DNCE1000 Final Exam

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If a dancer moves downstage of the proscenium arch, they could be described as:

"Breaking the Fourth Wall"

In dance productions, the Stage Manager is responsible for which of the following:

"Calling" the show and managing the stage crew during the run of the show

Doing a good job of translating and interpreting movement material given by a choreographer is known as,

"Making the dance your own."

In, "The Lord of the Dance," which of the following statements was made about the nature of dance art?

"Worship can certainly be an art form. An art form can become entertainment without losing its artistic value."

The Twist


The Hustle


Krumping and Clowning


Reality Show Dance


Natural Symbols

A body part used to represent some aspect of culture EX:A good worker might be called "the backbone of the organization"


A concept used in philosophy and sociology to refer to the capacity of an individual to act in the world on their own terms and for their own gain.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the concept of the "Dream Ballet?"

A development in musical theater that allowed dance to play an intrinsic part in the psychological development of the characters and story

A "hoofer" is a:

A tap dancer that considers himself a kind of musician and focuses primarily on the rhythms.

Which of the following are elements of philosopher John Dewey's aesthetic theory?

Aesthetic experience is Pure experience.

The philosophical notion of beauty as it relates to perceiving beauty in objects and activities is called:


Which of the following was important to how early court ballets communicated the "potent subtext" to those involved?

All of the above

Which of the following choreographers created a multi-racial dance company who's signature work is "Revelations" and that focused on making sure the audiences felt totally fulfilled and entertained.

Alvin Ailey

Jacob's Pillow is:

An annual dance festival including classes and performances held in Massachussetts.

A "Cattle Call" is which of the following:

An open audition for a musical theater play on Broadway

The Shag

An upbeat style of Swing dance originally developed from the Foxtrot that has many variations related to the geographic location that variation was developed. One of the most well-known variations was developed in North Carolina.

The idea that spirits inhabit all natural phenomena, including humans as well as plants, animals, stones, weather, and the natural environment is an example of:


Description, Analysis, Interpretation and Evaluation are all components of:

Art Criticism

Michel Fokine


Vaslav Nijinsky


The first "true" ballet, containing elements of procession, spectacle and classic literature was titled:

Ballet Comique de la Reine

The statement, "both are a product of taking dance out of the "fields" and into the courts, where steps were refined and codified" refers to which two types of dance?

Ballet and Ballroom

Dancers sometimes don't use "counts," and instead focus on phrasing their movements in terms of their breath. They also sometimes talk about becoming so involved in movement that they "lose track of time." Both cases are an example of:

Body Time

Which of the following directly relates to the "Ideation" stage of Alex Osborne's Seven Step Model for Creative Thinking:


Historically, folk dances are most commonly organized around which of the following?

Celebration and community participation

Mime is used most commonly in which style of dance?

Classical Ballet

Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker are all examples of which style of dance?

Classical Ballet

The style of dance that has a narrative pretext; origins from Russia, France, Britain, and Italy and is most widely known for it's use of pointe work, hip turnouts, high extensions, and graceful, flowing movements is:

Classical Ballet

Choose the answer that most accurately completes the following sentence: Due to the integration of music, costumes, lights and even sets, dance is considered to be a highly ________ art form.


The Jitterbug

Combines many types of swing dance such as the Jive and West Coast Swing the name is derived from the English term "bugging," describes suffering from syphilis.

Which of the following most accurately describes the Tango?

Considered a very provocative and explicit dance that began in the streets of Buenos Aires but was made popular in Paris.

Which of the following is considered to be an important mode of thought for artists?

Convergent Thinking Divergent/Lateral Thinking Critical Thinking

The use of opposing elements of space or tempo or dynamics happening at the same time to produce a sense of contrast between dancers is known as:


"Dance created by the ruling class to educate, enlighten, entertain and control" is known as which of the following?

Court Dance

Illustrating power, replicating hierarchies and value systems and diverting attention from important social issues are three common themes most directly connected to which of the following:

Court ballet

In an annual dance, Wodaabi tribeswoman are able to choose a new husband from a line of dancers to become a "love wife." Which kind of folk dance is this an example of?


Dances that were popularized locally and then gained national recognition and through dance television programs, widespread radio programs and in home record players were known as:

Dance Fads

Dances for Spiritual Connection

Dance rituals used to connect with gods or spirits (ancestors) or express gratitude to a specific deity.

Dances of Imitation

Dance rituals where the participants act out physical patterns of activities present in their lives and in the natural world.

Courtship Dances

Dances developed as a product of a chivalrous code of social behavior between a gentleman and a lady with patterns organized around displays of prowess or affection.

Medicine Dances

Dances intended to perform ritual healing, ward off evil spirits and please the spirit world.

Dance rituals where the participants act out physical patterns of aspects of their environment are known as:

Dances of Imitation

Work Dances

Dances that bond groups of people based on occupation and tradition.

Communal Dances

Dances that draw communities together to celebrate cultural unity while transmitting important cultural values to the next generation and are most commonly performed in cultures where cooperation is valued above competition.

War Dances

Dances that serve either as displays of strength,agility or prowess as well as training methods to keep soldiers fit and prepared to fight.

Talking or writing about the physical material (gestures, movement phrases, choreographic devices, etc.) is a part of which aspect of art/dance criticism?


Louis XIV of France used dance to do which of the following?

Divert the attention of the aristocracy from their provincial concerns and focus it instead on their place in court.

According to stage directions, if a dancer was standing directly under the proscenium arch, you would say they were:


If a dancer is at the back of the stage and moves to the front, the dancer can be said to be moving:


Early studies of the Mirror Neuron system suggest that it is involved in which of the following:

Empathy and Compassion

In terms of its focus on transformation and communication, ritual can be most clearly connected with which of the following:


Choreographers are artists who only organize movement material into dance art. True or False


Court entertainments reduced the degree of separation between audiences and dance performers. True or False


Dance can be considered a literal art form where audiences almost always understand the underlying meaning of the dances they view. True or False


Dance has always been considered an equal art form to the other major fine arts. True or False


Dancers study only Ballet, Modern and Jazz dance techniques: True or False


In the video, Lord of the Dance, the Yoruba people were described as believing that "the spirit is there to serve the body" True or False


In today's world, modern dance has become more rigid and codified than ever. True or False


Most developments and changes in folk dances are a result of a specific choreographer creating new steps and teaching them to professionally trained folk dancers. True or False


Most jazz choreographers today (e.g. Mia Michaels, Sonya Tayeh) use traditional jazz music. True or False


New York's "Broadway" is the only major center for musical theater internationally. True or False


Skill in dance had very little impact on social standing and the determination of power at the court of Louis XIV True or False


Syntax in choreography relates to the idea of movement pathways and spatial design. True or False


Ted Shawn is known as the "father" of jazz dance. True or False


The "Evaluative" aspect of art criticism only involves considering whether or not you liked the work of art or not. True or False


The concept of "Taste" as it relates to aesthetic theory is the part of perceiving beauty that cannot be learned. True or False


The philosopher Immanuel Kant is known for his statement that, in terms of contemporary aesthetics, "Anything goes!" True or False


There is no relationship between the origins of ballroom dance and early ballet. True or False


There is only one correct interpretation of every work of dance presented on the stage. True or False


When the Great Depression struck in 1949, dancing and music provided relief for Americans impacted by hard times. True or False


The mental state of operation where an individual is fully immersed in an activity with a feeling of energized focus, full engagement and success is known as:


Ceremony can be connected to which of the following?

Form or formalism in dance Decorative concerns The actions become separated from their ritual origins and tend to lose transformational power.

Constructed Symbols

How the body is perceived in any particular culture will reflect that culture's preoccupations, ideals, etc. and therefore inform the kinds of constructed symbols that are common to that culture. EX: the immune system as "defense system" against invaders

Which of the following is most directly related to this statement: "A doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values and that stresses each individual's dignity, worth and capacity for self-realization through reason."


George Balanchine

Igor Stravinsky

Moshing and Slam Dancing

Influenced by the speed of Punk music and later death metal and Grunge rock, these dances involve the participants running into each other randomly marking a shift to complete freedom in social dance movement expression.

"A Chorus Line" was a groundbreaking musical due to...

It's creation of the "workshop" process for developing the musical rather than opening out of town and then moving to Broadway.

Alvin Ailey

Jazz dance

Bob Fosse

Jazz dance

Jack Cole

Jazz dance

Jerome Robbins

Jazz dance

Marius Petipa

Jazz dance

Mia Michaels

Jazz dance

Merce Cunningham

John Cage

The idea that works of art can be considered refined and intensified forms of experience that come about as a product of the active relationship between the viewer and the art object or performance is an aspect of which philosopher's aesthetic theory?

John Dewey

"Contagious Movement" is most clearly connected to which of the following terms:

Kinesthetic Response

The concept of "visual connectedness" is most specifically related to which of the following terms:


If a choreographer had a group of dancers wearing flowing blue costumes run in a serpentine pattern through the stage space to represent a flowing river, their "Mode of Representation" would be defined as:


Martha Graham

Louis Horst

Which of the following individuals was known as the "Sun King" and used dance as a weapon of state?

Louis XIV

The dance concerts at Jacob's Pillow include:

Many different kinds of dance, including modern, jazz, tap, ballet and various cultural dance forms from around the world.

"A Chorus Line" was choreographed and directed by which of the following individuals?

Michael Bennett

Isadora Duncan

Modern Dance

Martha Graham

Modern Dance

Merce Cunningham

Modern Dance

The statement, "unless movement has symbolic meaning or expression or emotion, it is not dance" can be attributed to:

Modern Dance

Kinesthesis is the sensation of...


The process where choreographers work to find new and innovative movement vocabulary is known as:

Movement Invention

The most common way that dancers learn to access the source of creative impulses in movement form is known as:

Movement improvisation

Michael Bennett

Musical Theatre

Ted Shawn is:

One of the "fathers" of modern dance and the founder of Jacob's Pillow.

The Hustle

One of the dances developed as a result of escapist tendencies in culture brought on by a depressed economy and the Cold War, this dance began as a couple dance and then went on to become an international line dance craze.

Frankie Manning was considered to be which of the following?

One of the greatest Lindy Hop dancers of all time.

The Twist

One of the most important dance fads to put solo/individualized dance at the forefront of social dance trends, this dance can trace its roots to within African-American dance culture through to West-African dance practices at their source.

In an organization that presents dance shows, a Producing Director is someone who

Organizes media and public support for the event Provides financial support for the dance company for that show Manages all aspects of running the show

The Charleston

Originated in South Carolina and was developed as a popular Flapper dance in the "Speakeasies" where the dancers would mock the "Drys" or citizens who supported the Prohibition.

The process of transforming various forms of energy into conscious awareness is known as:


Breaking the "Fourth Wall" happens when:

Performers move downstage of the proscenium arch or acknowledge the audience in a direct way.

During the industrial Revolution, ethnologist Cecil Sharp helped to...

Preserve many of our country's traditional folk/social dances and songs

When an average person with no specialized training does a "happy" dance in a social setting, they can be considered a dancer in the:

Primary sense

When choreographers and dancers receive applause, verbal comments and written reviews after a performance, they are in which step of the choreographic process?

Production, Performance and Feedback

Marius Petipa

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

One who develops skills in all areas of knowledge, in physical development, in social accomplishments and in the arts can be called a...

Renaissance Man

The specificity of patterning and gesture in folk dance is a direct descendant from its __________ origins


A highly trained professional dancer performing ballet in a large, packed theater would be considered a dancer in the:

Secondary Sense

In the lecture on Ritual Dance, the "intrinsic merging of thought, feeling and action" was defined as:


The development of Folk Dance from forms of Ritual represents a cultural...

Shift in focus from spiritual transformation to social celebration

Which of the following is a good description of Bob Fosse's choreographic style?

Slick, erotic and intense; full of sexual energy and innuendo, use of hats and "turned-in" toes and angled limbs.


Social, Cultural, and Physical

The informal dance at American high schools typically held in a gym or cafeteria where dancers were required to remove their shoes to protect the varnished floor of the gymnasium is known as a...

Sock hop

If an audience sees a dancer directly facing the audience move to the dancer's right across the stage, you would say that the dancer is moving towards:

Stage right, house left

Which of the following statements most directly describes the focus of Romantic Ballet?

Strong emotion was considered the ultimate source of aesthetic experience, especially when experienced in the face of untamed Nature and the sublime

Which of the following are common characteristics of jazz dance today?

Syncopation Body Isolations Movement emanating from the torso and pelvis

Fred Astaire

Tap dance

Savion Glover

Tap dance

The form of musical theatre where the songs and dances are fully integrated into the narrative is known as:

The "Book" Musical or Musical Play

Vision, hearing, taste, smell, and the somatic senses like touch and position are called which of the following?

The "special" senses

The most important person in shows produced by a dance company is...

The Artistic Director

The show that ran for forty years, introduced the theatrical concept of a "chorus line" and was the first time dance was used to help tell the story in a large scale, popular entertainment was:

The Black Crook

Which of the following was performed by both black and white performers (in blackface) and is the first social dance to move from its African-American origins into the cultural mainstream?

The Cakewalk

"Rising Action" and "Denouement" are two parts of which aspect of shape as it relates to dance?

The Dramatic Arc

The Two-Step is a type of social dance most related to

The Foxtrot

Looking at a poster for a dance concert is an example of which of the "communication devices" used to help communicate information to an audience?

The Frame

Which of the following cultural movements is most associated with Classical Ballet?

The Industrial Revolution


The body acts in an immediate state of expression. It's not enough for a dancer to act out or perform a surface portrayal of a quality or character.


The concrete expression of an idea, concept, quality, or character.

The Foxtrot

The dance first incorporated a series of trotting steps but when standardized the trotting was replaced by a series of glides.

As discussed in the video, Lord of the Dance, which of the following is an accurate statement about the goal of traditional dance forms in India?

The goal is ascension; to achieve the sense of release, joy and union of the spirit and body.

Dewey's "Pure Experience" as well as the concepts of Sentience and Ritual are linked by the natural function of which of the following?.

The human physiology

According to the video, Lord of the Dance, which of the following is an accurate statement regarding Christianity and dance?

The role of dance in christian worship is affected by movement across cultural borders

The most common way that people all over the world learn to dance is:

Through shared dancing

Which of the following are the three core elements of dance art?

Time, space and the human body

Dances of Commemoration

To celebrate and honor important days of the year for the community, preserve cultural history and celebrate important life transitions.

According to lecture notes, the art of the dancer is:

Translation, Interpretation and Performance

A "Book" musical is any musical where the focus is on communicating the plot via all aspects of the production, which represents a complete unification of the narrative plot, music, text and DANCE. True or False


According to lecture notes, all of life is a creative act. True or false


According to the concept of Neural Plasticity, our brains change in relationship to novelty and repetition. True or False


Ballroom dance has become a competitive form - nationally and internationally True or False


Dance is a kind of "Art Action." True or False


Despite their controversial role in American history, Minstrel shows played an important role in the development of tap dance, jazz dance and musical theater. True or False


Developments in dance and human culture are inextricably linked. True or False


Early dance rituals were generated in relationship to the belief systems of the particular culture in which they took place. True or False


In addition to being interested in the mysterious, the unexpected, the sublime, most artists are as interested in making the "best" choices and uncovering forms of "truth" in their work as any scientist or philosopher. True or false


In terms of the function of the human physiology, when you are watching a dance, the art is quite literally moving you. True or False


Learning, on a physiological level, is the process of our brains changing not only in relationship to the kind of experiences we have, but also in relationship to the quality of our attention in response to the experience. True or False


Much like an "oral history," dance is passed from person to person and from generation to generation. True or False


One of the oldest formal arrangements of communal folk dances, circle dances are still commonly used today as a choreographic tool. True or False


Over time social dance forms have been derived from ritual and folk dance origins and are shaped by their current cultural setting. True or False


Socio-political values play a role in whether or not men and women dance together in theatrical settings. True or False


Tap dance, as we know it today, had its earliest origins on slave ships and plantations where dancers combined African "Djouba" circle dance and Irish step dancing. True or False


Technology has been an important force in changing dance over time. True or False


The dances included in the list of "official" ballroom dances change over time in relationship to current trends. True or False


The ideals of modernism, as informed by aspects of symbolism and expressionism, played an important role in the development of Modern Dance and the works of early 20th century ballet choreographers such as Michel Fokine and Vaslav Nijinsky. True or False


The origins of Ballroom Dance and Ballet developed during the same historical period. True or False


Whether in performance or rehearsal, dancers are engaged in collaboration as much as choreographers. True or False



Urban Hip Hop variations that focus on individual expression originating in LA in the streets and in "Battle Zone" competitions.

Which of the following are characteristics of modern/modernist dance?

Utilizes an "earthy," weighted movement style - going into gravity instead of working against it. Generally performed in bare feet, adding in the use of flexed feet and parallel position. Focused on finding expressive, symbolic and natural sources for dance movement, choreography and training. The specific aesthetic perspective of each choreographer tends to create highly distinct and intensely individualized work.

Which of the following individuals has been credited with synthesizing the earliest form of the style of tap we know today?

William Henry Lane (Master Juba)


a style of street dance performed to house music. It is improvisational in nature and emphasizes fast and complex footwork combined with fluid movements in the torso.


a stylized modern dance characterized by photo model-like poses integrated with angular, linear and rigid arm, leg, and body movements.

Power Moves

acrobatic moves that require momentum, speed, endurance, strength, and control to execute.The breaker is generally supported by his upper body, while the rest of his body creates circular momentum. Notable examples are the windmill, swipe, and head spin.


any movement on the floor with the hands supporting the dancer as much as the feet

Top rocking

any moves performed while standing. Often used as a transition in breaking


generally referring to a combination of many hip hop dance forms.


involve rotation of the breaker's body around an axis in contact with the ground i.e. head, hands, back, head and knees.


is the power of the body in action


quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in the dancer's body, referred to as a pop or a hit.


street dance styles formed in South Central L.A.,characterized by free, expressive, and highly energetic moves involving the arms, head, legs, chest and feet.


the transition between top rocking and down rocking.


used to emphasize strong beats in the music. Commonly used to end a series of combinations or to mock and humiliate the opponent. The extreme version is called a "Suicide."


where the performer is so engaged in their role that they transmit a palpable sense of the vitality and depth of their experience of each moment.

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