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20.Courts must order all drivers convicted of DWI or AGG-DWI to: install and maintain an ignition interlock on any vehicle owned or A. operated by such driver. B. attend a Safe Driving Course. C. attend an approved driver education course. D. drink no alcohol at all for 6 months.


A BAC of ___ percent or higher is legal evidence of intoxication. A. 0.08 B. 0.8 C. 0.05 D. 0.18


A steady red "X" light above the pavement means: A. Do not drive in this lane. B. This lane can only be used for a left turn. C. Move from this lane. D. This lane can only be used for a right turn.


A steady yellow "X" light above the pavement means: A. Move from this lane. B. This is a shared lane. Drive with caution. C. Do not drive in this lane. D. This lane can only be used for a right turn.


A yellow arrow means: A. If you intend to turn in the direction of the arrow, be prepared to stop. B. Do not go in the direction of the arrow. C. The same as a steady yellow light. D. None of the above.


BAC is: A. the percentage of alcohol in your blood. B. the number of ounces of alcohol in your blood. C. the amount of alcohol in your body. D. the acronym for Beer ACcumulation


Blind spots around a large vehicle are _________________ than the blind spots around a car. A. larger and deeper B. darker C. narrower and shorter D. less dangerous


For protection, motorcyclists are required to: A. wear approved helmets B. keep their headlights and taillights on at all times C. signal turns, lane changes, and stops D. none of the above


Gauging the speed of a motorcycle may be difficult because: A. motorcycles take up less of your field of vision. B. many motorcyclists do not activate the brake light. C. motorcycles are slower than cars. D. motorcycles often slow down by downshifting.


If the entrance lane is too short to allow acceleration to highway speed, you should: A. stop and wait for a large gap in traffic, then enter the highway and accelerate quickly. B. go to the next entrance ramp. C. merge into highway traffic as soon as possible. D. None of the above.


If your brakes are wet, you can dry them by: A. riding the pedal lightly. B. pull over to the right and wait until it stops raining. C. having them checked by a mechanic. D. None of the above.


If your front wheels start to skid, the first thing you should do is: A. Take your foot off the gas pedal and shift to neutral. B. Immediately turn in the direction you want to go. C. Speed up, pump your brakes and steer in the direction the vehicle is trying to go. D. None of the above.


In New York State, a 'texting while driving' offense is generally punished with: A. a fine. B. license suspension. C. license revocation. D. license cancellation.


One broken line indicates: A. You can pass other vehicles and change lanes, if it is safe. B. You cannot pass other vehicles or go across the line. C. You can change lanes, but only when traffic conditions or obstructions in the road make it necessary. D. None of the above.


Parking is not allowed within __ feet of a crosswalk at an intersection. A. 20 B. 5 C. 50 D. 30


Tires with metal studs can be used in New York State only from: A. October 16 through April 30 B. October 23 through March 21 C. September 14 through May 15 D. September 30 through March 31


Two drivers reach an uncontrolled intersection at the same time. Who has the right of way? A. The driver on the right. B. No one. C. The driver who does not control the car. D. The driver on the left.


Unlike passenger cars, trucks have blind spots: A. directly behind them. B. on the right. C. reserved for blind people. D. on the front.


What equipment must a bicycle have when used at night? A. A headlight and a red taillight B. Pedal reflectors and a horn C. Reflective tires and a wide-angle rear reflector D. Adequate brakes and a horn


When parking on a public road, drivers should: A. move as far away from traffic as possible B. pull as far away from the roadside shoulder as possible C. always park on the left side of the raodway D. all of the above


When you speed in work zones, ticket fines: A. double B. quadruple. C. triple, even when the workers are not there. D. triple, if the workers are in the work zone.


Where must a pedestrian walk when there are no sidewalks? A. On the side of the road, facing the traffic. B. On the side of the road, in the same direction of traffic. C. In the middle of the road, facing oncoming traffic. D. On the left side of the road, behind slower vehicles


Which of the following is NOT true about ABS? A. It helps increase your stopping distance. B. It improves the steering ability. C. It improves the vehicle stability. D. It's an automobile safety system.


You ________ traffic headed toward you when you turn left. A. must yield to B. can handle C. must not yield to D. must interrupt


You are driving and you are feeling drowsy. You should: A. find a safe place to stop for a break. B. have a beer or two to keep you awake. C. turn on the radio to keep you awake. D. avoid drinking coffee.


You refused to take the chemical test after being arrested. If a DMV hearing later confirms you refused the test, and you are found not guilty of the alcohol violation, what happens to your driver license? A. It will be revoked. B. It will be cancelled. C. Nothing. D. It will be suspended for 90 days.


Your BAC depends on: A. the amount of alcohol you drink. B. the type of beverage you drink. C. how fit you are. D. All of the above.


A 5 oz. glass of wine (12% alcohol) contains enough alcohol to increase BAC by about: A. .8% B. .02% C. .5% D. .08%


A bicycle used at night must have a red taillight visible from at least _____ behind. A. 100 feet B. 300 feet C. 200 feet D. 50 feet


A broken white line: A. means passing or crossing is prohibited in that lane. B. separates two lanes traveling in the same direction. C. marks the right edge of the roadway. D. None of the above.


A vehicle that enters a road from a driveway: A. must enter the roadway immediately. B. must stop and yield the right-of-way to traffic on the roadway and to pedestrians. C. has the right-of-way. D.must yield to traffic approaching from the right, while it has the right-of-way over vehicles approaching from the left.


Air bags are meant to _________ seat belts. A. replace B. work with C. protect D. fix


An emergency vehicle that uses lights and a siren can be unpredictable. Why? A. Emergency vehicle drivers are not required to be careful. B. The driver can legally pass red lights. C. Emergency vehicles must go faster than the posted speed limit when it is safe to do so. D. Sirens are extremely loud.


Can a New York State law enforcement officer issue a traffic ticket for failure to wear a seat belt? A. Yes, but in New York City only. B. Yes. C. No, unless you are from outside New York State. D. No. The NYS occupant restraint law does not apply to residents.


Does the New York State law allow drivers to plea bargain to an offense related to alcohol or drugs? A. Yes, but only if it is your first conviction. B. No, never. C. Yes, but only if you are under 21 years of age. D. Yes, always.


Drivers should sit with at least __ inches between the center of their chest and the cover of the air bag. A. 3 B. 10 C. 5 D. 20


Higher fines and increased license penalties may result from a third or subsequent alcohol-related conviction within: A. 2 years. B. 10 years. C. 5 years. D. 3 years.


If an intersection has crosswalk lines but no STOP line, where must you stop for a red light? A. Before the stop line. B. Before the crosswalk. C. After the crosswalk. D. On the crosswalk


If you hear an emergency vehicle heading toward your vehicle from __________, you must pull over immediately to the right edge of the road and stop. A. behind B. any direction C. the right the left


If your car goes into water, you should: A. wait for water to rush in and let it out in small breaths through your nose B. remove yourself before it starts to sink C. call the fire department immediately D. none of the above


On average, how long does it take your body to remove the alcohol contained in 5 ounces of wine? A. 10 minutes. B. one hour. C. 3 hours. D. 30 minutes.


Parking is not allowed within __ feet of a fire station driveway. A. 30 B. 20 C. 50 D. 10


The yield sign is ___ and white, with ___ letters. A. yellow; black B. red; red C. blue; white D. red; white


What is the average total stopping distance of a car traveling at 55 MPH? A. 256 feet B. 193 feet C. 123 feet D. 430 feet


What should you check for when you leave an expressway? A. Flaggers B. Speed limit signs C. Deers D. Law enforcement officers


What should you do if a vehicle is approaching head-on in your lane? A. Come to a complete stop and use your horn to warn the vehicles behind you. B. Decrease speed, pull over to the right and sound your horn to warn the other driver. C. Turn off the ignition if your vehicle has power steering. D. Pull over to the left and use your emergency lights to stop the other driver.


You should never depend on your mirrors when you prepare to change lanes. Why? A. You should look over your shoulder instead. B. Mirrors leave "blind spots" behind both sides of vehicles. C. Mirrors are useless. D. Mirrors need to be adjusted.


Your red traffic signal changes to green while a pedestrian is crossing in your traffic lane. The right of way should be given: A. by the pedestrian, but only when vehicles are turning left. B. to the pedestrian. C. by the pedestrian. D. to you.


Aggravated DWI (first offense) is: A. a class E felony. B. traffic infraction. C. a misdemeanor. D. None of the above.


Any bicycle crash that causes death or serious injury must be reported to DMV within ________ of the incident. A. 30 days B. 15 days C. 10 days D. 20 days


DWI stands for: A. Driving While Incontinent B. Direct Water Injection C. Driving While Intoxicated D. Driving Without Instructions


Following another vehicle too closely is known as: A. speedgating. B. closetailing. C. tailgating. D. aggressive driving.


HOV lanes: A. are reserved for trucks 3,000 pounds or more. B. are reserved for High Octane Vehicles. C. promote the most efficient use of limited street and highway capacity. D. All of the above


HOV stands for: A. High Octane Vehicle B. Heavy Occupancy Vehicles C. High Occupancy Vehicles D. Hydraulically Operated Valve


If you are in a traffic crash that involves a fatality or personal injury, you must report it to DMV within: A. 3 months. B. 5 days. C. 10 days. D. 30 days.


In New York City, unless a sign that permits it is posted: A. you must not yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic and pedestrians. B. you are not allowed to stop at a red light. C. you are not allowed to turn on a red light. D. you must not make a right turn at a steady green light.


In New York State, it is a traffic violation to ___________ while driving. A. use a hands-free phone B. activate or end a phone call C. speak into or listen to a hand-held mobile phone D. all of the above


Never put an infant: A. in a child safety seat at night B. in a forward-facing child safety seat in the back seat C. in a rear-facing child safety seat in the front seat of a car that has a passenger air bag D. in a car


Passengers under __ must be correctly secured in a government approved child safety seat that is attached to a vehicle by a safety belt or LATCH system. A. 6 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5


Seat belt use is not required in ____ or older vehicles. A. 1982 B. 1968 C. 1964 D. 1974


The New York State occupant restraint law states that: A. every occupant, no matter the age or seating position, must wear a seat belt. B. adults in the backseat are legally required to wear a seat belt. C. the driver and passengers in the front seat must wear a seat belt. D. All of the above.


To avoid becoming an aggressive driver, you should: A. Adjust your schedule to drive during times with the most highway traffic. B. Listen to heavy metal music. C. Allow enough travel time to reach your destination on schedule. D. None of the above.


To drive defensively, you must: A. assume that a driver who approaches a STOP sign B. on a side road is actually going to stop. not check behind you through your mirrors. C. anticipate errors by other drivers. D. use only one hand on the wheel


To drive defensively, you must: A. keep one hand on the steering wheel. B. avoid scanning the road ahead. C. keep your eyes moving. D. use the vehicle ahead as your only points of focus.


Warning signs normally are: A. octagons. B. triangles. C. diamond-shaped. D. rectangles.


What do flashing red lights on a school bus indicate? A. Traffic that approaches from either direction may proceed. B. You must pass the school bus. C. The bus is stopped to load or discharge passengers. D. The bus is about to stop.


What is the ideal steering wheel hand placement? A. 3-6 or 4-7 B. 12-6 or 11-7 C. 9-3 or 8-4 D. 8-4 or 10-5


What is the most difficult season in which to drive? A. Fall B. Spring C. Winter D. Summer


What should you do if your rear wheels start to skid? A. Take your foot off the gas and shift to neutral. B. Steer left if your rear wheels slide right. C. Turn the steering wheel in the direction the vehicle is trying to go. D. If the vehicle has ABS, pump the pedal carefully.


What should you do when an aggressive driver confronts you? A. Make eye contact. B. Return gestures and shouts. C. Avoid eye contact with the aggressive driver. D. Challenge the aggressive driver with increased speed


When a stopped school bus flashes its red lights, drivers should stop at least ___ feet away from the bus. A. 50 B. 30 C. 20 D. 5


When you make a left turn from a one-way road into a two-way road, you must: A. turn left into the one-way road. B. make a U-turn into the two-way road. C. enter the two-way road to the right of its center line. D. enter the two-way road to the left of its center line.


You get stopped and there is a passenger under 16 without a belt. You can face a fine, and receive how many penalty points on your driver license for each violation? A. Two B. One C. Three D. Four


You hear a siren close by but can not see where the emergency vehicle is. What do you do? A. Stop only if you are sure that the vehicle is headed toward you in the opposite lane. B. Stop immediately and activate your emergency flashers. C. Pull over to the right side of the road and stop until you are sure the emergency vehicle is not headed toward you. D. Keep driving until you are sure the emergency vehicle is headed toward you.


You want to turn left at an intersection ahead. A car reaches the intersection from the opposite direction and moves straight ahead. You: A. can turn left. You have the right of way. B. must make a U-turn and then turn right. C. must wait for the car to go through before you turn. D. may not enter the intersection to prepare for your left turn if the light is green.


Your headlights must be on low beam within ______ of a vehicle ahead of you. A. 100 feet B. 500 feet C. 200 feet D. 1000 feet


A bicycle driven on public highways must have a horn or bell that can be heard at least ________ away. A. 400 feet B. 50 feet C. 200 feet D. 100 feet


A driver cuts off another vehicle, or threatens another motorist or a pedestrian. These are examples of: A. furious driving B. excessive driving C. defensive driving D. road rage


A serious driving offense includes: A. a fatal crash. B. a driving-related penal law conviction. C. an accumulation of 20 or more points assessed for driving violations within the last 25 years. D. All of the above.


A solid line with broken line means: A. Passing is not permitted on the side with the solid line. B. If you are on the side with the solid line, you can not go across the line except to make a left turn into a driveway. C. If you are on the side with the broken line, you can pass if it's safe to do so. D. All of the above.


Alcohol: A. makes drivers more prone to take chances. B. makes it difficult for drivers to judge their condition. C. increases reaction time. D. All of the above.


At intersections marked with stop lines, drivers must: A. slow down and enter the intersection. B. signal other vehicles to stop. C. enter the intersection and then stop. D. come to a complete stop.


BAC can be reduced by: A. exercising. B. drinking coffee. C. taking a cold shower. D. None of the above.


Bicyclists and their passenger and in-line skaters, age___________ , must wear an approved helmet. A. 1 through 11 B. 1 through 10 C. 2 through 8 D. 1 through 13


Does a vehicle prepared to enter a traffic circle or rotary have right-of-way over vehicles in the circle? A. Only if the light is green. B. Yes, but only if they are entering the rotary from the right lane. C. Yes. D. No. Vehicles already in the circle have the right-of-way.


Drivers can not pass a vehicle on the left if: their lane has a solid yellow center line. A. they can not safely return to the right lane before B. any oncoming vehicle comes within 200 feet of them. C. they approach a curve on a two-way road and can not see around it. D. All of the above.


Drivers may need more space in front of their vehicle: A. when it is hard to see ahead B. when carrying a heavy load or pulling a trailer C. when following motorcycles D. all of the above


Drivers with probationary licenses who text while driving will receive a ___-day suspension for first convictions and revocations of ___________ for subsequent convictions within six months of the time a license is restored after suspension. A. 60; 60 days B. 90; nine months C. 30; three months D. 60; six months


HOV lanes: A. assure that vehicles with the highest importance move the fastest. B. are reserved for car-pools. C. promote the most efficient use of street and highway capacity. D. All of the above.


If you are blinded by headlights on an approaching vehicle, you should: A. move your eyes to the right. B. flash your headlights to high beam for a second, then return to low beam. C. use the road edge as a guide until the approaching vehicle passes by. D. All of the above.


If you are convicted three times in three years of passing a school bus that is stopped to load or discharge passengers, your driver license will be revoked for: A. a maximum of six months. B. 12 months. C. 3 months. D. a minimum of six months.


If you hear an emergency vehicle heading toward your vehicle, in which case are you required to pull over and stop? A. When the emergency vehicle is coming from the right. B. When the emergency vehicle is coming from the left. C. When the emergency vehicle is headed toward you in the opposite lane of a two-lane roadway. D. Always.


If you must drive during ice or snow storms, you should: A.clear the ice and snow from your vehicle. B. make sure the windshield washer reservoir is filled with a cleaning solution that resists freezing. C. drive slowly. D. All of the above


If your gas pedal is stuck, you should: A. try pumping it to increase pressure B. turn off the ignition if your vehicle has power steering C. ease your foot off the gas pedal and brake gently D. hook your shoe under the pedal and see if you can free it. If not, shift into netural and use the brake to slow your vehicle and get off the road.


Low beam headlights must be turned on: A. when driving between sunset and sunrise. B. during any rain, fog or smoke. C. during the twilight hours between full night and sunrise. D. All of the above.


New York State has a "primary enforcement" seat belt law, which means that: A. children in primary school are not required to wear a seat belt B. police officers cannot issue a ticket for failure to wear a seat belt, unless you are also violating other traffic safety laws C. if you get stopped with a child under 6 and no child seat, you can get your first offense dismissed if you purchase an approved child restraint system before your court date D. a law enforcement officer can issue a traffic ticket for failure to wear a seat belt


Parking is not allowed: A. on public roads B. within 300 feet of a pedestrian safety area. C. within 250 feet of a traffic light. D. in an intersection, unless permitted by signs.


Roads are most slippery: just before it rains. B. on hills. C. when it stops raining. D. when it first starts to rain.


Service signs are ____ with ____ letters and symbols. A. white; green B. green; white C. white; black D. blue; white


Speed limit signs are: A. warning signs B. destination signs (guide signs) C. service signs D. regulation signs (regulatory signs)


The NYS law requires drivers to use their headlights: A. from one half-hour after the sun sets to one half-hour before the sun rises B. when visibility is less than 1000 feet C. when they use their windshield wipers to clear rain, fog, or snow D. all of the above


The following symptoms are associated with drowsy driving: A. You continue to yawn. B. Your eyes go out of focus by themselves. C. You don't remember driving the last few miles. D. All of the above


To reduce their chances of colliding with an animal, drivers should: A. look well down the road and far off to each side. B. Slow down when approaching animals that are standing near the road. C. scan the sides of the road to watch for the reflection of vehicle headlights in the eyes of animals. D. All of the above.


Two-thirds of all deer-vehicle collisions occur between the months of: A. January and March. B. June and August. C. August and October. D. October and December.


U-turns are illegal: A. on limited access expressways B. in school zones C. in business districts of New York City D. all of the above


What can you do to prevent skids on snow and ice? A. Decrease pressure on the brake pedal if your wheels begin to lock. B. Brake early and gently. C. Allow the wheels to keep turning. D. All of the above.


What do warning signs mean? A. Drivers are approaching a hazardous location. B. Drivers are approaching a location where there is a special rule. C. Danger ahead. D. All of the above.


What does a NO STANDING sign mean? A. Drivers cannot stand in front of parked vehicles. B. Vehicles can stop only to obey a traffic sign, signal, or officer. C. Drivers must discharge passengers before leaving. D. Drivers can only make a temporary stop to load or drop off passengers.


What is true about an ignition interlock device? A. It measures the alcohol content of the breath of the driver. B. If ordered by a judge as a condition of probation pertaining to some alcohol-related offenses, it must be purchased and installed at the expense of the motorist. C. A vehicle with an installed ignition interlock device can not be started until the driver provides an acceptable sample breath. D. All of the above.


What should you do if your vision through the windshield becomes blocked? A. Pull your vehicle off the road and park it. B. Open the side window so you can see. C. Turn on your emergency lights. D. All of the above.


What should you do in case of a steering failure? A. Call an ambulance. B. Leave the road immediately. C. Pump your gas pedal a few times to increase the pressure. D. Don't panic. Turn on your emergency lights to let other drivers know you are having car problems. Move toward the side of the road and bring the car to a gradual stop.


When the road is slippery, you should: A. brake suddenly carefully. B. use your emergency or parking brake. C. pump your brakes. D. press your brakes in slow, steady strokes.


Which of the following contains more alcohol? A. 12 oz. of wine cooler B. 5 oz. of wine C. 1½ oz. of liquor D. All these drinks contain about the same amount of alcohol.


You can not make a turn at a red light if: A. you are the driver of a school bus containing pupils. B. you are in New York City. C. there is a NO TURN ON RED sign posted. D. All of the above.


Your BAC depends on: A. how much time passes between drinks. B. your weight. C. how much alcohol you drink. D. All of the above.


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