departments. Each specialized budget reflects the goals and activities for that particular area of the company. It's likely that the previous year's budget is taken into consideration, but not simply by adding 10% to its amounts. Internal sales forecasts are part of the sales budget, not a direct component of the master budget. Level of competition is not a direct factor in the master budget. Top management does not determine the content of specialized budgets.

If project managers are open and honest in their communications, they are being ethical in regard to A. scope management. B. stakeholder management. C. the project's budget. D. the project's quality.

B: Stakeholder management. Stakeholder management involves overseeing the communications and expectations of all project stakeholders. Ethical communication includes being open, honest, and discerning when deciding what to share and how to say it. Project quality is a measure of excellence and involves how well you have accomplished project work. Scope management involves ensuring that a project stays within its defined boundaries and achieves all that it sets out to achieve. Open and honest communication is not necessarily related to the project's budget.

Which of the following is a promotional method that a cruise line might use to generate widespread interest in a new cruise to an exotic location: A. Coupons B. Sweepstakes C. Rebates D. Premiums

B: Sweepstakes. A sweepstake is a promotional method that involves a chance of winning a prize. Entering a sweepstake usually involves filling out a form and sending it to the cruise line. This is an effective way for a cruise line to promote a new cruise because many potential customers will read about the sweepstake and be encouraged to enter. Even if they do not win, they might be interested enough to book the cruise. In addition, the cruise line will obtain the names and addresses of a large group of people who enter the sweepstake. The cruise line can then send these people more promotional information in the future. Coupons, premiums, and rebates are promotional methods, but they are not methods that a cruise line would use to generate widespread interest in a new cruise.

Why should existing products be monitored? A. To put a marketing plan in place B. To make changes to extend a product's life cycle C. To determine the acceptance of a product by a limited market D. To evaluate how well a product might fit into a firm's product mix

B: To make changes to extend a product's life cycle. Product/Service management continues even after a product is established in the market. By monitoring existing products, product/service managers may decide to leave everything about the product as it is, change the marketing strategy, modify the product in some way, such as adding new features, find new uses or users for the product, or eliminate it. Putting a marketing plan into place, determining the acceptance of a product by a limited market, and evaluating how well a product might fit into a company's product mix are all aspects of new-product development.

Which of the following is a way that businesses often use database software programs: A. To diagram work schedules B. To organize vendor information C. To calculate weekly payroll D. To prepare promotional material

B: To organize vendor information. Businesses often use database software programs to organize and analyze various types of information. For example, a business might organize information about its vendors according to name, location, type of product, selling price, or reliability. Spreadsheet software programs may be used to calculate weekly payroll. Graphics software programs may be used to diagram work schedules. Desktop publishing programs may be used to prepare promotional material.

In which of the following documents is it most appropriate to include an executive summary: A. Manuscript outline B. Complex research report C. Six-page case study D. Employee handbook

B:Complex research report. The executive summary provides an overview of the entire document and contains the most important information included in the body of the report. Executive summaries are often included in long, complex reports that contain a lot of information. By reading the executive summary, the reader can determine which section of a long report that they want to read in more detail. A six-page case study, an employee handbook, and a manuscript outline do not require an executive summary.

Between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., Barney's Restaurant offers a 15% discount off dinner entrees. Calculate a customer's discount amount for a check that consists of one crab cake appetizer at $7.25; two steak dinners at $22.50 each; one shrimp dinner at $18.50; two soft drinks at $1.75 each; one cup of coffee at $1.25; and two ice-cream sundaes at $4.75 each. A. $10.55 B. $8.77 C. $9.53 D. $11.21

C: $9.53. Because the special involves only the dinner entrees, add together the prices of the steak dinners and the shrimp dinner ($22.50 + $22.50 + $18.50 = $63.50). Then, multiply the total price of all the entrees by the discount percentage amount to obtain the discount amount in dollars ($63.50 x 15% or .15 = $9.53).

What is the typical effect of an economic slowdown on the hospitality industry? A. An increase in the number of guests and an increase in the number of rooms available B. A decrease in the number of guests and a decrease in the number of rooms available C. A decrease in the number of guests and an increase in the number of rooms available D. An increase in the number of guests and a decrease in the number of rooms available

C: A decrease in the number of guests and an increase in the number of rooms available. A decrease in the number of guests occurs during economic slowdowns because people are reluctant to spend their discretionary income on travel. Consequently, there is an increase in the number of rooms available as more rooms become available for rent. An increase in the number of guests and an increase in the number of rooms available does not follow the law of supply and demand, which suggests that as demand for rooms go up, supply typically goes down. A decrease in the number of guests and a decrease in the number of rooms available would work the other way because as demand goes down, the supply of rooms available for rent typically goes up. An increase in the number of guests and a decrease in the number of rooms available typically occurs during good economic times when people are more willing to spend their discretionary income on travel.

What should be included in the conclusion of a letter of application? A. Praise for the recipient B. Information about your background C. A method for following up D. Discussion about your qualifications

C: A method for following up. In a letter of application, it is important to ask the recipient for a follow-up conversation. In the conclusion of the letter, you can indicate how the recipient should follow up with you, such as via phone or email. Information about your background should be done in the body of the letter rather than the conclusion. Praise for the recipient should be in the introduction rather than the conclusion. Finally, discussion about qualifications should be in the body rather than the conclusion.

It is important for a business to track the invoices that it issues and receives because they A. are a form of legal tender. B. serve as registration slips. C. are legal documents. D. serve as proof of delivery.

C: Are legal documents. An invoice is the formal, printed record of a sale that includes all necessary information of a sales transaction—the buyer, the seller, items purchased, quantities, prices, delivery date, credit, discount terms, etc. The invoice serves as a legal document or formal agreement in which one party takes possession of goods or services in exchange for payment within a certain time period. Transportation companies provide proof-of-delivery signatures. Legal tender is a medium of payment—check, credit card, cash, etc. Invoices do not serve as registration slips.

Which of the following is a true statement regarding the relationship between customer service and the hospitality and tourism industry: A. Greater customer satisfaction leads to lower revenue. B. Customer service is important, but less so than price. C. Business success or failure depends on customer service. D. Customer service cannot be taught through training.

C: Business success or failure depends on customer service. In the hospitality and tourism industry, success or failure depends on the level and quality of customer service. Customer satisfaction is heavily influenced by service, and the greater the customer satisfaction, the higher the revenues for the business. Customer service has a greater impact than price when it comes to a customer's buying decision in this industry. Also, customer service can be taught through employee training programs; in fact, training is a crucial tool when it comes to ensuring high-quality customer service. SOURCE: CR:049 Explain the nature of

Melissa's family goes to the same remote beach destination every year for one week. All of the family members enjoy the quiet, relaxing atmosphere that the location offers. In this situation, the motive to travel to this location is A. adventure. B. price. C. comfort. D. prestige.

C: Comfort. Some people prefer traveling to familiar places, which in turn, provides comfort. Adventure seekers tend to enjoy visiting different locations and participating in a variety of activities. The situation does not provide enough information to determine if price or prestige play a role in the travel motives or decisions.

Combining steel, glass, and other raw materials into a vehicle is an example of __________ utility. A. possession B. place C. form D. time

C: Form Form utility means altering or changing the shape of a product to make it more useful to the consumer, as in transforming various raw materials into cars and trucks. Time utility involves making products available at the time they are wanted or needed by consumers. Place utility occurs when goods and services are available at the place (location) they are wanted or needed by consumers. Possession utility is created when ownership of a product is transferred from the seller to the person who will use it.

The Queen Mary is a retired ocean liner that transported passengers between England and the United States from the 1930s through the mid-1960s. For a brief time during World War II, the military retrofitted the ship to use as a troopship. In 1967, the ship moved to Long Beach, California, and now serves as a stationary "floating" hotel and event venue that reflects the decor of days gone by. Based on the information provided, what is the Queen Mary's competitive advantage? A. Its customer service efforts B. Its tropical excursion options C. Its unique historical attributes D. Its gaming and entertainment attractions

C: Its unique historical attributes. Long Beach marketers communicate the ship's rich history to attract lodging guests and visitors. The ship is stationary, so it does not offer tropical excursions. There is not enough information to determine if the Queen Mary offers gaming and entertainment attractions or the level of customer service the ship provides.

When a lodging property develops a weekend package for groups of women who enjoy scrapbooking, it is segmenting the market by A. geography and lifestyle. B. life cycle and geography. C. lifestyle and gender. D. gender and life cycle.

C: Lifestyle and gender. The lodging facility is offering a product option that appeals to women (gender) who enjoy scrapbooking, which is a hobby or lifestyle choice. Segmenting a market by life cycle involves designing travel products to appeal to people in their various stages of life, such as retirees or young families. Geographic segmentation involves segmenting a market by physical location.

During an economic recession, a destination's hotels are more likely to experience A. higher labor costs. B. lower unemployment rates. C. lower occupancy rates. D. higher property taxes.

C: Lower occupancy rates. During an economic recession, consumers and businesses spend less money. When spending decreases, fewer people travel for leisure or business purposes, which results in unsold hotel rooms. When hotel rooms are not sold, the facilities' occupancy rates decrease. When occupancy rates decrease, hotels tend to lay off employees to lower their labor costs, which results in an increase in the unemployment rate in the community. To reduce the risk of business closure and further economic turmoil, governments do not usually increase property taxes during a recession.

Which of the following is an important consideration when developing product extensions in the travel and tourism industry: A. Complexity of the purchasing process B. Attitudes of industry employees C. Needs of the target market D. Cost of advertising new ideas

C: Needs of the target market. A product extension is an additional product, related to but different than, the main travel product. Before developing product extensions, it is important to consider the wants and needs of the target market. If the target market is not interested in the product extension, there is no reason to develop it. For example, a discount airline that provides inexpensive flights to regional airports probably would not sell expensive, full-course meals to passengers. The meals would be a product extension of the main travel product, which is air transportation. However, the target market, which is travelers who want economical air transportation, would not want or need the expensive meals. The cost of advertising new ideas, attitudes of industry employees, and complexity of the purchasing process are not considerations when developing product extensions in the travel and tourism industry.

Which of the following is an example of service marketing that could benefit the FreshFast Grocery store: A. Airing a TV advertisement that features the manager's family B. Selling all cereal and grain products at 50% off for one week C. Offering a play area for children while their parents shop D. Partnering with an organic farm to improve the quality of produce

C: Offering a play area for children while their parents shop. The FreshFast Grocery store sells products (groceries), but it also offers services that complement its products and improve the customer experience. These services can be used as a marketing tactic to attract customers. An example of service marketing for FreshFast Grocery could be offering a play area for children while their parents shop. A discount on cereal and grain products is not an example of service marketing; rather, it is a sales promotional tactic. Partnering with an organic farm does not provide a service to customers. Finally, airing a TV advertisement does not provide a service to customers.

Which of the following is an example of employee pilferage: A. Installing personally owned software on your workplace computer B. Changing the amount specified on a check you prepare for the company with authorization C. Padding an expense account D. Hacking into a competitor's computer network to obtain trade secrets

C: Padding an expense account. Employee pilferage involves the taking of small amounts or small articles without the consent of the company. That is what occurs when an employee pads their expense account. Having authorization to change the amount specified on a check is not pilferage. Installing personally owned software on your computer may violate company policies; however, it does not represent employee pilferage. Hacking into a competitor's computer network to obtain trade secrets is a computer crime, rather than pilferage.

Even when things are not going well for Mark, he still believes everything will work out all right. Mark has a(n) __________ attitude. A. superior B. negative C. positive D. indifferent

C: Positive. A positive attitude is an outlook that focuses on the good side of things. People with positive attitudes feel good about themselves, their jobs, and other people. They are better able to weather life's problems because they believe things will work out all right in the end. An indifferent attitude is one that expresses lack of interest. A negative attitude is an outlook that focuses on the bad side of things. A superior attitude is displayed by those who feel they are better than others.

Job titles like resort scheduler, curator, and camp director fall under which category of hospitality and tourism careers? A. Restaurants and food/beverage services B. Lodging C. Recreation, amusements, and attractions D. Travel and tourism

C: Recreation, amusements, and attractions. Resort schedulers, curators, and camp directors work in the recreation, amusements, and attractions career area. These careers are not part of the lodging, travel and tourism, or restaurants and food/beverage services career areas.

When a handbag company embroiders a customer's name or monogram on a cloth tote bag, it is processing a(n) A. open requisition. B. reorder. C. special order. D. blanket requisition.

C: Special order. A special order is a request for a custom product or an item that a vendor does not normally stock. A blanket order is an order that covers all or part of a business's product requirements for a certain period of time. An open order is placed with one of several available vendors who can meet the business's immediate requirements (e.g., time, price, quantity). A reorder is an order for the same goods previously ordered from the same vendor.

Using its customer database, an airline determines that out of all of the customers that flew with the airline last year, 31% of them were leisure travelers. In relation to the entire group of customers, the group of leisure travelers represents a A. sample. B. framework. C. subset. D. consensus.

C: Subset. A subset is part of a whole. In the example, leisure travelers are part (31%) of the airline's entire (or whole) market, which makes leisure travelers a subset. A sample is a representative group of consumers for surveying purposes. A framework refers to the structure or foundation of something. Consensus is a decisionmaking outcome that requires the substantial agreement of each group member.

The capability of many customers to bypass travel agents when booking trips is one way that the travel and tourism industry has been impacted by A. deregulation. B. information. C. technology. D. commercialization.

C: Technology. The technology that allowed for the creation of the internet makes it possible for customers to buy travel products directly from suppliers rather than using the services of travel agents. Anyone with a computer and access to the internet can go online to obtain information about airline flights, cruises, hotel accommodations, etc., and buy those products online from the supplier. For example, a customer can access the home page of American Airlines, select a flight, book the flight, pay for the flight, and download a boarding pass. This eliminates the middleman, or the travel agent, and allows customers to buy directly from suppliers. Deregulation, commercialization, and information do not enable customers to bypass travel agents.

Motivation can best be thought of as A. the example managers set for employees. B. communication between employees. C. the reason you do the things you do. D. developing a team spirit.

C: The reason you do the things you do. Motivation is the process of getting employees to strive to achieve management's objectives because they want to achieve them. Your motivation is the reason you do the things you do, in your personal life and in the workplace. Motivation is not necessarily developing a team spirit, communication between employees, or the example managers set for employees.

When reconciling cash receipts for the day, how are voided and refunded transactions usually handled? A. Since they are not included in the total receipts, they are ignored. B. They are added to the total receipts to determine net intake. C. They are subtracted from the total receipts to determine net intake. D. They are only subtracted from the total receipts if there is a cash shortage.

C: They are subtracted from the total receipts to determine net intake. Voided and refunded transactions are subtracted, not added, from cash receipts to determine the amount of cash received—the net intake—at the end of each day. Voids and refunds are included in the total receipts for the day, so they must be subtracted to determine net intake, regardless of whether there is a cash shortage or not.

Most hotels now offer guests the option to reuse their bath towels instead of receiving new ones each morning. This is an example of how the hospitality industry has embraced A. recycling and waste reduction. B. the elimination of toxins in bath products. C. water and energy conservation. D. organic cleaning products in guest rooms.

C: Water and energy conservation. Sustainable practices in the hospitality industry have taken off in recent years as public concern for the health of the environment has increased. It is now an industry standard to place signs in guest bathrooms offering visitors the opportunity to reuse their towels. When taken advantage of, this practice saves considerable water and energy. This is not an example of how hotels are reducing waste, embracing recycling, eliminating toxins in bath products, or using organic cleaning products; however, many hotels have also implemented these practices to further reduce their impact on the earth.

Caroline manages a large group of highly skilled researchers at a corporation. Caroline is most likely to have a(n) __________ span of control. A. narrow B. intensive C. wide D. extensive

C: Wide. Many factors affect how many employees a manager can effectively supervise, which is the manager's span of control. Employees who have highly specialized skills, such as research scientists, can usually perform their work without a lot of supervision. If employees require less supervision, the manager can usually handle more employees at once, which means the manager has a wide span of control. When employees need a lot of guidance and supervision to perform their work, it takes more of the manager's time. In these situations, the manager tends to have a narrow span of control. Intensive and extensive are not types of spans of control.

Isabella's manager sends an email requesting that Isabella contact a customer about an issue with an order. This is an example of __________ communication. A. lateral B. upward C. downward D. horizontal

C:Downward. Downward communication passes information down the chain of command to employees. Because the manager sends the message to a subordinate (Isabella), the example consists of downward communication. Upward communication moves up the chain of command from lower to higher levels of authority. Horizontal or lateral communication involves communication among peers within the same level of authority in the organization.

Successful hospitality businesses often hire temporary staff during A. touchpoints. B. critical moments. C. peak seasons. D. residence times.

C:Peak seasons. Peak seasons see the highest volume of customer demand, so managers often hire temporary staff during those seasons to make sure year-round staff isn't overwhelmed. Touchpoints include interactions between businesses and customers or potential customers. A critical moment occurs when customer experience is more significant than at other times. Residence time is the amount of time a customer will spend in a restaurant from start to finish.

An organization's structure should ensure that customers' experiences with the business are A. time-consuming. B. profitable. C. seamless. D. endless.

C:Seamless. An organization's structure should ensure that customers' experiences with the business are seamless. This can sometimes be difficult because different departments may have different methods of reaching business goals. Departments must work together to keep CRM a priority. Businesses want customer experiences to result in profit, but organizational structure does not necessarily ensure this. Businesses do not want customers' experiences to be endless or time-consuming.

Which of the following examples illustrates the concept of product in the hospitality industry: A. A resort promoting that it treats guests like family B. A cruise ship providing a list of rental car agencies located at ports of call C. A conference center making reservations at other properties D. A bed-and-breakfast advertising private baths and a fireplace in each room

D: A bed-and-breakfast advertising private baths and a fireplace in each room. This illustrates the product element of marketing in the travel industry. The product is the accommodations. The resort is focusing on how it treats its guests. The cruise ship is providing information. The conference center is offering additional services.

The three sections of a balance sheet represent the basic A. investment plan. B. bookkeeping system. C. financial quota. D. accounting equation.

D: Accounting equation. The basic accounting equation is assets = liabilities + owner's equity. These are the three sections in a balance sheet. For the balance sheet to balance, the amount in the asset section must equal the amount in the liabilities section plus the amount of owner's equity. The three sections of a balance sheet do not represent the basic bookkeeping system, the basic financial quota, or the basic investment plan.

Which of the following types of risk is generally uninsurable: A. Employee health B. Customer injury C. Property damage D. Business failure

D: Business failure. While many risks that business face are insurable—including property damage, employee health, and customer injury—uninsurable risks also exist. Most reputational risks, regulatory risks, trade secret risks, political risks, and pandemic risks are uninsurable, as is the risk of business failure. There is no insurance available to protect your business against bankruptcy; however, there is insurance available to cover financial losses (caused by customer injuries, product recalls, etc.) that might lead to business failure and bankruptcy.

Which of the following factors has the greatest effect on a consumer's buying behavior: A. Social influences B. Situational influences C. Individual influences D. Cultural influences

D: Cultural influences. Cultural influences have the strongest effect on a consumer's buying behavior, even stronger than social influences, individual influences, or situational influences.

Which of the following is part of a company's brand identity: A. Personality B. Values C. Promises D. Design

D: Design. A brand identity consists of those elements that are instantly recognized as representing a particular business or product, including logos, colors, names, images/graphics, and design. Values, promises, and personality are important parts of the corporate brand, but they are not elements of a company's brand identity.

SunRise Inn hotel rooms can be reserved directly through the inn's website, through an in-person travel agency, or through online travel booking websites such as Expedia. This allows the hotel to reach the maximum number of customers. The company website, in-person travel agencies, and online booking engines are examples of A. public relations. B. quality control methods. C. customer relations. D. distribution channels.

D: Distribution channels. Distribution is the marketing/business function that is responsible for moving, storing, locating, and/or transferring ownership of goods and services to customers. In the hospitality and tourism industry, services are transferred to customers in a number of ways. Hotels may transfer rooms to customers by means of their own websites, in-person travel agencies, or third-party online booking sites. These are examples of distribution channels, not quality control methods (processes and procedures designed to ensure the excellence of a good or service), public relations (the process of establishing and maintaining positive relationships between a business and its various publics), or customer relations (all the activities a business engages in to interact with its customers).

A manager allowing employees to set the pace of their work is an example of providing job A. enlargement. B. satisfaction. C. rotation. D. enrichment.

D: Enrichment. Job enrichment involves adding interest and satisfaction to a task to increase employee motivation. Allowing employees to set their own pace is one way of enriching jobs. Job enlargement is combining job tasks so that a worker has more responsibility for the completion of a job. Job rotation involves moving people around to different jobs to teach them new skills and to show them how tasks are interrelated. Job satisfaction is the degree to which one likes their job and is motivated to do it.

What portable device can businesspeople use to store electronic documents so they can later retrieve them from other computers? A. Portable charger B. Computer battery C. Audio recorder D. Flash drive

D: Flash drive. A flash drive is a small device that plugs into a computer's USB port and allows users to transfer, store, and retrieve information from the computer's hard drive onto the device. The user can plug the information into other computers to retrieve the information when needed. Portable chargers, audio recorders, and computer batteries are not devices that allow businesspeople to store and retrieve electronic documents from a computer.

Riley is a 28-year-old young professional who enjoys experiencing new cultures. Instead of traveling with family or friends, she prefers to make solo trips. Traveling alone allows her to truly enjoy her experience without the distraction of others. The growing popularity of solo travel is a(n) __________ impacting the hospitality and tourism industry. A. technological change B. economic trend C. regulatory shift D. guest trend

D: Guest trend. Solo travel is a growing trend that hospitality and tourism companies should take note of. Many people—both young and old—enjoy traveling alone for various reasons. While traveling solo in the past may have been considered unsafe (or even socially unacceptable), solo trips today are increasingly popular. This is an example of a guest trend that impacts the hospitality and tourism industry, not a technological change, economic trend, or regulatory shift. SOURCE: NF:287 Track environment

Which of the following is a potential benefit of implementing quality management: A. Lower taxes B. Increased costs C. Unchanging organizational vision D. Increased consistency

D: Increased consistency. Increased consistency is a potential benefit of an organization's implementation of quality management. With quality-assurance plans in place, products should be more uniform and consistent. Quality management should increase a unified organizational vision, but it does not necessarily keep it from changing over time. It will not necessarily mean that the company pays lower taxes. Increased costs are a disadvantage, not a benefit.

A diner is dissatisfied with the way their medium-rare steak was prepared. What is the first step the waiter should take to resolve the situation? A. Ask the kitchen to prepare a steak that is medium-rare B. Tell the customer that the steak was properly prepared C. Offer to remove the charge for the meal from the check D. Listen to the diner's concerns to determine a resolution

D: Listen to the diner's concerns to determine a resolution. It's crucial for a waiter to respectfully listen to an unsatisfied diner to show concern and to determine the true cause of dissatisfaction. Explaining that a steak was properly prepared when the customer feels differently shows a lack of respect and concern. Instead of offering one solution, the staff member should work with the customer to determine what solution they would prefer. For example, if the diner doesn't have time to wait for a new meal, offering one is a poor solution. It is also important for a staff member to follow up with the customer to make sure they are satisfied with their experience before leaving the restaurant. If a staff member fails to handle and resolve customer complaints in a satisfactory manner, the customer is likely to never return.

A hotel can prevent unauthorized visitors from accessing the property by A. providing vendors with electronic key cards. B. instituting a lockout for specific guests. C. changing traditional room locks every week. D. locking particular doors after certain hours.

D: Locking particular doors after certain hours. By locking doors after certain hours, a hotel can limit access to the facility. For example, a hotel might provide its guests and employees with an access code to get into the main lobby from outdoors at nighttime. Hotels do not provide vendors with electronic key cards. It would be very expensive to change traditional locks every week. A hotel enacts a lockout by preventing a guest from entering their room when the guest does not pay the bill, exhibits unsafe behavior, etc.

. Star Resorts and Spas recently revamped its smartphone app to include virtual tours of hotel rooms, new loyalty program features, and the ability for customers to check in and check out using their phones. The company knows that today's tourists are more connected than ever, and it hopes that the new app will enhance the visitor experience at its locations. Star Resorts and Spas is using __________ to better meet customer needs. A. changing travel habits B. social media influencers C. customer feedback D. mobile technology

D: Mobile technology. Mobile technology (smartphones and other mobile smart devices) has impacted every aspect of the hospitality and tourism industry. Customers now expect to be able to find and book hotel rooms, view accommodation photos, check in to their destinations, compare prices, and more—all from their devices. One way that hospitality companies have responded to this growing trend is by offering more robust smartphone apps. Many hotels now offer apps that provide most of the same benefits of the traditional website, including tours of hotel rooms, price comparison tools, reviews, and check-in/check-out services. This example best demonstrates the impact of mobile technology on the hospitality and tourism industry, not customer feedback, changing travel habits, or social media influencers.

John only had $40 to spend and couldn't decide whether to buy a new pair of jeans or to go to an amusement park. He finally decided to spend his money on the amusement park. What was the opportunity cost of his decision? A. $40 B. Trip to amusement park C. No opportunity cost was involved. D. New pair of jeans

D: New pair of jeans. When a choice is made about the best use of resources, the next-best alternative that is given up is called the opportunity cost. In this case, John decided to spend his money on a trip to an amusement park rather than on a new pair of jeans. Since the pair of jeans was given up, it is the opportunity cost. Opportunity costs exist because of scarcity.

Which of the following is an example of personal information that should be included in a resume: A. Year of graduation B. Rate of pay C. Name(s) of parent(s) or guardian(s) D. Phone number

D: Phone number. Resumes should contain personal information about an individual such as full name, address, telephone number, etc. Year of graduation is considered to be educational information. The name(s) of parent(s) or guardian(s) would not be included in a resume. If an applicant was previously employed, the former rate of pay would be included as work information.

One way that salespeople can obtain selling information from company promotional materials is to __________ the materials. A. buy B. write C. copy D. read

D: Read. Most salespeople regularly read the company's promotional materials to obtain useful selling information. They read advertisements to obtain information about the features and benefits of current products being promoted. They also read promotional brochures and direct-mail pieces to gather important information that they can use to sell the products to customers. Salespeople do not copy or write the company's promotional materials. They are not expected to buy the promotional materials which are available at no cost.

To set prices, businesses must price the physical product and all of its associated A. value. B. features. C. physical characteristics. D. services.

D: Services. Pricing would be a relatively simple process if marketers had to consider only the cost of the physical product when setting prices; however, they must actually price the physical product and its associated services, such as credit, delivery, etc. Features are the physical characteristics of a product. Value is the amount of satisfaction a product will provide the customer.

A salesperson is having to take a very active role to complete a sale in a reasonable length of time. With what type of difficult customer is the salesperson working? A. Dishonest B. Disagreeable C. Suspicious D. Slow/Methodical

D: Slow/Methodical. Slow/Methodical customers may need more action on the salesperson's part to close within a reasonable period of time. Dishonest customers should be watched for signs of dishonest behavior. Disagreeable customers are often surprised and calmed by salespeople who are composed, courteous, and efficient. Suspicious clients will often be your customer for life if you can gain their confidence and trust.

Kaylee is the event coordinator for the Houghton Hotel. She is placing an order for unique table centerpieces with a vendor on behalf of a client who is holding a wedding reception at the hotel. What type of order is Kaylee placing? A. Standing B. Open C. Blanket D. Special

D: Special. A special order is a request for a custom product or a product that the property does not normally have on hand. A blanket order is an order that covers all or part of a retailer's seasonal requirements. A standing order is an order that involves sending specific products at set intervals. An open order is an order for staple goods that is placed with one of several available vendors who can meet the business's immediate requirements (e.g., time, price, quantity). Blanket orders typically are placed several months before the season and do not contain detailed specifications or shipping dates.

Which of the following is a factor that might prevent businesspeople from developing cultural sensitivity: A. Ethics B. Demographics C. Principles D. Stereotypes

D: Stereotypes. A stereotype is a set image or an assumption about a person or thing. Stereotypes often influence the way people think about other people and might prevent businesspeople from developing cultural sensitivity. To be culturally sensitive, businesspeople need to be aware that people in other parts of the world live and think very differently than they do. Businesspeople need to be open-minded rather than assume that all people in one culture behave in a certain manner. Demographics are the physical and social characteristics of the population. Ethics are the basic principles that govern your behavior. Businesspeople who have principles and are ethical often are able to develop cultural sensitivity because they try to avoid stereotyping others.

Entrepreneurs who are aware of their personal strengths and weaknesses increase their chances of A. outsourcing. B. empathy. C. productivity. D. success.

D: Success. People who realize their personal strengths and weaknesses can work to enhance their strengths and improve their weaknesses. These improvements might make entrepreneurs more productive and, therefore, can increase the chance of business success. Empathy refers to the degree of concern, understanding, or sensitivity one person feels for another person. An awareness of one's own strengths and weaknesses does not necessarily mean the person is more empathetic toward others. An awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses does not necessarily make a person more productive. If the weaknesses are improved or strengths enhanced, the individual might become more productive. Outsourcing refers to companies acquiring products from outside organizations to accomplish their goals.

Which of the following historical events had a large impact on the development of the hospitality and tourism industry during the 1950s: A. The establishment of the first hotel B. The growth of suburbs C. The space race began D. The introduction of trans-Atlantic flights

D: The introduction of trans-Atlantic flights. The advent of trans-Atlantic flights opened up a whole new world of possibility for the hospitality and tourism industry. Consumers were now able to travel to places they could only dream of before. Although the space race began in the 1950s and suburbs grew dramatically during that same time period, neither event had as large an impact on the hospitality and tourism industry as trans-Atlantic flights did. The first hotel was established in 1788.

Hannah doesn't lie to her boss because she thinks about the long-term repercussions of her actions. Hannah is thinking about A. peer pressure. B. greed. C. respect. D. viability.

D: Viability. Hannah is thinking about how her actions will affect her and her boss in the long run. In other words, she is concerned about viability. Respect is also an important ethical principle, but it is not demonstrated in this example. Hannah is not showing greed or peer pressure.

People who value and appreciate the differences in others usually A. avoid each other. B. argue about politics. C. live in the same area. D. work well together.

D: Work well together. Valuing the differences in others helps people get along and work well together. They understand the differences and appreciate them. Arguing about politics is a common characteristic among all people and is not limited to those with different backgrounds. People who value the differences in others do not avoid each other. Valuing the differences in others does not depend upon living in the same area.

Lin is giving a prepared presentation about the health benefits of following a balanced diet. What type of presentation is she most likely to be giving? A. Entertaining B. Persuasive C. Impromptu D. Informative

D:Informative. Since Lin is providing information about the health benefits of following a balanced diet, the presentation is an informative one. There's no indication that Lin is trying to persuade or entertain the audience. Since Lin prepared her presentation in advance, it is not likely to be an impromptu one, given on the spur of the moment without advanced preparation.

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