Digital Marketing Quiz 4
Pure Play E-Tailers
(a e-tailing business model) -firms that sell directly to consumers over the internet -NO physical sales channel = low overhead costs ex: bluenile.come
Find Products
(consumer shopping process) -SEO, paid search -e-catalogue -location-based service(Beacons/BLE 4.0) -pinterest, instagram
E-Tailing Business Model
-direct sales by manufacturers -pure play e-tailers -click and mortar retailers -online marketplace
Guaranteed Contract Advantages
-guarantees ad message gets out -for branding advertisers, ensures brand safe content
KLM Campaign
-identified travelers problems by monitoring twitter and sifting input from ground staff -for 5 days offered help to as many travelers as possible
Deliverability Factors
-infrastructure -sender reputation -email content and frequency -send volumes
4 types of Utility
-place -time -information -form
Ad Exchange
a platform running an auction to determine which advertiser buys an individual impression(<.1 seconds) -real time bidding: buying/selling of ad page takes place while your webpage loads -programmatic: using algorithm to allows advertisers to target consumers based on metrics ex: facebook/google ads
actors that sell over the Internet
Ad Sales
ads are sold two ways 1) guaranteed contract 2) ad exchange
Information Utility
availability for information about product features and benefits
Guaranteed Contract
bulk ad purchases that specifies the price and quantity, as well as the time frame and targeting criteria ex: "200,000 impressions to US users on the NY time's finance related pages in July"
Multi-Channel Retailing
challenges for retailers working across online and traditional channels -determining what products are sold in store, online or through catalogs -pricing discrepancies -promotional offerings -cross-channel support
Direct Sales by Manufacturers
(a e-tailing business model) -sellers understand their markets better because of the direct connection to consumers -consumers gain greater information about products through their direct connection to manufactures ex: dell uses this with a build-to-order approach, customizing its products
Click and Mortar Retailers
(a e-tailing business model) a business model where a company sells in multiple marketing channels simultaneously(both physical and online) -often brick and mortar stores moved to online, sometimes pure-players expand to physical stores
Scale Effect
(chosing the right model..) -high demand products are sold more efficiently by one large re seller than by many small sellers ex: amazon acts as a reseller for high demad products, but multi-sided for long tail products
Aggregation Effect
(chosing the right model..) -some products and services have much higher value to buyers when bought together than when purchased separately from independent sellers -resellers can take bundling or loss-leader strategy
Buyer and Seller Experiences
(chosing the right model..) with the reseller model, one side does not need to deal with multiple agents -reseller can have better control over quality and service
Evaluate Alternatives
(consumer shopping process) -comparison matrix -screening tools -online chatting -virtual fitting room -social shopping
Place the Order
(consumer shopping process) -easy check out process (poor information desgin, lack of transparency on shipping costs can prevent consumers from checking out) -efficient reordering systems
Post Purchase Notifications
(consumer shopping process) -order confirmation -shipping notice -prepaid return labels
General Information
(consumer shopping process) -product descriptions, images, ratings and reviews -cross selling suggestions -personalized information (search enginer 61% of tool we use to online shop)
Make Returns
(consumer shopping process) -return by mail -in-store returns -user community
In-Store Social Networking Platform
- provide easy access to product reviews -facilitating social interactions with connections within the store -facilitating social interactions with connections outside of the store(ex: american eagle camera in times square)
Mobile Reviewing Behaviors
--more negative -contain a higher proportion of affective vs. cognitive language -contain greater language reflecting current concerns
Anticipatory Package Shipping
-a system for shipping your stuff before you order it (amazon has this patented)
Real Time Bidding Advantages
-allows for fine targeting based on the expected value of an impression, rather than an audience -allows for re targeting and behavioral targeting across multiple platforms -reduces transaction costs by facilitating advertising on publishers who can t afford a sales force
Online Shoppers
-can be very loyal so internet retailers should focus on customer retention -15% online shop at favorite websites because of service -35% online shop at favorite websites because of they like the brands
Email Content and Frequency
-content and image to text ratiors are not as important -URl destinations are scrutinized more -dont use shortned URLS -avoid erratic email frequencies
Goal of Communicaiton
-create brand awareness(introduce brand) -build brand image(what brand stands for) -cement brand core values(reinforce values + quity in brand) -engage brand loyalty(nurture brand community)
Mobile Purchasing Behaviors
-mobile buyers tend to make smaller purchases in short bursts throughout the day -mobile shoppers shy away from bi-ticket items as well as price comparisons available on PCs
Sender Reputation
-permission practices -accurate email address collection -avoiding spam complaints -minimizing an acceptable level of engagement
-properly configured severs -authentication -email throwtting to stay below volume limits -bounce management
Home Plus
-sells grocery products online through subway stores(participants take pictures of products they want, then products get sent to home within 3 hours) 10,000 consumers in 3 months and online sales increased by 130%
Mobile Experience
-smaller screen -not fixed location -timely information -sales from this jumped 56%
Multi-sided Platform
-take a cut from each transaction -low operating costs and high margins Ex: ebay
Consumer Shopping Process
1. Find products 2. General information 3. Evaluate alternatives 4. Place the order 5. Receive post-purchase notifications 6. Make returns
Customer Based Brand Equity Pyramid
1. identity 2. meaning 3. response 4. relationships
Difficulties in Communication
1. message may not get through to intended recipient 2. message may reach target audience but may not be understood 3. message may be understood but no action results 4. message may be impaired by noise
Online Marketplace
E-resller Multi sided Platform
Beacon Technology
a low cost, micro-location based technology using Bluetooth low energy(BLE 4.0) for communicating with beacon-enable devices
Consumer Channels
different consumer shopping needs are best met through different channels = desire for information can be met with direct online information -desire to touch and try on articles of clothing can be met with offline retailer
Real Time Bidding Disadvantages
fraud, some loss of control
Send Volume
high volume senders are scrutinized more than low volume ones
higher capital and operating costs, higher revenues, lower percentage margin ex: Zappos
marketers are granted access to imboxes by securing permission and maintain it by sending relevant emails -factors that affect this are: -desired -user friendly -valuable
Guaranteed Contract Disadvantages
old fashioned, high contracting costs
Form Utility
processed/prepared in proper condition and/or ready to use
Place Utility
product/service availability in locations convenient to customers
Time Utility
product/service avaliabolity when desired by customers
retailing conducted online, over the internet
state that has the most valuable online shoppers + highest customer lifetime value
New York
state with the highest FASHION customer lifetime value