DH 24 Test #3

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syncope treatment if patient is conscious

Trendelenburg position, administer O2, monitor vitals

Asthma Attack Symptoms

May include difficulty breathing Wheezing Shortness of breath Tightness in chest Coughing Pt. may hyperventilate and become dizzy

syncope treatment if patient is unconscious

Trendelenburg position, basic life support (head tilt, access airway & breathing) assess circulation), administer O2, monitor vitals, ammonia under nose, loosen tight clothes, cold towel on forehead, blanket, remove stimulus, stay calm

Symptoms for stroke/ cerebrovascular accident CVA

Headache, confusion, dizziness, paralysis on one side of body muscle weakness, loss of consciousness, loss of facial expression, aphasia (absence of or impaired speech), dysphagia (inability to or difficulty in swallowing), unequal pupil sizes, double vision, rapid fall in pulse, difficult respiration, nausea, convulsion, coma

What is the cause of stroke/CVA?

blood supply to the brain is suddenly reduced or stopped

symptoms for hypoglycemia

confusion irritability, nervousness, diaphoresis (cold sweat), weakness, shakiness, pallor, blurry vision, headache

predisposing factors common in the dental setting

drugs, prolonged periods, later stages of pregnancy, age


fainting or sudden loss of consciousness caused by lack of blood supply to the cerebrum

Syncope symptoms

pale in skin color, diaphoresies (cold sweat), vision disturbed & feels dizzy

orthostatic hypotension (postural hypotension)

rapid fall in blood pressure when moving from a supine to an upright position. 2nd leading cause of transient loss of consciousness.

treatment for hypoglycemia

semi reclining position, maintain an open airway, administer 02, monitor vitals administer oral sugar (orange juice) observe patient for an hour before dismissing

how can you tell if a patient is experiencing angina pectoris or myocardial infarction?

sweating, fist sternum, feels faint

treatment for orthostatic hypotension

○ O2, trendelenburg's position, and IVF ○ Vasopressors (dopamine) reserved for severe symptomatic episodes that fail to respond to previous measures. ■ Agents w/ beta-agonist activity (epinephrine, isoproterenol) are contraindicated

Panic Attack cause and symptoms

Cause is unknown. Chest pain, hyperventilation (no O2), anxiety, nausea, vertigo, paresthesia, restlessness, trans like state

Seizure cause, symptoms, treatment

Cause drug reaction, epilepsy, genetic condition, metabolic disorder Ensure patients safety move all dental instruments and supplies !! Treatment: supine position (don't hold them) & give O2

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