DHN 101 Chapter 5

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added sugars

During processing, ______ are incorporated into foods to contribute to flavor, browning and tenderness, and preservation of food. added minerals added fats added sugars added vitamins

type 2

A characteristic of ______ diabetes is insulin resistance.


The alternative sweetener that is made by combining the amino acids phenylalanine and aspartic acid is called _____

one sugar

The basic unit of carbohydrates is a monosaccharide. Mono means _____ and saccharide means ______

supply the body with energy

The major function of carbohydrate is to _____ supply the body with energy repair and build cells make essential enzymes and hormones


The simplest type of sugar is a _____

Energy is released

What happens when cells metabolize glucose? Energy is stored Glycogen is stored Energy is released Absorption of nutrients

type 2

Which type of diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance and often associated with obesity? type 2 type 1


breaks disaccharide into 2 molecules of glucose


breaks disaccharide into glucose and fructose

nondigestible carbohydrates

cellulose gums pectins mucilages


A __________ carbohydrate has three or more monosaccharides bonded together. digestible simple artificial complex


In the United States, _____, has been used for over 100 years.


In the human intestinal tract, cooked rice is broken down into ________ molecules that can be absorbed. ribose lactose sucrose glucose


Carbohydrate absorption occurs almost exclusively in the stomach.


Carbohydrates are classified into two general categories: simple carbohydrates and _________ carbohydrates, which include most forms of dietary fiber.


Intestinal bacteria produce gases when they metabolize fiber. Group starts


Lactose-containing foods fall into which food category? Fruit Grain Dairy Meat


Most dietary ______ are complex carbohydrates comprised of monosaccharides connected by bonds that human enzymes cannot digest. peptides fibers starches sugars

large intestine

The soluble fiber from an apple is broken down or fermented in this digestive organ

galactose, glucose, and fructose.

The three most important dietary monosaccharides for humans are maltose, ribose, and galactose. fructose, lactose, and hexose monophosphate. galactose, glucose, and fructose. glucose, galactose, and mannose.


There is "convincing" evidence that dietary fiber will reduce the risk of _____-cancer

implementing therapeutic lifestyle changes is key.

To improve blood glucose control for patients with type 2 diabetes, implementing therapeutic lifestyle changes is key. weight loss (about 20% of body weight) is always necessary. expensive dietary supplements are often helpful. sedentary activities are encouraged.


True or false: A diet that is high in soft drink consumption may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.


True or false: Glucagon and insulin are both released from the pancreas.


True or false: Hyperglycemia occurs when an individual's blood sugar level is abnormally elevated


True or false: Salivary amylase is secreted in the mouth and begins the process of carbohydrate digestion in the human body.


Very little carbohydrate from a bowl of rice remains by the time food reaches this part of the digestive tract

less than 7%

What is an acceptable hemoglobin HbA1c level for a person with diabetes? 5.8% to 6.4% more than 6.5% 1% to 2% less than 7%

100% fruit juices contribute micronutrients and phytochemicals

What is the main difference between soft drinks and 100% fruit drinks? 100% fruit juices contain less simple sugars 100% fruit juices do not contain simple sugars 100% fruit juices contribute micronutrients and phytochemicals


What is the technical term for high blood sugar? Hypoglycemia Hyperactivity Hyperinsulinemia Hyperglycemia

Insoluble fiber

Which of the following contributes to softer and easier-to-eliminate feces? Monosaccharides Essential fats Insoluble fiber

insulin resistance

Type 1 diabetes is linked to an autoimmune disease while type 2 diabetes is linked to _____ childhood fruit consumption insulin resistance lack of insulin production


When muscle cells have more glucose than they need for energy, they may store some of the excess as fiber. glycogen. certain B vitamins. ketone bodies.

helps glucose enter cells.

Insulin helps glucose enter cells. is released during fasting periods, such as between meals. stimulates cells to break down glycogen for energy. increases blood glucose levels after meals.

galactose; fructose

Intestinal cells absorb glucose and ______ by active transport; ______ is absorbed by facilitated diffusion. fructose; galactose galactose; fructose sucrose; fructose lactose; maltose

active transport; facilitated diffusion

Intestinal cells absorb glucose and galactose by ______ and fructose is absorbed by _____ active transport; facilitated diffusion simple diffusion; active transport facilitated diffusion; simple diffusion


Lactose is the disaccharide in milk. grapes. sugar. liver.

inhibit the growth of mold increase tenderness of food decrease moisture content contribute to flavor

Select all that apply Added sugars are incorporated into foods during processing to _____ inhibit the growth of mold increase tenderness of food decrease moisture content decrease need for sodium contribute to flavor


When muscle cells have more glucose than they need for energy, they may store some of the excess as glycogen. ketone bodies. certain B vitamins. fiber.

A carbohydrate made of multiple units of glucose attached together in a form the body can digest

Which description best describes a starch? A six-carbon monosaccharide that usually exists in a ring form A carbohydrate made of multiple units of glucose attached together in a form the body can digest A simple form of carbohydrate Substances in plant foods not digested by the processes that take place in the stomach or small intestine

Insoluble fiber

Which of the following contributes to softer and easier-to-eliminate feces? Insoluble fiber Essential fats Monosaccharides

Soluble fiber

Which of the following is a complex carbohydrate? Glucose Soluble fiber High-fructose corn syrup Lactose

Soluble fiber

Which of the following is a complex carbohydrate? High-fructose corn syrup Glucose Soluble fiber Lactose


Which of the following is a simple carbohydrate? Lignin Glycogen Starch Fructose


Which of the following is a simple carbohydrate? Starch Glycogen Fructose Lignin


Which of the following is a sugar alcohol? Aspartame Acesulfame-K Sorbitol Neotame


Which of the following is a sugar alcohol? Neotame Aspartame Acesulfame-K Sorbitol

Cow's milk, 1 cup

Which of the following provides the most lactose? Cottage cheese, 1/2 cup Yogurt, 1 cup Cow's milk, 1 cup Half-and-half, 1/2 cup


dietary fiber usually forms a semisolid mass in the intestinal tract that is quickly fermented by bacteria.

Galactose Glucose

Select all that apply Which two monosaccharides are components of the milk sugar lactose? Galactose Fructose Sucrose Glucose


What percent of calories in the diet should come from carbohydrates? 35-45% 45-65% 10-15% 25-35%


begins the breakdown of starch in the mouth.


Cells require a steady supply of energy which is largely provided by ____________ minerals carbohydrates vitamins protein

lactose intolerance.

Clayton is a 19-year-old college student. He avoids milk, because he claims drinking the beverage upsets his stomach and gives him intestinal "gas." However, he can eat yogurt and certain types of cheese without experiencing any symptoms. Based on this information, Clayton probably has amylase deficiency. cystic fibrosis. lactose intolerance. botulism poisoning.


In order for lactose to be digested properly, there must be sufficient ________, the enzyme responsible for breaking the disaccharide lactose into the monosaccharides glucose and galactose

chronic disease obesity

Select all that apply Which of the following health conditions are linked to an excessive total calorie intake? chronic disease obesity osteoporosis

obesity chronic disease

Select all that apply Which of the following health conditions are linked to an excessive total calorie intake? obesity chronic disease osteoporosis


True or false: The main function of glucose is to provide the body with a source of fuel.

Exercise Diet Oral medications Insulin injections

Select all that apply Treatment for diabetes includes which of the following? Exercise Diet Oral medications Insulin injections Sleep


Individuals who are lactose-intolerant and do not consume dairy products are at risk for a ______ deficiency. calcium vitamin E fiber


Individuals with diabetes are at a greater risk for COVID-19 and, if infected, are more likely to experience severe symptoms associated with the virus.

protein glucose fat

Select all that apply Diabetes is characterized by abnormal metabolism of protein glucose vitamins fat minerals

glycogen starch

Select all that apply Polysaccharides that contain hundreds of glucose molecules bound together into large chainlike structures include ______. glycogen raffinose and stachyose oligosaccharides starch

avoid excess body fat consume a healthy diet exercise daily

Select all that apply What can you do to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes? Select all that apply. avoid excess body fat consume a healthy diet exercise daily avoid carbohydrates

exercise daily consume a healthy diet avoid excess body fat

Select all that apply What can you do to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes? Select all that apply. exercise daily consume a healthy diet avoid excess body fat avoid carbohydrates


The alternative sweetener _____ is made by chemically modifying a sucrose molecule so it escapes digestion and absorption.


Which monosaccharide is commonly found as a component in fruit? Fructose Maltose Galactose Lactose

planning diets using carb counting insulin injections Regular physical activity

Which of the following can be used to control type 1 diabetes? Check all that apply planning diets using carb counting insulin injections Regular physical activity avoiding complex carbs

eating a meal elevated blood glucose insulin released from pancreas Blood glucose level returns to normal

Order of blood glucose regulation beginning with eating a meal

mannitol sorbitol xylitol

Select all that apply Which of the following are sugar alcohols? cyclamate mannitol sorbitol xylitol


Which monosaccharide is commonly found as a component in fruit? Maltose Galactose Lactose Fructose


According to the ADA, people with diabetes should try to maintain HbA1c levels below

Reduce his intake of refined sugars

Bill has reactive hypoglycemia. What steps can he take to reduce the likelihood that he has bouts of the disorder? Take a dietary supplement that provides a variety of B vitamins Reduce his intake of refined sugars Eat one large meal per day, in the morning, if possible Give himself insulin injections after meals


Nondigestible plant material is termed ____ amylopectin amylose starch fiber


Oatmeal is a particularly rich source of ________ fiber. insoluble nondigestible oligosaccharide soluble


Oatmeal is a particularly rich source of ________ fiber. soluble insoluble oligosaccharide nondigestible

The human digestive tract does not produce enzymes that digest dietary fiber.

Which of the following statements is true? Each gram of fiber supplies about 6 kcal for humans. The human digestive tract does not produce enzymes that digest dietary fiber. Diets high in fiber increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Eating foods rich in insoluble fiber may increase one's risk for heart disease.

alternative sweeteners artificial sweeteners

Select all that apply Select all of the terms that describe food additives that sweeten but provide few or no calories per serving. alternative sweeteners high-fructose corn syrup sucrose artificial sweeteners

maltose sucrose lactose

Select all that apply Which of the following are disaccharides? maltose galactose sucrose fructose lactose


A group of serious, chronic conditions characterized by abnormal glucose, fat, and protein metabolism is called _____ diabetes metabolic syndrome obesity

reduced secretion of intrinsic factor.

High-fiber diets are associated with all of the following except reduced risk of diabetes. reduced risk of stroke. reduced secretion of intrinsic factor. reduced risk of heart disease.

reduced secretion of intrinsic factor.

High-fiber diets are associated with all of the following except reduced secretion of intrinsic factor. reduced risk of heart disease. reduced risk of stroke. reduced risk of diabetes.


If you eat a bowl of spaghetti, when it reaches this organ, the acidic environment stops the activity of salivary amylase

less than 70 mg/dL

Hypoglycemia may be diagnosed when the blood glucose level is ________ less than 100 mg/dL less than 70 mg/dL more than 70 mg/dL more than 100 mg/dL

converted into fat and stored.

If your diet supplies more sugar and starch than you need, the excess can be metabolized to form urea and excreted by the kidneys. converted to proteins that are metabolized for energy. eliminated in feces. converted into fat and stored.


Nervous system cells burn mostly ________ for energy. lactose fiber fructose glucose

sucrose lactose maltose

Select all that apply Which of the following are disaccharides? galactose sucrose lactose fructose maltose

It is the simplest type of sugar. It is a chemical unit of carbohydrates.

Select all that apply Which of the following is true about a monosaccharide? It is comprised of two sugar molecules. It is the simplest type of sugar. It is a chemical unit of carbohydrates. It is a component of artificial sweeteners.


breaks disaccharide into glucose and galactose

corn is ready available in the United States fructose is sweeter than glucose

Select all that apply Why is high-fructose corn syrup such a commonly used food additive? fructose is the healthiest sweetener corn is ready available in the United States fructose is sweeter than glucose fructose has fewer calories than glucose

complex carbohydrates

Which has the most monosaccharides? simple carbohydrates complex carbohydrates


While most carbohydrate digestion occurs in the small intestine, where does it begin? liver mouth stomach colon

1 oz cheese

You are working with a client who was recently diagnosed with lactose intolerance. Which of the following dairy foods would you recommend to your client as having the lowest content of lactose? 1 cup yogurt 1 cup milk 1 oz cheese


You overslept this morning and woke up late for class. You did not want to be late for class, so you skipped breakfast. A few hours later, your blood glucose level drops. This prompts your pancreas to release _____to stimulate breakdown of glycogen in the liver into glucose.

Salivary Gland

if you place a cracker on your tongue, amn enzyme released from this gland begins starch digestion

helps glucose enter cells.

insulin is released during fasting periods, such as between meals. stimulates cells to break down glycogen for energy. helps glucose enter cells. increases blood glucose levels after meals.

Exercising daily

According to scientific evidence, which of the following actions can help reduce a person's risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus? Exercising daily Drinking 2 servings of alcohol daily Taking vitamin C supplements Smoking less than 2 packs of cigarettes/week


According to the ADA, people with diabetes should try to maintain HbA1c levels below_____

45% 65%

According to the Food and Nutrition Board, carbohydrates should provide _____ to ______ of total calories in the diet.


After morning class, with your stomach growling, you go to the cafeteria and devour a large pasta entree for lunch. Following this meal, your blood sugar rises and the pancreas releases _____ in an attempt to shuttle blood sugar into your cells.


After sugar from a breakfast of cereal and milk are absorbed into the intestinal bloodstream, they are transported to this organ


As of 2018, ________ million Americans were living with diagnosed diabetes. 45.6 15.8 23.0 26.8


Aspartame is an alternative sweetener made of two _____ acids (phenylalanine and aspartic acid) and methanol.


Hypoglycemia is a condition when blood glucose level is too ______ to provide enough energy for the cells. low variable weak high


Refined carbohydrates do not satisfy hunger as well as proteins and fats, which may lead to an excessive consumption of calories.

artificial sweeteners alternative sweeteners

Select all that apply Select all of the terms that describe food additives that sweeten but provide few or no calories per serving sucrose artificial sweeteners alternative sweeteners high-fructose corn syrup

phenylalanine aspartic acid

Select all that apply Choose the two amino acids present in aspartame. histidine leucine phenylalanine aspartic acid

monosaccharides disaccharides

Simple carbohydrates include _____ which contain only one sugar unit, and______ which contain two sugar units bonded together.


Since soft drinks and 100% fruit drinks contain the same amount of sugar, there is no benefit to choosing 100% fruit juice.


Soluble fiber is broken down completely by bacteria in the small intestine.


Which sugar tastes the sweetest? fructose maltose galactose glucose

At any age

At what age can type 1 diabetes first occur? At any age Only during adulthood Only at birth Only during childhood


For the typical American diet, approximately _______ of total daily kcal are provided from carbohydrates. three-quarters one-third one-half two-thirds


For the typical American diet, approximately _______ of total daily kcal are provided from carbohydrates. two-thirds three-quarters one-half one-third

Digestible carbohydrates

amylose amylopectin glycogen


_____ carbohydrates have three or more monosaccharides bonded together.

Excessive thirst and frequent urination are signs of diabetes.

Which of the following statements is true? To remain healthy, your fasting blood glucose level should always be at least 140 mg/dl. Excessive thirst and frequent urination are signs of diabetes. People who have excess body fat are more likely to develop type 1 diabetes than type 2 diabetes. A healthy person's hemoglobin A1c level is greater than 7.5%.


Which of the following substances is a complex carbohydrate? Starch Carbon dioxide High-fructose corn syrup Glucose


In 2008, the FDA approved a sweetener derived from a South American shrub called _____you can purchase this sweetener in packet form as the brands Truvia and Sweetleaf.

converted into fat and stored.

If your diet supplies more sugar and starch than you need, the excess can be eliminated in feces. metabolized to form urea and excreted by the kidneys. converted into fat and stored. converted to proteins that are metabolized for energy.

in the mouth.

Julian ate a baked potato as a side with his dinner. The starch in the baked potato will begin to be digested in the small intestine. in the stomach. in the mouth. in the large intestine.


True or false: Type 1 diabetes only begins during childhood.

Because they have fewer calories

What would be the health benefit of having sugar alcohols instead of sugars in a food product? Because they taste better Because they are cheaper Because they are better on the environment Because they have fewer calories

The human digestive tract does not produce enzymes that digest dietary fiber.

Which of the following statements is true? The human digestive tract does not produce enzymes that digest dietary fiber. Each gram of fiber supplies about 6 kcal for humans. Diets high in fiber increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Eating foods rich in insoluble fiber may increase one's risk for heart disease.


_____ dietary fiber usually forms a semisolid mass in the intestinal tract that is quickly fermented by bacteria.

small intestine.

absorption of most of the nutrients and carbohydrate from a snack of granola and yogurt occurs in this organ.

type 2 diabetes.

Diet, exercise, and oral medications are typical treatments for type 1 diabetes. type 2 diabetes. hypoglycemia. pancreatic cancer.


Strawberries are naturally a source of which monosaccharide? Galactose Sucrose Fructose Starch


Dietary fiber is associated with a(n) _____ risk of colorectal cancer.

alternative sweeteners.

Substances added to food that sweeten the item while providing few or no calories are known as preservatives. alternative sweeteners. disaccharides. high-fructose corn syrup.

they are not fully absorbed in the intestinal tract

Sugar alcohols cost only 2 kcal/gram because ______. they bind with fiber and prevented from being absorbed they are destroyed by the acidic stomach environment they are not fully absorbed in the intestinal tract

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