development and learning test one

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What are the 5 strategies critical for young students

- Teaching that help students "crack the code" go from spoken sounds to written words and back - joint reading with students - conversations and activities with adults that develop knowledge about language and expand vocabulary and grammar - preschool programs for all children - educating parents to talk and read with their children

Children can become bilingual if the dual language:

- begins early in life (before age 5) -occurs across a wide and rich rage of contexts - systematic, consistent and sustained

research is a continuous cycle that involves:

- clear specification of hypotheses, problems, or questions based on certain theories - systematic gathering and analysis of all data - interpretation and analysis of data - modification and improvement of explanatory theories based on results - formulation of new and better hypotheses based on improved theories

by age __ most kids know thousands of words and knowledge of grammar rules for basic conversation


by age _ most children have mastered sounds of their native language


how long does it take to master academic language

6-9 years

what is a teachers sense of efficacy

A teachers belief that he or she can reach even the most difficult students and help them learn

What is a gender schema

An organized network of knowledge about gender role identity

Who said that humans learn language through imitation, practice, and reward

B.F. Skinner

Who said that the emphasis on reading in only English may not be necessary

Carol Hammer

T/F Correlations prove cause and effect


T/F There is no sensitive period for learning a language


what does the Every Student Succeeds act (ESSA) do

In 2015 it replaced NCLB. ESSA drops the requirement for proficiency for all students and gives better preschool access

what is a clinical interview

Jean Piaget used open eded questions to probe responses and to follow up on answers to understand children's thinking

The Art vs. Science issue in teaching is probably best answered by the statement that teaching requires:

Learned skills and creativity

does giving students more control of their learning help them learn

No, many lower ability students will just focus on the skills they do know rather than trying to learn new skills.

does over regularizing mean failure?

No, these mistakes show how logical and rational children can be as they try to assimilate new words into existing schemas

Who said all children are born with language acquisition device and universal grammar that applies to all languages

Noam Chomsky

Should schools encourage skipping grades?

Research says maybe, acceleration is best depending on specific individual characteristics; intelligence and maturity

When should teachers provide help for low achieving students as they do classwork?

Research says that if you provide the help before they ask, students are more likely yo attribute failures with lack of ability instead of lack of effort

Dana is nervous about the upcoming physics exam. She is the only girl in the class and has achieved higher scores on the assignments than most of the boys in the class. She knows the boys think they're smarter and better at applying principals of physics. In this situation, Dana's nervousness is an example of: a. Negative Schema b. Resistance to feminism c. Stereotype threat d. General Test anxiety

Stereotype threat

T/F There is no critical period for learning a language


The essential difference between rules and procedures is that rules are

What and what not to do; procedures involve how to do activities

what is participant observation

a method in descriptive research in which the researcher becomes a participant in order to understand life in that group

define hypothesis

a prediction of what will happen in a study based on theory and previous research

Shaundra, an African American second grader who uses nonstandard English, complained about her partner in spelling practice. "Marcus not say nothing today." Which of the following would be the most relevant reply that the teacher could make? a. "If he is not saying anything today, do you think something is bothering him?" b. "In school language we should say, Marcus is not saying anything today" c. "Shaundra, please remember; 'not' goes with anything. We don't use it with nothing" d. "Why don't you ask Marcus what the matter is? Maybe something is wrong?"

a. "If he is not saying anything today, do you think something is bothering him?"

All but one of the following students is part of the large group often called generation 1.5. Which student does not fit the characteristics of generation 1.5 a. Rico was born in the US and lives with his grandmother who immigrated to the US as a child b. Ciera spends most of her time in the US but goes back to Mexico with her family when her dad is out of work c. Tino was born in serbia, but his parents sent him to the US to get an education when he was in highschool d. Giani was born in the US and lives in a latin community in los angeles where everyone speaks spanish

a. Rico was born in the US and lives with his grandmother who immigrated to the US as a child

define balanced bilingualism

adding a second language capability without losing heritage language

What does the No child left behind act do

all students in grades 3-8 and one more in high school take annual standardized achievement tests in reading and math this help schools determine if their students were making adequate yearly progress (AYP)

define expressive vocabulary

all the different words a person uses in speaking or writing

define dialect

any variety of language spoken by a particular group

Anna is an eleventh grader who came to America from Russia with her parents one year ago. She has gradually developed her fluency in the English language, but she continues to have some difficulty using English during classroom activities. What should Anna's teacher do to help her with English language acquisition? a. Encourage Anna to use English in the classroom and save her Russia for use at home. b. Promote Anna's bilingualism in both Russia and English c. Refer Anna to the English-as-a-Second-Language program in the local magnet school. d. Respond to Anna only when she makes accurate attempts with English

b. promote Anna's bilingualism in both Russia and English

define empirical

based on systematically collected data

what is English as a second language (ESL)

classes devoted to teaching English to students who are English language learners

how do cultures develop words

cultures develop words for concepts important to them

Ms. Smith would like to measure her first graders mastery of their personal information (address, phone number spelling of name). What level of Bloom's taxonomy do her questions illustrate a. application b. comprehension c. evaluation d. knowledge

d. knowledge

Mr. Torrence teaches high school English in a typical urban area. About one-fourth of his students speak a language other than English at home, and their immigrant parents maintain the values and traditions of their heritage cultures. Which of the following metaphors most appropriately applies to these students and their families today? a. oranges and apples b. homogeneous whole c. melting pot d. salad bowl

d. salad bowl

define correlation

description of how two variables are related

define ethnography

descriptive approach to research that focuses on life within a group and tries to understand the meaning of events to the people involved

what are microgenic studies

detailed observation and analysis of changes in a cognitive processes the process unfolds over a several day or week period

define genderlects

different ways of talking for males and females

define educational psychology

discipline concerned with teaching and learning processes; applies the methods and theories of psychology and has its own instead

what are inside out skills

emergent literacy skills of knowledge of graphemes, phonological awareness, syntactic awareness, phoneme-grapheme correspondence and emergent writing

define outside in skills

emergent literacy skills of language, narrative, conventions of print, and emergent reading

define academic language

entire range of language used in elementary, secondary, and university level schools. Including words, concepts, strategies, and processes from academic subjects.

what is structures English immersion (SEI)

environment that teaches English rapidly by maximizing instruction in English and using English at a level appropriate to the abilities of the students in the class who are English language learners

define principal

established relationship between factors

what is the cultural deficit model

explains the school achievement problems of ethnic minority students by assuming that their culture is inadequate and does not prepare them to succeed in school

what is qualitative research

exploratory research that attempts to understand meaning of events to participants using methods like case studies, interviews, ethnography, participant observation- focus on a few people in depth

T/F People who can communicate in spoken and signed language, or in 2 different signed languages are not bilingual


Wongs research indicated that when individuals read a research result they tend to,

find the results more obvious than originally thought

what is a cross sectional study

focus on groups of students and different ages

define refuges

group of immigrants who relocated voluntarily but who are fleeing their home country because it is not safe

define critical period

if learning doesn't happen during this periods, it never will

define theory

integrated statement of principals that attempts to explain a phenomenon and make predictions

what is a case study

intensive study of one person or group of people over a specific time.

of the 2 categories of skills important for reading what are category 2 skills

involve oral language abilities, size of expressive and receptive vocabulary, knowledge of syntax, ability to understand and tell stories

of the 2 categories of skills important for reading, what are category one skills

involve understanding sounds and codes, letters have names, sounds are associated with letters, words are made up of sounds

define semi lingual

lack of proficiency in any language; speaking one or more languages inadequately

define subtractive bilingualism

leave first language behind as proficiency is gained in a new language

define melting pot

metaphor for the absorption and assimilation of immigrants into mainstream society so that ethnic differences vanish

define code switching

moving between two speech forms

what are longitudinal studies

observes subjects over many years con- time consuming and expensive

define syntax

order of words in phrases or sentences

define participants/ subjects

people or animals studied

define immigrants

people who voluntarily leave their countries to become permanent residents in a new place

what is design based research

practitioners identify research questions based on problems of practice then researchers gather and analyze the date to address those principals

When handing in materials Ms. N's students pass their word forward to the students in the front row, who then pass the materials from left to right. This approach is an example of a: a. Organizational behaviors b. procedures c. protocols d. rules


define negative correlation

relationship between two variables in which a high value on one is associated with a low value on the other

define positive correlation

relationship between two variables where the 2 increase or decrease together

define experimentation

research method in which variables are manipulated and the effects recorded

Rebecca decides that she doesn't want to be like the "rich kids who sell themselves out to the system." Accordingly, in her discussions with Saul, she often brags that she does not learn what the school is trying to teach. Which of the following terms best characterizes her behavior? a. learned helplessness b. tracking c. academic anti socialism d. resistance culture

resistance culture

define pragmatics

rules for when and how to use a language to be an effective communicator in a particular culture

define emergent literacy

skills and knowledge, usually developed in the preschool years that are the foundation for the development of reading and writing

define monolingual

speaking only one language

define bilingual

speaking two languages and dealing appropriately with the two different cultures

define English language learners (ELLs)

students who are learning English and whose primary or heritage language is not English

What is generation 1.5

students whose characteristics, educational experiences and language fluencies are somewhere between those of students born in the US and recently immigrated students. Not born in the US but come here very young

what is Quantitative research

studies participants in a formal/ controlled way, using objective measures such as experimentation, statistical analysis test and structured observation

define descriptive studies

studies that collect detailed info. about specific situations, using observation, surveys, interviews, recordings, or combos of these

What is a Quasi experimental study

studies that fit most of the criteria for true experiments, with the importance exception that the participants are not assigned to groups at random. Instead existing groups, such as classes or schools, participate in the experiments

what is action research

systematic observations or tests of methods conducted by teachers or schools to improve teaching and learning for their students

what is a field experiment

takes place in real setting

what is good teaching

teachers must be confident and committed to their students. Teachers must be reflective, knowledgable, and inventive

define limited English proficient (LEP)

term for students who are learning English when their primary or heritage language is not English- this is not the preferred term because of the negative connotations

define heritage language

the language spoken in the students home or by family members

what is the main difference between the NCLB and ESSA

the requirement for proficiency for all students by a certain date has dropped, most control is returned to the states to set standards and develop interventions and penalties

define receptive vocabulary

the words a person can understand in spoken or written words

an explanation of how we remember thing that we have learned is called a


what is the ABAB design

this design is used to determine the effects of a therapy, teaching method, or other intervention by 1st observing participants for a baseline period (A) then asses the behavior of interest then trying intervention (B) and noting the results and the removing the intervention and go back to the baseline conditions (A) and finally reinstating intervention. Helps establish cause and effect relationships

define sensitive period

times when a person is especially ready to learn certain things or responsive to certain experiences

what does it mean to over regularize

to apply the rule of syntax or grammar in situations where the rule does not apply (ex. the bike was broked)

Under NCLB where did they say the federal money must go regarding research

to scientifically based research ( needs valid and reliable data and analyzes data with statistical methods) "evidence based research"

T/F There is a critical period for learning accurate language pronunciation


define metalinguistic awareness

understanding about one's own use of language

define random

without any definite pattern; following no rule

define homonyms

words that have the same sound but different meaning

teachers with a high sense of efficacy ___ and ___

work harder and longer

define additive bilingualism

you kept your first language and added another

What 2 aspects do you need to be proficient in a 2nd

you need communication and conversation skills as well as academic language

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