Developmental Psychology Chapters 13-17

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Prejudice against others because of their age, especially prejudice against older adults, is known as:


It has been two weeks since Brianna's husband left her for someone else. She knows that this divorce will be a life-changing event for her. Even though she is distressed, she has coped with difficult things in the past, and is sure she will recover from this, too. The contemporary life-events approach would consider her appraisal to be:

an adaptation factor.

The Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) is a more sophisticated and specific form of:

an advance directive.

Norman is facing imminent death. Consistent with a recent study of Canadians in a similar situation, if he can choose, he will likely want to die:

at home

Whereas ________ is important in new relationships, especially in young adulthood, ________ becomes more important in middle adulthood.

passion; security

One study found that ________ of the individuals 65 to 69 years of age considered themselves middle-aged.

Almost Half

Based on 2013 data, who among the following is most likely to live in poverty?

Angel, a 70-year-old Latina female

Which of the following is a consistent finding regarding age identity?

As adults become older their age identity is younger than their chronological age.

Kevin realizes he is starting to lose his battle with cancer. In desperation, he keeps saying, "If I could just have a week without pain I would be okay." Kevin is in which of Kübler-Ross's stages of dying?


Which of the following statements about hospice care is TRUE?

Hospice care emphasizes palliative care.

According to the evolutionary theory of aging, why hasn't natural selection eliminated many harmful conditions and nonadaptive characteristics in older adults?

Natural selection is closely linked with reproduction in young adulthood.

What is the main difference between the way younger people and older people respond to stress?

Older people keep stress hormones in their system for longer periods.

In 2010, a survey showed that ____% of older adults were cohabiting.


What was the average life expectancy in 1900?

47 years

In 2013, the life expectancy for men was ________ and for women was ________.

76.4; 81.2

Today the average life expectancy in the United States is:

79 years

Kübler-Ross's fifth stage of dying, in which the dying person develops a sense of peace, an acceptance of her or his fate, and in many cases, a desire to be left alone.


Which theory suggests that continuing roles into late adulthood will lead to greater life satisfaction?


The level of cholesterol in the blood increases through the adult years and in midlife begins to accumulate on the artery walls, increasing the risk of:

Cardiovascular disease.

For a terminally ill person, which of the following can be the most useful benefit of denying one's imminent death?

Denial can help to insulate the dying person from coping with intense feelings of anger.

Which of the following biological theories of aging states that people age because their cells' normal metabolism produces unstable oxygen molecules

Free-radical theory

Which of the following is Erikson's eighth stage of development?

Integrity vs.despair

_______ is the number of years that the average person born in a particular year will probably live.

Life expectancy

________ is a condition in which individuals may have relatively normal peripheral vision but are unable to see clearly in the middle of their visual field.

Macular degeneration

________ is the developmental period that has been traditionally defined as beginning at approximately 40 to 45 years of age and extending to about 60 to 65 years of age

Middle adulthood

Severe reductions in the production of dopamine have been linked with the movement disorder ________, while reduction in acetylcholine is linked with ________.

Parkinson disease; Alzheimer disease

Which of the following theories explains why older adults spend MOST of their time with familiar individuals and family?

Socioemotional selectivity theory

A recent study by Specht, Egloff, and Schukle found that conscientiousness showed a continuous increase from early adulthood to late adulthood.


As an organizer for the local community center Ralph is always looking for ways to convince older adults to get active. Recently he found a 2016 study by Han and others showing that volunteering was the strongest predictor of living longer.


Dementia is the global term for any neurological disorder in which the primary symptoms involve a deterioration of mental functioning.


Dominick has noticed his sex drive and ability to get a full erection have been fading. Now in middle-age, it is likely that his testosterone has declined.


When women experience stress, they are more likely to engage in:

a tend and befriend pattern.

The type of grief reaction that involves enduring despair and is still unresolved over an extended period of time.

complicated grief

John Horn maintains that in middle adulthood, ________ intelligence continues to increase.


D'Angelo and his wife just had their last child move out of the house. They had lived vicariously through their children, letting their sports activities and various achievements dominate their lives. Now they may experience the ______ _______ _______ (3 words), which includes a decline in marital satisfaction after children leave the home.

empty nest syndrome

Marina is having hot flashes, nausea, and rapid heartbeat, all signs that the production of ________ by the ovaries declines dramatically.


Erikson's proposed developmental stage that middle-aged adults face is termed:

generativity versus stagnation

Adult development experts are virtually unanimous in their belief that midlife crises:

have been exaggerated.

During middle age, the ability to hear ________ sounds declines first.


A recent study found that older adults with ________ levels of education had better cognitive functioning


The ________ portions of the brain often die sooner than the ________ portions.

higher; lower

In the United States today, more than 80% of all deaths occur:

in institutions or hospitals

Cindy is visiting her grandfather who is in hospice care and not expected to live much longer. She is feeling nervous and awkward. She pulls the hospice worker aside and asks, "Do you think reminiscing is a good idea?" The hospice worker knows:

it's a good idea, and she should start with memories they have in common.

Most psychologists believe that it is best for dying individuals to:

know that they are dying

Reminiscence therapy is likely to use all of the following resources EXCEPT:

new magazines.

A "good death" involves all of the following EXCEPT:

not feeling like a burden to others

Levinson sees the twenties as a(n) ________ phase of adult development.


Researchers increasingly are finding that ________ is linking to being healthier and living longer.


As he looks back over his life, Chris realizes that his work was not as important to him as he believed, and that he lost too much valuable time with his children. If he could do it over again, he would work less and spend more time with his children. According to Erikson, Chris is experiencing some degree of:


The term characterizing individuals whose physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development is maintained longer than for most individuals and declines later than for most people.

successful aging

According to the cellular clock theory, after about 70 or 80 replications, the cell no longer can reproduce and the ________ are dramatically shortened.


All of the following have led to an increase in remarriage by older adults except for:

the increase in the percentage of grandparents raising their grandchildren.

Judy often thinks back to things her grandmother would say that, at the time, she thought was silly, but now realizes her grandmother had amazing insight into human nature. Her grandmother didn't have an advanced degree, but she knew how to manage the ups and downs of life. Judy believes her grandmother had:


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