Digestive System

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what are the steps for testing for sugar and starch

40 drops of water/substance in container, 20 drops of liquid being tested on in test tube (sugar), 10 drops of benedicts (sugar) or 3 drops of lugols right in container (starch), heat benedicts mixture for 1 minute

how much water should you drink daily

6-8 glasses

True or False: Amylase is an enzyme produced by the pancreas.


True or False: Carbohydrates are broken down in the stomach into simple sugars.


True or False: Large amounts of water are absorbed into the bloodstream from the small intestine.


True or False: Protein digestion begins in the mouth.


True or False: The Recommended Daily Allowance mostly concerns the intake of cholesterol.


True or False: The nutrients in food are absorbed in the large intestine.


what is gastric juice made of

HCl and pepsin

True or False: Bile changes fats physically by breaking them up.


True or False: Daily mineral and vitamin needs can be met by eating fruits and vegetables.


True or False: Solid wastes are eliminated from the body through the rectum and anus.


True or False: The body can't survive long without water.


True or False: The body uses digestion to release the energy in food that is locked up in chemical bonds.


True or False: The chemical digestion of fats takes place in the small intestine.


True or False: Weight loss occurs when the body takes in fewer calories than it needs.



a flap of cartilage that blocks food from going down the trachea


a group of different tissues that work together to perform a specific function

body system

a group of organs that work together


a long muscular tube that leads from the mouth to the stomach


a measure of the energy used by the body


a protein catalyst that changes the rate of a chemical reaction

digestive enzyme

a protein used to break down food


a specific type of protein that is used to break down food, are found in digestive organs


a substance in food that is used by the body for metabolism

example of diffusion

a tea bag in hot water


a watery substance in the mouth that begins the process of chemical digestion


an eating disorder in which a person eats large amounts of food and then vomits or uses laxatives

anorexia nervosa

an eating disorder in which fear of becoming overweight turns into starvation


an enzyme in the mouth, found in saliva, breaks starches down into sugar


an organic nutrient needed in very small amounts for cell metabolism


an organic nutrient that protects internal organs and insulates to retain body heat


an organic nutrient used for growth and repair of tissues

what are positive test results for starch


why the body needs proteins

building and repairing tissue in the body (muscle)

sources of fats

butter, cookies, oils, and dairy products


chewed food

passive transport

digested nutrients dissolve, move through the walls of your small intestine and blood vessels, transports nutrients throughout the body

where in our bodies does passive transport happen

digested nutrients move through the walls of the small intestine and blood vessels to evenly distribute nutrients

sources of protein

eggs, nuts, beef, and pork


elements used by the body in very small amounts

Vegetarians combine foods to meet their bodies' needs for _____________.

essential amino acids

how do you find surface area

find the areas of all the sides and add them together


fingerlike structures through which nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream


found in the stomach, part of gastric juice, breaks down proteins

what are the organs that food does not directly go through

gall bladder, pancreas, liver

what does bile do

helps digest fats

what is HCl

hydrochloric acid

where does most chemical digestion take place

in the duodenum

where is bile stored

in the gallbladder

where is bile created

in the liver

why the body needs fats

insulates the body, stores energy in a concentrated form, provides a cushion

why is diffusion passive transport

it doesn't require any energy from cells

what do sphincter muscles do

make sure the food is small enough to pass to the next organ in the digestive system


microscopic, fingerlike projections that line the inner wal of the small intestine and increase the surface area available for absorption of nutrients

order of the digestive tract

mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine


muscles that push food in the digestive system

what helps food move through the digestive tract

muscles, mucus, fiber, and water

what does pancreatic juice do

neutralizes the acid from the stomach and finalizes the breaking down of starches into simple sugars and proteins into amino acids


organic nutrients that are the main sources of energy for the body

how are organs and body systems different

organs are smaller and cannot the body alone, but body systems are large and support the body

Juices from the ________ break down protein, fat, and starch in the small intestine.


sources of carbohydrates

pasta, bread, cereals, and potatoes

what does mucus do

protects the stomach from gastric juice, which stops the formation of ulcers

what gets digested in the stomach


why the body needs carbohydrates

provides energy

what does the large intestine do

reabsorbs water, maintains the fluid balance of the body, absorbs certain vitamins, processes undigested material, stores waste before it is eliminated

what are positive test results for sugar

red, orange, yellow, or green


spit, a liquid produced in the mouth

amino acids

the building blocks of proteins

chemical digestion

the changing of food into a form the body can use

balanced diet

the food you eat during the day that gives your body all the nutrients needed to carry out life processes

mechanical digestion

the physical movement of food through the digestive system (i.e. - chewing food)


the process by which molecules move from places where they are more concentrated to places where they are less concentrated


the process that takes food and changes it into substances that can be used by the body


the series of muscular contractions that moves food through the digestive system


the substance that lines the digestive system, protecting the stomach from gastric juices and aiding ease of digestion

what happens if you eat too many carbohydrates

they turn into fat


tiny projections that cover the villi

who does the small intestine need such a large surface area

to absorb a lot of nutrients, 600 times greater surface area than a smooth surface

why do we need minerals

to help the body carry out daily functions (i.e- building strong bones)

active transport

uses cell's energy to move through the cell membrane, changes the shape of the protein

6 nutrients

water, protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals

chemical digestion

when enzymes and acids break down food


windpipe (tube that air travels through)

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