divide and conquer algorithm

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number of iterations made by binary search algorithm in a list of n items is

roughly log base 2 of n


# of divisions and # of merges = n-1

What is the pseudo code for merge sort?

#instantiate recursive #return arr if arr.size is less than 2 #set mid to arr.length / 2 #set arr1= arr[o..mid] #set arr2 = arr[mid..-1]

Heapsort requires what to execute?

A heap, Duh

pros and cons of delete by copying

Advantages - Does not increase height • Problems - May become unbalanced if always use the successor -- Alternate the use of successor and predecessor.


An algorithm used to arrange elements of an array into natural order, such as numeric or alphabetical.

Building an Expression Tree

Build the expression from the postfix form Expression Tree constructor has 3 parameters: reference to data item reference to left child reference to right child Uses a stack of ExpressionTree objects *review picture slide 68


Class of functions f(n) that grow NO FASTER than g(n)

Subtrees of a node

Consists of a child node and all its descendants A subtree is itself a tree Node can have many subtrees

Binary search 1

Given a sorted list and key X, we want to know if X is in the list. If yes, the position of X in the list is returned. Otherwise, a null is returned.

Linked Binary Tree Implementation

Linked structure of nodes represents the binary tree root: reference to the root node count: keeps track of number of nodes in the tree Binary Tree Node represents each node of tree

Base Case

List less than or one, it is already sorted

Degree/arity of a tree

Maximum of the degrees of the tree's nodes

(index * 2) + 2

Right child


Sequence of edges leading from one node to another

Mergesort is what kind of sort, stable or nonstable


Define function

def mergeSort(alist):

Define partition

def partition(alist,first,last):

Define quick sort

def quickSort(alist):

Define quick sort helper

def quickSortHelper(alist,first,last):


relatively stable, best to verify sorted O (N), worst when random or reversed O (N^2)


removeLeftSubtree removeRightSubtree removeAllElements size contains isEmpty find toString iteratorInOrder iteratorPreOrder iteratorPostOrder iteratorLevelOrder

top-down approach(quicksort)

repeatedly splitting largest lists into smaller ones

search in BST recursive

if(p==NULL) return NULL; if(el>p->element) return search(p->right,el); if*el<p->element) return search(p->left,el); if(el==p-> element) return &P->element;

delete a tree

if(ptr is not NULL) { delete(left Child) delete(right child) delete ptr; }


requires extra space to hold the halves. Problematic on large data sets


requires heap data structure, is not stable, slower than quicksort

Return splitpoint

return rightmark

Assign right list

righthalf = alist[mid:]

Decrement rightmark

rightmark -= 1

Assign rightmark

rightmark = last

binary search algorithm method

uses divide and conquer to search through a (sorted) list first look at item in location n/2, then look at region before or after

get height

if(ptr is null) return 0 endif leftHeight = height(ptr->leftChild) rightHeight = height(ptr->rightChild) if (leftHeight > rightHeight) return leftHeight + 1 else return rightHeight + 1 endif


uses twice as much memory due to temporary array storage

Heap sort will always take

nlogn time


no sorting or decision making about ordering is done until the division process is done and merge process takes over

Quick dis

nonstable, even if sorted, takes onlogn

Con of Heap Sort

not stable and larger constant factors than quicksort

Max height

number of nodes

LinkedBinaryTree Class

protected BinaryTreeNode<T> root; protected int count; Attributes are protected so they can be accessed directly in any subclass of the LinkedBinaryTree class //Empty binary tree constructor public LinkedBinaryTree() { count = 0; root = null; } //Binary tree with root element public LinkedBinaryTree(T element) { count = 1; root = new BinaryTreeNode<T>(element); }


volatile, simple and slow, best to verify sorted O (N), worst when random or reversed O (N^2)

Quick Sort

when L and R markers cross and partitions are of single value, then the current halves are sorted

Recursive call for leftmark


Recursive call for rightmark


Loop to check both halves is at base case

while i < len(lefthalf) and j < len(righthalf):

Loop to check uninserted value in left half

while i < len(lefthalf):

Loop to check uninserted value in right half

while j < len(righthalf):

Loop on leftmark

while leftmark <= rightmark and alist[leftmark] <= pivotvalue:

Loop while false

while not done:

two well-known sorting algorithms

quicksort: divide list into big values and small values, then sort each part mergesort: sort subgroups of size 2, merge into sorted groups of size 4, merge into sorted groups of size 8,...

Call quick sort helper


bottom up approach (Merge sort)

recombine smaller lists into larger ones

recursive definitions of mathematical functions or sequences. For example: g(n) = g(n-1) + 2n -1 g(0) = 0


Name for when subproblems large enough to solve recursively.

recursive case

winner tree


sequential access


Merge Sort

A recursive algorithm that continually splits a list in half, until each half is either empty or one item, at which point the two halves are merged together in natural order, back up the division process until the entire list has been sorted.

Time complexity for Binary Heap Queue Array List or Node List: Add Remove Peek

Add O(log N) Remove O(log N) Peek O(1)

Time complexity for Balanced BST Queue Array List or Node List: Add Remove Peek

Add O(log N) Remove O(log N) Peek O(log N)

What is insert in heap? How to insert? time complexity?

Adds the new element to the end of the heap and then uses shiftUp() to fix the heap. How? Take append the new value to the last of array, and then shift up if necessary - log(n)

What date structure should we use to implement an AVL tree?

An AVL tree has a balance factor, data, and two pointers pointing to the left and right.

What is heap?

Heap is a binary tree lives inside array. it doesn't use parent/child pointer.

These sorts have what kind of time complexity and how is it different from insertion, bubble and the other one?

Heap, Merge and Quick have have a more efficient time complexity of O(nlogn) (quasilinear) versus the quadratic time complexity of bubble, insertion and selection.

complexity of insert in BST


What is the run time complexity of inserting into a heap?

O(log n)

Average Case

O(n log n) log linear

Best Case

O(n log n) log linear

What is the build heap complexity?


What is the complexity of traversal?


What is the complexity for search in heap?

O(n), search the array.

Worst Case

O(n2) quadratic

Worst Case

O(n^2) linear

divide and conquer

break problem into smaller pieces and solve smaller sub-problems

Given a node with position i in a complete tree, what are the positions of its child nodes?

left child = 2i+1, right child = 2i+2

Assign left list

lefthalf = alist[:mid]

Increment leftmark

leftmark += 1

Assign leftmark

leftmark = first+1

What is the time complexity for shift up and down?



lower values sorted first (inserted to the left)

Call merge sort passing in list


Split left list to base case


Split right list to base case


Find mid point

mid = len(alist)//2

Quick Sort

moves lesser values to left of pivot, greater values to right of pivot, at which point, pivot value is in correct place

Required Operations

n for size n


nested loop to insert each unsorted item in a list into its proper position

Priority queues

only the highest priority element can be accessed

Quick Sort

partition, swap

Quick Sort

partitions lists and swaps values on either side of a pivot value

Assign pivot value

pivotvalue = alist[first]

What is the time complexity for heap sort?


Array Based Implementation: At what index is parent stored


Balanced trees

-binary trees -for all nodes: |left_subTree height - right_subTree height | <= 1

2-3-4 Operations:

-construction, empty, search -insert/delete must maintain as a 2-3-4 tree

How to: Binary Heap Insertion

-insert new element in the one and only one location that will maintain the complete shape (start left to right) -swap values necessary on a leaf to root path to maintain partial order

BST vs 2-3-4

-insertion in a BST might change the height of a tree if its a leaf node, whereas in a 2-3-4 tree, all leaf nodes are on the same level

M Node Tree

-stores m-1 data values -has links to m subtrees


A data structure! --a tree is a collection of nodes. Unless empty, it begins at the root node --terms, root, siblings, grandparent/grandchild, parent/child, ancestor

Bubble Sort

A simple (and relatively slow) sorting algorithm that repeatedly loops through a list of values, comparing adjacent values and swapping them if they are in the wrong order.

Quick Sort

An efficient sorting algorithm, serving as a systematic method for placing the elements of an array in order. Sometimes called partition-exchange sort.

Internal node

Any node that is not a leaf node

Mergesort Time Efficiency

Big Theta(n log n)

Quicksort is what kind of sort- stable or nonstable


Length of path

Number of edges on the path

mechanism of divide and conquer

This approach divides an instance of a problem P into at least two smaller instances, P1 and P2 for example. P1 and P2 are of the same problem in nature to P, the original, but much smaller in size1. The 1e.g half of the original size or smaller problems are called subproblems. If the solutions for the smaller. smaller instances are available individually, the solution to the original P can be derived by simply combining the solutions to the subproblems P1 and P2.


divide and conquer a list, merging portions of the list in sorted order

Quick Sort

divide elements into sublists sorted around a pivot value


saves a copy (temp) instead of swap function

size recursive

{ if( p == 0 ) { return 0; } else return(size(p->left)) + 1 + (size(p->right)); }



LSD radix sort

最低數字基數排序Least Significant Digital(先建立r個bucket,編號0~(r-1)(例:在10進制中r即為10),再令1變數d儲存最大data的總位數(1023就是4位數),然後從個位開始將相同個位的放入bucket中,再將其照序(0~(r-1))取出,再來換十位、百位.....直到d為止)

decision tree


Array Based Implementation: At what index is left child stored


Array Based Implementation: At what index is right child stored


Expression Trees

--Binary tree to represent arithmetic expressions --The leaves of an expression tree are operands, such as constants and variable names, and the other nodes contain operators. InFix: A*B+C A*(B+C) Postfix(RPN): AB*C+ ABC+* Prefix: +*ABC *A+BC *To go from infix to postfix, put the infix into an expression tree, and then traverse it in post order to come out with infix expression.*

What is the common use for heap?

- For building priority queues. - The heap is the data structure supporting heap sort. - Heaps are fast for when you often need to compute the minimum (or maximum) element of a collection. - Impressing your non-programmer friends.

pros and cons of delete by mergings

- May increase or decrease the height after deletion

How many kinds of heap?

- max-heap: parent nodes must always have a greater value than children. - min-heap: parent nodes must always have a value less than children.

What is the difference between binary search tree and heap?

- order of nodes: for bst, the left child always smaller than the node while right child always larger; In max-heap, children must be smaller; in min-heap, children must be larger. - memory: traditional trees take up additional memory for nodes objects and pointers to left/right childs. While heap only uses plain array of storage and no pointers. - binary search tree: binary search tree must be "balanced" so that most operations have O(log n) performance. For heap, we don't need the entire tree to sorted. We just need to have the heap property to fulfilled, and balancing isn't an issue. Because the way heap is structure is gurantee O(logn) performance. - searching: search a binary tree is really fast. Searching in heap is slow, the purpose of heap is to put the largest/smallet on the top for easy insert/delete.

What is shift up and down in heap?

- shift up: If the element is greater (max-heap) or smaller (min-heap) than its parent, it needs to be swapped with the parent. This makes it move up the tree. - shift down: If the element is smaller (max-heap) or greater (min-heap) than its children, it needs to move down the tree. This operation is also called "heapify".

AVL basic operations:

1) constructor, search traversal, empty 2) insert: keep balanced! 3) delete: keep balanced! 4) similar to BST

Binary Trees

--a tree in which no node can have more than 2 children --Useful in modeling processes where there are comparisons or an experiment has exactly two possible outcomes; is also useful when a test is performed repeatedly (coin toss, decision trees that are often used in AI, encoding/decoding messages in dots/dashes like morse code) *Tree height*: the height of a node is the length of the longest downward path to a leaf from that node (height of leaf nodes is zero, and height of the root node is the height of the tree) *Complete trees*: trees are complete when each level is completely filled except the bottom level. The leftmost positions are filled at the bottom level. Nice for array storage! However, array storage only for complete trees. *Balanced Trees* are binary trees, and this is true for all nodes in the tree: *|left_subTree height - right_subTree height| <= 1*

Complete trees

--each level is completely filled except the bottom level --the leftmost positions are filled at the bottom level --array storage is perfect for them, however if tree is not complete, you need to account for missing nodes, which may be very inefficient

How are trees useful?

--used to implement the file system of several popular operating systems --useful to evaluate arithmetic expressions --support searching operations in O(log N) average time and how to refine these ideas to obtain O(log N) worst case bounds --useful in modelling processes that have (2) outcomes (experiments or comparisons...example, coin toss experiment) --decision trees (expert systems in AI) --encoding/decoding messages in dots/dashes (morse code)

Linked Representation of binary trees

--uses space more efficiently --provides additional flexibility --each node has two links: one to the left child of the node, and one to the right child of the node

Characteristic of Binary Heap

-Complete Binary Tree - Partial Order Property

M Node Tree: 2-3-4 Tree

-Each node stores at most 3 data values (keys) -each non-leaf node is a 2 node, a 3 node, or a 4 node -All the leaves are on the same level

Insertion 2-3-4

-For a 2-3-4 tree, a new node is added to the top of the tree when the tree is full If tree is empty -create a 2 node containing new item-inital root of the tree else --find leaf node where item should be inserted by repeatedly comparing item with values in node and following appropriate link to child --if room in leaf node, add item, otherwise... 1) split 4 node into 2 nodes, one storing items less than median value, other storing items greater than median. Median value moved to a parent having these 2 nodes as children. 2) if parent has no room for median, split that 4node in the same manner, continuing until either a parent is found with room or reach full root 3) if full root 4 node split into two nodes, create new parent 2-node, the new root

How to: Binary Heap Deletion

-Maintain complete shape by replacing the root value with the value in the lowest, right-most leaf. Then delete. -Swap values if necessary to maintain partial order Binary Heap ppt. Slide 13 for example.

Three possibilities for inductive step:

1) inorder Traverse(root -> left) print (root -> data) traverse(root -> right) ^^ this will result in a print of the data in ascending order 2) Preorder print (root -> data) traverse(root -> left) traverse (root -> right) 3) Postorder traverse(root -> left) traverse (root -> right) print (root -> data)

quick sort algo


Non-recursive Inorder

1) Create an empty stack S 2) Initialize current node as root 3) push the current node to S and set current = current -> left until current is NULL 4) if current is NULL and stack is not empty, then a) pop the top item from stack b) print the popped item, set current = popped_item -> right c) go to step 3 5) if current is null and stack is empty, then we are done


1. Divide instance of problem into 2 or more smaller instances 2. Solve smaller instances 3. Obtain solution to original (larger) instance by combining these solutions Typically some additional work required to combine solutions

What's the mergesort synopsis?

1. Divide recursively until subarrays are 1 element in length (base case) 2. Merge the two subarrays up every level 3. Return the sorted array

Two Phases of Heap Sort

1. Transform initial arbitrary order of array into partial order 2. Transform partial order to total order

Heap Sort pseudocode overview

1. Utilize a heap data structure 2. Add items into heap 3. Extract items from heap a. store into new array b. possible in place implementation

What is a heap data structure

1. a binary tree 2.the value of each node is greater than or equal to the values in each children 3.Perfectly balanced. The leaves in the last level are in the left most poistion

How to: Heap Sort

1. rearrange array to Max Heap 2. repeatedly move max element to final sorted place towards end of the array, heapify

Max # of nodes

2^(height(tree)) - 1

Max # of leaves


AVL trees must be balanced after every insertion and deletion

4 cases of imbalance: 1) insertion was in left subtree of left child of N 2) insertion was in right subtree of right child of N 3) Insertion was in right subtree of left child of N 4) insertion was in left subtree of right child of N Case 1 and 2 require a single rotation for balancing Case 3 and 4 require double rotation for balancing

Selection Sort

A sorting routine that uses a nested loop process to systematically select the best value among the unsorted elements of the array for the next position in the array, starting with position zero all the way to the end.

Insertion Sort

A type of sort that uses a nested loop process to systematically find the best place in the current array for an unsorted item.

Time complexity for Unsorted Queue Array List or Node List: Add Remove Peek

Add O(1) Remove O(N) Peek O(N)

Time complexity for Sorted Queue Array List or Node List: Add Remove Peek

Add O(N) Remove O(1) Peek O(1)

Steps in the divide and conquer approach

An algorithm taking the divide and conquer approach usually includes the following main steps: 1. Divide an instance of a problem into smaller instances 2. Solve the smaller instances recursively 3. Combine, if necessary, the solutions of the subproblems to form the solution to the original problem.

Step Five

At the point rightmark is lesser than leftmark, split point is found and the item will be swapped with pivot value

What is T(n) of insert algorithm in a BST?

Average complexity O(logN)

What is T(n) of search algorithm in a BST? Why?

Average complexity O(logN)

Run time of Binary Search Trees

Average run time of most operations is O(log N).

Quicksort advantages

Average runtime is 2-3 faster than mergesort and can be sorted in place


BST: -no guarantee of balance -potential for lopsided +less complex code AVL: +tree is balanced +guarantee O(logn) -more complicated code -frequent rotations

what is the balance factor of a node?

Balance Factor of every node is -1 ≤ b ≤ 1 height(left subtree) - height(right subtree)

Balanced Trees: AVL Trees

Balance factor: a node's BF is the difference between the heights of its left and right subtrees AVL Tree: A binary search tree in which, for every node the balance factor is either 0 or +1 or -1 (height of an empty tree is defined as -1)

what is the best and worst complexity for search in a bst?

Based on the number of comparisions Worst case: O(n) -- when tree is off balance and the shape is like a linked list. - Best case: O(logn) - when tree is complete. - Average case: O(logN) - close to the best case.

Quicksort Time Analysis

Best case: Big Theta(n log n) Split in the middle Worst case: Big Theta(n^2) Sorted array! Average case: Big Theta(n log n) Random arrays

Quick Sort

Best: O (N log N) stays balanced Avg: O (N log N) stays fairly balanced Worst: O (N^2) all values on one side


Best: O (N) list already in order (1 pass) Avg: O (N^2) random Worst: O (N^2) reverse


Best: O (N) list already in order (3 steps each pass) Avg: O (N^2) random Worst: O (N^2) reverse


Best: O (N^2) list in order Avg: O (N^2) random Worst: O (N^2) reverse

Efficiency of Pre, In, and Postorder algorithms

Big Theta(n)

Height Algorithm Efficiency

Big Theta(n)

Mergesort Space Requirement

Big Theta(n) (NOT in-place)

Ex. Max Heap 12,7,9,3,18,1,10

Binary Heap ppt slide 11

Ex. Min Heap 12,7,9,3,18,1,10

Binary Heap ppt slide 12

Why avl tree instead ofBST

Binary Search Trees are fast if they're shallow. • Problems occur when one branch is much longer than the other.

Binary Search vs Linear Search

Binary search... Requires that data items should be in ascending order, and is usually implemented with an array because it needs direct access. advantages: -usually out performs linear search....O(log n) vs. O(n) disadvantages of binary search: --needs to be sorted --needs direct access of storage structures, NOT good for linked lists HOWEVER it is possible to use a linked structure which can be searched in a binary like manner...aka binary search trees If we do a binary search of a linked list, connecting an "index" to each node, traversing is still O(n) whereas it may still be better than linear search b/c comparisons go down to log(n) In order to do log(n) traversal and comparisons, we need a binary search tree!

Traversal analysis

Binary tree with n nodes For each node, 2 recursive calls max so 2n recursive calls at most O(n)

Recursion and Binary Trees

Binary trees are recursive in nature Tree Traversal is recursive: if the binary tree is empty, then do nothing else inductive steps: N: visit the root, process data L: traverse the left subtree R: traverse the right subtree


Build your BST by repeatedly calling a function to insert elements into a BST. Similar to search, can be done recursively and non recursively.

definition of AVL tree

By definition it is a binary tree it is a binary tree + balanced condition -ensure the depth O(log N) -height difference between the subtress of any node is at most 1

four cases of re balance in AVL tree

Case 1: An insertion into the left subtree of the left child • case 2: Insertion into the right subtree of the left child • case 3:Insertion into the left subtree of the right child • case 4: An insertion into the right subtree of the right child


Connections between nodes

Mergesort is helpful for sorting what kind of data?

Data types that can't be directly compared like objects or linked lists.


Distinguished element that is the origin of the tree -only ONE root node


Divide and conquer


Divide and conquer to improve performance

combine the sub problem solutions into the solution for the original problem.

Divide and conquer: Combine

Solve each sub problem recursively, If the sub problem is small enough, just solve it in a straight forward manner.

Divide and conquer: Conquer

Min Heap Property

Each child node is greater than or equal to the parent node with the min at the root

Max Heap Property

Each child node is less than or equal to the parent node with the max at the root


Elements in the tree

merge sort mechanism

Generally speaking, to merge two objects means to combine them, so as to become part of a larger whole object. However, the word merge used in our context implies one type restriction: that is, the two original list objects and the combined list object after merging must be of the same type.

Degree/arity of a node

How many children a node has

Complete Binary Tree and Height Time Complexity

If all levels except possibly the last are completely full, and the last level has all its nodes to the left side height O(log N)

Full Binary Tree and Height Time Complexity

If each node is either a leaf or possesses exactly two child nodes. height O(log N)

Step One

If list is less than or equals to one, it is considered sorted

Binary Search Tree

In a BST, nodes are ordered in the following way: --each node has at most two children --each node contains one key (data) --all keys in the left subtree of a node are less than the key on the node --all the keys in the right subtree of a node are greater than the key in the node

Inorder Algorithm

Inorder(T) if T is not an empty set Inorder(Tleft) print(root of T) Inorder(Tright)

Iterative Binary Tree Traversals

Iterative traversal uses a container to store references to nodes not yet visited Order of visiting depends on the type of container (stack, queue, etc.) Algorithm: Create empty container to hold references to nodes yet to be visited Put reference to root node in container While container is not empty: -remove reference x from the container -visit the node x points to -put references to non empty children of x in the container Container is a stack: if we push the right successor of a node before the left successor, this is preorder traversal Container is a queue: if we enqueue the left successor before the right, we get a level order traversal

Descendants of a node

Its children, the children of its children, etc.

Ancestors of a node

Its parent, parent of its parent, etc.


K goes thru list comparing adjacent and swapping as needed, telling Joker to lie down (false) each time a swap is performed


K looks down the list and shifts the values up the list until every value has found its best position


K starts on 2nd, checks to see if J position better for K value

Step Two

Keep splitting the list until two items (base case)

Quick Sort

L and R look at their position values until swap, then move inwards 1 step until they cross

Quick Sort

L and R markers check if their position's value is lesser or greater than pivot

Quick Sort

L and/or R markers move until find position/value that is incorrectly lesser/greater than pivot, and they swap

Heap, Merge and Quick are useful for what kind of data sets?

Larger, where n > 10

Huffman's algorithm

Left Branch 0 Right branch 1 (freq/root) x bit

(index * 2) + 1

Left child

Height of a (non empty) tree

Length of the longest path from root to leaf Height of empty tree = -1

Step Six

List is divided and quick sort invoked recursively on the two halves

MergeSort Synopsis

Merge Sort is frequently classified as a "divide and conquer" sort because unlike many other sorts that sort data sets in a linear manner, Merge Sort breaks the data into small data sets, sorts those small sets, and then merges the resulting sorted lists together. Given the data (4 3 1 2) to sort, Merge Sort would first divide the data into two smaller arrays (4 3) and (1 2). It would then process the sub list (4 3) in precisely the same manner, by recursively calling itself on each half of the data, namely (4) and (3). When merge sort processes a list with only one element, it deems the list sorted and sends it to the merging process; therefore, the lists (4) and (3) are each in sorted order. Merge sort then merges them into the sorted list (3 4). The same process is repeated with sublist (1 2)--it is broken down and rebuilt in to the list (1 2). Merge Sort now has two sorted lists, (4 3) and (1 2) which it merges by comparing the smallest element in each list and putting the smaller one into its place in the final, sorted data set. Tracing how merge sort sorts and merges the subarrays it creates, makes the recursive nature of the algorithm even more apparent. Notice how each half array gets entirely broken-down before the other half does.

Merge sort

Merge sort is another example of applying the divide and conquer technique. The idea is to first divide the original list into two halves, lList and rList, then merge-sort the two sublists, recursively. The two sorted halves lList and rList are merged to form a sorted list.

Merge Pseudocode

Merge(B[0..p-1], C[0..q-1], A[0.. p+q-1]) //Merges 2 sorted arrays into 1 sorted array (A[ ]) //Input: Arrays B[0..p-1] and C[0..q-1] both sorted //Output: Sorted array A[0..p+q-1] of the elements of B & C i <- 0; j <- 0; k <- 0 while i < p and j < q do if B[i] <= C[j] A[k] <- B[i]; i <- i+1 else A[k] <- C[j]; j <- j+1 k <- k+1 if i = p copy C[j..q-1] to A[k..p+q-1] else copy B[i..p-1] to A[k..p+q-1]

Mergesort vs. Quicksort

Mergesort - divides input elements according to their position in the array Quicksort - divides input elements according to their value

Mergesort is faster or slower than bubble sort

Mergesort is quasilinear (O(nlogn), whereas bubble is O(n^2) quadratic. So merge is much faster

Mergesort Pseudocode

Mergesort(A[0..n-1]) //Sorts array A[0..n-1] by recursive mergesort //Input: An array A[0..n-1] of orderable elements //Output: Array A[0..n-1] sorted in nondecreasing order if n > 1 copy A[0.. floor(n/2) - 1] to B[0.. floor(n/2) - 1] (left side) copy A[floor(n/2).. n-1] to C[0.. floor(n/2) - 1] (right side) Mergesort(B[0.. floor(n/2) - 1]) (left side) Mergesort(C[0.. floor(n/2) - 1]) (right side) Merge(B, C, A)

Empty Tree

No nodes or edges


Node directly above another node in the hierarchy Each node has only one parent


Node directly below another node in the hierarchy Parent can have many children

Leaf node

Node without children


Nodes that have the same parent

Tree ADT

Nonlinear abstract data type that stores elements in a hierarchy Family tree Table of contents Class inheritance Computer file system Set of elements that either: -is empty -has a distinguished element called the root and zero or more trees (subtrees of the root)

Level of a node

Number of edges between root and the node Defined recursively: Level of root node is 0 Level of a node that is not the root node is the level of its parent + 1


Number of steps in a divide and conquer strategy for each level of recursion


O (N log N) - O (N log N) - O (N log N)

Quick Sort

O (N log N) - O (N log N) - O (N log N)


O (N) - O (N^2) - O (N^2)


O (N) - O (N^2) - O (N^2)


O (N^2) - O (N^2) - O (N^2)

What is peek complexity?


Heap Sort Time Complexity

O(N Log N)

(index - 1) / 2

Parent formula (if not a root)

Step Three

Partition process will find the split point and move items to the appropriate side of the list

Hoare's Partitioning Algorithm

Partition(A[l..r]) //Partitions a subarray by using its first element as a pivot //Input: A subarray A[l..r] of A[0..n-1], defined by its left and // right indices l and r ( l<r) //Output: A partition of A[l..r], with the split position // returned as this function's value p <- A[l] (First element of A is out pivot point) i <- l; j <- r+1 repeat repeat i <- i+1 until A[i] >= p (Walk through left side) repeat j <- j+1 until A[j] <= p (Walk though right side) swap(A[i], A[j]) (Swap as they're in wrong sides) until i >= j swap(A[i], A[j]) //undo last swap when i >= j swap(A[l], A[j]) (Put pivot point element in its place) return j (Returns index of pivot point element)

Step Two

Pivot value belongs in the final sorted list, commonly called split point

Step Three

Place on sorted list

Quicksort Highlevel Implementation

Please Let Sam Respond Back Rosily 1. Pivot point - choose one 2. loop through the rest of the unsorted elements 3. Swap to create a section of smaller than pivot elements and larger than pivot elements 4. Recursively select pivots on subsections 5. Base case hits when there's only one element left in the subarray 6. Return sorted array

Step Four

Position markers will swap values if found items on the wrong side of split point

Postorder Algorithm

Postorder(T) if T is not an empty set Postorder(Tleft) Postorder(Tright) print(root of T)

Inorder, preorder, and postorder

PreOrder: print node; traverse (left); traverse(right); InOrder: traverse(left); print node; traverse(right); PostOrder: traverse(left); traverse(right); print node;

Preorder Algorithm

Preorder(T) if T is not an empty set print(root of T) Preorder(Tleft) Preorder(Tright)

Quicksort is helpful for sorting what kind of data?

Primitives like numbers and floats

Expression Trees

Program that manipulates or evaluates arithmetic expressions using binary trees Root node and interior nodes contain operations Leaf nodes contain operands Evaluate using certain traversal method (review picture)

Pros and cons of AVL tree

Pros: • All operations guaranteed O(log N) • The height balancing adds no more than a constant factor to the speed of insertion Cons: • Space consumed by height (or B.F.) field in each node • Slower than ordinary BST on random data

How to deal with unbalanced trees?

Rebalance binary search tree when a new insertion makes the tree "too unbalanced" 1) AVL trees 2) Red Black Trees OR Allow more than one key per node of a search tree 1) 2-3 trees 2) 2-3-4 trees 3) B trees

Quicksort and Mergesort require what to execute?


Algorithm Type

Recursive, continually splits a list in half

What is remove in heap? How? time complexity?

Removes and returns the maximum value (max-heap) or the minimum value (min-heap). To fill up the hole that's left by removing the element, the very last element is moved to the root position and then shiftDown() fixes up the heap. - how? take the last item and put it on the first, and then shift down - log(n)

BinaryTreeNode class

Represents a node in the binary tree Protected attributes: element: reference to data element left: reference to left child of the node right: reference to right child of the node

Pre order Traversal

Root , Left, Right

Analysis of AVL Trees

Search and insertion are O(log n) Deletion is more complicated but is also O(log N) (deletion, replace node with largest node in left subtree) Disadvantages of AVL? frequent rotation, complexity Height of AVL = 1.01 log2n + .1 for large n

Simple Insertion Explanation:

So in each node, you're allowed at most 3 values. Each node is allowed to have up to 4 children. You'll always have childrenAmt = dataAmount+1. If when inserting, there are already 3 values in a node, you break that node apart by bringing the median node up.

Non Binary Trees

Some applications require more than two children per node aka game trees, genealogical trees

Divide-and-Conquer Examples

Sorting: MergeSort & QuickSort Binary tree traversals Multiplication of large integers Matrix multiplication: Strassen's Algorithm Closest-pair and convex-hull algorithms Binary search: decrease-by-half

Postorder Traversal

Start at root Visit children of each node then the node Recursive algorithm: If tree is not empty... -perform postorder traversal of left subtree of root -perform postorder traversal of right subtree of root -visit root node of tree

Level Order Traversal

Start at root Visit the nodes at each level, from left to right

Preorder Traversal

Start at the root Visit each node, followed by its children; we will choose to visit left child before right Recursive algorithm: If tree is not empty... -visit root node of tree -perform preorder traversal of its left subtree -perform preorder traversal of its right subtree

Inorder Traversal

Start at the root Visit the left child of each node, then the node, then any remaining nodes Recursive algorithm: If tree is not empty... -perform inorder traversal of left subtree of root -visit root node of tree -perform inorder traversal of right subtree *review picture

Merge k sorted arrays

T(k) = 2T(k/2) +O(kn) O(knlogk)

find kth smallest in two arrays

T(k) = T(k/2) + O(1) O(logk)

towers of hanoi

T(n) = 2T(n-1) + O(1) O(2^n)

Count number exchanged pairs

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) O(nlogn)

Hadamard matrices Multiplication

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) O(nlogn)

closest pair

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) O(nlogn)


The order in which items are inserted into a BST determines the shape of the BST. This will result in balanced or unbalanced trees. *The complexity of a lopsided tree? If balanced, search is T(n) = O(logN) if unbalanced, T(n) = O(n)* Key issue? Attractiveness of binary search tree is marred by the bad (linear) worst case efficiency --e need to keep a BST balanced to maximize its benefits


The process in sort routines of exchanging two values in an array, using a temporary variable, taking three steps to execute.

Remove a node

There are 3 cases: You're removing.... 1) a leaf node (just delete and set to nullptr) 2) a node with one child (bypass deleted node by reconnecting) 3) a node with two children ----find the inorder successor (smallest node in right subtree), copy it into the node to be deleted, and then recursively delete

history of divide and conquer

This is a useful approach to solve an algorithmic computational problem. The name divide and conquer was used as the brilliant fighting strategy by the French emperor Napoleon in the Battle of Austerlitz on 2 December, 1805

Tree Traversals

Traversal of a tree requires that each node of the tree be visited once Orderings: preorder inorder postorder level order

General Tree

Tree each of whose nodes may have any number of children

Binary Tree

Tree each of whose nodes may have no more than 2 children Tree with degree (arity) or 2 The children are called left child and right child (if they exist) Recursive definition: -The empty tree -Tree which has a root whose left and right subtrees are binary trees Positional tree: matters whether the subtree is left or right

n-ary Tree

Tree each of whose nodes may have no more than n children


at the beginning of the list. Finds value greater then pivot

Non recursive traversal

Use a stack!!

How to turn heap array back to a sorted heap?

Use heap sort.


Uses two position markers, leftmark and rightmark. Will locate and converge at split point.


at the end of the list. Finds value lesser than pivot

input(s) for which the function produces a result trivially (without recurring)

base case

Must a complete tree also be a balanced tree?



a divide and conquer approach is used to break apart the list and sort smaller portions of it


additional values are inserted each pass into a portion of the list that maintains a sorted order


after each pass, the next highest unsorted value should be in the correct position

Create a list of numbers

alist = []

Swap pivot value with split point

alist[first], alist[rightmark] = alist[rightmark], alist[first]

Insert left value beginning of list


Insert value to list at next position


Insert right value to beginning of list


Insert value to list at next position


Swap position markers values

alist[leftmark], alist[rightmark] = alist[rightmark], alist[leftmark]

Priority queue

chooses next element to delete based on priority.


compare adjacent values, and if they are out of order, swap them


compare places all the way back to the beginning, shifting cards to the right until find the best place for the value we are seeking


compares each to whole rest of list, until gets a clear pass

Basic Binary Search Tree Operations

construct an empty BST, isEmpty(), search(int item), insert(int data) while maintaining BST properties, delete(int data) that maintains BST properties, Traverse() with inorder, preorder, and postorder both recursively and non recursively

What is the actual code for quicksort

def quicksort(input) divide = lambda do |start, finish| return if start >= finish mid = start pivot = finish for i in start ... finish if input[i] < input[pivot] input[i], input[mid] = input[mid], input[i] mid += 1 end end input[mid], input[pivot] = input[pivot], input[mid] divide.call(start, mid - 1) divide.call(mid + 1, finish) end divide.call(0, input.length - 1) input end

Quicksort Synopsis

divide the list into smaller lists which can then also be sorted using the quick sort algorithm. This is usually done through recursion. Lists of length 0 are ignored and those of length 1 are considered to be sorted. Quick sort, like Merge Sort, is a divide-and-conquer sorting algorithm. The premise of quicksort is to separate the "big" elements from the "small" elements repeatedly. The first step of the algorithm requires choosing a "pivot" value that will be used to divide big and small numbers. Each implementation of quicksort has its own method of choosing the pivot value--some methods are much better than others.


divides elements into sublists and then reassembles them into sorted order


divides lists into sublists of only one element before merging them back together into one sorted list

Set loop boolean

done = False

Break out of main loop

done = True



False comparison



find the best (lowest) value, swap, J/Q/K


find the next smallest value in the remaining unsorted elements


finds the best value for the current position with each pass

Min height

floor(lg(n)) +1

How many level does a heap with n nodes have?



goes thru whole list on each pass finding best (lowest value) for each index (next smallest value is always swapped with current index)

merge sort comparisons explanation

group size starts at 1, doubles each time compare values at front of each group

Array Based Implementation: At what index is root stored


Counter for left half


Increment left half counter


Base Case Check

if first < last:

What is the formula for heap index?

if i is the index of node, parent(i) = floor((i-1)/2) left(i) = 2i + 1 right(i) = 2i + 2

Compare left and right values

if lefthalf[i] < righthalf[j]:

Check for base case

if len(alist)>1:

Split point found

if rightmark < leftmark:


implementation of priority queue based on a complete binary tree, each of whose elements contains a value that is >= the values of all its descendants

Pro of Heap Sort

in-place sort with guaranteed NlogN


inserts value to best position

pseudocode for quicksort

instantiate lambda function with start, finish #return if start is greater than or equal to finish # set mid to start #set pivot to finish #for i in start to finish #if the value at input[i] is less than the value at input[pivot] #swap input[i], input[pivot] # increment mid by one #end #end #make recursive call with (start, mid -1) #make another recursive call with mid +1 and finish #end #make the instantiating recursive call with 0 and input.length - 1) #return input #end

Counter for right half


Increment right half counter


Counter for list index


Increment list index counter



recursive, divide in half, then merge


recursive, non recursive

Step One

select a pivot value to split the list. use first item


select the next best (lower) value and insert them into a sorted sublist


select the next best value of a list and swap it into a portion of the list that has been sorted


selects the next "best" value and swaps it inot its correct position with each pass


situation of data doesn't matter (random, reverse), it works the same in any order O (N log N)

Array Based Implementation are more commonly used because

space efficient easy transversal

Call partition to find split point



stable but slow, Always O (N^2), quadratic


start on 2nd, save temp, shift to right

Quick Sort

swap elements on either side of the pivot that are on the wrong side

General approach to heap sort

swap first and last then reheap (repeat)


swap, adjacent, highest, Joker

In order code

template <classt T> void BT<T>::inorder(BT Noder<T> *P) { if (p!=NULL) { inorder(p->left); cout<<p->element; inorder(p->right) } }

post order code

template <classt T> void BT<T>::postorder(BT Noder<T> *P) { if (p!=NULL) { postorder(p->left) postorder(p->right) cout<<p->element; } }

pre order code

template <classt T> void BT<T>::preorder(BT Noder<T> *P) { if(p!=NULL) { cout<<element; preorder(p->left); preorder(p->right); } }

delete by merging

template<class T> void BST<T>::deleteByMerging(BSTNode<T>*& node) { BSTNode<T> *tmp = node; if (node !=0) //node has no right child: its left child (if any) is attached to its parent if (node->right == 0) node = node->left; //node has no left child: its right child is attached to its parent. else if (node->left == 0) node = node->right; else //merge subtree { tmp = node -> left; //1. get predecessor while (tmp->right != 0) tmp = tmp->right; // 2. tmp is pointing to the predecessor // 3. establish link between predecessor and the right subtree. tmp->right = node-> right; tmp = node; // 4. tmp is now pointing to the original node (to be removed) node = node->left; // 5. node is its left child (which connects with the parent of original node) } delete tmp; // 6. remove the original node } }

what is a bst

that the key in any node is larger than the keys in all nodes in that node's left subtree and smaller than the keys in all nodes in that node's right subtree.

Tree height

the height of a node is the length of the longest downward path to a leaf from that node you can find the height of any node

get leaf count

unsigned int getLeafCount(struct node* node) { if(node == NULL) return 0; if(node->left == NULL && node->right==NULL) return 1; else return getLeafCount(node->left)+ getLeafCount(node->right); }


uses a divide and conquer recursive approach, repeatedly dividing the list in half until it is looking at only two individual items, then merges them back into one sorted list, working back up through each division, merging each pair of sorted sections together into the larger section


uses a nested loop to "select" the best data for a particular position, then swap the best data with the value in that place


uses a nested loop to compare neighboring items and make swaps as neighbors are out of natural order

Quick Sort

when L and R markers meet, they swap out the pivot

search in BST not recursive

while (p != 0) if (el == p->key) return &p ->key; else if (el < p->key) p = p->left; else p = p->right; return 0; }

get size

while (there are elements in the tree) count++ if (there is a left child) push onto a queue endif if (there is a right child) push onto a queue endif pop the queue endwhile

Loop on rightmark

while alist[rightmark] >= pivotvalue and rightmark >= leftmark:

get leaf count recursive

{ if(node == NULL) return 0; if(node->left == NULL && node->right==NULL) return 1; else return getLeafCount(node->left)+ getLeafCount(node->right); }

find Pred in bst

{ if(p->right!=0) { p=p->left; while(p->right!=0) p=p->right; } return p; }

get height of the tree

{ if(ptr==NULL) return 0; leftHeight=height(ptr->left) RightHeight=height(ptr>right) if(leftHeight>rightHeight) return leftHight +1; else trun rightHeight +1; }

delete by copying

{ BST<Node<T> *previous, *temp = node; if (node->right ==0) //node has no right child node = node->left; else if (node->left == 0) //node has no left child node = node->right; else { //node has both children tmp = node->left; previous = node; //1. set previous while (tmp->right != 0) { //2. search for predecessor previous = tmp; tmp = tmp->right; } node->key = tmp->key; //3. copy if (previous == node) //4. break the link for predecessor previous->left = tmp->left; else previous->right = tmp->left; } delete tmp; //5. delete }

insert in BST

{ BSTNode<T> *p = root, *prev = 0; while (p != 0) { prev = p; if(p->key < el) p = p->right; else p = p->left; } if (root == 0 ) // tree is empty root = new BSTNode<T>(el); else if (prev->key < el) prev->right = new BSTNode<T>(el); else prev->left = new BSTNode<T>(el); }

MT Case 2

∃k≥0: f(n)∈Θ(n^(log_b a)(logn)^k) → T(n) = Θ(n^(log_b a) (logn)^k+1)

MT Case 1

∃ε>0: f(n)∈O(n^(log_b a - ε)) → T(n) = Θ( n^(log_b a) )

comparison base sort


binary insertion sort


binary search


internal sort



分開(快速排序內的分割方式,取第一筆資料當作Pivot key(PK),跑一輪比較,大的放PK後面,小的放PK前面,所以PK前面一定<PK,PK後面一定>PK)

merge sort

合併排序(external sort常用之一,不好描述,看圖,而比大小方式為左右兩區塊各有一個計數器,一開始第一個和第一個比,小的放入新陣列,並且計數器加1,繼續和大的那邊比)

Radix sort

基數排序法(又稱bin sort,bucket sort,有LSD radix sort以及MSD radix sort兩種)

heap sort


external sort

外部排序(因為資料量過大,無法一次接存入memory中,故會存在disk中進行,例如merge sort,m-way search tree)

stable or unstable




quick sort


run(merge sort)


insert sort


MSD radix sort

最大數字排列Most Significant Digital(概念和LSD類似,但是由最高位數位數當作r(bucket),先將各個不同位數的data放入bucket中,再將每個bucket各自排序,最後再取出即完成)

bubble sort

泡沫排序(由左而右兩兩個互相比較,大的丟右邊,每排完一回合(左到右全部),右邊會多一個以排完的數字,和select sort有點相似)

linear time sorting method


linear insertion sort

線性插入排序(運用link list方式儲存,並運用link list之特性,降低data movement的次數至O(1)(因為只要改單個point即可達成調換),比較還是一樣為O(n))

linear search

線性搜尋(又稱sequential search循序搜尋,就是一個一個看,有找到就停下來)

counting sort


Shell Sort

謝爾排序(又稱增量遞減排序排序法 (diminishing increment sort),採間距(span)比較,間距一班是採總量的n/2,n/(2^2)....比例下去,請看圖)

loser tree

輸家樹(比較方式跟winner tree相同,但是在這是輸的人可以佔據父node,贏的人繼續往上比較,時間分析度相同,但是餐雨點樹較少,比winner實用)

select sort


select tree

選擇樹(協助k-way merge一次合併K個run成為一個,其中又分為winner tree以及loser tree)

Random access


examples of divide and conquer

Classical algorithms such as the binary search, merge sort and quick sort are good examples of the divide and conquer approach

majority element

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) O(nlogn)

merge sort

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) O(nlogn)

Binary tree is ...

a divide-and-conquer ready structure

pivot element (quicksort)

first element in a region to be sorted

merge sort total number of comparisons

n x log base 2 of n

base case

simplest case of a recursive definition

Binary Search

T(n) = T(n/2) + O(1) O(logn)

MT Case 3

∃ε>0: f(n)∈Ω(n^log_b a + ε) ∧ ∃δ < 1: af(n/b) ≤ δf(n)→ T(n) = Θ(f(n))

Tree Traversals

1.) Pre-order 2.) In-order 3.) Post-order 4.) Level-order


1. Split array A[0..n-1] in 2 about equal halves and make copies of each half in arrays B and C 2. Sort arrays B and C recursively 3. Merge sorted arrays B and C into array A as follow: A) Repeat the following until no elements remain in one of the arrays: a) Compare the 1st elements in the remaining unprocessed portions of the arrays b) Copy smaller of the 2 into A, while incrementing the index indicating the unprocessed portion of that array B) Once all elements in 1 of the arrays are processed, copy the remaining unprocessed elements from other array into A.

Quicksort Improvements

1.) Better pivot selection: Median of Three Partitioning Uses median of leftmost, rightmost, and middle element of array Randomized quicksort Uses a random element as a pivot point 2.) Switch to insertion sort on small subarrays 3.) Elimination of recursion

Asymptotic Order of Growth

A way of comparing functions that ignores constant factors and small input sizes.

binary search 3

Let l, r be the index of the first (left most) and the last element (right most) of a list respectively. The middle index can then be defined as mid = ⌊(l + r)/2⌋ (Here ⌊x⌋ reads 'floor of x', which rounds x to the nearest integer≤ x. For example, ⌊2.96⌋ = 2). If X < L[mid], the left half L[l..mid − 1] is selected for further check. Otherwise, the right half L[mid + 1..r]. Initially, l = 0 and r = n − 1.

polynomial multiplication

T(n) = 3T(n/2) + O(n) O(n^log3)

Integer multiplication/ Karatsuba

T(n) = 3T(n/2) + O(n) O(n^log_2 3)

Big Omega(g(n))

Class of functions f(n) that grow AT LEAST AS FAST as g(n)

Big Theta(g(n))

Class of functions f(n) that grow AT SAME RATE as g(n)

Break the problem down into subproblems that are smaller instances of the same problem

Divide and conquer: Divide

Height Algorithm

Height(T) //Computes recursively the height of a binary tree //Input: A binary tree T //Output: The height of T if T is an empty set return -1 else return max{Height(Tleft),Height(Tright)} + 1 (The +1 accounts for the root itself

Binary search 3

If X = L[mid] then X is found in the list. Its location index mid is then returned as the searching result. Otherwise, if X < L[mid] then the first half is further checked, else the second half is checked. This process is continued recursively until either X is found or the whole list is checked.

divide and conquer algor

If the solution to P1 or P2 is unavailable, P1 or P2 should be divided further into even smaller instances, e.g. the subproblems of the subproblem. The dividing processes continue until the solutions to the subproblems are found and the combination processes start to return the partial solutions to each subproblem at higher levels.

Binary search 2

Let the sorted list be L[0..n − 1] and the key be X. The idea is to check if X is the middle element of the list L[mid], where mid is the index of the middle element. If not, L[mid] divides the list into two halves, and only one half needs to be checked.

Quicksort Pseudocode

Quicksort(A[l..r]) //Sorts a subarray by quicksort //Input: Subarray of array A[0..n-1], defined by its left and // right indices l and r //Output: Subarray A[l..r] sorted in nondecreasing order if l < r s <- Partition(A[l..r]) //s is a split position Quicksort(A[l..s-1]) Quicksort(A[s+1..r])

Matrix Multiplication/ Strassen

T(n) = 7T(n/2) + O(n^2) O(n^log_2 7)

selection (kth smallest)

T(n) = T(n/5) + T(7n/10 + 6) + O(n) O(n)

Binary Tree height

The length of the longest path from root to leaf

Inorder Tree Traversal

The root is visited after visiting its left subtree but before visting the right subtree.

Postorder Tree Traversal

The root is visited after visiting the left and right subtrees (in that order)

Preeorder Tree Traversal

The root is visited before the left and right subtree are visited (in that order).

Divide, Conquer, Combine

What are the steps for each level of divide and conquer strategy?

Combine step

When you have to solve problems similar to recursive problems, but that are not quite the same as the recursive problem, what step to the fall into?

binary search in python

def bsearch(a,x): lower = -1 upper=len(a) while upper > lower + 1: mid = lower+upper // 2 if a[mid] == x: return mid if x < a[mid]: upper = mid else: lower = mid return None

quicksort explanation

divides list into sublists region partitioned into two sub groups elements less than pivot element are put in left subregion elements greater than pivot in right sub region pivot element repositioned to sit in bw two sub regions

slicing notation


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