Design Elements Quizlet

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Alignment refers to the placement of text and graphics so they line up on a print page or web page layout. Alignment is one of the principles of design that is used to create attractive, readable pages. Proper alignment in designs makes them visually appealing and easier to scan or read.


Balance in design is the distribution of elements across the design. Balance is a visual interpretation of gravity in the design. Large, dense elements appear to be heavier while smaller elements appear to be lighter.


Best for professional printing projects using process colors


Best for projects intended to be used on the web or video


Brightness or dullness of a color


Can be saved in a compressed or uncompressed file format, is a common file format used for either web or print


Can be saved in an uncompressed file format with a high resolution, is a common file format used for professional print services


Colors that are equally spaced on the color wheel.


Compresses well without losing quality, should be used for the web


Contrast in design is an accentuation of the differences between elements in a design. Most people think of contrast only as it applies to colors, but contrast can work with any design element. For example, if you have a group of lines that are all the same size, there is no contrast.

Gestalt Principle

Gestalt is a psychology term which means unified whole. It refers to theories of visual perception developed by German psychologists in the 1920s. These theories attempt to describe how people tend to organize visual elements into groups or unified wholes when certain principles are applied.


Hierarchy is defined as "any system of persons or things ranked one above another. It is a system that helps us define order and organization. In design, hierarchy is usually discussed and referred to as visual hierarchy.


Line is probalby the most fundamental of all the elements of design. It is the starting place for most artistic creation whether one is starting a fine draing or painting or even sketching ideas for a sculpture.

Light Based Primary Colors

Magenta, Cyan, and Yellow


Movement is the use of design elements or principles, such as rhythm, in a way that suggests motion within an image. Movement can be created by implying action, such as a still image of a person dancing.`

Neutral Colors

Not associated with a hue; black,gray, brown,white

Seconday Colors

Obtained by mixing equal parts of 2 primary colors

Light Based Secondary Colors

Orange, Green and Violet

Pigment Based Secondary Colors

Pigment Based Secondary Colors

Primary Colors

Pure colors from which others are mixed

Pigment Based Primary Colors

Red, Yellow, and Blue


Repetition as Design, Repetition as Design, Repetition as Design, Repetition.... Repetition is a very deliberate choice in design, whether fashion, graphic or interior design. It creates a mindset and a visual image, a visual impact. Repetition is the use of the same element more than once throughout a space.


Scale is the dimensional element defined by other elements of design size relative to art, its surroundings, or in relation to humans. Scale is the size of an element as it relates to its usual physical size.


Shape is an area that is contained within an implied line, or is seen and identified because of color or value changes. Shapes have two dimensions, length and width, and can be geometric or free-form (organic). Design in painting is basically the planned arrangement of shapes in a work of art.

Aspect Ratio

Simply, an aspect ratio is the proportional relationship between the width and height of a rectangle. When working with aspect ratios in most modern design projects, an aspect ratio will have a horizontal orientation, because most screens are wider than they are tall.


Symmetry is an age-old device of the visual artist. The word refers to two halves that perfectly mirror each other. In design, symmetry is closely tied to balance. A perfectly symmetrical design achieves balance and a sense of stability.


Texture can refer to the actual surface of a design or to the visual appearance of a design. In the first case, the audience can actually feel the texture, making it unique from the other elements of design. Selection of paper and materials in package design can affect actual texture.


The emphasis in a design is an area or object that is the focal point for the piece. It is a way of making the element that is most important stand out in the design. The focal point may be larger than other elements of the design or brightly colored—both of which tend to draw the eye. Use of Emphasis in Design.


The only colors saved are the colors used in the image


The principle of proximity is simply the process of ensuring related design elements are placed together. Any unrelated items, should be spaced apart. Close proximity indicates that items are connected or have a relationship to each other and become one visual unit which helps to organise or give structure to a layout.

Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is a "rule of thumb" or guideline which applies to the process of composing visual images such as designs, films, paintings, and photographs.


There are so many green hues, it makes for an extremely flexible color. It can be warm in the yellow-green side of the color wheel and cool in the blue-green and aquamarine. A lime green can make a design pop, olive green is much more subdued, while light green can give a clean spring time feel.

Split Complimentary

Three colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel, but to either side of the exact compliment


Tone is simply the lightness or darkness of an object. Sometimes referred to as value, tone is one of the most powerful design elements. In any painting, photograph or design, the area of highest contrast between light and dark will always demand maximum attention.


Use of Rhythm on a website Rhythm can also be achieved on a website or other two-dimensional design by: Repeating a series of elements that progressively increase or decrease in size and spacing


Used to publish a rendered video for use on the web


Uses black and white


Uses different shades of gray

White Space

White space is the space that exists, most frequently behind and around forms, in a work of art or graphic design. White space is important because it refines a design and gives the other elements, image and type, room to exist.


any color mixed with black


any color mixed with white


color in its pure form


is a bitmap image format that supports animations


is a commonly used format with lossy compression for digital photography


is a raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compression


is a standard for lossy compression of video and audio


lightness or darkness of a color

Tertiary Colors

obtained by mixing primary and secondary colors


one color and its tints and shades

Complimentary Colors

opposite of each other on the color wheel

Analogous Colors

set of 3-5 colors next to each other on the color wheel

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