Developmental Psychology Chapter 10, Developmental Psychology Chapter 9

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Which of the following is the last stage of the development of romantic relationships in adolescence? A) consolidating dyadic romantic bonds B) entry into romantic attractions and affiliations C) dating in groups, reflecting embeddedness in the peer context D) exploring romantic relationships

consolidating dyadic romantic bonds

James Marcia defines ________ as a period of identity development during which an individual is exploring alternatives. A) commitment B) calling C) conscientiousness D) crisis


Juliana is part of an online science group. Its members meet once every month to discuss the advancements in science and technology. During one of the meetings, she is introduced to several other members of the large online group. She finds these meetings interesting as she gets to meet people of different age groups and backgrounds. However, like the members of the group, she does not intend to spend much time with them or get to know them personally. Which of the following terms best describes this type of group? A) band B) crowd C) team D) squad


"Jocks" who are good at sports or "druggies" who take drugs are examples of A) cliques. B) teams. C) crowds. D) squads.


The new model of parent-adolescent relationships emphasizes that A) parents should take an authoritarian approach to control the lives of adolescents. B) parent-adolescent conflict is intense and stressful throughout adolescence. C) in most families, parent-adolescent conflict is moderate rather than severe. D) even minor parent-adolescent conflicts are not normal and should be avoided as much as possible.

in most families, parent-adolescent conflict is moderate rather than severe.

The 2009 Kaiser Family Foundation survey, which included more than 2,000 8- to 18-yearolds, documented that adolescent media use has ________ in the last decade. A) decreased significantly B) declined slightly C) increased dramatically D) stayed the same

increased dramatically

The largest increases in media use in early adolescence are for A) electronic books and DVDs. B) listening to music on MP3 players. C) chatting with friends on cell phones. D) TV and video games.

TV and video games.

Which of the following statements is true about the characteristics of a clique? A) It is formed solely because adolescents engage in diverse activities. B) The average number of people in a clique is eight to ten. C) The members of a clique are usually of the same sex. D) It is less personal than a crowd.

The members of a clique are usually of the same sex.

Stella has involved, responsive parents who support her in her choices as long as she adheres to certain basic rules that they have set for her, like keeping up her grades and coming home in time for dinner on weekdays. Thus, Stella's relationship with her parents is characterized by a high level of trust, acceptance, and quality. Research indicates that Stella would A) be unwilling to disclose her activities to her parents. B) be concerned about parental disapproval and thus more likely to lie to her parents. C) be likely to share information about her whereabouts, friends, and activities. D) be likely to experience problems in adolescent adjustment.

be likely to share information about her whereabouts, friends, and activities.

Meghan and her group of five girls are all enthusiastic gymnasts. They hang out together after school and go to the mall on weekends. They are all of the same age and have similar tastes in music and food and, as a result, enjoy each other's company. Which of the following terms best describes this type of group? A) clique B) crowd C) mob D) horde


Which of the following is the term that most researchers use to describe crisis? A) foreclosure B) exploration C) moratorium D) commitment


According to recent research, which of the following program types was linked to a reduction in delinquency? A) individual treatment B) restorative justice C) family therapy D) case management

family therapy

Ethnic ________ is an enduring aspect of the self that includes a sense of membership in an ethnic group, along with the attitudes and feelings related to that membership. A) gloss B) awareness C) identity D) pride


Nancy was not able to decide whether she should major in music or take up an undergraduate program in engineering. After significant exploration of both options, she finally chose the latter, with a minor in music. Identify Nancy's status of identity. A) identity diffusion B) identity foreclosure C) identity moratorium D) identity achievement

identity achievement

According to Erik Erikson, which of the following developmental stages is experienced by an individual during adolescence? A) autonomy versus shame and doubt B) intimacy versus isolation C) initiative versus guilt D) identity versus identity confusion

identity versus identity confusion

Which of the following is Erikson's fifth developmental stage? A) identity versus identity confusion B) autonomy versus shame and doubt C) initiative versus guilt D) intimacy versus isolation

identity versus identity confusion

_____ reflects an individual's personal investment in identity. A) Commitment B) Collaboration C) Calling D) Conscientiousness


What term is used to describe a personal investment in identity?


What term is used to describe the self-portrait composed of many pieces?


Based on the 2009 Kaiser Family Foundation survey, adding up the daily media use figures to obtain weekly media use leads to the staggering levels of more than ________ hours a week of media use by 11- to 14-year-olds. A) 60 B) 20 C) 40 D) 100


The initial stage of the development of romantic relationships in adolescence is characterized by entry into romantic attractions and affiliations at about ________ years of age. A) 8 to 9 B) 11 to 13 C) 14 to 16 D) 17 to 19

11 to 13

According to the 2009 Kaiser Family Foundation survey, which of the following groups uses media for the longest time during a day? A) 11- to 14-year-olds B) 15- to 18-year-olds C) 8- to 11-year-olds D) 4- to 7-year-olds

11- to 14-year-olds

At approximately ________ years of age, two types of romantic involvement occur: casual dating and dating in groups. A) 8 to 9 B) 11 to 13 C) 14 to 16 D) 17 to 19

14 to 16

Early bloomers include A) 15 to 20 percent of 14- to 16-year-olds who say that they currently are in a romantic relationship. B) 10 percent of 17- to 19-year-olds who say that they have had no experience with romantic relationships. C) 15 to 20 percent of 11- to 13-year-olds who say that they currently are in a romantic relationship. D) 15 percent of 17- to 19-year-olds who report that they have not engaged in any romantic relationships that lasted more than four months.

15 to 20 percent of 11- to 13-year-olds who say that they currently are in a romantic relationship.

At ________ years of age, romantic relations are characterized by strong emotional bonds more closely resembling those in adult romantic relationships. A) 12 to 15 B) 11 to 13 C) 14 to 16 D) 17 to 19

17 to 19

Late bloomers comprise approximately 10 percent of ________ who say that they have had no experience with romantic relationships. A) 14- to 16-year-olds B) 17- to 19-year-olds C) 12- to 13-year-olds D) 15- to 16-year-olds

17- to 19-year-olds

Based on the 2009 Kaiser Family Foundation survey, adding up the daily media use figures to obtain weekly media use leads to almost ________ hours a week by 15- to 18-year-olds. A) 75 B) 68 C) 56 D) 84


Sandra and Selena are both in high school. Sandra thinks that being a member of a crowd is more helpful in forming friendships than being a member of a clique, but Selena thinks otherwise. Which of the following statements most likely supports Selena's argument? A) A crowd is less personal than a clique. B) A clique contains more members than a crowd. C) Unlike the formation of a crowd, the formation of a clique is based on reputation. D) Unlike in a clique, the members of a crowd spend a lot of time together.

A crowd is less personal than a clique.

Nina is reading an article about the major problems that affect most adolescents. She is aware that drug abuse, juvenile delinquency, sexual problems, and school-related problems are the four most common issues that affect most adolescents. She learns from the article that several research studies have been conducted to understand the effects of these issues on adolescents. Which of the following research findings would most likely be included in the article? A) As many as 50 percent of adolescents in the United States have been estimated to engage in all four of the problem behaviors common in adolescents. B) Adolescents most at risk typically suffer from more than one of the four problem behaviors. C) Research studies confirm that the four problem behaviors in adolescence are seldom related. D) It is estimated that the percentage of high-risk youth who engage in two or three of the four main problem behaviors has decreased over the years.

Adolescents most at risk typically suffer from more than one of the four problem behaviors.

Which of the following statements is true about the timing of identity development? A) In their last couple of years in college, individuals are more likely to be categorized as identity diffused. B) College upperclassmen are more likely to be identity achieved than college freshmen or high school students. C) By the time adolescents reach college, they would have committed to their religious and political identities. D) A higher percentage of high school students are identity achieved when compared to college upperclassmen.

College upperclassmen are more likely to be identity achieved than college freshmen or high school students.

Which of the following statements is true about depression in adolescents? A) Females tend to ruminate in their depressed mood and amplify it; hence, they are more likely to develop depression than are males. B) Puberty occurs earlier for males than for females; hence, males are more likely to develop depression than are females. C) Males face more discrimination than females do; hence, males are more likely to develop depression than are females. D) Females' self-images, especially their body images, are more positive than males'; hence, females are less likely to develop depression than males.

Females tend to ruminate in their depressed mood and amplify it; hence, they are more likely to develop depression than are males.

Tina is preparing a presentation on adolescent health in the 21st century. She decides to go through a few research studies and collate the findings in her presentation. Which of the following research findings will Tina most likely include in her presentation? A) More adolescents around the world are dying from acute infections than before. B) Many adolescent health-compromising behaviors, especially illicit drug use and unprotected sex, are decreasing in frequency. C) The rate of HIV infection in sub-Saharan countries has decreased marginally in recent years. D) Fewer adolescents around the world die from malnutrition now than in the past.

Fewer adolescents around the world die from malnutrition now than in the past.

Which of the following statements about the trend in cross-cultural gender differences in sexual expression is true? A) Gender differences in sexual expression are minor, especially in Latin America and Southeast Asia. B) Gender differences in sexual expression and educational opportunities appear to be narrowing over time. C) In India, there are far more restrictions on the sexual activities of men than on those of women. D) In Arab countries, both adolescent males and females encounter the same amount of restriction on sexual activities.

Gender differences in sexual expression and educational opportunities appear to be narrowing over time.

________, the most influential theorist to discuss the importance of adolescent friendships, proposed that friends become increasingly important in meeting social needs in adolescence. A) Erik Erikson B) Harry Stack Sullivan C) Jean Piaget D) James Marcia

Harry Stack Sullivan

________ is the status of identity of an individual in which crisis and commitment are both absent and the individual is undecided about or shows little interest in occupational and ideological choices. A) Identity diffusion B) Identity foreclosure C) Identity moratorium D) Identity achievement

Identity diffusion

Which of the following statements is true about identity development? A) Synthesizing the identity components is a single, neat process in normal individuals. B) Decisions about identity may take time, but once they are made, they are set for life. C) Identity development occurs in a single, one-step process. D) Identity encompasses an individual's personality characteristics.

Identity encompasses an individual's personality characteristics.

Which Eriksonian researcher proposed that Erikson's theory of identity development contains four statuses of identity, or ways of resolving the identity crisis?

James Marcia

Manfred is the father of a 16-year-old boy. He notices that his son heads over to the other side of town after getting back from school to meet some friends who are older than him. Manfred also notices that the frequency of these meetings has increased over time. Manfred is now worried about his son hanging out with these older individuals. According to research studies, which of the following is most likely to be an outcome of Manfred's son's interactions with the older individuals? A) Manfred's son will show higher levels of academic achievement. B) Manfred's son will successfully transition to adulthood. C) Manfred's son is more likely to engage in delinquency and early sexual behavior. D) Manfred's son is more likely to avoid risky sexual behavior and substance abuse.

Manfred's son is more likely to engage in delinquency and early sexual behavior.

Mark is a 14-year-old teenager who lives with his parents. Over the last 2 years, Mark and his parents have been in arguments almost every day. These arguments are usually about Mark watching too much TV, not cleaning his room, or not helping with daily chores in the house. Mark always finds excuses to avoid doing any chores. At times, the arguments get heated quickly, and as a result, Mark gets grounded for a few days. In view of these intense parentadolescent conflicts between Mark and his parents and the research studies conducted in similar fields, which of the following is most likely to occur? A) Mark will move out of the house. B) Mark will show significant improvement in academics. C) Mark will have better career and financial competence in the future. D) Mark will start attending religious services regularly.

Mark will move out of the house.

Based on the results of the national surveys conducted in 2009 that were funded by the Kaiser Family Foundation, identify a true statement about media use and screen time in adolescents' lives. A) Eight- to eleven-year-olds used media an average of 8 hours and 40 minutes a day. B) The largest increases in media use in early adolescence involved listening to music. C) Adolescents seldom engage in media multitasking. D) Media use jumps more than 3 hours in early adolescence.

Media use jumps more than 3 hours in early adolescence.

Which of the following does the new model of parent-adolescent relationships emphasize? A) Parents serve as important attachment figures and support systems during adolescence. B) Parent-adolescent conflict is intense and stressful throughout adolescence. C) The everyday conflicts that characterize parent-adolescent relationships have a detrimental effect on adolescent development. D) As adolescents mature, they move into a world of autonomy apart from parents.

Parents serve as important attachment figures and support systems during adolescence.

Priscilla is in the eighth grade. Every day after school, she hangs out with her friends from her class who are popular. She is very fond of them and wants to become popular like them. Her friends have recently started shoplifting at departmental stores. According to research studies on the effect of peer pressure on conformity, which of the following is Priscilla most likely to do? A) Priscilla will use her moral reasoning to determine if the behavior should be copied or not. B) Priscilla will reject the behavior of her peers. C) Priscilla will go along with her friends to engage in the antisocial behavior. D) Priscilla will report the behavior to her friends' parents.

Priscilla will go along with her friends to engage in the antisocial behavior.

Which term refers to the "gap" between childhood security and adult autonomy where society leaves adolescents free to "try out" many different identities?

Psychosocial moratorium

Baku is a local guide living and working in Kenya. While explaining some of the local cultures and practices to a group of tourists, he tells that some tribes have customs that relate to rites of passage. A tourist asks Baku about the importance of rites of passage. Which of the following statements would most likely be Baku's response? A) Rites of passage mostly focus on severing ties with adolescents' native culture. B) Rites of passage mostly focus on the initiation of adolescents into a nuclear family. C) Rites of passage mostly focus on the reaffirmation of adolescents' connection with the immediate family. D) Rites of passage mostly focus on the transition of adolescents to adult status.

Rites of passage mostly focus on the transition of adolescents to adult status.

Misha is a first-generation immigrant in the United States. In the context of cultural and ethnic identity, which of the following statements is most likely to be true about her identity? A) She is unlikely to change her identity much and may or may not develop a new identity. B) She thinks of herself as an American because she was granted citizenship at birth. C) She is least likely to be secure with her identity. D) She is likely to change her identity tremendously.

She is unlikely to change her identity much and may or may not develop a new identity.

Which of the following statements about dating in gay and lesbian youth is true? A) Sexual minority youth seldom date other-sex peers to disguise their sexual orientation from others. B) Most gay and lesbian youth seldom have same-sex sexual experience. C) Gay and lesbian youth do not get emotionally affected by the breakup of a same-sex relationship they were involved in. D) Some gay and lesbian youth continue to have a same-sex orientation while others have a primarily heterosexual orientation.

Some gay and lesbian youth continue to have a same-sex orientation while others have a primarily heterosexual orientation.

Sita is a girl who lives in India; Suki is a girl who lives in Japan. They both have two older brothers. According to research, who is most likely to have better access to education? A) Sita B) Suki C) They both have a poor chance at receiving an education. D) They both have an equally good chance at receiving an education.


According to the new model of parent-adolescent relationships, which of the following is a benefit of everyday negotiations and minor disputes? A) They teach adolescents that their parents are not perfect. B) They help adolescents become more autonomous. C) They help adolescents accept parental control over their lives. D) They teach parents how to exert more control over the lives of adolescents.

They help adolescents become more autonomous.

The most effective way to treat adolescent depression is A) through antidepressant medication such as Prozac. B) not with medication but through cognitive behavior therapy. C) a combination of psychoanalysis and family treatment. D) a combination of drug therapy and cognitive behavior therapy.

a combination of drug therapy and cognitive behavior therapy.

The event that comes closest to being a culture-wide rite of passage in the United States is A) a birthday party. B) getting a driver's license. C) a school graduation ceremony. D) joining a college fraternity.

a school graduation ceremony

As opposed to the trend in young children, teenagers typically prefer to have A) a large group of friends, some of whom are especially intimate. B) several friends but only one "best" friend. C) friends that are of the same sex. D) a smaller number of friendships that are more intense and intimate.

a smaller number of friendships that are more intense and intimate.

Identity ________ is the status of individuals who have undergone a crisis and made a commitment. A) diffusion B) foreclosure C) moratorium D) achievement


The old model of parent-adolescent relationships suggested that A) routine negotiations and minor disputes can serve the developmental function of helping adolescents make the transition from childhood dependency to adult independence. B) in most families, parent-adolescent conflict is moderate rather than severe. C) parents serve as important attachment figures and support systems while adolescents explore a wider and more complex social world. D) as adolescents mature, they detach themselves from parents and move into a world of autonomy apart from parents.

as adolescents mature, they detach themselves from parents and move into a world of autonomy apart from parents.

One study found that low rates of delinquency from 14 to 23 years of age were associated with a(n) ________ parenting style. A) neglectful B) indulgent C) authoritative D) authoritarian


Irene, a 16-year-old girl, is a first-generation immigrant whose parents came to the United States from Ukraine when she was just a baby. Irene enjoys many of the same things that her American friends do but respects her culture's traditions and speaks to her parents in their native language. Irene seems to have formed a(n) ________ identity. A) additive B) bicultural C) multiplicative D) culturally confused


Most adolescents from ethnic minority groups develop a(n) ________ identity. A) bicultural B) additive C) multiplicative D) monocultural


Which of the following is mainly driving the increased media use by adolescents? A) newspapers B) radio C) cell phones D) internet cafés

cell phones

Conflict with parents often escalates during A) early adolescence. B) middle adolescence. C) late adolescence. D) the college years.

early adolescence.

At which grade level does conformity to peers peak? A) sixth and seventh grades B) eighth and ninth grades C) tenth and eleventh grades D) the twelfth grade

eighth and ninth grades

Reggie, a 16-year-old teenager, gets into a lot of arguments with his parents. Going by what is generally observed about parent-adolescent conflict, it is likely that most of the arguments center around A) whether Reggie uses drugs. B) Reggie's delinquent behavior. C) Reggie's alcoholism. D) everyday events of family life.

everyday events of family life.

According to Harry Stack Sullivan, if adolescents fail to develop close friendships, they A) experience loneliness and a reduced sense of self-worth. B) develop healthier self-esteem as adults than their peers. C) engage in less delinquent behavior. D) become more social as they grow older.

experience loneliness and a reduced sense of self-worth.

Conflicts arise between parents and adolescents because A) few parents anticipate how strongly their adolescent will push for autonomy and responsibility. B) while parents want autonomy, adolescents want a connection. C) parents want their adolescents to push the boundaries, while adolescents want to maintain the status quo. D) parents want to relinquish all of their control over their adolescent.

few parents anticipate how strongly their adolescent will push for autonomy and responsibility.

Identity ________ is the status of individuals who have made a commitment but not experienced a crisis. A) foreclosure B) moratorium C) achievement D) diffusion


Ramon's parents have decided that he will enroll in a liberal arts course in the state college near their hometown. Ramon has not really thought much about this decision himself, and he will most likely follow their advice. James Marcia would classify Ramon's identity status as identity A) diffusion. B) foreclosure. C) moratorium. D) achievement.


The status of identity ________ occurs most often when parents hand down commitments to their adolescents, usually in an authoritarian way, before adolescents have had a chance to explore different approaches, ideologies, and vocations on their own. A) achievement B) moratorium C) foreclosure D) diffusion


Eriksonian researcher James Marcia reasons that Erikson's theory of identity development contains ________ of identity, or ways of resolving an identity crisis. A) five stages B) four statuses C) five statuses D) six stages

four statuses

A study of tenth-graders revealed that A) the number of romantic experiences reported had no link with the levels of social acceptance experienced by adolescents. B) having more romantic experience was linked to a higher level of substance use and delinquency. C) co-rumination and romantic involvement predicted a decrease in depressive symptoms. D) having no experience of romantic relationships is a consistent predictor of depression and deviant behavior.

having more romantic experience was linked to a higher level of substance use and delinquency.

Mindy wants to pursue a career in the aeronautical industry. She wants to become either an engineer or a pilot. After discussing with her parents, she decides to become an aeronautical engineer. In this scenario, in which Mindy's crisis of identity development is resolved and in which she has made a commitment, she is most likely in the status of identity referred to as A) identity achievement. B) identity foreclosure. C) identity moratorium. D) identity diffusion.

identity achievement.

Adolescents who do not successfully resolve their identity crisis suffer from what Erikson calls ________. A) identity diffusion B) unresolved identity C) identity confusion D) identity moratorium

identity confusion

Identify the status of individuals who have not yet experienced a crisis or made any commitments. A) identity crisis B) identity diffusion C) identity foreclosure D) identity achievement

identity diffusion

Shane's family wants him to decide on the career that he wants to pursue. His parents are doctors and would prefer that he study medicine. However, Shane does not seem very keen on deciding on his career at the moment. In this scenario, which of the following statuses of identity is Shane experiencing? A) identity moratorium B) identity achievement C) identity foreclosure D) identity diffusion

identity diffusion

Arthur's parents own a home appliances business. His parents along with his three older brothers manage the business together. They want Arthur to help with the business once he graduates. Arthur has agreed to join the family business without putting much thought into this decision. In this scenario, Arthur is in the status of identity referred to as A) identity achievement. B) identity foreclosure. C) identity moratorium. D) identity diffusion.

identity foreclosure.

Nicola is under pressure from her family to decide on the course that she wants to study. She is interested in studying engineering but is not able to select the branch of engineering she wants to study. Her brothers are software engineers, and she feels that studying software engineering may be the right choice for her. However, she also seems interested in electrical engineering. In this scenario, Nicola is in the status of identity referred to as A) identity confusion. B) identity stagnation. C) identity diffusion. D) identity moratorium.

identity moratorium

Which of the following is the identity status in which a crisis is present but commitment is absent? A) identity diffusion B) identity foreclosure C) identity moratorium D) identity achievement

identity moratorium

According to Erik Erikson, during the ________ stage, adolescents are faced with deciding who they are, what they are all about, and where they are going in life. A) autonomy versus shame and doubt B) identity versus identity confusion C) initiative versus guilt D) intimacy versus isolation

identity versus identity confusion

In the context of statuses of identity, identity moratorium differs from identity diffusion in that in identity moratorium, ________: A) individuals have vaguely defined commitments or no commitments at all B) individuals have not yet experienced a crisis C) individuals have undergone a crisis D) individuals have not yet decided about occupational and ideological choices

individuals have vaguely defined commitments or no commitments at all

If a community wants to develop programs to help at-risk youths, an important component to include in the program would be A) intensive individualized attention. B) strong academic support. C) community role models. D) tactics to "scare teens straight."

intensive individualized attention.

Sullivan argued that the need for ________ intensifies during early adolescence, motivating teenagers to seek out close friends. A) respect B) compatibility C) intimacy D) similarity


The four problems that affect most adolescents are drug abuse, sexual problems, school related problems, and A) career choice dilemmas. B) juvenile delinquency. C) peer-related problems. D) family problems.

juvenile delinquency.

Mark is a 15-year-old boy who lives with his foster parents. He regularly gets into fights and arguments with his friends and family and is usually ignored by them. He starts to take drugs to cope with his loneliness and starts abusing drugs. He breaks into an elderly couple's house and steals money to buy drugs. In this scenario, Mark will most likely be labeled as a(n) A) embezzler. B) hacker. C) juvenile delinquent. D) cyber bully.

juvenile delinquent

In which of the following locations in sub-Saharan Africa are rites of passage prevalent? A) locations where the influence of industrialized culture is high B) locations where Western culture is readily accepted C) locations where social structure is present but not adhered to D) locations where formal education is not readily available

locations where formal education is not readily available

Dylan does his homework in front of the television while listening to music on his iPod and also simultaneously text messaging his friends. These actions are collectively known as A) media multitasking. B) simulcasting. C) surfing. D) media conferencing.

media multitasking.

According to the old model of parent-adolescent relationships, ________. A) parent-adolescent conflict is intense and stressful throughout adolescence B) parent-adolescent conflict is moderate rather than severe in most families C) parents serve as important support systems while adolescents explore a wider, more complex social world D) the everyday negotiations and minor disputes are normal

parent-adolescent conflict is intense and stressful throughout adolescence

Holly is quiet and introverted. She feels stressed whenever she has to interact with a lot of people. She keeps mostly to herself and seldom speaks up in class. She never socializes or attends parties. Which of the following terms best describes this aspect of Holly's identity? A) ethnicity B) personality C) achievement D) intellect


An individual's body image encompasses his or her A) sexual identity. B) personality. C) relationship identity. D) physical identity.

physical identity

The double disadvantage suffered by ethnic minority adolescents includes A) the lack of clear rites of passage. B) diversity and difference. C) prejudice and poverty. D) hostility and assimilation.

prejudice and poverty

Rites of passage A) are nonexistent in the United States. B) are on the increase in several African countries that are influenced by Western culture. C) provide a forceful and discontinuous entry into the adult world. D) to adulthood usually involve a reaffirmation of the individual's connection with the immediate family.

provide a forceful and discontinuous entry into the adult world.

Mike is 14 years old. When asked what he wants to be when he grows up, he promptly replies that he wants to be a lawyer and begins to speak about a recent case and how well the lawyers handled the case. However, his mother casually mentions that Mike's interests change almost every few weeks and that she feels that Mike should attend some career guidance sessions to decide what he wants to become. In the context of Erik Erikson's fifth developmental stage, this period of Mike's life is referred to as a ________. A) sociological amnesty B) societal moratorium C) psychosocial moratorium D) behavioral reprieve

psychosocial moratorium

Which of the following terms did Erik Erikson use to describe the gap between childhood security and adult autonomy? A) psychosocial moratorium B) sociological amnesty C) societal moratorium D) behavioral reprieve

psychosocial moratorium

Which of the following terms did Erikson use to describe a period in which society leaves adolescents relatively free of responsibilities and free to try out different identities? A) sociological amnesty B) societal moratorium C) psychosocial moratorium D) behavioral reprieve

psychosocial moratorium

Joseph Allen and his colleagues found that adolescents who were securely attached to their parents at 14 years of age were more likely at 21 years of age to report A) feeling uncomfortable in other intimate relationships. B) continuing financial dependence on their parents. C) relationship competence and fewer problematic behaviors. D) conflict in the relationship with their parents.

relationship competence and fewer problematic behaviors.

A ________ is a ceremony or ritual that marks an individual's transition from one status to another and mostly focuses on the transition to adult status. A) rite of passage B) litmus test C) march of time D) communion

rite of passage

Shifu belongs to a tribe in which all the boys must swim across a particular river to mark their transition to adult status. A grand and elaborate ceremony is held in the tribe's village to signal the achievement of adult status. Which of the following terms best describes the ceremony? A) rite of passage B) litmus test C) march of time D) communion

rite of passage

Richard believes he is gay. This orientation is part of Richard's ________ identity. A) relationship B) intellectual C) sexual D) ethnic


Which of the following is the third-leading cause of death in 10- to 19-year-olds today in the United States? A) homicide B) suicide C) motor vehicle accidents D) infectious diseases


Identity development A) is a single, neat process. B) takes place in bits and pieces. C) happens cataclysmically. D) involves making decisions once and for all.

takes place in bits and pieces.

According to a 2010 survey, which of the following is the main way that adolescents connect with their friends? A) phone calls B) instant messaging C) e-mail D) text messaging

text messaging

According to James Marcia, what determines an individual's identity status? A) the choices and alternatives he or she has access to B) the individual's socioeconomic and academic profile C) the existence or extent of his or her crisis or commitment D) the existence or extent of parental and social support

the existence or extent of his or her crisis or commitment

Identify the dual struggle often faced by immigrants to the United States. A) to acculturate and take on a new identity B) to work and take care of their children C) to preserve their culture and resist change D) to preserve identity and to acculturate

to preserve identity and to acculturate

According to a national survey in 2012, which of the following is the primary way that most adolescents preferred to connect with parents? A) voice mailing B) face-to-face contact C) e-mailing D) text messaging

voice mailing

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