DEP3305 Exam Two

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Confidence, Connection, Character

Positive model of youth development "Five C's" includes: -Competence -________ -______ -_______ -Caring/ compassion

responsiveness, demandingness

Parental ________ is the degree to which the parent responds to the child's needs in an accepting, supportive manner. Parental _________ is the extent to which the parent expects and demands mature, responsible behavior.

positive youth development

the goal of programs designed to facilitate healthy psychosocial development and not simply to deter problematic development


the method by which researchers attempt to understand a group or culture by observing it from the inside, without imposing any preconceived notions they might have

midlife crisis

A psychological crisis over identity believed to occur between the ages of 35 and 45, the age range of most adolescents' parents.

family systems theory

According to _______ ________ _______, relationships in families change most dramatically during times when individual family members or the family's circumstances are changing, because it is during these times that the family's equilibrium often is upset.

4, 6, 300,000, half

According to a national survey of secondary school students in American public schools, 1 out of every ___ students has been a victim of violence in or around school, and 1 out of ____ is worried about being physically attacked or hurt there. Violence against teachers is also all too common. Each year, nearly ________ American teachers (about 1 out of every 12 teachers) are threatened, and in ____ of these incidents, the teachers have been physically attacked

Harmed, solving

According to a study of more than 190,000 students from 22 countries, there is no evidence that adolescents' school performance is either helped or ______ by playing video games. A few studies show that playing video games may enhance visual skills, reaction time, hand-eye coordination, information-processing skills, and problem _________ abilities.

Media practice model

According to the third school of thought, adolescents' preferences and their media exposure affect each other. Moreover, adolescents not only choose what they are exposed to, but interpret the media in ways that shape their impact. This view is referred to as the ______ ______ ______.

33, 80

Adolescents also remain in school for more years now than they did in previous eras. In 1924, fewer than __% of all youngsters entering the 5th grade eventually graduated from high school; today, more than __% of all high school students graduate on time, and a substantial number of those who do not eventually get their diploma, either by completing high school at a later date or through equivalency programs or continuation schools

Positive, alone, between

Adolescents' moods are most _______ when they are with their friends and least positive when they are ______; their moods when with their family fall somewhere in _______. Between grades 5 and 9, adolescents' moods while with friends become more positive, whereas their moods while with their family become more negative between elementary and middle school (between grades 5 and 7) and then rise between middle school and high school (between grades 8 and 9). This dip parallels findings from other research on family relations that point to early adolescence as a time of heightened strain in the parent-child relationship.

White, likely

Affluent, suburban, and ___ children are most likely to be home unsupervised, and poor, minority, and urban and rural children are least ___.

three fourths

Almost ______-______ of all adolescents have their own smartphone, or access to one

Inner-city, substantial

Although other critics have noted that poor achievement is a problem in all segments of American society, virtually all social scientists concur that the education crisis, and its implications for the future of the labor force, is especially urgent within _____-_____ public schools. Indeed, the achievement gap between White and non-White youngsters, which had been closing for some time, grew wider during the 1990s, especially in large urban school districts. It narrowed again toward the end of the twentieth century, but has remained _____ since

Charter schools, funding

Amid widespread disappointment over the state of public education in America, increasing numbers of parents began to look at other options—among them, ______ _____ (public schools that are given more freedom to set their own curricula), schools that are run by private corporations rather than local school boards, home schooling, and government-subsidized school vouchers (which can be used for private school tuition). Although all of these alternatives gained popularity during the late 1990s, research on their costs and benefits has been inconclusive. There is considerable variability among charter, for-profit, and private schools, as well as homeschooling environments, just as there is among public schools. The bottom line is that what takes place within a school is probably more important than the nature of its _______ and oversight.

reference groups

Another way of putting this is that adolescents' crowds serve as ______ _______. They provide their members with an identity in the eyes of others. Adolescents judge one another on the basis of the company they keep, and they become branded on the basis of whom they hang out with.

clique, crowds

Because the _____ is based on activity and friendship, it is the peer setting in which adolescents learn social skills—how to be a good friend, how to communicate effectively, how to be a leader, how to enjoy someone else's company, or how to break off a friendship that is no longer satisfying. In contrast, because _____ are based more on reputation and stereotype than on interaction, they probably contribute more to the adolescent's sense of identity and self-conception—for better and for worse—than to his or her actual social development.


By _th grade, there is nearly universal agreement among students about their school's crowd structure, and the strength of peer group influence is very high. Between 9th and 12th grades, however, the significance of the crowd structure begins to decline, and the salience of peer pressure wanes.

Isolated, alcohol, earlier

Compared to young people who are supervised after school, those who aren't feel more socially _____ and depressed, and are more likely to have school problems, use drugs and _____, be involved in antisocial behavior, and be sexually active at ______ ages .

Weaker, local, ethnic

Consistent with this, students who have been bused to school out of their neighborhood report _____ feelings of attachment to their school than do students whose schools draw directly from the ____ community. Students' attachment to school also is higher when they attend schools where relatively more of their classmates are from the same ____. group.

Higher, likely, lower

Contrary to widespread opinion, there is no evidence that rates of student victimization are _______ in larger schools, although victimization is less ______ in schools where the student-teacher ratio is _____, perhaps because it is easier for schools to establish and enforce norms about how to behave


Despite concerns that the extracurricular overscheduling of youth, especially in affluent communities, creates pressures that compromise adolescents' mental health, several studies have found ___ such effect

generational dissonance

Divergence of views between adolescents and parents that is common in families of immigrant parents and American-born adolescents.

Brown, magnet

Following the landmark U.S. Supreme Court rulings in _____ v. Board of Education of Topeka , in which the Court found that it was unconstitutional to maintain separate schools for children on the basis of race, many school districts adopted measures designed to make schools more diverse. They did this either by assigning students to schools in a way that would create ethnic diversity or by encouraging voluntary desegregation, through measures like having "____" schools that would create diversity by drawing students from different neighborhoods (for instance, by having citywide schools specializing in the performing arts).

Boys, ethnic, poor, lower

Generally speaking, _____, _____ minority students, and students from ______ families are more likely to become disengaged from school during early adolescence. Among Black and Latino students, transitioning to a school where the proportion of students from the same ethnic background is _____ than it had been at their previous school is associated with greater disengagement from school, lower grades, and more frequent absences

Scholastic, third

However, in contrast to studies of schools, studies of classrooms indicate that variations within the typical range of classroom sizes—from 20 to 40 students— do not affect students' ________ achievement once they have reached adolescence. Small classes benefit young elementary school children (up until ____ grade), who may need more individualized instruction, but adolescents in classes with 40 students learn just as much as those in classes with 20.

Bush, behind, testing

In January 2002, President George W. ______ signed into law the No Child Left _____ Act, a sweeping and controversial piece of legislation mandating that states ensure that all students, regardless of their economic circumstances, achieve academic proficiency required that schools create and enforce academic standards by annually _____ all students and by reporting the results of students' performance to the public.

prior, greater

In contrast to studies of video games, numerous studies have shown that repeated exposure to violent imagery on television leads to aggressive behavior in children and youth, especially among those who have _____ histories of aggression. It is important to note, however, that other factors, such as experiences in the family or community, are likely far ______ influences on adolescent violence than media exposure.

increases, closer

In same-sex dyads, intimacy _____ between preadolescence and middle adolescence, and then declines somewhat. In mixed-sex dyads, the pattern is the opposite: intimacy drops between preadolescence and mid-adolescence, and then increases. In fact, by late adolescence, brothers and sisters are ______ than are same-sex siblings, although both types of relationships become closer as individuals leave home and move into young adulthood

boys, girls

Indeed, during the transition into adolescence, there is a dramatic drop in the amount of time adolescents spend with parents; for ____, this is mainly replaced by time spent alone, whereas for ____, it is replaced by time alone and time with friends

High, flow experience

It is only when adolescents are playing sports or involved in the arts, a hobby, or an extracurricular organization that they report _____ levels of both concentration and interest. This combination produces what some psychologists have referred to as a ______ ______. (high levels of concentration and interest at the same time)


It is possible to enhance low-income students' adjustment to middle school through interventions targeted at their _____.

Social promotion

Many commentators had criticized the practice of _______ ________—moving students from one grade to the next regardless of their academic performance—arguing that poor and ethnic minority youth especially were being cheated out of a good education and graduated without the skills necessary to succeed in college or the labor force

Contrary, sexual, drug

Many people think that keeping teenagers busy with work keeps them out of trouble. _______ to popular belief, however, employment during adolescence does not deter delinquent activity . Indeed, several studies suggest that working long hours may actually be associated with increases in aggression, school misconduct, minor delinquency, and precocious ______ activity . Many studies also have found that rates of smoking, drinking, and _____ use are higher among teenage workers than nonworkers, especially among students who work long hours.

Premature affluence, less, obligations

Many working teenagers may develop ________ ________—which results from getting used to having a relatively luxurious standard of living before having any serious financial responsibilities, like rent, food, or utility bills. Perhaps as a consequence, adolescents who have earned (and spent) a lot from their jobs while in high school are _______ satisfied with their financial situations as young adults, because they had become accustomed to living in an unrealistic world in which they had a large amount of discretionary income and few _______.


Medication that shows best effects on adolescents who have both ADHD and some sort of mood disorder.

90, 25, girls

More than __% of American teens go online daily, and about __% report being online "almost constantly," often using social media (____) or playing video games (boys).


Most experts believe that the high rate of obesity among American teenagers is due, in part, to the large amount of time—estimated to be close to ___ hours a week—young people spend watching TV, playing video games, or online.

Dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, five, boys

Most learning disabilities are neurological in origin. Common types of specific learning disabilities include _______ (impaired ability in reading or spelling), _________ (impaired ability in handwriting), and _________ (impaired ability in arithmetic). Learning disabilities are common—about one in _____ school-age children and youth is at risk for a learning disability, with rates of learning disabilities significantly more common among _____ than girls


Most sexual content on prime-time TV does not contain graphic images of individuals having sex, but instead is made up of _______ and suggestive comments. On daytime television, however, a lot of sexual imagery is of individuals engaging in passionate kissing and erotic touching.

15, 50, inadequate

Nearly __% of U.S. secondary schools are overcrowded—that is, the size of the student body is at least 6% larger than the school was designed to house—and an additional 8% are "severely overcrowded," with the student body 25% above capacity. Schools with more than __% ethnic minority students are especially likely to be overcrowded. Achievement is lower in overcrowded schools because of stress on both students and teachers, the use of facilities for instruction that were not designed to serve as classrooms (such as gyms), and _____ resources.

two thirds, life

Nearly _____-______ of mothers and fathers describe adolescence as the most difficult stage of parenting, and this period is the low point in parents' marital and ____ satisfaction

Third, fifth

Nearly one-____ of students who enter a full-time, two-year college program drop out after just 1 year, as do about one-____ of students who enter a four-year college

Community, 400

Numerous studies indicate that students achieve more when they attend schools that create a cohesive sense of _______. Students' attachment to school is weaker in larger schools, particularly when the number of students in a grade exceeds ___.

Increased, decreased

One recent study found that exposure to sexually explicit websites ________ the likelihood of sexual activity among adolescents who had just entered puberty, but _______ it among those who were sexually mature.


One study that examined the young-adult outcomes of high school crowd membership found that both "brains" and "jocks" showed the most favorable patterns of psychological ______ over time. Individuals who had been members of antisocial peer groups fared the worst.

1925, 15, both

Prior to _____, teenagers from all but the most affluent families left school between the ages of 12 and ___ to become full-time workers. Depending on their social class, adolescents were either students or workers, but not _____.

Tracking, remedial, polarize

Proponents of _____ note that ability grouping allows teachers to design class lessons that are more finely tuned to students' abilities. This may be especially useful in high school, where students must master certain basic skills before they can learn such specialized subjects as science, math, or foreign languages. Critics point out, however, that students in the _____ track receive not just a different education, but one that's worse than that provided to those in more advanced tracks. This can also _______ the student body into subcultures that are hostile towards each other.

One-fifth, belonging, live

Recent surveys of American high school students indicate that so many are afraid of being victimized that nearly ___-______of high school students across the country regularly carry a gun, knife, or club, with even higher percentages doing so in some inner-city neighborhoods. Many urban school districts are burdened by huge administrative bureaucracies that impede reform and hinder educational innovation. Students in urban schools report less of a sense of "_____" to their school, which leads to disengagement and poor achievement. And the erosion of job opportunities in inner-city communities has left many students with little incentive to remain in school or to devote a great deal of effort to academic pursuits. Many reformers now believe that to fix the problems of urban education, we must change the entire context in which inner-city children ______, not merely what goes on in their schools.

130, visual

Related to the issue of tracking are questions concerning the placement of individuals who are considered gifted students and of those who have a learning disability. Adolescents who score ____ or higher on an intelligence test are considered gifted. Adolescents with a learning disability are those whose actual performance is significantly poorer than their expected performance (based on intelligence or aptitude tests, for example) and whose difficulty with academic tasks cannot be traced to an emotional problem, such as coping with a parental divorce, or a sensory dysfunction, such as a _____ or hearing impairment.

High, low, middle

Research on tracking suggests both positive and negative effects and, more importantly, different effects on students in different tracks. Tracking has positive effects on the achievement of _____-track students, negative effects on ____-track students, and negligible effects on students in the ____.

Social capital, unsafe

Strong communities, whether based in neighborhoods or schools, generate what has been called _______ _____—interpersonal resources that, like financial capital, give "richer" students advantages over "poorer" ones. Students profit from the social capital associated with attending a Catholic school, because the lessons taught in school are reinforced at home, at church, and in the neighborhood, and because the links between home and school are stronger. In addition, private schools typically assign more homework and are more orderly and disciplined. Students who attend private schools are substantially less likely to report feeling _____, being exposed to gangs, or witnessing fighting between ethnic groups.

Small, 600, 900

Students in _____ schools also are more likely to be placed in positions of leadership and responsibility, and they more often report having done things that made them feel confident and diligent. School size especially affects the participation of students whose grades are not very good. In large schools, academically marginal students often feel like outsiders and rarely get involved in school activities. In small schools, however, these students feel a sense of involvement and obligation equal to that of more academically successful students. The ideal size of a high school is between _____ and _____ students

Misbehave, negatively

Students who are disengaged from school are more likely to _____ and engage in substance use, both because doing poorly in school leads to problem behavior and because students who engage in problem behavior are evaluated more _____ by their teachers

Advanced, 3

Students who attend private school may also be encouraged (or required) to take more _____ courses than students in public schools, which contributes to their superior performance on achievement tests. Compared to teens with similar backgrounds who attend traditional schools, homeschooled adolescents with weak religious ties are ___ times more likely to be behind their expected grade level on achievement tests, and only half as likely to participate in extracurricular activities

Employment, performance

Students whose parents are involved in school activities (such as parent-teacher conferences and "back-to-school" nights), who encourage and emphasize academic success, and who use authoritative parenting practices do better in secondary school than their peers After-school ______ and extracurricular participation also affect school achievement. Generally speaking, involvement in school-based extracurricular activities strengthens students' attachment to school. In contrast, students who overextend themselves on the job may jeopardize their school __________ .

8, 2, sponsored, poor

Studies have found benefits of participating in structured extracurricular activities as many as _ years after high school graduation, especially among individuals whose extracurricular participation lasted at least _ years and occupied a relatively high number of hours each week. These benefits were seen only among individuals whose activities were school-_____, however, perhaps because this helps strengthen students' attachment to school, which in turn contributes to their future educational success . This "spillover effect" is especially strong among adolescents who are less able students and among those who go to schools in _____ communities

Trouble, Arrest, black

Suspending or expelling students from school increases their likelihood of getting into further ______. School violence is more effectively reduced through programs that attempt to create a more humane climate (American Psychological Association [APA] Zero Tolerance Task Force, 2008). One unintended consequence of zero-tolerance policies is that many students end up with _____ records and contact with the justice system for acts that in the past would have been treated as disciplinary infractions by school officials. This has a disproportionate impact on _____ students, who are more likely than others to report that school rules are unfair and inconsistently enforced, and to be suspended or expelled, even though they are no more likely to commit the sorts of acts that would warrant these responses

Discipline, independence

Teachers in junior high schools are less likely to trust their students and more likely to emphasize ________, which creates a mismatch between what students at this age desire (more _____) and what their teachers provide (more control).

New media

Technologies, such as the Internet, that blur the line between media sources and create new opportunities for the dissemination of news and other information

Similar, differences

Teenagers and their parents usually have surprisingly ______ beliefs about such things as the importance of hard work, educational and occupational ambitions, and the personal characteristics and attributes that they think are important and desirable. Indeed, when it comes to basic, core values—concerning religion, work, education, and so on—diversity within the adolescent population is much more striking than are _____ between the generations

5, 3, socializing

Teenagers in the United States spend far more time on leisure, and far less time in productive activities, than their counterparts in other countries. American students' use of their free time for school-related activities is especially low, and, as you would expect, it is particularly low among lower-achieving students . For instance, the average American high school student spends fewer than __hours per week on homework; in Asian countries such as India, Taiwan, and Japan, the average is between 4 and 5 hours per day . And European and Asian adolescents spend almost ___ times as many hours each week reading for pleasure as do American adolescents. In contrast, American teenagers spend relatively more time playing sports, ______ with friends, caring for their physical appearance, and working at after-school jobs

facebook depression

Term given to teenagers who spend too much time obsessing about their online relationships

unemployment, not, twice

The _______ rate among recent high school graduates who have not gone on to college is ____ all that different from that of high school dropouts (in 2014, 29% of recent high school graduates who were not in college were unemployed, compared with 30% of high school dropouts). In contrast, just 10 years ago, the unemployment rate among dropouts was _____ as high as it was among recent high school graduates who were not in college.

Uses and gratification, exposed

The _________ _______ ______ approach, stresses that adolescents choose the media to which they are _______. According to this view, any correlation between what adolescents are exposed to and what they do or think is due not to the influence of the media, but to the fact that individuals with particular inclinations choose media that are consistent with their interests.


The average teenage girl spends more than ___ hours daily on leisure activity while the average boy spends more than ___ hours daily.

adolescent, academic

The belief that age segregation has fueled the development of a separate—and troublesome—youth culture was first expressed more than 50 years ago, in The _________ Society, an extensive study of the social worlds of 10 American high schools (Coleman, 1961). According to the study, adolescents lived in a social world where ____ success was frowned on, where doing well in school did not earn the admiration of peers, and where wealth, athletic ability (for boys), and good looks (for girls) mattered most.

temporary, no

The distancing that takes place between parents and teenagers in early and middle adolescence is ______. Parent-child relationships tend to become less conflicted and more intimate during late adolescence and show ____ decline in closeness as the adolescent enters young adulthood.

Engagement, Optimism, Happiness

The model of positive youth development "EPOCH" includes: -____________ -Perserverance -____________ -Connectedness -______________

Common core, broken

The past three decades have been dominated by what is called standards-based reform, which focuses on policies designed to improve achievement by holding schools and students to a predetermined set of benchmarks measured by achievement tests. This gave rise to proposals that American schools adopt the________ ______, a set of standards in English language arts and mathematics that schools across the country would be expected to use to evaluate whether their students were learning what they ought to learn in each grade. Although states were given wide flexibility in how they would implement the standards (they would have control over the curriculum and instructional methods they would use), the Common Core continues to be controversial. Many states that signed on to the plan initially have since _____ from it.


The process of separating students into different levels of classes within the same school is called ability grouping, or _____.

big fish-little pond

The reason that individuals who attend high school with high-achieving peers feel worse about themselves than comparably successful individuals with lower-achieving peers. This has been documented to occur around the world.

Industrialization, immigration

The rise of secondary education in America was the result of several historical and social trends that converged at the turn of the twentieth century. Most important were _________, urbanization, and ________.

Positively, Half

There are cross-cultural differences in the ways in which these messages are expressed, though: One study found that both losing one's virginity and becoming pregnant were depicted more _______ in the Netherlands (where attitudes toward teen sex are more liberal) than in the United States. There is plenty of sexual content in new media as well, and the content is typically more explicit than that in older media. _____ of all adolescents have seen pornography on the Internet.

Two, 60, likely

Today, more than ___-thirds of high school graduates enroll in college immediately after graduation. The increase in enrollments has been especially dramatic among women. In 1970, close to 70% of undergraduates were male; by the end of this decade, it is estimated that about ___% of all college students will be female. Although there were large increases in the enrollment of minority youth in higher education during the 1970s, the proportion fell during the early 1980s, primarily because of reductions in the availability of financial aid. Today, among high school graduates, 80% of Asian American students, two-thirds of White and Hispanic students, and nearly 60% of Black students go directly into college. Youth from immigrant families, despite the fact that their parents typically did not attend American colleges themselves, and despite often having to support their family financially, are just as ______ to enroll in and succeed in college as are American-born youth.


Victimization is _____ common in more ethnically diverse schools.

More, 20, beneficial, regularly

Whatever the reason, the impact of school-year employment on drug and alcohol use persists over time: People who worked long hours as teenagers drink and use drugs _____ in their late __s than their peers who worked less or not at all. One recent study of juvenile delinquents found that working during high school was only _______ if the adolescent was also attending school ________.

11, black, 20

When media multitasking is taken into account, the amount of time teenagers are exposed to media each day is close to __ hours. The highest levels of media use are reported by early adolescents, and by ___ and Hispanic teenagers. The only type of media use that has not increased in the past decade is reading print materials. In 2009, adolescents spent only an average of ___ minutes a day reading words on a printed page.


When one thing causes another


When two things go hand in hand

20, white, asian

Working more than __ hours a week jeopardizes adolescents' school performance and engagement. Youngsters who work long hours are absent from school more often, are less likely to participate in extracurricular activities, report enjoying school less, spend less time on their homework, and earn slightly lower grades. These results occur both because teenagers who are less interested in school choose to work longer hours, and because working long hours leads to disengagement from school. Working long hours takes an especially bad toll on achievement among _____ and ______ students from middle-class families

ADHD, Inattention,

____ is usually diagnosed during childhood, but the condition persists into adolescence in 50 to 70% of cases, and into adulthood in about half of all children with the diagnosis (during adulthood impulse control may be learned). This is defined by persistent and impairing symptoms of inattention, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity, although the defining feature of ADHD in adolescence (as opposed to childhood) is generally ______., rather than impulsivity or hyperactivity. Adolescents with ADHD are classified into one of three subtypes: predominantly inattentive (about 30 to 40% of all cases), predominantly hyperactive/impulsive (fewer than 5% of all cases, and rarely seen during adolescence), or combined (between 50 and 60% of all cases).


_____ are based on "the identification of adolescents who share a similar image or reputation among peers, or who have a common feature such as ethnicity or neighborhood, even if they do not consider each other friends or spend much time interacting with each other"

ADHD, ritalin, adderall

_____ is frequently treated with some sort of stimulant medication, such as methylphenidate (_____) or a combination of amphetamines (e.g., _______). Stimulant medication is helpful in about 70 percent of cases. Certain types of antidepressants, such as bupropion (Wellbutrin) have also been shown to be effective, especially with adolescents who have both ADHD and some sort of mood disorder, such as anxiety or depression.


_______ popularity refers to how much status or prestige someone has.


_______ popularity refers to how well-liked someone is.

Boys, adolescents, mental

_______, students with mental health problems, and ________ who have easy access to guns are more likely than others to be involved in school shootings, but identifying the specific students with these characteristics who will commit lethal crimes in school is a different matter altogether. Most experts believe that, in the absence of a proven means of identifying in advance adolescents who will commit acts of lethal violence in school, the most effective policy involves limiting adolescents' access to guns and identifying and treating young people with ______ health problems.

zero tolerance

a get-tough approach to adolescent misbehavior that responds seriously or excessively to the first infraction

experience sampling method

a method of collecting data about adolescents' emotional states, in which individuals are paged and asked to report on their mood and activity

Routine activity theory, weekday

a perspective on adolescence that views unstructured, unsupervised time with peers as a main cause of misbehavior. delinquency is more common on _______ afternoons than at any other time

larger, early

adolescence marks the emergence of ____ collectives of peers, called crowds. Not until ____ adolescence can individuals accurately list the various crowds in their schools and reliably describe the stereotypes that distinguish the crowds from one another

Comprehensive high school

an educational institution that evolved during the first half of the 20th century, offering a varied curriculum and designed to meet the needs of a diverse population of adolescents

sibling rivalry

competition between siblings, often for parental attention

ethnic, white

conflict between adolescents and parents over these mundane matters(curfew, leisure activities) is generally less frequent in ______ minority than in _____ families, the topics of disagreement are similar across ethnic groups and cultures


conflict between parents and children increases during _____ adolescence.

less, native

conflict is _____ frequent, and cohesion higher, in households where teenagers and their parents communicate in their _____ language

sleper effects

effects of divorce that may not be apparent until much later in a child's development


good schools emphasize _________ activities

Cultivation theory

idea that long-term immersion in a media environment leads to "cultivation," or enculturation, into shared beliefs about the world

familism, less

idea that the family's well-being takes precedence over the concerns of individual family members. Adolescents who value _____ and assist their families are _______ likely to get depressed and less likely to get involved with antisocial peer groups, which lessens their chances of drinking or using illicit drugs


in 1940, only about _% of high school students worked during the school year


integrating students with disabilities or special needs into the overall educational program


one study found that when adolescents played violent video games with their parents, they reported _______ in aggression

clique, liasions, isolates

researchers categorized adolescents as ____ members (individuals who have most of their interactions with the same small group of people), ______ (individuals who interact with two or more adolescents who are members of cliques, but who themselves are not part of a clique), and ____ (individuals who have few or no links to others in the network).

myth, living, fathers

the notion that parents' mental health declines when they enter the "empty nest" stage is a _____, especially among mothers. Parents' mental health is worse when their teenage children are _____ at home than it is once they have moved out, and when children leave home, it is _____, not mothers, who typically feel the greatest sense of loss.

age grading

the process of grouping individuals within social institutions on the basis of age

sibling deidentification

the process through which siblings deliberately try to be different from each other

females, late

the transition from same-sex groups to mixed-sex groups is associated with an increase in alcohol and drug use among ____, and in alcohol use among males, most likely because the activities that draw males and females together often involve socializing. during ____ adolescence, peer crowds begin to disintegrate.


time spent with _____ is more predictive of adolescents' social competence and feeling of self- worth.

Reverse causation

when the correlation between two things is due not to the first thing causing the second, but to the reverse

Spurious causation

when the correlation between two things is due to the fact that each of them is correlated with some third factor

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