Discord Server Rules
Rule 4
Do not send unwanted DMs to others on the server. - Sending DMs to advertise or to spread malicious content is also not allowed.
Rule 1
Do not be rude, racist, offensive, derogatory, threatening, or incite violence in any way. - This includes hate speech, promoting self-harm, and the use of racial slurs in any form. - Do not target and harass others (such as annoying a specific person even after being told to stop). - Do not maliciously instigate conflict and disorder.
Rule 12
Do not delete a message mentioning Server Moderators, Server Administrators, Submission Evaluators, Fan-Art Moderators, or ChillyRoom Staff.
Rule 7
Do not ping others without good reason. - Do not attempt to use @everyone or @here.
Rule 2
Do not post or link sexual content, gore, or any NSFW/NSFL media. - This includes your profile picture, banner, and status. - Semi-NSFW content should be in spoilers. - Do not let discussions get excessively vulgar in terms of language and the topics being discussed.
Rule 8
Do not send any messages containing viruses, phishing links, intellectual property infringements, resources for game hacks, or other malicious content. - For intellectual property that isn't your own, there may be a copyright infringement if it can't be easily accessed online for free.
Rule 5
Do not share any sensitive personal information. - Any sensitive personal information is not allowed, even if it's your own (as it cannot be verified to be yours).
Rule 10
Ensure you follow the following nickname policy: 1. No blank or "invisible" names 2. No slurs or other offensive sentiments 3. No noisy unicode characters (e.g., ẑ̵͝a̸͚̕l̴͐̾g̵̽́ö̷́͘ or byte order marks) 4. No nicknames designed to annoy other users 5. Make sure the nickname is easy to mention using a keyboard that can only type ASCII characters. - Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a nickname change, and you may lose the right to change your nickname. - Offensive usernames, regardless of the nickname you are using, will also cause consequences.
Rule 14
Follow the VC etiquette pinned in #vc_talk and the multiplayer etiquette pinned in #multiplayer_discussion.
Rule 13
Keep conversations in English only. - If you have very poor English and need a translator to communicate, feel free to use the translator bot. - Single messages (along with pictures/memes) should be translated. This should not be done excessively.
Rule 9
Keep conversations on-topic for each channel. - Make sure to read the channel description and pins to know the topics of the channel. - Offtopic discussion may be subject to deletion. - Generally, avoid subjects like politics and religion.
Rule 3
No cold advertising. This includes Discord servers, livestreams, channels, etc. - The exception is for Soul Knight content in #livestreams_and_videos.
Rule 6
No excessive spamming, including characters, links, images, reactions, etc. - Unnecessary text walls (that do not contribute to a discussion/conversation) can also be considered as spam.
Rule 11
No impersonation of banned users or users with significant server importance. - Users with significant server importance include those with any of the following roles: "Server & Wiki Owner," "Server Administrators," "Server Moderators," "ChillyRoom Staff," "Submission Evaluators," "Fan-Art Moderators," "Valued Contributor," and "Bots." Changing your nick/username to be matching or similar to important users must not be excessive to the point where reaching the right person is made more difficult. - If you act in a way that can cause you to be confused with a banned user, you may also be subject to a ban.
Rule 15
Practice proper judgment and common sense, as poor behaviors not stated in the rules may be capable of justifying consequences. - Being an unpleasant or unwanted member in general can lead to action taken, regardless of the number of actual rule violations.