DEP 3305 Chp. 13 Review
A psychological disturbance characterized by low self-esteem, decreased motivation, sadness, and difficulty in finding pleasure in formerly pleasurable activities.
Conduct disorder
A repetitive and persistent pattern of antisocial behavior that results in problems at school or work, or in relationships with others.
10%; 6%; 1/3
According to recent national surveys, in any given year, close to _____ of American female high school students and about _____ of males attempt suicide; nearly _____ of these attempts are serious enough to require treatment by a physician or nurse.
Acts done to be intentionally harmful.
Aggression committed by adolescents is generally more serious than that committed by children. True or False?
Aggressive behavior actually declines over the course of childhood and adolescence. True or False?
Also worrisome is that _____ of high school seniors report having driven a car after drinking at least once in the past month.
About half of what it was in 1980
Although antisocial behavior is still far more common among males than females, the male-to-female ratio is juvenile arrests today is...
Suicide is a much more common cause of death among adults than it is among young people
Although the rate of suicide rises rapidly during the middle adolescents year, it continues to rise though adulthood, and...
Primary control strategies
Coping strategies in which an individual attempts to change the stressor.
Secondary control strategies
Coping strategies that involve attempts by the individual to adapt to the stressor.
Criminal behavior
Crimes that are dealt with in the criminal justice system, regardless of the age of the offender.
First, a very large proportion of adolescents report having engaged in delinquent behavior at one time or another. True or False?
Sometime before high school graduation; At least once
For example, the majority of adolescents experiment with alcohol... , and the majority will have been drunk...
From early adolescence until very late adulthood, twice as many females as males suffer from depressive disorder, and females are somewhat more likely than males to report depressed mood. True or False?
Increases; Increasing
Some studies also indicate that there have been historical _____ (increases/decreases?) in the prevalence of depression and other signs of internalized distress, especially among adolescents, with rates _____ (increasing/decreasing?) in each generation.
Violent females; Violent males
Regardless of the size or causes of the gender gap in arrests, there is good evidence that _____ have significantly more mental health problems than do _____, consistent with the notion that gender-inappropriate displays of aggression may be indicative of greater maladjustment.
Second, ethnic differences in the prevalence of actual offending are smaller than what you might think based on official records. True of False?
Several studies have also indicated that there may be ethnic differences in the prevalence of depression during adolescence, with significantly more _____ teenagers reporting depressive symptoms than their peers (i.e., White, Black, or Asian), especially within samples of girls.
More; Less
Studies comparing juvenile rodents with adult rodents find that juveniles can drink _____ (more/less?) than adults before they become tired or have their reflexes slow, and the unpleasant consequences of drinking too much (otherwise known as a hangover) are _____ (more/less?) intense among juveniles than adults.
Substance abuse
The misuse of alcohol or other drugs to a degree that causes problems in the individual's life.
Reflect the inconsistent way that we view these substances as a society
The mixed signals sent to young people about drugs...
Age-crime curve
The relationships between chronological age and offending, showing that the prevalence of offending peaks in late adolescence.
Alcohol; Marijuana and Tobacco
The surveys consistently indicated that _____ is by far the most commonly used and abused substance, in terms of both prevalence and recency of use; followied by...
The boys who are their friends and boyfriends
There is also good evidence that girls' antisocial behavior may be especially influenced by...
Suicide ideation
Thinking about ending one's life.
Substance abuse, Delinquency, and Eating disorders
Three good examples of problems that many, although not all, adolescents experience that are relatively transitory in nature and are resolved by the beginning of adulthood, with few long-term repercussions in most cases.
Status offenses
Violations of the law that pertain to minors but not adults.
Assault, rape, robbery, and murder
Violent crimes.
Adolescents who exhibit more than one problem within the same general category
Violent delinquent youth or anxious-depressed youth.
Oppositional-defiant disorder
A disorder of childhood and adolescence characterized by excessive anger, spite, and stubbornness.
Less; Worse
Although the short-term effects of alcohol are _____ (more/less?) severe in adolescents than adults, there is solid evidence that the lasting effects of alcohol on brain functioning are _____ (better/worse?) in adolescence than in adulthood - again, because the brain is more vulnerable to influences during periods of plasticity.
Monitoring the Future
An annual survey of a nationwide sample of American 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-graders, mainly known for its data on adolescent substance use.
Juvenile offending
An externalizing problem that includes delinquency and criminal behavior.
Pessimism and hopelessness
Cognitive symptoms of depression.
Before adolescence, boys are somewhat more likely to exhibit depressive symptoms than girls, but after puberty, the sex difference in prevalence of depression reverses. True or False?
Young adulthood
Both violent crimes and property crimes decline during...
The preadolescent years and adolescent years
Both violent crimes and property crimes increase in frequency between...
The late high school years
Both violent crimes and property crimes peak during...
Adolescents who exhibit one specific problem without any others
Depressed adolescents who do not have other internalizing or externalizing problems.
Adolescents who exhibit both internalizing and externalizing problems
Depressed delinquents
Gateway drugs
Drugs that, when used over time, lead to the use of other, more dangerous substances.
Dejection, decreased enjoyment of pleasurable activities, and low self-esteem
Emotional symptoms of depression.
20%; 15%; 6%
However, about _____ of all seniors, _____ of all 10th-graders, and _____ of all 8th-graders report have abused alcohol at lease once during the past 2 weeks.
That part of becoming an "American" teenager means experimenting with drugs
In general, foreign-born and less Americanized minority youngsters - whether Asian or Hispanic in background - use alcohol, drugs, and tobacco at a lower rate than do American-born and more acculturated immigrant youth, suggesting...
Than do American-born and more acculturated immigrant youth
In general, foreign-born and less Americanized minority youngsters - whether Asian or Hispanic in background - use alcohol, drugs, and tobacco at a lower rate...
Have had far worse family experiences than those with one problem
In general, studies show that multiproblem teenagers...
The preschool years
In sheer quantity, the most aggressive period of development is..., when children frequently hit, kick, or bite each other.
Juvenile offending that is processed within the juvenile justice system.
Apathy and boredom
Motivational symptoms of depression.
Rate him as likely to reoffend in the future and as deserving of harsh punishment
One experiment found that people hold such strong negative stereotypes about Black males that when provided with information about a crime and asked to evaluate the perpetrator, individuals who were unconsciously led to believe that the offender was Black were significantly more likely than those who were not to...
Loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, and loss of energy
Physical symptoms of depression.
Burglary, theft, and arson
Property crimes.
Internalizing disorders
Psychosocial problems that are manifested in a turning of the symptoms inward, as in depression or anxiety.
Externalizing disorders
Psychosocial problems that are manifested in a turning of the symptoms outward, as in aggression or delinquency.