DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis

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The four nitrogen bases that are found in DNA are ____________________, ____________________, ______________________, and ______________________

Adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine

Each Codon is the code for one particular ____________________. There are ______________________________different combinations of nitrogenous bases when taken in sequences of three at a time

Amino Acid; 64

Proteins are composed of smaller subunits called ____________________ of which there are __________________different kinds. The functionality of the protein depends on its unique ______________________ which is determined by its amino acid sequence

Amino acids, 20; three-dimensional shape

TRUE/FALSE Information ALWAYS flows from protein to DNA or RNA


TRUE/FALSE There are 5 types of hydrogen bonds.


True or False? All amino acids are specified by only one codon


True or False? The replication of DNA begins at one end of the molecule and proceed to the other end


True or False: A misplaced amino acid ALWAYS causes the resulting protein to malfunction.

False, a misplaced amino acid will not always result in a malfunctioning protein.

DNA polymerase

Key enzyme that copies strands of DNA during DNA replication to create new strands of nucleotides; has important applications for synthesizing DNA in molecular biology experiments.

True or False? DNA replication occurs simultaneously at many sites along the molecule speeding up the process of replication


True or False? Each DNA molecule resulting from replication has one original strand and one new strand


Covalent Bond

- Share electrons - Strong bond - Neutral

Ionic Bond

- Transfer electrons - Weak bond - Charged

List benefits of genetic engineering

-Enhance quality and taste-Increase nutrients -Improve resistance to pest and disease -Conservation of natural resources (less water and energy to process).

List three different ways that DNA is different from RNA:

1) DNA has the sugar deoxyribose and RNA has the sugar ribose 2) DNA is double stranded and RNA is single stranded 3) DNA has the nitrogen base thymine, RNA has N thymine, but has uracil instead

Steps of extracting your personal DNA

1. Harvest cheek cells (spit saliva into the tube) 2. Break apart cells/nucleus membranes (using dish soap/detergent) 3. Clean up DNA by using protease (using meat tenderizer/salt mixture to remove proteins attached to DNA) 4. Precipitate DNA, so you can visualize it (using alcohol)

If the sequence on one side of the DNA molecule is 5'TAGGCTCA3', the complimentary side would have a sequence of 3' ___________________5' (Hint: Remember the two strands are anti-parallel)


Which nitrogenous bases always pair with one another?

Adenine pairs with thymine; Cytosine pairs with guanine


A form of technology that uses living organisms, usually genes, to modify products, to make or modify plants and animals, or to develop other microorganisms for specific purposes.


A three-base mRNA sequence that codes for ONE amino acid. The term is also used for a DNA-based triplet on the non-template strand. As codons are triplets of bases, the number of nucleotides that make up the genetic message must be three times the number of amino acids specified in the protein.


A virus that infects and replicates bacteria.

The hydrogen bond

A weak chemical bond between an electronegative atom, such as fluorine, oxygen, or nitrogen, and a hydrogen atom bound to another electronegative atom.

Ribosomes are found in two locations within a cell. They may be floating free in the cytosol or they may be attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. What types of proteins are made by: a) free ribosomes b) bound ribosomes

A) Free ribosomes produce protein that will be used within the cell B) Bound ribosomes produce membrane proteins and proteins that will be exported for use outside the cell.

Know several reasons why farmers use agricultural biotechnology in growing their crops.

Biotech crops can make farming more profitable by increasing crop quality and may in some cases increase yields. The use of some of these crops can simplify work and improve safety for farmers. This allows farmers to spend less of their time managing their crops and more time on other profitable activities.

Types of DNA

Chromosome (contains host genetic information), plasmids (prokaryotes; small, self-replicating DNA; supercoil), free nucleotides

A group of 3 nitrogenous bases forms a _______________________.



DNA -> RNA -> Protein

Enzymes called ________________ move along the separated strands assembling the new chains of DNA

DNA polymerases


DNA that can be used to carry and replicate other pieces of DNA.

The letters "DNA" stand for ___________

DeoxyriboNucleic acid

The type of sugar found in DNA is _________________________


DNA looks like a ladder twisted into a shape known as a ____________

Double Helix

__________ is a chemical property that describes the ability of an atom to attract electrons towards itself in a covalent bond.


_______ breaks down large particles through depolymerization.


When replications is complete, two ____________ copies of the DNA molecule have been produced and the cell is ready to begin _____________

Exact, Cell division

Is deoxyribose present found in either DNA or RNA

Found in DNA

Is Ribose found in either DNA or RNA

Found in RNA

The strands are hydrogen bonded to each other between _______________________________________.

G:C base pairs and A:T base pairs.

________ are segments of DNA found on a chromosome that determine the inheritance of a particular trait.


What is a GMO ?

Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally, e.g. through the introduction of a gene from a different organism. Currently available GM foods stem mostly from plants, but in the future, foods derived from GM microorganisms or GM animals are likely to be introduced on the market

During replication, enzymes called __________________________ untwist the double helix, separating the two parental strands. The point at which the two chains separate is known as the _________________.

Helicase, replication fork

The nitrogenous bases are held together in the center of the molecule by ___________________ (Hint: Bonding)

Hydrogen bonds

List the types of hydrogen bonds.

Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding. Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding.

Many RNA molecules from eukaryotic genes have sections called _____________________ edited out of them before they become functional. The remaining pieces called _____________________ are then spliced together.

Introns; exons

Is double stranded found in DNA or RNA

It is found in DNA

Is thymine prsent found in DNA or RNA

It is found in DNA

Is single stranded found in DNA or RNA

It is found in RNA

Is uracil present found in DNA or RNA

It is found in RNA

Moves out of the nuclues found in DNA or RNA

It is found in RNA

Is Adenine present found in DNA or RNA

It is found in both DNA and RNA

Is cytosine present found in DNA or RNA

It is found in both DNA and RNA

Is guanine present found in DNA or RNA

It is found in both DNA and RNA

Phosphate present found in either DNA or RNA

It is found in both DNA and RNA

Is remains in the nucleus found in DNA or RNA

It is found in the DNA

Why is it so important that the DNA molecule be able to make copies of itself

Just prior to cell division, the DNA must replicate so that each new daughter cells receives an exact copy of the genome for that cell. All cells that divide to form new cells must pass exact copies of their DNA to offspring cells

There are three kinds of RNA. _________________________ carries the information from the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. _________________ reads the message and binds to the specific ____________________________to make the protein. ________________________ is the most abundant form of RNA and makes up ribosomes

Messenger RNA (mRNA); Transffer RNA (tRNA), amino acids; Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

The molecules that meet across the middle, forming the steps of the "ladder" are known as ______________________.

Nitrogen bases

DNA is composed of smaller subunits known as __________________


What are Nucleotides made of?

Nucleotides are made up of a five-carbon sugar, a nitrogenous base and one phosphate. The nitrogenous base can be adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine, which are often shown on DNA models as the letters A, C, G and T.

The process of replication is very accurate. There is about _____ error in every _______ bases. A change in the nucleotide sequence is known as a ________________________. These errors may be caused when enzymes fail to "proofread" properly, or they may be caused by outside sources such as __________________________________________________________. (Hint: This question is a little more difficult and comes from "Cracking The Code" movie so just try your best!)

One, 100,000; mutation; Chemicals and ultraviolet radiation from the sun

What part of a DNA nucleotide contains a negative charge?


Mutations that occurs at one single nitrogenous base are referred to as ___________________mutations. A mutations involving the insertion or deletion of a nucleotide is called a _________________mutations.

Point mutations; Frame shift mutation

Protein folding can cause what?

Protein misfolding can cause sickle cell anemia, which can be damaging or fatal. Structure and function of a protein depends on proper folding.

Proteins can not do what?

Proteins can not store energy.


Provides instruction for RNA or protein

The other two bases are double ring structures known as _______________. These two bases are ______________ and ___________________.

Purines; adenine; guanine

Two of the nitrogen bases are single ring structures known as _________________. These two bases are __________________ and ___________________.

Pyrimidines; thymine; cytosine

________________________ are the primary enzymes that synthesize RNA copies from DNA. These enzymes bind to specific regions of the DNA molecule called ______________________. This marks the beginning of the section of the DNA molecule that will be ___________________. In eukaryotic cells, the section of DNA being transcribed is a ___________________. Transcription continues until RNA polymerase reaches the end of the gene, a sequence of nuecleotides known as the _______________________________.

RNA polymerse; promoter; transcribed; single gene; termination site.

The process in which DNA builds an exact duplicate of itself is known as ______________.


Put these in order: Translation, Replication, Transcription

Replication, Transcription, Translation

The letters "RNA" stand for _______________________.

RiboNucleic Acid

Proteins are made in the cytoplasm by cellular structures called ____________________.


Where does mRNA go to be translated?

Ribosomes out in the cytoplasm (rough ER)

During replication, the two nucleotide chains ____________ and each chain serves as a ______________ for a new nucleotide chain. The site where DNA replication and separation occur are called ______________________.

Separate, template, replication fork

The two molecules that make up the sides of the ladder or the side of the portion of a DNA molecule are ___________________ and ____________________.

Sugar and phosphate

The three parts of a nucleotide are ______________, ___________________, and __________________

Sugar, phosphate, and a nitrogen base

TRUE/ FALSE Cells copy the information from genes into RNA that they need, but not all genes are needed all the time.


TRUE/FALSE DNA contains four types of nucleotides linked in chains.


TRUE/FALSE Electronegativity is especially important for 2 atoms in particular because they are found in so many biological molecules.


TRUE/FALSE Generally, information flows from DNA into DNA or RNA, and only from RNA into Protein.


TRUE/FALSE Genetic Engineering is the deliberate , controlled manipulation of the genes in an organism through the use of biotechnological procedures.


TRUE/FALSE Proteins are built from a set of only twenty amino acids.


TRUE/FALSE Stem cell an undifferentiated cell whose daughter cells may differentiate into other cell types (such as blood cells)


Ionic bonds

The atoms satisfy the octet rule resulting in a charge difference between them. They are held together by the attractive force between a positive and negative charge.


The building blocks of nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, allow for the expression of genetic traits by specifying the production of proteins. An important class of molecules that are involved in the cell's use of energy as well as comprising the building blocks of every organism's genetic material. They are made up of pentose (5 carbon) sugar, nitrogenous base, and a phosphate group.


The mRNA formed in transcription is transported out of the nucleus, into the cytoplasm to the ribosome where it directs protein synthesis; mRNA is not directly involved but rather tRNA is the main RNA involved. ... This then moves to the E-site (ejector site) and the ribosome resets.


The number, size and shape of the chromosomes in a cell.

What is the primary function of DNA?

The primary function of DNA is to store information that tells the cells which proteins to make.


The two DNA strands have opposite orientations.

Which nitrogen base is found in DNA, but not RNA?


The process of making a strand of RNA from a strand of DNA is called _______________________.


Name the process: DNA to mRNA

Transcription (letters)

The sequence of nucleotide in mRNA is _____________________ into a sequence of ___________________________.

Translated; amino acids

Name the process: mRNA to amino acid sequence

Translation (names)

_____________________occurs in the ribsomes in the cytoplasm. The DNA in the nucleus tells the ribsomes which proteins to make and how to make them. In the nucleus, ______ transcribes ______________. The RNA is then sent to the cytoplasm in the form of ______________. A combination of three _______________ is used as a code for each ____________________. This group of three bases is called a _____________. Each codon calls for one ________________. I takes many amino acids to form a protein. These amino acids are found ____________________________ and are transported to the ribosomes by __________________________. The tRNA has cloverleaf shape. At one end of the tRNA is a sequence of three nucleotide that are complementary to the mRNA; this is called an ____________________. At the opposite end of the tRNA is the attachment site for the ________________. The amino aids are linked together by_________________________.

Translation; DNA, RNA; mRNA; nitrogen bases, amino acid; codon; amino acids; floating freely in the cytosol, tRNA

In RNA, adenine always pairs with the nitrogenous base known as _______________________. (Hint: It takes the place of Thymine that is found in DNA)


______________ and ______________ are the two scientist that discovered the structure of the DNA molecule with the help of ___________________ and photo 51

Watson and Crick


a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction

There are several types of chemical bonds. A _________ bond involves the sharing of valence electrons between atoms


An _______ is a carboxylic acid with an amino group and the building block of proteins.

amino acid

DNA ligase is:

an enzyme that joins fragments in normal DNA replication

The ________ ________ of molecular biology explains the flow of genetic information

central dogma

When was DNA really discovered?

late 1800s, probably around 1870

Every polypeptide chain formed in translation starts with this amino acid :


The DNA strands are composed of subunits called __________.


The assembly of a polypeptide begins when a ribosomes attaches to the ______________________ on mRNA. This codon is always____________________. This codon attaches to the anti codon ______________on a ______________________molecule. The tRNA then brings the amino acids ___________________ are added one at a time and are bound together by ____________________________. Eventually the ribsomes reaches a ___________________codon, bringing ____________________to an end.

start codon; AUG; UAC, tRNA; methionine; peptide bonds; stop, translation

What would be the effect if one of the bases were deleted in the very first mRNA codons?

the deletion or addition of a nucleotide would change the rest of the sequence the wrong protein or a nonfunctional protein would be made.


threadlike structures that carry genetic info as a gene

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