Digestive System

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Bile Transport from liver to small intestine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. Bile canaliculi 2. Bile ductules 3. right and left hepatic ducts 4. common hepatic ducts 5. cystic duct 6. common bile duct

Functions of the stomach include all of the following, except A) storage of ingested food. B) denaturation of proteins. C) initiation of protein digestion. D) absorption of triglycerides. E) mechanical breakdown of food.

D) absorption of triglycerides.

Tony is a chronic alcoholic with cirrhosis of the liver, a condition in which liver cells die and are replaced by connective tissue. Which of the following signs would you expect to observe in Tony? A) increased clotting time B) jaundice C) portal hypertension and accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity D) all of the above E) B and C only

D) all of the above

Functions of the large intestine include A) absorption of bile salts. B) absorption of vitamins. C) reabsorption of water and compaction of feces. D) all of the above. E) B and C only

D) all of the above.

Which of these descriptions best matches the term myenteric plexus? A) component of mucosa B) sensory neural network C) secretes a watery fluid D) coordinates activity of muscularis externa E) loose connective tissue layer containing blood vessels

D) coordinates activity of muscularis externa

Peristalsis of the small intestine A) mixes the chyme B) is coordinated by CNS C) involves contraction of smooth muscle behind and in front of the food bolus D) involves contraction of smooth muscle behind the bolus and relaxation in front of the bolus E) Involves relaxation of the smooth muscle simultaneously throughout the small intestine

D) involves contraction of smooth muscle behind the bolus and relaxation in front of the bolus

Which of the following salivary glands produce salivary amylase, a carbohydrate-digesting enzyme?

both parotid glands and submandibular salivary glands

Liver cells, or hepatocytes, receive blood from the __________.

both the hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein

The three phases of deglutition are __________.

buccal, pharyngeal, and esophageal Mouth, Throat, and esophagus


bulk storage of ingested food, chemical and mechanical breakdown of ingested food, and production of the intrinsic factor


carries solid foods and liquids to the stomach

Product of intestinal glands


The lingual frenulum __________.

connects the tongue to the floor of the oral cavity may need to be cut if the condition of ankyloglossia exists is a thin fold of mucous membrane

Sympathetic stimulation of the muscularis externa promotes __________.

muscular inhibition and relaxation

On its way to the esophagus, food normally passes through the __________.

oropharynx and laryngopharynx

Which salivary glands produce a thick serous secretion containing large amounts of salivary amylase?

parotid glands

The three pairs of salivary glands that secrete into the oral cavity include the __________.

parotid, sublingual, and submandibular

Proteins→ short chain polypeptides


Product of chief cell


________ are proteolytic enzymes that break small peptide chains into amino acids.


Waves of smooth muscle contraction that propel materials along the digestive tract are called __________.


muscular externa propels materials from one portion of the digestive tract to the other by ___________.


The pharyngeal muscles that push the food bolus toward the esophagus are the __________.

pharyngeal constrictor muscles

Large intestine

reabsorption of water, absorption of important vitamins, and storage of fecal matter

Small intestine uses _________ to churn and digest materials.


From the outside to inside, the correct order of the layers of the digestive tract is __________.

serosa muscularis externa submucosa mucosa

Which layer of the digestive tract contains large blood vessels, lymphatics, and a network of nerve fibers called the plexus of Meissner?


What contracts to make haustra?

taenia coli

cuspids are for?

tearing and slashing


temporary storage of fecal matter

The mucosa and submucosa of the esophagus are folded __________.

to allow the expansion of the esophagus during the passage of a large bolus

plicae circulares

transverse folds that make up intestinal lining for greater surface area.

Product of brunner glands


CCK hormone is released when?

when chyme is full with fatty acids and tryglicerides

Which of the following occurs during the pharyngeal phase of deglutition?

The larynx elevates, and the uvula and soft palate block the nasopharynx.


This is released when chyme enters the small intestine and it stimulates mucin production.


This is secreted when chyme is rich in lipids and partially digested proteins. It triggers the opening of the hepatopancreatic sphincter.


This stimulates of increased motility in the stomach and the production of acids and enzymes.

Concentrated crystals of minerals and salts in the gallbladder produce __________.

a condition called cholelithiasis

pancreatic juice is secreted by ______ which is lined by simple cuboidal epithelium


Pancreatic juice is __________.


The gastroenteric reflex stimulates motility __________.

along the entire length of the small intestine

Bile acts as __________.

an emulsifier

Peyer patches __________.

are lymphoid nodules located in the ileum

Which of the following is a function of the stomach?

both mechanical breakdown of food and production of intrinsic factor

Which of the following products of digestion is NOT taken up by capillaries in the small intestine? chylomicrons minerals simple sugars amino acids



have flattened crowns with prominent ridges used for crushing food

Which of the following changes occurs during defecation? A) Internal anal sphincter is relaxed B) External anal sphincter is contracted C) Rectal smooth muscle is relaxed D) intra-abdominal pressure is lower than at rest E) Segmentation contractions predominate

A) Internal anal sphincter is relaxed

The large intestine absorbs which of the following vitamins from colonic bacteria? vitamin K vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid biotin All of the listed responses are correct

All of the listed responses are correct

Which of the following is NOT a brush border enzyme? maltase amylase dipeptidase lactase


The duodenum differs from the rest of the small intestine in that its submucosa contains many __________ that secrete mucus.

Brunner glands

An intestinal hormone that stimulates the gallbladder to release bile is A) enteropeptidase. B) secretin. C) cholecystokinin. D) GIP. E) gastrin.

C) cholecystokinin.

The bulk of each tooth consists of a mineralized matrix similar to that of bone called A) enamel. B) cementum. C) dentin. D) pulp. E) periodontium.

C) dentin.

Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning aging and the digestive system? Rates of cancer in the colon and stomach increase because immune system activity decreases. The rate of division of epithelial stem cells decreases. Motility decreases, and peristaltic contractions become weaker. Dehydration becomes less common as a result of the body's inability to effectively rid itself of water.

Dehydration becomes less common as a result of the body's inability to effectively rid itself of water.

Fat-soluble vitamins move across the intestinal mucosa by __________.


Small intestine

Digestion and absorption of nutrients

Nutrients are absorbed by all of the following, except A) active transport. B) diffusion. C) facilitated diffusion. D) co-transport. E) osmosis.

E) osmosis.

Product of parietal cell


Peyer patches are associated with which region of the intestine?


The active process that occurs when materials enter the digestive tract via the mouth is __________.


Treatment for a morbidly obese man includes surgery to reduce the length of his intestine. Which region of the small intestine should be removed to achieve greatest weight loss?


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the Kupffer cells of the liver? Kupffer cells have the ability to store heavy metals, such as tin and mercury. Kupffer cells phagocytize and process foreign materials passing by them in the bloodstream. Kupffer cells are fixed macrophages of the immune system. Kupffer cells have the ability to produce bile.

Kupffer cells have the ability to produce bile.

disaccharide→ monosaccharides


Which of the following occurs during the defecation reflex?

Parasympathetic centers in the sacral region of the spinal cord stimulate mass movements.

Which of the following is NOT a pancreatic enzyme? nuclease pepsinogen lipase alpha-amylase


Which digestive region is responsible for the propulsion of materials into the esophagus?


When the stomach is empty, the mucosa is thrown into folds called __________.


gastric inhibitory peptide

Secreted when fats and especially glucose enters the intestine, this enzyme triggers the release of insulin at the pancreas.

incisors are for?

cutting and clipping

Dipeptides and triglycerides→ amino acids


trypsinogen→ trypsin


Product of G cell


The mesentery that hangs like an apron from the lateral and inferior portion of the stomach is the __________.

greater omentum

gingival sulcus is between what?

gum and tooth

Which of the following is NOT a function of the liver? A. hematologic regulation B. immunologic regulation C. metabolic regulation D. bile production

immunologic regulation

Which of the following is a function of the digestive tract?

ingestion absorption excretion

Sympathetic stimulation __________.

inhibits submucosal glands

What is a glycoprotein that is produced in the stomach and is needed for the absorption for vitamin B12?

intrinsic factor

The defecation reflex __________.

involves long and short reflexes and involves two positive feedback loops

Strong contractions from the transverse colon to the rest of the large intestine that move the contents of the colon toward the sigmoid colon are called __________.

mass movements


mastication of food

Fatty acids and monoglycerides interact with the bile salts in chyme to form small, lipid-bile salt complexes called __________.


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